Tori Transmigrated

Chapter 58: Silently Asking If He Believed It

Chapter 58: Silently Asking If He Believed It

So, here is the list. Tori opened her notebook flat on the table and turned it around before pushing it towards Constantine, who was joining them for breakfast. When I called everyone last night to see what they wanted, it was mainly the same thing.

Sebastian craned his neck as he drank some coffee and raised a brow. Do all your friends like olive oil? Where would they use it? The dorms at Lyce dont have kitchens for students to use.

Tori sighed and cut apart her eggs. The twins, Henrik, and Albert wanted to get some for their parents and grandma. JP said he asked their mother what to ask for and she suggested olive oil and spices, which I assume are more for her than for JP and Sonia. I listed the spices down below. Are they available here?

Constantine looked over the list from where he sat across the table from her. He had come to join them at a small tavern across the street from their inn. He had spent the night at a pilgrims inn near the monastery.

Yes, these are typical spices sold here. We can buy this all at the same place, he said.

Thats a relief. I didnt want to have to make everyone walk through the entire city to find them, Tori said. She looked over at Andy, who sat to her left. Are you going to come with us today?

Andy nodded. I want to buy some olive wood to bring back. Ava wants to have more of the dungeon crawl party carved.

Sebby? Tori looked towards her brother, who nodded.

I have nothing better to do.

Tori sighed and took back her notebook.

Sonia said she was fine with whatever Tori could find while Ilyana asked her to look for cloth and embroidery. Ever since she started working with the embroiderers at the delta, she picked up an interest in the artform and decided to start a small collection. Ilyana had started collecting samples all along her way home and planned on bringing them back to show her.

Ewan asked Tori to bring back something to eat, so she decided to get whatever was unique to the region that was available and could be stored for travel to be eaten later.

Are there any cured meats available? Tori asked before bringing some food to her mouth.

We have pork smoked with aromatics here that is then kept in olive oil, Constantine told her. However, they usually sell them in larger batches.

Toris eyes widened. I can get a large batch and then just split it up later. I dont know how to prepare it though.

We usually fry it. Its very good with eggs or pasta or bread. Constantine glanced down at her plate and smiled. Youre eating some right now.

Tori looked down at her plate and her eyes widened at the piece of cured meat on the tip of her fork. She liked it so much, shed taken Sebastians share. She looked at her brother with determination. Sebby, we need to buy some.

Sebastian cracked a smile and nodded before reaching over to pat her head. Well buy some for your friends and keep some for ourselves.

Tori munched on her breakfast and as soon as they finished, Sebastian paid and they went to do her last-minute souvenir shopping.

Is Miss Agafonova planning on wearing the embroidery? Constantine asked as they drifted into another small store that had assorted household goods, including cloth, hanging outside on display.

I dont think so, Tori said. She stopped in front of a rack of what appeared to be drapes or tablecloths. She started a collection of embroidery recently, so shes likely going to display it one day. She knit her brows and thought for a moment. When we were at the monastery, we were required to wear a shawl or a hat to cover our heads. I think a shawl from Karap for that purpose would be good.

Oh, in that case, you should look for something thinner. Constantine looked around and moved further into the store. He pulled out a length of cloth from another shelf and looked over at her. What about this?

The fabric was indeed thinner and smooth. The ocean blue cloth was printed with a light gray flower pattern, but had white flowers embroidered around the edges and flourishes on its four corners.

This is perfect, Tori said as she held the shawl. A wide smile filled her face as excitement filled her. She can wear it if she wants. This color blue looks good on Ilyana.

She went to pay and walked out with her little package in hand. Sebastian was waiting just outside with a crate of cured meat. They had bought so much olive oil that Andy had to hire a donkey cart to carry it all back to the dock. While she and Sebastian had purchased three different kinds of cured meat, Constantine went to get the spices JP and Sonias mother asked for.

Tori also found some cute olive wood figures of horses and had Sonia and JPs names carved into the bases. Lastly, she bought some regular blocks of wood she thought she could use for random decorative projects later.

Do you have everything? Sebastian asked as he arranged the bundled wood on top of the crate of meat.

I think so, she said. She looked over at Constantine. Do you have anything you want us to bring over?

No, I traveled here from Temple Mountain rather empty handed. Although... Constantine reached into the inner pocket of his vest and took out a small package. Can you give this to Brother Cassius? Usually, I would mail it, but youll see him before this can cross the Mezzaluna range. Its a blessed sigil for the shrine he asked for. Its brass, so its not easily broken if you drop it.

Sure. Tori took it and tucked it into her satchel. When are you going back to Temple Mountain?

Later this afternoon. Ill see you off first.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. You dont have to-

Thank you, Mr. Zisos, thats very kind of you. Tori shot Sebastian a silencing look. She then gave Constantine another smile. Are you sure we wont be holding you back? It takes a day to travel to Temple Mountain, doesnt it?

A few hours on horseback. Most pilgrims take their time visiting the small shrines along the way. If I go without stopping, Ill reach the temple before nightfall. Its summer, after all, he told her. I have more than enough time.

Tori nodded and patted his shoulder. Okay, I just dont want to inconvenience you. They began the walk towards the dock. When are you going back to Horizon?

Were allowed to move in after the first years, arent we? Constantine looked up, thinking. I wanted to stop by the delta and check on the status of the churchs work. Id like to get at least an outline of my project report for the beginning of the semester done.

Ah...I almost forgot about that. Tori frowned. Until they graduated and the project was complete, they had three reports on their projects per semester, totaling six per year. The first and last reports submitted in the year were the most important. The remaining four were more like status reports.

Its not due until were at least a week into the semester.

Just before our first set of review tests, I think, Tori said, narrowing her eyes. Its not too early to start.

Agreed. He glanced over at her once more. I may need to reference your work in my project again. May I trouble you to review it?

Tori nodded. No trouble. Youre doing quite a bit to help. Im referencing your work in my project, too.

Ahead of them, she could see the plaza just before the dock. It was a bustling square surrounded by shops and restaurants catering to those who either just arrived or were about to leave. Standing near the entrance was Andy and two sailors from the Ocean Queen.

Upon the sight of them, he raised his arm to beckon them over.

Lets have a meal before we leave, Andy said as he took the bundle of wood from Sebastian and handed it to one of the sailors. These two will take the rest of our things back to the ship. Is Mr. Zisos joining us?

Mr. Zisos, join us before you leave, Tori said as she gave her shopping bag of figurines and cloth to one of the sailors. She threw Constantine a broad smile. On me, for showing us around Karap and your help with the shopping.

What do you mean on you? Sebastian said with a slight snort. He looked at Constantine. Ill be paying. Then you two are even and she wont owe you anything.

Tori let out a low huff and rubbed her forehead, but Constantine still laughed, good-naturedly. Then, my thanks in advance, Lord Sebastian.

So, where are we eating? Tori said, turning to Andy.

He motioned to a restaurant near the heart of the plaza that had outdoor tables under extended canvas awnings. Three men with stringed instruments were seated in the center, surrounded by tables as they played for the patrons. Just in front of them was a small area where a few people who stood up from their table danced as spectators at surrounding tables clapped for them.

Toris eyes widened. Can we sit by the musicians? I want to watch.

You want to watch or you want to dance? Andy chuckled as he led them inside. He turned to the host who seemed to be waiting for them. On the patio, if possible.

Yes, Admiral, the man said with a bow of his head. He escorted them into the building and then around the dining area to step out into the patio. He motioned his hand towards a vacant table that overlooked the ocean to one side, but still had a clear view of the musicians. Tori watched as a half dozen servers seemed to descend on the table, cleaning it and placing new place settings on it in the blink of an eye.

Four chairs were pulled out for them and Tori drew her lips inward. Everywhere she went when she was with a family member or Axton or Piers, the service had been exceptional. If she didnt know any better, she was the protagonist of a food-centered game rather than the antagonist of a dating sim.

She took her seat next to Sebastian while Andy sat in front of her and Constantine sat diagonal.

What do you want to eat? Sebastian asked.

Lets get some more lamb while were here, Tori said. I rarely eat lamb and they make it really well in Karap. She looked at Constantine with slightly narrowed eyes. Tell me the secret.

He laughed and returned her look with a conspiring one. He lowered his voice to a not-so-secretive whisper. They say its the herbs and spices.

Its always the herbs and spices.... Tori smirked and turned towards the musicians. As her brother and cousin ordered, she clapped her hands to the music and bobbed her head. Without looking towards him, she leaned in Constantines direction. What instrument is that?

Sofra lute.

Tori nodded. Its a good thing I didnt scream out bouzouki when I saw it. Gotta keep watching yourself, Tori.

Lady Guevera, would you like to get closer? Constantine asked, already starting to rise from his chair.

Can we? Tori was on her feet before Sebastian, who was drinking, could put down his glass and stop her. She and Constantine wove through the tables to get a closer look at the musicians.

As she inched her way towards the dance floor, the music began to pick up and her clapping quickened to match. Several people let out a yell as the people on the dance floor began to move in a circle.

Shall we join them? Constantine asked, barely heard above the music, and clapping.

After you! Tori motioned for him to step in front of her and he smiled as he easily slipped into the circle. He stood beside a middle-aged man and placed his arm around the mans shoulder. He glanced down at the legs that were being kicked up in the air as they began to move counterclockwise.

As they completed one circle, Constantine extended his arm towards her and motioned for her to join. Tori took one step forward, only to have an older woman rush past her and line up beside Constantine to put her arm around his shoulder. The older woman beamed at the surprised young man and Tori turned her head and lifted her hand to muffle her laughter.

Constantine looked over his shoulder at her as he carried off in the dance. His gray eyes were wide, but a helpless smile came across his face.

Tori continued to clap her hands and sway to music up until it ended. She cheered and dug into her satchel for some coins to give to the musicians. As she placed it in a small brass bowl at their feet, a breathless voice reached her.

Well...that was unexpected.

But you did great! Tori praised him for his hard work and patted his shoulder once more. You really made that ladys day.

Constantine tilted his head back and grimaced. He looked back towards the dance floor and the older woman winked at him. Tori snickered some more.

Constantine lifted his hand and ran it through his thick blond hair. The musicians began to play another song and he looked towards them. His flushed face didnt seem to fade. Do you want to give it a go?

Of course, she wants to try. Sebastian spoke up and Tori looked past Constantines shoulder to see her brother stepping forward with an amiable smile. Come with me, Tori. Your big brother is an excellent dancer.

Tori raised a brow with disbelief as he stopped in front of her and offered her his hand. Are you really?

Well, swordsmanship and dancing require excellent body control and coordination, her brother said as he lifted his chin and looked proud of himself. And I am considered the best swordsman of our generation.

Tori held back a snort. She still put her hand on her brothers and looked over at Constantine. Wish me luck! He gave her an encouraging smile as Sebastian brought her to the dance floor.

Put your arm here, her brother said as he stood beside her and looped her arm over his to rest on his shoulder. He put his own arm around her shoulder and stood beside her so they faced the musicians. On the beat: one, two steps to the left, then kick with the opposite foot. Then one, two steps to the right, and kick with the opposite foot. When the music picks up, we all go counterclockwise, two steps right and kick forward and repeat.

What do I do with my arm? Tori asked as she slowly followed her brothers steps.

Hold it out even with your other arm. This is a sign to invite others to join you on your other side, Sebastian said. Tori nodded and lifted her arm. He looked over the top of her head and frowned. Never mind, youre new at this and it may be too confusing. Just keep your arm down. Place your hand on your hip instead.

Okay. Tori did as she was told and placed her right hand on her hip. She vaguely heard the disappointed voice of someone on her right. Before she had a chance to look over, Sebastian pulled her to the left.

Watch my feet. Every good swordsman should have good footing. And I would know. Im the best swordsman of our generation.

Why do you keep saying that? Tori asked as she furrowed her brows and looked up at him.

Sebastian smiled sweetly. I just want to make it clear.

Tori shook her head and focused on her footwork. It was easy enough to follow and once more, like when she was dancing in Moss Hill, her body seemed to take over and the dance came naturally to her.

Thank you, Victoria, for being a more than competent dancer. I wont fail you. Tori circled and hopped around in a circle, in tandem with the line that formed behind her brother. As they moved across the dance floor, she caught sight of Constantine clapping.

She removed her hand from her hip and waved towards him. His face lit up and he rushed before, cutting off another man who was making his way towards her.

Has anyone ever told you that youre a natural? Constantine smiled as his arm went around her shoulder.

Looking natural just means Ive practiced a lot, Tori said with a grin.

He laughed and released her before moving towards the middle. What a coincidence, Lady Guevera! So have I!

Toris smile widened as she watched him throw his arms out in a circle. His feet stamped on the floor as he moved smoothly around to the clapping of the diners.

Impressive! Tori cheered.

Amateur work. Suddenly, her brother loosened his hold on her and a moment later, Sebastian was in the circle across from Constantine. He raised his arms and began to snap his hands as he moved in a circle.

Oh my God.... Tori cringed.

Tch...always a showoff, that Sebastian....

Tori whirled around and found Andy standing behind her, shaking his head. She jerked her head back. Andy? Whos watching our table?

The knights.

The knights?

He smirked and put his hands on her head, turning her back to the circle. Watch your brother. Hes trying to upstage that poor kid. Hes almost thirty. What is he thinking?

Tori sighed and continued to clap. Her brother and the love interest seemed to be mirroring each others moves. They moved across from each other jumping, falling to their knees, and tapping their heels with their fingertips at particular moments, all to the beat of the music, which sounded a bit more intense than earlier.

There were also many more people watching.

Well, what can you do? Two handsome guys dance-fighting is bound to attract attention. Her main concern was that the two would keep going. Tori shook her head. Actually, she suspected Sebastian would keep dancing until he felt he made his point. She didnt know when that would be and didnt want to drag this out.

Constantine already looked flushed and had some sweat glistening on his head. She was sure he didnt do nearly as much physical work or training as Sebastian did; his stamina couldnt compare.

Tori looked towards their table. As Andy told her, a few plain clothes Guevera knights who were escorting them were standing by the table. She gasped as she saw the food already placed on it. A hearty piece of roasted meat was in front of her seat.

My lambs here! She lowered her arms and stopped clapping before looking back at her brother. Sebby! Mr. Zisos! The foods here! Im going back to the table!

Without waiting to see if they heard her, she squeezed her way through the crowd that gathered, mumbling excuse me every few steps, until she emerged at the edge of the crowd. She let out a huff and wiped her brow before marching towards her roasted meat.

The oiled and herb crusted piece of lamb with bone protruding from the side was calling to her and she could almost feel herself drooling as she approached it. The scent of it filled the air and the only words that came to her were slow-roasted, tender, and juicy.

A knight pulled out a chair for her and she gave him a curt nod before preparing to eat. Andy was just a few steps behind her and told her to start, as their food would be cold if they waited for the other two. Normally, Tori would insist on waiting, but the juicy, browned piece of meat in front of her left her patience short.

By the time Sebastian and Constantine returned, both flushed and their clothes now a bit out of place from dancing around, she was three bites in and was savoring each one. Constantine looked a bit embarrassed while Sebastian didnt seem to think anything was wrong.

You guys were amazing! she said, in between bites, in an effort to ease any awkwardness. She nodded as she chewed and sliced another piece. Sebby, I didnt know you could dance like this.

I told you, her brother said as he sat beside her. He kept up an air of arrogance. It comes with being a swordsman.

Yes, my big brother is very talented. Tori nodded and looked towards Constantine as he sat down and reached for some water. Mr. Zisos, Im very impressed. Did you have lessons, too?

They werent formal, but yes, he said, giving her a smile. Did you like it?

Loved it! I didnt expect to get to see such a side of you here, either. We never go out to dance in Horizon. When we get back, we should gather the others and go find a place, Tori said. The only place she can really think of where they were able to dance informally was in some of the plazas during the Spring Festival.

Ilyana wasnt very familiar with more informal dances and Albert didnt seem to have much coordination. Still, it was fun and Tori hoped to do it again.

They finished their meal and Tori felt she had stuffed herself. She didnt think she was walking to the dock more than she was waddling.

Im going to have to stop here again, she said with a hint of regret as she looked back at the city. I dont know where else I can get lamb like this.

Constantine chuckled. Mama Myras restaurant in the third district, he said. When I get back, well go with the others. I know Mr. Connor and Mr. Martin will like the food.

Lets aim for after our midterm exams for a celebratory meal, Tori said. They reached the dock and Tori turned to face him. We part here, Mr. Zisos. Ill see you when you get back to the delta.

She extended her hand and Constantine looked at it for a moment before smiling and reaching out to take it. He gave her a firm squeeze as they shook hands, as if theyd just made a formal business agreement.

If you want me to bring more of that cured meat, just call and let me know.

Tori winced. shouldnt have told me that. He let out another laugh and Tori patted his shoulder again. Have a safe trip back.

Same to you, my lady. Constantine stepped back and gave her a gentle bow.

Tori gave him a small nod in return and turned around and headed back to the ship.

There are a few unnamed fishing villages along the coast leading to the mouth of the lagoon and a pearl producing town further east, Tori said as the ship made its way through a narrow channel of water that led into the lagoon. Water here is still relatively deep.

I had our last ship delivering the goods check the depth for you, as asked, Andy said. A report should be waiting for you with the project leads. However, we can for certain, bring Ocean Queen within sight of the islands. The waters begin to shallow there.

We also dont have any sort of infrastructure that will support a ship this size, Tori said. At least not a good one.

Have you considered dredging the area around the islands?

No, Tori said. I dont want to disturb the soil around the islands. Professor Grey said that a few islands on the outermost edge were near deeper water. I want to make the largest of them the official entry point into the delta from the lagoon. He said its where theyve unloaded the bricks from the Iron Head ships. From there, we can have smaller vessels take guests and supplies where they need to go.

Andy nodded. What about defending the delta?

Tori let out a heavy breath. The only things I can think of are fortifications at the mouth of the lagoon that monitor traffic in and out, and a navy. She looked at Andy and pursed her lips. But that should be something the empire should consider, isnt it?

Part of the Sur navies do patrol this area, but are generally not this close to shore, Sebastian said as he stood just beside her. His eyes narrowed. This place is incredibly strong. Every vein in the south and east must come together here....

Can you feel the energy vein, Sebby? Tori asked. She didnt expect anything less from her brother.

Sebastian nodded his head once. I could feel a weak pulse last night and its gotten stronger and stronger. He lifted his hand. I can feel it in my blood.... He looked ahead of him. No wonder Master closed his store to come here.

Is it really that strong? Tori asked. Are there other energy veins?

There are plenty, Sebastian said. Under every large city in Soleil, there is an energy vein, but theyre nothing compared to here. He turned to her with a serious expression. If I wanted to use crystals to do something and needed an immense amount of energy, this is where Id go.

Tori drew her head back. She lowered her eyes. A chill swept over her and she tried to ignore the thought that the only thing she could think of that Sebastian would do, where hed need more energy than he could already gather, was resurrecting his dead sister.

I wonder why no one has settled here, then, Andy said.

There are temporary villages for fishermen, Tori said. But no permanent settlement has been made. Traditional farming is difficult. Roads disappear in the mud, if not get washed away if theyre not kept. Its too far from the open ocean to be a proper fishing village. The waters rise in the spring and the mosquitoes here can carry disease.

What? Andys eyes widened.

Tori waved her hand dismissively. We brought in many non-invasive plants with a strong smell that deter mosquitoes. Its worked very well so far. Families have also been encouraged to grow some medicinal plants that can be put on bites and scrapes, and help with illness.

Uncle Maurizo? Sebastian chuckled.

Uncle Maurizo. He said hell come by later this summer when hes done in Alpine Valley. Auntie Lucia and the twins will also be here, Tori said.

Did you get anything for them?

Meat. Tori sighed. I need to get everyone better souvenirs next time I travel.

Ahead of them, the islands began to rise up. Anahata Island was the closest and even from where they were, Tori could see that the singular tent she had left behind was now joined by another and a large tarp was constructed over the top of the hill next to them.

Take us as close as you can get, Andy said as he turned around and headed towards the quarterdeck behind them.

It looks like a lot of people are coming out to meet you, Sebastian said as a modest fleet of small boats, mostly for ferrying people to and from the islands, seemed to stream out from between them.

They knew we were arriving today. I called before we left Mezzaluna. She stepped closer to the railing and lifted her arm to wave. Immediately, the villagers shouted with responses, welcoming her back. A warmth filled her as she smiled at them. Well...its good to be back.

The Ocean Queen came closest to one of the larger islands furthest from the mouth of the delta. There was a large deposit of bricks that were still in the process of being loaded onto smaller boats to be brought to the assigned locations.

Tori and her brother and cousin were welcomed by the project leads, Instructor Ignatius, and Master Ramos. The old man looked absolutely thrilled to be there as he came over with wide arms.

Lady Guevera! Welcome back!

Master Ramos! Tori beamed and approached him. Thank you so much for coming!

Oh, Im afraid it will be difficult to get rid of me now that Im here, the old man said with a confident expression. Tori grasped his arms and gave him a gentle shake in greeting. He then turned towards Sebastian and let out a low breath as his shoulders fell, as if he were suddenly exhausted. did come.

Hello, Master! Sebastian had a cheeky smile on his face and Tori could only imagine how much trouble hed caused for the old man.

Well...since youre here, go and bring your things to the camp. Once youre settled, come to Anahata Island. He pointed to the island in the distance.

Master, once we're settled, please join us for a meal, Tori said. At dinner. It will give Sebby time to come see the island. She looked past him and gave an excited nod towards her teacher. Instructor Ignatius, you are also invited.

He smiled and nodded. Thank you, Lady Guevera.

All right. Sebastian put his hands on Toris shoulders and steered her towards one of the new docks built on the other side of the island to accommodate the transport of bricks. Several boats were waiting for them and a few already had their things in them along with some knights. Lets get you to your tent so you can rest first. We can deal with everything else after you rest.

Tori nodded and got into the first boat available with her brother. Tori chatted with the two village men on the boat, who filled her in not on the logistical happenings of the construction site, but on various people in the village. After so long, Tori was somewhat familiar with all of them and even knew the majority of the villagers names and what families they belonged to.

She tried to make a point to stay out of any village social politics, but she, Ilyana, Nanny Rey, and Axton didnt mind hearing about the village gossip.

Are you serious? Toris jaw dropped as they neared the dock closest to the encampment. She never even mentioned his name!

One of the men seemed to wince. I dont think theyve made it public knowledge yet, my lady.

This is all just based on observations. We initially thought they were often together because of work, the younger of the two men told her. He leaned forward and his voice became quieter. Then Granny Sokol saw her coming out of his tent early one morning.

No! Tori looked at her brother, silently asking if he believed it. Sebastian shrugged. He didnt know those people.

I cant think of any other reason why someone would leave anothers tent at dawn..., he said as he looked to the side.

Tori puffed her cheeks and turned back, excited. When did this happen?

Before she left to look for materials around the empire, my lady. Johans been a bit more subdued since shed left.

Tori made a mental note to observe Johan Sima further and perhaps ask his sister, Margo, if it was true.

They reached the dock and Sebastian collected some of the bags theyd brought with them.

As they reached the encampment, Tori was greeted every few steps. She smiled and waved; warmly greeting the villagers in return along with briefly motioning to Sebastian, and introducing him as her eldest brother.

Thats my tent, over there! She pointed to a large tent on one side of a wooden pathway. There were men in light armor on either side of her door.

Sebastian seemed to narrow his eyes. Why are there imperial knights at your tent?

Theyre assigned here and part of their duty is to ensure my safety, Tori said, somewhat proud. Dont worry, Sebby. Im very well protected here.

He nodded, satisfied. Good. Im glad there are precautions in place. I was going to leave some knights with you.

Ill be fine. Im only here for a few more weeks before Lyce starts, Tori said, waving her hand to brush off the thought. Dont worry; no one strange is going to bother me. She gave him a reassuring smile.

Sebastian scoffed. I would hope not.

Welcome back, my lady. One of the knights said with a kind smile. Tori gave him a nod and stopped in front of her tent. She looked back towards the way they came and frowned.

Sebby, can you wait for the knights to come with the rest of our things? she asked. They dont know their way around.

Ill wave them down when I see them. Go inside and get some rest. Ill bring in your things in a moment, her brother told her with a gentle look. Tori nodded and brushed aside the thick, heavy flap of her tent and slipped inside.

She immediately caught a movement and looked up as a man stood up from one of the chairs in front of her desk. Her eyes widened and she drew her head back, stopping in her tracks, as he seemed to grip a large bouquet of violet, white, and maroon ranunculus in his hands.

Tori. She could see the relief and joy in his handsome face as his violet eyes met hers. Welcome back-

A loud thud sounded behind her and she jumped. Tori turned around and sucked in a sharp breath. Sebastians eyes were wide as his face began to redden. The bags he had been carrying at his sides were now at his feet as his green eyes bore into the man in his sisters tent.

You. Dare. His voice was low; almost a growl as his face darkened. The other man didnt appear surprised to see him at all.

Master, Piers said, almost as if disappointed. Welcome to the Cosora Delta.


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