Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 105 - The Sexy Idols’ Sports Games

Chapter 105: Chapter 105: The Sexy Idols’ Sports Games

After we wrapped up the filming in Hanili, we flew back to Korea. It felt rather bittersweet.

I looked out the window. It really was beautiful. It looked incredible from up here. The airplane was probably one of the most incredible things about this time period. Riding a plane and looking down from the sky was…breathtaking.

“Hey Sian,” Hye-jeong said from her seat next to me.

“What now?”

“Give me your number,” Hye-jeong said, shoving her phone at me.

“You got it last time.”

“I don’t have it.”


With that, I gave Hye-jeong my number.

“If I call, you better pick up.”

“Okay,” I replied.

“You guys are going to be in the Idols’ Sports Games, right?”

“Huh? Idols’ Sports Games?”

What is that? I racked my brain, trying to remember. And that’s when it came to me. Just as the name says, it’s a sports game where idols participate, and it’s incredibly popular. Then again, since all the participants are popular celebrities, it’d be hard for the show not to be popular. It was supposed to take place exactly a month from now.


Was this yet another activity I’d have to prepare for? Lovely Girlz would definitely be sent to participate. No doubt about it. We’re the most popular rookie girl group right now.

“Huh? Were you cursing?”


Let it go, Hye-jeong.

“Yes, you did.”

“Fine. I did.”

“Why? Don’t you like the games?” Hye-jeong said, looking right at me. So, I stared right back…and wow, she really was so pretty. I almost kissed her right then.

“Of course I don’t.”


“It’s annoying.”


For a moment, Hye-jeong was speechless. She looked rather shocked. Finally, she spoke up.



“You’re an idol. If you’re an idol, you have to do what you’re told and do your best. You think you’ll be popular forever? It won’t last long. There’s no girl group that lasts forever. So you need to be grateful for every opportunity that comes your way and try your best.”

That shocked me a bit. Since when did Hye-jeong sound so deep and wise? And here I thought she didn’t have a care in the world.

“Okay. I’ll do my best.”

“Okay. But hey, didn’t I sound pretty cool just now?”


We chatted a bit more before we fell asleep. By the time we woke up, we had already arrived at Incheon airport.


We stepped into Incheon Airport. Suddenly, there was a loud cheer as goosebumps spread all over my body. A series of enthusiastic cries reached my ears.

“Sian! You’re the man of my dreams!”

Someone just called me a man. How did they know? But something was different. When we were leaving Korea, the majority of the fans were cheering for Hye-jeong. But now? It wasn’t that different. I mean, people were still cheering for Hye-jeong just as loudly, but now there were more people calling for me as well? Why was that? Did something happen? I only found out later that my episode of ‘Army Body’ had aired and my popularity had tripled during my absence. Especially with the female fans. I already had a lot, but to think I now had more…the thought made me happy. Really, truly happy.

“Sian! Sian!”

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice. A voice that lifted my spirits. It was Jia’s voice and I immediately looked around for her. I found her within seconds. She was with the other members of Lovely Girlz, all of whom had come together to pick me up. They had arrived wearing hats and sweats, trying to hide their identities, but the moment Jia shouted, all the fans had noticed. And they didn’t waste a second before running towards them.

“Hahaha. Nice.”

So this is what it’s like to be surrounded by fans. It feels pretty great. There’s really no other way to say it. Soon, our bodyguards arrived to escort us. We said our goodbyes with promises to meet again and then, we separated.

“You have to pick up, Sian!” Hye-jeong shouted. I gave her a wave. Then, I headed towards the other Lovely Girlz members and soon, we were happily reunited.

“Hey, guys!”


Aw, these cuties. They looked even lovelier after not seeing them for a whole week.


After my brief reunion with the girls, I headed for Jinwoo’s office. I just had something to settle with the guy. Plus, I had to ask him something.

“Oy, Jinwoo.” I practiced in front of his office door, though I doubted there would ever come a day when I could actually say this to his face. Of course, I could do it if I really wanted to…anyways, I knocked on the door.

Knock knock.

“Come in~”

Judging by the tone of his voice, he was in a really good right now. Well, at least one of us was.

I opened the door and walked in. As soon as Jinwoo saw me, he bolted out of his seat, rolled up his sleeves, and approached me with open arms.

“Look who it is! It’s my good luck charm! Sian!”

Suddenly, he engulfed me in a big hug. What’s up with him? If he was calling me a good luck charm, then that meant something good had happened to him. Of course, it was all thanks to me.

“You seem to be in a good mood.”

“Of course!”

“You know I just got back, right?”

“Of course! I’m sorry I couldn’t be there. I was really busy today.”

“Seems like it.”

I glanced at his desk, which was covered with documents. I guess he hadn’t been lying. But wait. Were those contracts? And why did they all have my name on them? Upon closer inspection, there was no mistake. They all had my name. Every single one of them.

“Sian, sit down. Let’s talk.”


We sat down across from each other in the middle of his room. The whole time, Jinwoo kept smiling at me.

‘Quit smiling or I’ll make you regret it,’ I said to myself.

Anyways, Jinwoo kept smiling, so I spoke up.

“Mr. Park.”

“So, how was it Sian?” Jinwoo interrupted.

“Oh, it was okay.”

“Did you have any problems?”

“Well…I almost died.”

“Don’t lie.”


“Oh, hehe. Sorry. I heard about what happened. Like how you got swept away by the current and came face to face with a baby shark.”

“Yep,” I answered with a nod.

“What was it like? Seeing a shark?” Jinwoo said, looking curious.

“I mean, it’s just a big fish.”

“I heard you couldn’t eat it.”

“Yeah. They took it.”

“I’m sure that made you angry.”

Jinwoo definitely knows me now. Then again, if you were to just look at all the incidents that had happened in the past…I’m not a very complicated person to figure out. If you look at the amount of money he had to pay because of my actions, one could even say he was the true victim.

“I barely held back.”

“Good for you. I salute you for your patience.”


He was saluting me?

“So why are you in a good mood? Is it because of all the contracts?”

I prayed that it wasn’t the case. Whenever Jinwoo was happy, that meant I had to suffer.

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

“Fuck,” I spat out without thinking.

“What?” Jinwoo said, looking at me in shock.

“Oh, nothing.”

“Did you just curse?”

“Of course not,” I said with a shrug.

“I think you did.”

“You need to get your ears checked.”

“Fine. Anyways. All those contracts are for you.”

“What kind…”

“You know, commercials, variety shows, dramas. There’s even stuff from China and Japan.”

“I see.”

Yeah, I saw a few documents in Chinese and Japanese. But isn’t Japan dangerous nowadays with all those earthquakes? Then again, I doubt there’d be one when I go.

“You’re not going to sign all of them, are you?”

“As a matter of fact, I was.”

‘Fuck you, you bastard.’

This time, I managed to keep it to myself. I hate that I can’t say these things out loud. Should I just let him have it? Then, Jinwoo will definitely feel hurt. Not to mention, it could hurt our relationship completely. Also, it could possibly end my career. And if there was one thing I didn’t want, it was saying goodbye to my fellow members. Alright, let it go. I should work on my patience, anyway.

“Did you just curse to yourself?”


How did he know? Is he psychic?

“You did. I can tell by your face,” Jinwoo said.

“I see you pay attention to something if you have interest in it.”

“Heh. Guess you could say that,” Jinwoo chuckled.

“But don’t worry too much,” he said. “I’m not going to make you do everything at once. We’re taking things slow. And of course, it has to match with the group’s schedule as well. For the time being, I’m just going to sign you for commercials and variety shows.”

“So in the end, you’re just going to do everything anyway.”

“Of course.”


I sighed. Jinwoo grinned.

“So. Sian, what brings you here in the first place?”

Now he asks me, but he wasn’t finished.

“Maybe…you missed me?”

“No,” I replied, shaking my head. Jinwoo’s face fell.

“That hurts.”

“Oh, sorry,” I replied, but I didn’t change my answer. I hate being two-faced more than anything. Anyways, I finally spoke up.

“I heard about the Idols’ Sports Games.”

“Oh yeah, I still haven’t told you. It’s next month, but where did you hear that?”

“Hye-jeong told me.”

“Oh, I see. The news about it will be released soon, too. Oh, you know about that, too, right? About Ladies’ Generation?”

“What about them?”

“They wiped out the entire sports games last year and took the gold.”

“Oh, really?”

That was surprising. Aside from Hye-jeong, all the members were in their mid to late twenties. Actually, most of them were in their late twenties. But they won gold? I guess they’re pretty good at the games.

“Yeah, so let’s try and beat them this year.”

“Okay,” I replied with a nod. But now looking at it, it seems like Jinwoo thinks our win is obvious. There’s no doubt about it in his mind. I mean, I was thinking the same too, but if Jinwoo was also thinking that wau, that means he has full faith in my skills and abilities. How sweet.

“Is that all?”

“No. I’m also here to get something from you.”

At those words, the blood drained from Jinwoo’s face. I didn’t even have to say the word ‘card’ and he already looked terrified. He sure has intuition.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

“What do you mean? I haven’t even said anything yet.”

“Then I’ll pretend, starting now.”

With that, Jinwoo closed his eyes and I lifted my fists. Suddenly, Jinwoo’s eyes burst open.

“Were you about to hit me…?”

“Of course not.”

I immediately unclenched my fists and ran my fingers through my hair.

“Hand it over,” I said. “You said you would.”

I held out my hand for the card and the sight of it made Jinwoo gulp. It was so loud, I thought for a second rain was pouring into the office.

“You’ll get your payment tomorrow, Sian.”

“That’s tomorrow. I’m hungry today. Right now. Do you know how much I suffered in Africa?”

“I heard you guys ate a lot…”

“What did you say?”

I held out my hand.

“I’m paying you a lot tomorrow…”

“I’ll confirm that tomorrow.”

I held out my hand again. With shaking hands, Jinwoo handed the card over.


With a big smile and a wink, I skipped out of the office.


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