Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 102 - Chapter 102: Dinner at the Seaside (Part 1)

Chapter 102: Chapter 102: Dinner at the Seaside (Part 1)


This was the sound of me hitting the giant crab with my left fist.


The crab merely pinched my wrist harder. So, I punched the crab even more.

Whack! Smack! Whack! Crack!

Eventually, I managed to crack its outer shell.

“Stubborn bastard!”

This crab sure was stubborn. I pulled its giant claw off my wrist. It was huge. Bigger than my fist, at least twice the size.

Just then, the muscular VJ arrived with the doctor.

“Hello, Sir,” the doctor said with a casual smile.

“Oh, hi. He’s over there,” I said, pointing at Sung-hwan. He was still laying down on the ground, and soon the doctor began to inspect him.

“How did he pass out?”

“A coconut hit him on the head.”

“Oh, I see,” the doctor replied with a nod. “He probably loves soccer so much. I guess he felt like playing soccer again…still, why did he hit the coconut with his head…”

“I guess he made a bad choice.”

“He probably didn’t expect the coconut to be that hard.”

“He probably thought his head was harder.”

The doctor nodded in agreement with that.

“It sure is, seeing as how even the coconut is cracked.”

“It was well-matched.”

“Which one of them fell first?”

“The coconut cracked first. Then, Sung-hwan passed out. So he won by a hair.”

“Of course. The man hates to lose.”

The doctor peered at Sung-hwan’s eyes with a mini flashlight.

“I think he may have a slight concussion. He’ll wake up soon, but just in case, I’ll take him over to the medic tent.”

“Okay,” I said. Then, I looked at the muscular VJ, and so did the female doctor. Oh, didn’t I mention that the doctor was a woman?

“Why are you…?” the muscular VJ began to fidget, looking confused.

“You’re the only guy here,” I pointed out.

A look of realization came over the VJ as he bent over to pick up Sung-hwan, but he seemed to struggle a bit. Then again, Sung-hwan wasn’t your average sized man. He was a heavyweight champion. Just look at those muscles. He’s not a person that’s easy to carry. Fortunately, the VJ was able to do it in the end.

“You can leave the camera here.”


The VJ left the camera and headed back to the campsite, carrying Sung-hwan. And just like that, I was alone again.

“So, I caught a giant crab. What should I catch next?”

After looking around a bit, I walked further into the jungle. My eyes immediately fell onto another crab in the distance. But at the moment this crab saw me, it began to scuttle away and hid itself behind a tree.

With a smirk, I approached it slowly.



I was looking at an amazing sight. Three crabs were standing in front of me, all of them showing their giant claws towards me. They were shaking their claws back and forth, trying to scare me. Surprisingly, one of them had two giant clubs. Was it a mutant? As they continued to watch me, they got into a triangle formation and slowly approached me. But since they were crab-walking, their triangle formation kept breaking. After all, they can only walk sideways.

“Heh. How cute.”

I laughed because it was rather funny. The crabs then swung their giant claws at me. Soon, they were only a short distance away from me. Then all of a sudden, one of them jumped up and came at me with its claw. I swung my fist at it as the claw fell off with a crack. Now, the crab had no chance. One by one, I punched off their claws, killing the crabs one by one. Soon, they were all dead.

“Well, that was easy.”

The hunt was over pretty quickly. Too quickly in fact. I’ve never been on a hunting trip this easy before. They might as well just stick their heads out for me to crush.

“Well, at least I got three more.”

With a big smile, I collected the three crabs and carried them on my shoulder back to the camp. Oh wait, if I include the first crab I killed, that makes it four.

On my way back, I ran into Junho and Hye-jeong.


Junho gave me a look of surprise while Hye-jeong greeted me back.

“Hey, Sian. What’s that on your shoulder?


I put the four giant crabs at their feet. They both gasped.



“They’re huge, aren’t they?”

“This is…”

Junho remained speechless as he stared down at the crabs.

“I’ve never seen crabs this big…this is amazing! Did Sung-hwan catch these?”

“No, I did.”


At that, Junho didn’t seem surprised. He rather looked like he expected that. Does Junho now believe that I’m an alien too?

“But where is Sung-hwan?” Junho suddenly asked.

“He’s at the medic tent.”

“Why is he…?”

“He passed out.”

“What?” Junho said in disbelief. He silently asked me how that happened, with a bit of concern mixed in.

“A coconut fell from the tree and he tried to hit it with his head.”

“What the…”

“Wow, Sung-hwan!”

Junho looked worried, but Hye-jeong seemed more or less impressed.

“Is he okay?”

“Yeah. It’s just a slight concussion. Anyways, do you need any help?”

Just then, I felt something move under my foot. I picked up my foot to see what it was.


It was the sound of another shell breaking.

“What now?”

I looked and saw another dead crab.

“Ugh. You really should’ve been more careful.” I clicked my tongue at the crab. I looked back at Junho.

“If you don’t need me, I’ll be going ahead.”

With that, I continued on my way back to the campsite.


As soon as I reached the campsite, the lobster head producer came up and asked me to do an interview.

“Another one? How many times do I have to do this?”

Seriously. I must have done a hundred of these by now. It was getting pretty annoying.

“Just one right now and another one at dinner,” the lobster head said with an indifferent expression.

I’ve never seen the guy smile. Does he not smile? But he doesn’t get angry, either. Or annoyed. Just a constant look of indifference.

“Fine. Where to?”

“Over there,” the lobster head producer said, pointing at a certain spot in the distance.

I walked over and sat on the designated chair. Looking at the sky, I could see the sun reaching the horizon.

“Hello, Sian,” the bubbly female writer greeted me. So, I greeted her back with an equally enthusiastic smile.


“Oh. Sian, you look rather tired.”

“I’m okay. You seem more tired than me.”

I wasn’t kidding. The writer’s face…I’m sorry to say, but it looked quite dead. None of her cute features were shining through. She looked sunburnt, and there were deep circles under her eyes. They’ll reach her hips soon at this point.

“Yeah, well…it’s not just me. We’re all tired.”

“Seems like it,” I said, glancing over at the crew. They all looked fatigued and swollen. They looked miserable. At least the cast gets something out of this. But those people…I really wanted to share my performance fee with them at that point.

“We’ll get started with the interview.”

“Okay,” I said with a nod.

We then started the interview.

“Earlier when you were crossing the river, there was a huge downpour and you were nearly in a fatal accident. What were you thinking at that moment?”


To be honest, I was not really thinking of anything at that moment. But if I said that, that would only reiterate my image as the empty-headed idiot.

“I was worried that someone might die.”

“I see…who…?”


“Oh,” the writer responded with a nod. She then moved on.

“You mean when you were swept away by the current. But how did that happen?”

“A huge rock suddenly hit me in the leg. Look.” I rolled up my pants, showing off my sexy thigh. There was a giant bruise on it.

“Oh my…” the writer gasped, covering her mouth with both of her hands. It really was a large bruise.

“Does it hurt…”

“If you touch it, yeah.”

It was still a bit tender. Still, any average person would’ve had their legs broken off. That’s how big and strong the rock was. Of course, if I had been using my powers at the time of impact, I wouldn’t have been injured in the first place. That’s what I get for being careless.

“I see. You should have the medic team look at that.”

“I will.”

“And again, I’m very sorry about that. We should’ve done more research about this place to prepare…”

“Nah. It was the producer’s fault.”

“It is. I mean! No, it’s not!” the writer immediately retracted.

“Yeah, okay. So, is the interview over?”

“Oh, no. We have more questions. So why did you jump back into the river?”

“I had to save Hye-jeong.”


The writer seemed rather touched by my answer. She continued to ask afterwards.

“But didn’t you think of your personal risk?”

“At that time, all I could think about was saving Hye-jeong. So, I just jumped in.”

“Wow. Hye-jeong will surely be touched when she hears this.”

“It’s not the first time,” I said. It’s true. I’ve already helped Hye-jeong so many times. That’s why she keeps clinging to me. She’s still a little rude though.

“I’m definitely touched. Now for the next question.”

“There’s more?”


“Oh,” I pouted.

“Here,” the writer said, handing me a pile of choco pies. Well that cheered me up. This writer knew what’s up. She had given me six.

“When you caught the shark, did you know what it was?”

“No. I just threw the harpoon and it caught on something,” I said, eating the choco pie in one bite. Wow, it was good.

“I see. How did you feel when you learned it was a shark?”

“It felt great! I was excited to taste it, but then it was taken away.”

“Oh.” The writer smiled apologetically.

“It couldn’t be helped. They needed it for research.”

“Yeah, I guess. At least we got ramyun. Still, I never realized that a shark could be paid off so easily with instant noodles.”

“Oh. Hahaha,” the writer chuckled. Then, she continued.

“But looking at you, I can’t help but admire your mentality. Most people would run away from a shark…but all you thought about was how good it would taste…”

“A shark is just a big fish.”

“That’s true…it really is just a giant fish…hahahaha…”

The writer continued to laugh. So, I joined along.


“Now for the final question.”


I ate another choco pie. Somehow, I had gone through all six…it’s because they were so small.

“Do you have more?”

“Oh…I gave you six to eat with the other cast members…”



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