TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 19: You will pay for the crimes you have committed

Chapter 19: You will pay for the crimes you have committed

Everyone at the entrance to the village was surprised by this sudden change.

The village that was destroyed until a few moments ago has become a whole new village. They entered the village to see whether there is something different.

The village was like the original village. The difference is that there was no one living there and it was practically new.

In the village square, there was a large sign with some written rules. The place is where the new inhabitants will arrive.

Liu Yang placed the board there to warn new inhabitants about the rules of the Dark Continent.


1 - Welcome to the Dark Continent.

2 - Newbies need to read the rules.

3 - Do not leave the village without reading the remaining rules.

4 - Do not leave the village after arriving.

5 - Don't fight zombies using bare your hands. They have a poison that turns you into a zombie if you get hurt by them.

6 - Make preparations before left.

7 - Always be inside the village before the nightfall. Otherwise, you will be surrounded by a large army of zombies.

8 - Do not cause confusion.

9 - Don't steal.

10 - Don't ****.

11 - Don't kill others.

12 - Those who commit crimes 8, 9, 10, and 11 will be punished according to the law.

The board had the information written. Liu Yang minimized the information as much as possible.

"It seems that this new village will be very different from the village in the south. The owner seems to be more open-minded "

"Are you going to live in this village?"

"By staying in this village, we can level up and become stronger. We can finally leave the initial village and venture out into the world "

Many conversations started. None of them cared whether James Hunt and his group could hear or not.

The new village took away their exclusivity to command the entire region. Now, they had strong competition.

James Hunt needs to change the way he rules his village, otherwise, it will lose all its inhabitants and will remain only beginners who choose their village as a starting point.

"Leader, what are we going to do now? This new village makes everyone want to move "

"Damn!!! Who are you???!!!! How dare you challenge me ?? !!! " James Hunt shouted wildly. He was very upset when he read the information card.

His subordinate's words made him even angrier.

Pang !!!

His subordinate was hit in the face, he flew several meters before falling. His face was bleeding.

James Hunt looked at everyone with a fierce look.

"Hahaha!!!! It seems that everyone is happy to see a new village. But you need to remember one thing. If you dare to leave my village, I will hunt you down every day and kill each of you" James Hunt threatened.

Rather than trying to improve his management over the village, he preferred to threaten others. Since he was at level 9, he had the right to threaten.

James Hunt's words had an impact on the people around him. Many of them were afraid, especially women, they feared they would suffer something worse than death if they were caught by James Hunt and his subordinates. They can be violated thousands of times until death.

Shuooo !!!

Something was fired at James Hunt and hit his neck.

"..." James Hunt felt that there was a little blood.

"Who dares to attack me ??? !!!" Despite the irritation, James Hunt understood that for him to have suffered the damage. The other side had great strength to throw the object. He became cautious.

"Interesting ... You really have the courage to threaten others in my village" A casual voice was heard.

They all looked towards the voice, they saw that the owner was a thin young man and ordinary appearance.

"Is that you???!!! Did you survive???!!!" James Hunt never imagined that he would see Liu Yang. He also never imagined that Liu Yang survived all these months without going back to the village.

"It's him?? How is this possible??" The prostitute, who looked down at Liu Yang when he arrives on the village, spoke in a low voice. She never thought that the poor young man she ignored before would become the owner of the new village.

Regret appears in her heart. If she had done a service for him that day, even without money, she could receive great benefits today. But she missed this opportunity.

"Did you think I was dead? But I'm not dead yet and got a new village "Liu Yang laughed at that. He understood a few things after becoming the owner of the village.

"You!!!! I will kill you !!! " James Hunt shouted with hatred. Liu Yang spoiled his plans to live a life of luxury and pleasure.

"I only have one thing to say to you. You are not the real owner of the initial village in the south. It looks like the real owner left and didn't give the village to you "Liu Yang commented.

"What??!!! That's true??? Isn't James Hunt the real one in the village ??? "

"How is that possible ??? Isn't he the strongest of all ?? !!! "

Liu Yang's words were like a bomb. None of them could believe his words. But they soon realized that he may be speaking the truth.

As the owner of a village, Liu Yang must know things that others do not know.

"How do you know that ???" James Hunt spoke heavily. He never imagined that day would come.

"There are things that only the village owners can do and see," Liu Yang replied vaguely.

"Haha What are you going to do after you find out about this ?? It doesn't change anything. I am still the strongest of all villages !!! "

"Stronger?? I think not." Liu Yang did not believe James Hunt's words.

As a coward, James Hunt would never have the courage to fight a rank 2 zombie. He always fought rank 1 zombies until he reached level 9.

His level was rising slowly because he always fought in a group. The experience is divided when it has more people fighting. Furthermore, he did not receive the title because of this.

Only those who defeated the zombies alone are eligible to receive the title.

"You may have some interesting equipment or skills, but you are not the strongest among us" Liu Yang laughed.

"What did you do??!!!!" James Hunt felt his head suddenly dizzy.

"I just used this" Liu Yang showed an apple-like fruit.

"You were the one who stole those fruits !!!!" James Hunt has received information that someone had cleaned some fruit trees. He never imagined that Liu Yang would be that person.

"Yes, I was the one who took these fruits. They are very good "Liu Yang ate the fruit as if it were something common.

"Why are not you sleeping?? This fruit has a powerful sleeping poison!! "

"Isn't that fruit that fruit that we eat sometimes ??" A prostitute commented. She recognized the fruit.

"That's true. Those idiots gave us these fruits to eat. But for some reason, we always sleep and wake up with a lot of pain in our private parts. So they raped us after making us sleep. Hateful !!! " Another prostitute spoke.

Many women recognized the fruit that Liu Yang ate. They immediately started screaming and cursing.

A question arose in everyone's mind: How can Liu Yang eat the fruit without feeling sleepy?

"I can only say that I got an interesting item by killing the zombies." Liu Yang did not talk about his skill. He throws several sharp stones to James Hunt's subordinates.

Shuooo !!!! Shuooo !!!! Shuooo !!!!

"No!!!" As they were only level 5, none of them managed to escape the speed of the stones. They were wounded.

Liu Yang put some fruit juice on the stones. He used this to poison them.

"What are you going to do now? Kill me? Haha !!!! Interesting. You are doing the same thing that I have done all these years. Hahaha!!! You thought that the new owner of the village would be different, but in the end, he is just like me !!!! Hahaha!!!!"

"I think you are mistaken. I am not like you. I am not a coward. I have no intention of being trapped inside that cage. I'll level and level 10 get out to explore the continent "Liu Yang said solemnly. This is his goal.

"Hahaha!!!! You are lying. You don't know the horrors that are the places outside the village. !! "

"Lying? Why would I lie? I have spent more than four months out of the village. Being surrounded by zombies every night is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen. I don't think there is anything else that will make me scared anytime soon "Liu Yang spoke honestly.

The first time he saw the great horde of tens of thousands of zombies. He was afraid. He has never seen that many zombies before. Although not show, he trembled and feared to die.

"How?? How did you survive ?? " James Hunt never knew the answer to that question because he was afraid of the zombie in the night.

Everyone had this fear.

"What did I do? I just tried to do my best to survive. I was lucky to find a tree to sleep in "Liu Yang lied. He wouldn't reveal that he had the zombie poison immunity ability.

"What are you going to do with me?" James Hunt accepted his fate. He knows that he cannot escape death.

"You will pay for the crimes you have committed."

"I see ... So my time has finally come ..." James Hunt was not as nervous as he used to be. He finally understood a few things.

The companions of James Hunt preferred to leave this desolate village to stay. They were the first to build the village, but after some time, they understood that they had to go out and explore the continent.

James Hunt was afraid of dying, he did not want to become a zombie as the other companions. Many of them stayed in the initial villages like him to enjoy life in depravity.

Shuoo !!! Shuoo !!!

Liu Yang threw some more stones at James Hunt's body, he wanted to make sure that James Hunt was asleep.

"I have a question for you. Which of you committed the crime of murder and ****? " Liu Yang looked at the crowd and asked.

"It's him!!!!"

"It's them!!!!"

"It's him!!!!"

"It's them!!!!"

Liu Yang's question caused quite a stir. The women started screaming and pointing toward several men.

They wanted to run but failed. They were blocked.


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