Top-notch Master Masquerading As Cannon Fodder Female Companion

Chapter 159 - Tan Mo, How Did You Find the Exam?

Chapter 159: Tan Mo, How Did You Find the Exam?

Beijing University had always taken part in the ancient Chinese language competition, and they had lost more times than they had won.

As for the details, not many at school had heard any gossip about it, since this was a competition between different schools, universities, and colleges, and there had been no video recordings made of them either.

“Class president, how did you do?” someone asked Lin Fuxi. Those sitting around Lin Fuxi all turned and looked in her direction.

Lin Fuxi had taken this exam extremely seriously. She had even been reading up on it five minutes before it started, so she must’ve done well.

Yet now she shook her head lightly, saying, “How could I have done well? The questions were so difficult. I couldn’t answer many of them.”

In reality, however, she actually thought that she had done quite well on the exam. Well enough that she had probably done the best of students who weren’t from the Chinese Department. If this didn’t turn out to be the case, then all of her hard work and effort put into this exam would have been wasted.

She wasn’t sure what position she’d be in in comparison to those from the Chinese Department. After asking a few students from the Chinese Department what they’d thought about the exam, she’d realized that even those in the specialized courses had not necessarily touched upon this material, which was why Lin Fuxi thought that there was a chance that her grade might fare well even among those in the Chinese Department.

The material might have been mentioned offhandedly, but not to the point where they had felt the need to master the content. At their current stage, they wouldn’t have been able to master such content even if they had wanted to.

The quota for these competitions was always decided by apprentices who did research under the professors in charge.

“Lin Fuxi, you go to the library every day to study…and you still think you messed up?” Meng Yuxi asked bluntly.

Lin Fuxi didn’t answer right away.

How had she ended up being in the same examination hall as Meng Yuxi?

“Even though I go to the library, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m studying material from the Chinese Department,” Li Fuxi answered. “At the end of the day, I’m part of the Finance Department. If I were to have given it my all and studied day and night for this exam, wouldn’t that be like winning the battle but losing the war? At most, I just took a look at the Chinese curriculum when I had time and considered it as a break.”

“I had a few other classmates who did that too,” said Tan Mo as she rested her chin on her hand. “They always claim they did horribly, yet their actual results are fairly decent, if not really that great.”

Others may not have noticed, but she had.

When everyone else was talking about how they hadn’t managed to answer that many questions at all and only knew a few answers, Lin Fuxi had talked about how many questions she had failed to answer.

Tan Mo had a smile on her face. It seemed as if Lin Fuxi thought that she had done quite well on the exam. Perhaps she was quite confident about achieving a good grade.

“Sister Fuxi, you’re so hardworking. When we rest, we actually rest. You, on the other hand, take out a book to read. Don’t you worry, I’m sure you did very well.” Tan Mo reassured her sincerely.

Lin Fuxi didn’t reply.

Piss off!

Do I look like I need your reassurance?

She couldn’t tell what Tan Mo truly meant. Did Tan Mo take a dig at her? Or did she not actually see through her guise and actually mean to comfort her?

Well, it didn’t matter which one it was. They were equally annoying.

“Tan Mo, how difficult of a studying environment were you in before? So many students, as you said, pretended to not study, yet actually pulled all-nighters to do so. Then, there were others that you said did really well on exams, but always made outlandish claims that they didn’t. Is there even any room left for us normal students?” Meng Yuxi said half-heartedly.

Tan Mo was startled for a second and could only repeat to herself that her other classmates had to take a fall here.

Lin Fuxi was outraged.

She had only decided to be a little humble, so that she could maintain some self-respect and dignity when receiving her ranking and grades.

But since Tan Mo said this, no matter how high of a grade she achieved, it might be now considered low to her other classmates.

Lin Fuxi could only clench her jaw in anger. Why was it always Tan Mo that she was up against? Their animosity must have been laid in their souls from birth.

“Let’s not all focus on me. Tan Mo, how did you find the exam?” Lin Fuxi asked.

Let’s see how she responds to that!

Tan Mo better not say that she did badly. There’d be a lot to discuss if that was the case. She had been handpicked by Professor Guo, so if she did say she’d done badly, wouldn’t that just be shaming Professor Guo?

“I did extremely well.” Tan Mo lifted her head up and answered in high spirits.

“How well exactly?” Lin Fuxi replied disdainfully.

How much better?

Would she be good enough to rank in the top ten and enter the competition?

It was hard to say whether Tan Mo was really confident, or if she was just feeling good about herself as usual.

If she said this, and her grades turned out to be be low, wouldn’t she become a joke?

“I answered all the questions correctly.” Tan Mo put her thumbs up. “Full marks!”

Lin Fuxi was left speechless

Is she being serious or not? This isn’t a joke!

Lin Fuxi shot up from her seat and rushed toward Tan Mo’s computer.

“You really got full marks?” Lin Fuxi didn’t care about anything else at this moment. “Let me see your search history!”

Lin Fuxi had made a real gaffe here. She couldn’t have cared less about maintaining the good impression she had previously set for herself.

Suddenly, the hushes and whispers in the room disappeared. Her voice got louder, sounding more aggressive and overbearing..

Everyone frowned. Even though search histories weren’t that important, it was still a bit much, wasn’t it, wanting to see someone else’s search history?

The search history showed where one had logged in and which sites they’d visited and nothing else.

One’s search history was still personal and private.

I can show it to you, there’s no problem in that.

But a problem does arise when you force me to show you!

“Personal histories show one’s grades. You said you got full marks, so go click into your own personal site and let us see.” Li Fuxi didn’t care about anything else at this point.

There was no way she would lose to Tan Mo.

She had studied so hard and prepared so much.

Yet she hadn’t seen Tan Mo study at all. Of course, unless, Tan Mo studied in secret also?

But they were all in the same dormitory, so how could Tan Mo have avoided her?

“Class president…” Jin Yuelin exclaimed, so loudly that it quieted all the other noise in the room.

In the dormitories, Jin Yuelin and Meng Yuxi referred to her simply as Fuxi. But now, Jin Yuelin had stiffly called her class president. It was obviously a way of showing her disapproval.

“Why are you in such a hurry to see Tan Mo’s marks? There’s no reason for her to lie. And once the ranking lists are released, the truth will be out in the open anyway. So, why would there be a need for lying?” Jin Yuelin yelled at her.

Lin Fuxi stopped in her tracks.

She really had been a bit too reckless. But now, she came to her senses.

Tan Mo really had no reason to lie.

Once the ranking list comes out, all the truth would be revealed.

But she couldn’t exclude the fact that Tan Mo had a shameless personality.

Once the truth was revealed, she could just say that she had only been joking and brush it off.

This was why it would still be better to take a look at Tan Mo’s history.

Lin Fuxi’s expressions kept changing every second.

Tan Mo saw that Lin Fuxi had no intention of walking away and could only reply, “If you want to see it so badly, sure, go ahead.”


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