Top Management

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

The man's cheeks twitched.

"Coming from the same girl group, having a similar image, and even the process of debuting as an actress is similar. Isn't this blatantly trying to create a second Lee Songha?"


"What about Ms. Songha, shes like a fish thats already been caught. Now that Ms. Songha is irreplaceable, both Jung Sunwoo and W&U are generously supporting her, but once Jeong Jae-yi becomes popular, things will change, wont they?"

"How will they change?"

Lee Songha asked with a faint smile.

Excited by her response, the man quickly continued.

"The resources and attention Ms. Songha used to have all to herself will have to be shared with her. And if Ms. Songha ever slips up due to some controversy, shell be replaced right away."

As he keenly observed Lee Songhas expression, the mans tone subtly changed.

"Its problematic in a large company. You have to compete even within the company. It means the company isnt entirely on your side. I have a small agency called Top Dog Ent...."

"I still have time left on my contract. Isnt this a problem?"

The man crinkled his broad nose.

"No, Im not talking about the contract. I'm just advising you because Im a fan of Ms. Songha. Everyone says Ms. Songha is a Jung Sunwoo production, that he made you."

"A Jung Sunwoo production?"

"That's what they say. In my view, Ms. Songha could have made it big on her own. Its not Jung Sunwoo whos remarkable, its you, but people dont see that."

The man passionately gestured as he spoke.

"Ms. Songha still seems naive to the ways of the world, just doing as the company says, but youre not at that level anymore. It doesnt even make sense that you're still tied up with Neptune! You should definitely go independent...."

"Could you give me your business card?"

Lee Songha extended her hand.

The man blinked rapidly and fumbled through his wallet.

"Business card! Of course, I should give you one."

Taking the slim business card Lee Songha had offered, she pressed on her phone with her other hand.

"Am I really seen as naive and easily managed?"


"Its a problem if the company manages your image too well. It makes you seem too approachable, and things keep getting messed up."

Her finger hovered over the call button then paused.

"Ah, Manager Jung isnt very scary, right? Our manager is too nice."

She moved her finger a few more times then pressed the phone to her ear.

The man hesitated and in that moment, the call connected.

"Director. Its Songha Lee."


The mans eyes widened as Lee Songha lifted the business card to eye level.

"Top Dog Ent, CEO Baek Ki-hoon, this gentleman came to see me. Right in front of the ladies' restroom. Hes telling me I absolutely have to go independent...."

She spoke as casually as if discussing the weather.

"No, hes coming now. Yes, I understand. Please handle it that way."

"Wait, just a moment!"

"Thanks for the advice. Take care."

She hung up, ignoring the man as she moved on.

From the front, Lee Kwanwoo, carrying loads of stuff and coffee, turned the corner and frowned upon seeing the man.

His well-built frame, clearly the result of long-term training, quickly approached, and the panicked man hurriedly fled. Lee Songha held back Lee Kwanwoo who was about to chase after him.

"Let him go. He says hes a fan."

"What kind of fan comes all this way?"

Lee Songha handed him the business card and took the coffee.

"I talked to the director."

"The director?"

"Manager is too busy. He already has a lot to deal with without this. Ah, is the manager at the company today?"

"Probably? He doesnt have any outside appointments."

"Ill stop by the company then head home."

Lee Songha spoke with a coffee stick in her mouth.

She had just returned from Hong Kong at dawn and had finished a jewelry photoshoot, her face laden with makeup for the shoot and visibly tired.

Lee Kwanwoo glanced at her.

"Wouldnt it be better to go straight to the lodging and rest? Youre tired. Youve been under a lot of stress lately because you cant rest."

"Ill see the manager first."

She said firmly, and Lee Kwanwoo finally gave up.

The van was silent.

Leaning against the seat back, Lee Songha gazed out the window and asked.

"Is Jeong Jae-yi a good actress?"

Lee Kwanwoo glanced back through the rearview mirror.

Lee Songha was still looking out the window, her brow slightly furrowed, giving her

 face a sharper look than usual.

Before he could answer, Lee Songha murmured.

"She must be good. That's why the manager asked her to act."


"How does she compare to me?"

Lee Kwanwoos eyes wavered.

He gripped the steering wheel tightly, pondering his response.

"There's no comparison... Jeong Jae-yi hasnt even been on a set yet, shes just started learning to act. How could she compare to you?"

"People do compare though."

Slowly blinking, Lee Songha seemed contemplative.

"If theres a video of Jeong Jae-yis camera test..."


"Never mind. Better not to see it. Pretend you didnt hear that."

"Songha, really, you dont need to worry,"

"Dont mention that I asked this to the manager."

Lee Kwanwoo looked again in the rearview mirror. Their eyes met in the reflection.

"Dont mention it."

"Uh... Okay."

Only then did Lee Songha comfortably close her eyes.

It didnt take long to reach the company.

All the elevators in the parking lot were ascending. Lee Songha checked the display and without hesitation, turned towards the stairs.

She briskly climbed up to the fourth floor.

"Manager Jung caused a scene at GTBN, right? The rumor is all over the place."

"Now every time we enter GTBN's variety department, well feel eyes on us. What is this? Some people bow and scrape outside, while others do whatever they like. How can anyone work under these conditions?"

"Still, the director favors him, so what can we do?"

"After the flop of Hong Gil-dong, he was out of favor for a while, but now that public opinion has improved, his face is everywhere again. Wasn't he just laughing and leaving with Jeong Jae-yi?"

In a quiet lounge, a few team directors occupied the only table, whispering among themselves.

Lee Kwanwoo started to move, then paused and looked back at Lee Songha.

Lee Songha had stopped mid-way up the stairs and was standing askew.

Her face had settled into an expressionless mask.

Sensing the ominous atmosphere, Lee Kwanwoo quickly stuck by Lee Songha. He was already familiar with the protocol for such situations and quickly scanned the surroundings to see if there was anything that could be thrown.

"Songha, hold back. Just ignore it. We're at the company."


"Looks like the manager stepped away for a bit. Lets just go back to the lodging for today."

Lee Songha bit her lip lightly then released it.


She exhaled briefly and turned around.

Meanwhile, the topic of conversation among the directors had moved on.

Why did Son Chaeyoung come to the office? I caught a glimpse of her earlier, and she seemed totally downcast.

Has she ever been the cheerful type?

Its even worse these days. Somethings definitely going on

While they were gossiping, the manager suddenly coughed as if choking. Son Chaeyoung was descending the stairs above them. Others reacted similarly. One even hastily left the scene as if facing a trauma.

Scanning the room with an irritated look, Son Chaeyoung spotted Lee Songha.

One was standing below, the other above, their gazes met briefly. Given their past confrontations, which were quite dramatic, the faces of Cho Byunghwan and Lee Kwanwoo, following behind Son Chaeyoung, involuntarily stiffened.

Lets go, Songha.

Lee Kwanwoo gently urged, to which Lee Songha first turned her head.

The pair has changed?

Son Chaeyoung smirked, looking between Lee Songha and Lee Kwanwoo.

So much fuss about it. Guess your childs playtime is over?


Cho Byunghwan sighed while attempting to intervene.

It seemed only Lee Kwanwoo was truly worried.


Already tense, Lee Songhas jaw clenched even tighter.

Son Chaeyoung descended the stairs leisurely. The gap between them closed rapidly.

Well, its about time you stopped playing and started real business. Youve become quite familiar with how things work around here.

It seemed Cho Byunghwan had given up on intervening.

In the lounge, where managers awkwardly stood, another victim of Son Chaeyoung seemed imminent, Lee Songha seemed to be in trouble as they sneaked glances.

People change over time, dont they?

Lee Songha commented.

But it seems your adolescence isnt over yet?


I heard that the site managers couldnt stick around long, and it ended up in a draw. Isnt throwing tantrums and making a scene just what teenagers do? Maybe its time you grew up?

A can someone was holding dropped with a clang.

No one blamed anyone. They were all the same, just rolling their eyes stiffly. Especially Cho Byunghwan and Lee Kwanwoo, who looked as if they had been struck by lightning.

Son Chaeyoung smirked crookedly.

Are you advising me now?

No, Im just mocking.

With a calm retort, Son Chaeyoungs brow furrowed.

The atmosphere was boiling like molten metal in a furnace, tense enough that a fight might break out at any moment.

When Lee Kwanwoo hurriedly started typing a message on his phone.

Trying to stop Son Chaeyoung, then quickly giving up, and trying to stop Lee Songha only to give up even faster, Cho Byunghwan suddenly turned to Lee Kwanwoo.

Hey, man! What are you doing sitting there?


Arent you supposed to stop this, what are you just staring for? How many years have you been here?

Lee Kwanwoo awkwardly responded.

Its been two years.

Two years? Are you out of your mind? Did you learn this from Seo Seo-jeong? If this reaches the director

Are you saying this so I can hear?

Lee Songha interjected sharply.

Isnt it inappropriate for someone with little experience to act this way in front of a senior?

Cho Byunghwan stuttered in confusion, while Lee Songha tilted her head.

Thats not what I learned from watching.

She then looked back at Son Chaeyoung.

If the director hears about this, what do you think hell say to me?

You right now,

Ive signed several new contracts. Do you know how much is riding on me? So, stop bothering people over trivial things.

Lee Songha poured out what she had heard before.

If this is how the industry works

Son Chaeyoung scoffed coldly, perhaps recalling a past memory, and Cho Byunghwan just fumbled with his words, watching Son Chaeyoungs reactions.

After a moment, Son Chaeyoungs lips tilted slightly.

...Youve grown a lot.

Yes. Thanks to you, Ive grown well.

Lee Songha said with a slight smile, then turned and walked down the stairs, step by step, before suddenly stopping.

Turning back, she approached Son Chaeyoung up close.

Actually, I sometimes feel grateful to you. Whenever something rises up inside me, I think of you. Even now, I think... I must endure. I must not cross the line.

Lee Songha whispered, looking Son Chaeyoung in the eye.

Never to become like that.


Son Chaeyoungs mouth twitched and stopped.

Her clenched

 jaw trembled faintly.

Turning her gaze aside, Lee Songha spoke to Cho Byunghwan.

And Mr. Manager Cho. Why do you keep calling him Seo Seo-jeong?


You should call him team leader.

Oh, oh

His face flushed as he stuttered.

Ignoring the flustered Cho Byunghwan, Lee Songha strode toward the managers standing in the corner of the lounge. She looked at each of their faces.

Its tiresome to hear the same chatter outside, but to hear it inside the company as well? Its exhausting.

The managers, who had been gossiping just moments ago, now shuffled uncomfortably, as if they were about to collapse under the pressure. Only then did Lee Songha walk down the stairs again.

Lee Kwanwoo, who had been standing as if lost, suddenly came to his senses and followed her.

As their footsteps faded away, Son Chaeyoung remained standing in place, still.

Her pale face bore an expression that was hard to distinguish between anger and shock.


Son Chaeyoung abruptly turned and pressed the elevator button.

Cho Byunghwan hurriedly followed her into the elevator. It wasnt until the doors closed and the numbers on the display panel descended that the tense atmosphere in the lounge finally relaxed.

What was that?

Everyone looked around at each other, blinking.

Their faces all looked foolish.


Jae was sending Jeong Jae-i to the dormitory and was just about to enter the company when he received a text from Lee Kwanwoo.

- Team leader, the company now looks tense, better not to come with Jae-i, come alone instead.

Whats this?

A dying message?


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