Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 157 - The Second Mission (Part 3)

Chapter 157: Chapter 157: The Second Mission (Part 3)

“Is it over there?”

I climbed the tall tree and searched the area, looking for the river. That was our mission. I really wanted to beat the other team.

“What is that?”

I stared. There, in the distance, was a river. And on the bank stood a group of people. They all looked like locals and were taking a bath in the river. On top of that, they were all women.

“Oh, my,” I gasped. As the scene wasn’t what I had come to see, I climbed out of that tree. Once I was down, I stared at Miyeon. She was still passed out.

“Was it that shocking?”

It’s not like it should be. All I did was run faster than a cheetah and leap up to the sky at some point. Anyways, since we had to go back, I woke her up.

“Miyeon. Hey, Miyeon.”

She wasn’t waking up. And now that I’m looking at her…

“She’s so pretty.”

She really was. Even without all that makeup, her skin was fair and plump. Her plump lips looked so soft and made me want to kiss her. I considered just kissing her without her knowing, but then I stopped myself. I wasn’t some creep.

“Should I just carry her then?”

Yeah, that might be better. I picked Miyeon up, but that’s when she woke up.


“Had a good sleep?”

“I…I fell asleep…? I thought I passed out…”

Miyeon looked up at me with wide eyes. Looking at her up close made her look even prettier. She wasn’t beautiful per se, but there was just something that made her look all the more attractive. Not to mention her eyes were huge.

“You fell asleep.”

“Okay…are we here?”

“Yeah. Now we have to go back.”


“Yep,” I answered. Meanwhile, my thoughts continued to be invaded with inappropriate thoughts. Kiss her…kiss her…she’s a lesbian anyway…kiss her…kiss her…

It was like an evil voice was whispering in my ear. I looked around, but no one was there. I could hear the voice though.

Kiss her! Why are you hesitating! In fact, just go all the way! Miyeon would like it as well, you know!

‘Perverts,’ I mentally spat out. After that, the voices went away.

“Let’s go. Oh, wait. Could you close your eyes again?”

“Why?” Miyeon asked.

“You’ll pass out again.”


Miyeon looked confused, but that only made her look all the more adorable. If I were a man…ugh...this really sucks.

“Anyways, I’m going.”

I started again to where the rest of our team was waiting.



Eventually, we arrived. It had been around maybe ten minutes? We came back pretty quickly.

“Hey, Sian. Where did you go? We didn’t see you.”

“Oh, just somewhere,” I said, placing Miyeon on the ground. Everyone stared.

“Is Miyeon sleeping?” Byung-hoon asked.

“Yeah, she’s tired,” I answered. The thing is, the girl passed out again. I wish she’d stop. It just made me feel bad.

“Are you sure?” Junho and Lobster Head both asked simultaneously. After all, those two knew what I’m truly capable of.

“Are you saying that I made her pass out or something?”

“Oh! No, of course not…haha…” Junho forced a laugh.

“Well, maybe….not,” Lobster Head added, also laughing nervously. Meanwhile, Minwoo came closer. The visual of Shy Boy who looked like nothing more than your average creep at the moment.

I stood in front of him.

“Let me see.”

“No way.”

There was no way I was letting him get any closer. I still remember him trying to assault Jia back in Hongdae. Just the thought of it made me want to rearrange his face.

“Why not?”

“You look like a creep.”


At that, Minwoo’s jaw clenched a bit. After a while, he opened his mouth again.

“Is it that hard to say that I’m handsome?”

“Who’s handsome? You? Ha. Hahahaha!”

I roared with laughter. Minwoo’s face hardened.

“I’ve never had a girl treat me so rudely,” Minwoo spat out. The air grew tense. Just then, Byung-hoon intervened.

“Hey guys, come on. What’s with the fighting?”

He stood between me and Minwoo, then Minwoo turned away and walked off. I pouted. It would’ve been nice to have an excuse to punch him.

“Good job controlling yourself, Sian,” Lobster Head whispered to me.

“I had no plans to.”


Anyways, soon Miyeon woke up from her…sleep, and we began walking off.

“We need to go this way,” I said, pointing forward. No one objected. Byung-hoon trusted me, plus he was determined too.

“Hey, Sian,” Miyeon said. She, of course, was attached to me by the hip. The smell wasn’t as bad as before. It was now more of a fruity smell. It was quite addictive.


“Did you…”




“Fly earlier…?”

“Ha?” I snorted. Her hesitant face looked so cute just now. How could anyone be this adorable?

“Right? I knew it’s impossible. How could anyone fly? Right?”

“Right,” I answered with a firm nod. I mean, we’re not in a fantasy novel. Or are we? Huh, maybe we are.

“Maybe…I was dreaming.”

“Probably. You were sleeping like a baby.”

“Oh. Were you watching me sleep?” Miyeon said with a knowing smile. I could feel my heart melting at the sight.

“Of course.”

“Am I pretty? I’ve had other people tell me I look pretty in my sleep. Would you say you’re attracted to me now?”


Once again, I didn’t know how to respond to her. Though I couldn’t deny how lovable she seemed at the moment. I don’t know who would end up as Miyeon’s boyfriend but whoever he is, he’s a lucky guy. Oh, wait, she’s a lesbian. That meant I won’t need to be jealous of any of Miyeon’s future boyfriends.

All of a sudden, Byung-hoon came up to me, looking rather serious.

“Hey, Sian.”


“You sure this is the right way?”

“Positive,” I said. I saw with my own eyes. Not long now.

“How close is the other team?” Byung-hoon asked Lobster head.

“Hang on. Let me ask.”

Lobster Head took out his walkie-talkie and walked away a bit to call the other team, but he soon came back.

“What did they say?”

“They won’t tell me.”


Byung-hoon snorted in disbelief. Lobster Head continued.

“That’s to be expected. It’d be weird to know where everyone is at all times.”

“Yeah, I guess,” Byung-hoon said, looking resigned. He then turned to me. “Should we speed up, Sian?”

“Sure,” I answered, and we began to walk faster. As we were walking, I saw a cheetah in the far distance. As soon as he saw us, he ran over to the barbed wire fence. Now I could see that it was the same cheetah that had raced me earlier. The cheetah came closer and began to cry at the sight of my body.

“Reeeow! Reoooow! Reow!”

To put it simply, he was saying he admired me, that he’d never met a human that could run so fast before, as well as something about taking him in as a disciple. Sadly, I had to wave him off with my hand and the poor little guy did look very disappointed as he walked away. For a second, I began to question why I couldn’t keep him as a pet. It would be so nice. No one would bother me either, even if they wanted to. Anyways, we kept walking and after a while, we finally arrived at the Fug Mi River.


“Hey! Get it!”

That was Byung-hoon shouting after his eyes landed on a warthog. Yep, we saw a warthog as soon as we arrived and we were now hunting it. To be honest, we were initially scared when the warthog appeared...except for Byung-hoon. He’s already caught so many warthogs during his time on the show (of course with the help of the locals). And if anything, the fact that the other team had caught a warthog first this time around seemed to fuel his fire.

“I’m scared…” Miyeon said, hiding behind me. Not just her. Lobster Head and the other male staff members were hiding behind me. Did they forget I’m a girl?

“Stay back,” Minwoo said, standing in front of me. I looked at him.

“Hey. Fuck off.”


“I said move. I can’t see anything.”

“This bitch…”

Minwoo did look sincerely pissed. He looked ready to fight. But in the end, he stepped aside. That’s right. Now that he’s seen me catch a lion, he knew I wasn’t an easy match. But he still seemed to be testing me. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t seen my skills firsthand. I’ll have to show him tonight. That will surely teach him.

“He’s getting away!”

The warthog began to run away and Byung-hoon and Junho immediately started to run after it. Minwoo, too. But it wasn’t easy. The warthog was fast and proving hard to corner. So I decided to take a shot.


“How are you laughing? Are you crazy?” Miyeon asked me, looking concerned.

“Yeah, right. Wait here. I’ll go catch it.”

“What?!” Miyeon shrieked. Lobster Head, on the other hand, gave me a nod.

“Don’t go, Sian. It’s dangerous.”

Aw, look at Miyeon being worried about me. Even after I brought in that lion. Then again, she does have a crush on me. She even confessed, remember? That’s probably why she’s so worried.

“Don’t worry,” Lobster Head said to her with a reassuring smile. At that, Miyeon finally let go of me. With tears in her eyes, she turned to me.

“Sian…be careful…okay?”


I’m just going to catch a warthog…seemed a bit dramatic. Anyways, I headed over to catch the warthog.

“It’s too fast!”

That was Junho.

“Just a bit more!”

That was Byung-hoon.


That was the sound of Minwoo fainting. For all his good looks, he’s really bad at this stuff. As I passed by him, I may or may not have accidentally stepped on his ankle.



Don’t be fooled by his cries. I didn’t break anything. The crack was probably some wood or something under his foot. Oh, wait. Is it? Hmm. Anyways, I turned back towards the warthog. It was still running and getting further and further away. By now, Byung-hoon and Junho were exhausted.

“Hey, give me your slingshot,” I said, holding out my hand. Byung-hoon handed it to me, but his face looked skeptical.

“Are you sure this will work? Look at the warthog. It won’t even feel it.”

That’s true. The warthog had some tough skin on it, but everyone and everything has their weakness. And that was the warthog’s butthole. Its butthole is the one place where there’s no tough exterior. I loaded the slingshot with a stone and aimed. Then I fired it at the wa


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