Toaru Majutsu no Index

Volume 6, 4: Stop Sign. Beast_Body,_Human_Heart.

Volume 6, Chapter 4: Stop Sign. Beast_Body,_Human_Heart.

Part 1

Compared to the dark underground, the scorching heat on the white surface was unbearable while they were under the bright white glare of the sun.

Index and Misaka Mikoto were on the street. Shirai Kuroko was busy saving the students trapped underground.

Kamijou and company hadn’t arrived back yet, and it was a bit cruel to go home first. However, both of them didn’t really have anything to talk about. Under the blue sky that was raining sunlight down, both of them could only maintain this intricate silence.

“Ah, really. This is all Kuroko’s fault...”

Deep inside, Mikoto was cursing her kouhai who was not around. With the power of the Railgun, it was not impossible to destroy the walls in the underground streets, but she feared that this would allow the terrorist to escape, so she didn’t dare to take action.

Maybe it couldn’t endure the intense heat, as the calico cat struggled in Index’s arms.

After a while, Index muttered,

“...It’s so hot.”


Mikoto nodded her head in agreement.

“But what’s with your clothes anyway? Wearing long sleeves even in such hot weather...ah, are you afraid of your skin getting sunburned? I seem to have seen on the television before that people with skin with less pigment would get their skin all red and painful once their skin touch sunlight.”

“I’m not really mindful, and right now, these clothes are really airy.”

“Hm? Wha...your clothes are all full of safety pins! Why are you wearing such hot clothing?”

“Ugh...that brings up some old scars, so please don’t pursue this issue any further.”

Index interrupted the conversation, and so, the conversation was stopped again. But Mikoto, who tried to start the conversation once, was unable to hold on for long, and said,

“But they sure are slow.”

“...Hm. What to do. That magician seemed to be targeting Hyouka, and her spells have some indications of the London style. I hope she’s okay...”


The rare term called ‘magician’ made Mikoto suspicious.

When Shirai Kuroko had teleported Index to the surface, Index didn’t say any thanks, but had quarrelled with Shirai Kuroko, saying such words like ‘why did you bring me in first’, ‘hurry up and send me back inside’. At that time, Index did seem to mention this strange term called ‘magician’.

After thinking about it for a while, Mikoto decided not to pursue further. From Index’s clothing, it was obvious that she was a religious person. Maybe to the people without any scientific knowledge, powers were just like magic.

“ that the girl who was with you?”

“Mm. Ah, but this time it wasn’t Touma who found her first, I found her first.”

“...’not this time’ huh? Ho ho.”

Mikoto turned her head around and revealed a sinister smile. The innocent Index completely did not realise it at all, she just continued to hug Sphinx, shake her body left and right, and said,

“Uu, I’m a little worried here. Whether it’s because a girl is in such a dangerous place, or it’s because Touma’s alone with a girl, it’s still worrying.”

“...For some reason, I feel that we both agree on this point.”

Mikoto remained silent for a while, before continuing,

“Speaking of which, aren’t you worried about that guy’s safety?”

In a short instant, Index stopped what she was doing.

“Hm? Touma? There’s no need to worry about him. No matter what happens, Touma will always come back.”

Index said this, but there was a huge contradiction within it. If she was really not worried, why would she be waiting around in the hot sun?

(Sigh. Who wouldn’t be worried in this situation?)

Mikoto reflected on those words, causing the conversation to cease as she thought

(Did she just say ‘come back’?)

When she said ‘come back’, who did she mean he would ‘come back’ to? There was no need to question about it. Maybe this silver-haired girl didn’t mean much when she said it. However, this caused quite a shock to Mikoto because it implied that this thinking was due to the common understanding they had in their daily lives together, so there wasn’t much need to think about it.

Mikoto played with her fringe and thought,

(Why do I feel so uncomfortable about hearing this?)

The feeling created within Mikoto made her frown inadvertently.

At this moment, the calico cat suddenly meowed loudly and struggled out of Index’s arms.

Index let out a shout, and Mikoto inadvertently turned over to look, and saw the calico cat struggle out of Index’s arms and land on the floor. Seemed like the cat couldn’t endure the heat as it ran away.

Index wanted to chase after the little escapee, but stopped halfway through. She frantically watched the cat run away, before looking back at Mikoto. Maybe she wanted to chase after the calico cat, but she was in a fix because she didn’t dare to leave the scene.

“No problem. I’ll stay here, you go get the cat back. My body’s nature causes cats to get irritated around me easily, so I can’t help you chase after it.”

“Thanks, if you were willing to help out, I’d be grate...hey, Sphinx!”

Index nodded at Mikoto thankfully before rushing towards the calico cat that had moved into the back alley behind a convenience store, soon disappearing behind it. So that cat was called Sphinx? Mikoto was speechless in regards to that strange name.

Suddenly, Mikoto felt the manhole beside her clattering slightly.


Mikoto sounded puzzled as she let out an intrigued sound. After that, the neighbouring juice vending machines started to sway about slightly as well. There was obviously no wind, yet the leaves were rustling.

This was some intriguing tremor. It didn’t feel like an earthquake, but more like a huge monster walking.

Mikoto wondered if the calico cat had used its sharp animal instincts to detect the tremor and thus ran away.

Part 2

Stunned, Kazakiri Hyouka was sitting inside the dark subway.

The flashing lights that were engraved in her eyes and the gunshots that nearly broke her eardrums had ceased. In order to prevent Sherry from escaping to the surface, Anti-Skill was using wireless radio to coordinate all over the place.

Suddenly, Kazakiri sensed that some people were quarrelling. Looking back, it was actually Kamijou quarrelling with a female Anti-Skill member. To be honest, Kamijou was so agitated that he wanted to punch her.

“Damn it! That woman’s no longer in the underground streets, so why can’t you remove the perimeter underground?”

“How many times must I explain it to you? The one in charge of the underground streets is someone different from us. We have already sent a request, but it’ll take some times before the orders reach, so there’s no way we can remove it so quickly!”


Kamijou cursed as he kicked against a wall. Seeing that, Kazakiri’s shoulders trembled. Kamijou didn’t look all right; the direct threat of Sherry wasn’t around, why was Kamijou looking so anxious?

The female Anti-Skill member who Kamijou was arguing with picked up the wireless radio. She got away from Kamijou and used some technical terms and heated words to argue with another person on the radio.

Kazakiri saw Kamijou standing alone, and like a magnet attracted to him, she walked towards him. Though she felt that he was scary, she felt that the him right now was like a child who would cry anytime soon, and couldn’t bear to leave him alone like that.

“...Ah...erm...just now, thank you...”

“Hm? It’s not something you need to give thanks for. Oh yeah, is your body alright?”

“ guess it’s alright...erm...excuse me...but did something happen?”

On hearing these words, Kamijou remained silent. He was most likely hesitating whether he should say it or not. Finally, he slowly said it. He wasn’t deliberately choosing his words, but slowly vomiting out all the emotion that was built up within him.

“Sherry Cromwell...that dirty looking gothic-clothed woman didn’t escape, she went off to look for the next target, Index.”


“Seems like she didn’t come here to kill me nor you. As long as the conditions are met, she will kill anyone. And Index is one of us.”

Kazakiri gasped. Thinking back about it, that blond lady had mentioned it before. There were many Anti-Skill members beside Kazakiri and Kamijou, but right now, Index was unguarded. If anyone could be chosen, of course the logical answer was to choose the unguarded one. “I tried to negotiate with Anti-Skill, but the lock on the underground streets can’t be removed. Damn it, if that thick wall won’t open, I can’t get out at all!”

“...But...but...even so...why can’t you just tell them? There are many Anti-Skill members out you just need to ask them to help protect Index...”

“No way.”

Without hesitation, Kamijou denied what seemed like a logical proposal.


“Index isn’t a citizen of this city. If Anti-Skill sees her, they won’t even protect her, she might even get arrested...of course that’s just likelihood.”

Kamijou suppressed his voice as he said,

“Though she has a temporary ID, since it’s red alert now, I can’t guarantee that it’s effective now. In this situation, it’s not unreasonable even if one’s asked to show a driver’s license, credit card or other forms of identification.”

Saying all the way till here, he let his jaw drop.

“This is bad. To be honest, she doesn’t have a ‘meaningful form of identification’. Forget about a credit card, insurance certificate or ID, she doesn’t even have any records of age, blood type or even birthday. Besides, anyone can tell that this name called Index is a fake name. Anti-Skill is looking for ‘suspicious people from the outside world’, how can they let off this unknown person?”

At that moment, Kazakiri finally realised the reason Kamijou was acting so panicky. Though there were many citizens in this city, compared to Kazakiri Hyouka, Index’s companions were overwhelmingly less.

“Bu...but...I can’t be counted as a citizen of this city...”

“Your situation is different from Index. Though it’s true that you don’t have an Academy City pass, that’s all it is. Though your real identity isn’t that much different from normal humans, you may not be a dangerous person. However, Index is different. Basically, she belongs to a different group from Academy City. And just this alone is enough to designate her as dangerous person.”

After saying that, Kamijou suddenly moved forward. Kazakiri followed him from behind.

Kamijou was heading towards the large hole that the blond lady had escaped from.

“Seems like we can only escape from here. Damn it, if the wall nearby can open, I can easily cut them off and don’t have to lose the initiative by playing catch up from behind!”

Kazakiri stared at the huge hole.

It was pitched black, there was no light at all, so it was impossible to see the bottom. Who knew how many metres deep the hole was, could anyone really jump in? One couldn’t even grasp the timing to reduce the impact.

“Wai...wait a really...intend to go down alone...?”

Kazakiri felt that even if they wanted to take some risks, they should contact Anti-Skill first. As her own body had gotten damaged a few times, Kazakiri understood the terror that blond lady brought.

No matter what, it was not an enemy an ordinary high school student could take on without a plan.

Thinking of which, Kamijou should be clear about this. The reason why he had been able to win just now was because of Anti-Skill's help. If it were one on one, it was likely that even a tank alone was not going to beat that stone figure. That was a real ‘monster’.

But even so, Kamijou did not waver.

Even if he hid ‘an enemy to Academy City on purpose’, for whatever reason, one thing that was obvious was that Kamijou would continue to protect that girl.

Kazakiri also understood that feeling. To Kazakiri, Index was the first precious friend that she had ever made. Just thinking of the possibility of losing that friend, or that friend getting hurt, it made her tremble.


That didn’t mean that the boy could just go ahead on a suicide-like run.

Kamijou definitely wouldn’t want to lose Index, and Kazakiri herself definitely wouldn’t want to lose these two people.

They had to protect Index from that monster.

She couldn’t let Kamijou Touma fight against it.

Was there a way to settle these two contradicting things? Kazakiri pondered for a while, before pausing.

There was a way.

“...Don’t worry...even if you don’t go...there’s a way to save her.”

On hearing this, Kamijou frowned in shock.

Kazakiri then explained,

“Let a monster...handle another monster...”

Kamijou gasped. Kazakiri herself however revealed a smile.

“Even though...I don’t think I can beat that least I can become bait...once I get attacked by the monster, I can create a chance for her to escape...since I’m a monster as well. I can only...offer such help...”

Kamijou was shocked on hearing such words.

Afterwards, his expression changed from shock into anger.


The tone was extremely sincere, there was no pretense in it. Kazakiri was extremely touched by his rage over her own negativity.


But Kamijou himself didn’t realise it.

The stone golem that Anti-Skill and Kamijou were fighting in order to protect Hyouka was a monster like Kazakiri Hyouka. That monster had been attacked by cannon fire, and finally crumbled on the floor, scattered all over.

They had seen the remains of the monster, yet they never felt any pity.

In the end, ‘those things that weren’t human’ end up like that.

“...However, never mind...I’ll be the monster...”

Looking straight at Kamijou, Kazakiri said,

“For I am something intangible...I won’t die no matter how many times I get beaten down...for I am a monster, I have power to fight against that stone golem...”

At that moment, Kazakiri paused, then continued,

“I can...use my own power to protect those important to, I’m glad that I’m a monster.”

With a gentle smile, Kazakiri Hyouka walked towards the edge of the huge hole that Sherry Cromwell had made and jumped down. Kamijou shouted out loud, frantically trying to grab Hyouka, however, he froze halfway through. Maybe it was because he hadn’t thought through it, but that was the right hand that Kamijou was so used to using.

The absolute hand that would erase any monster the moment he touched.

Deep inside, Kamijou was somewhat aware of it.

Kazakiri’s body continued to descend with the effects of gravity. Midway through, she smiled at Kamijou as if saying to Kamijou while he was rebuking himself over pulling his arm back: 'this isn’t your fault'.

The monster descended into the darkness.

She could finally find shelter at the end of the world as she continued to sink down into the darkness.

Part 3

The moment she landed inside the dark hole, Kazakiri Hyouka’s feet let out a terrifying sound.

It was an underground rail track, and the depth of the hole was a lot deeper than expected, and because of the tracks on the floor, the floor was extremely uneven, so it was hard to cushion the impact. If Kazakiri were just a normal human, the bones in her ankles would have been crushed and she would be rolling on the floor in pain.

That was right, if she were a normal human.

But even though Kazakiri’s feet had let out such a terrifying sound, even though she felt some pain, the pain disappeared after 5 seconds. She tried to tap her toes as if she was trying on new shoes. The injuries were already healed, and an incredible strength filled her up as if the spinning gears were finally connected to each other. That gear that she once lacked should be called ‘her real identity’.

Kazakiri ran within the darkness.

It wasn’t a place that was originally designed for humans to walk in, so it was a lot darker than the underground streets, and dirty. There was a row of concrete pillars dividing the path into two, one going up and one going down. Following the lights that looked like they would be extinguished at any time, she continued to move forward. She was aware of where she should head towards. There was a set of visible footprints on the floor, like those imprinted on a snowy land. Those were likely left behind by that heavyweight stone golem.

As if she was trying to rip the polluted air apart, Kazakiri continued to run forward.

Every time she saw a rare source of light illuminating the place, the fragments of her memories appeared within her mind.

She wasn’t a human.

On a certain day 10 years ago.

When Kazakiri Hyouka had finally gained consciousness, she was already standing in the middle of the ‘city’.

The ‘city’ didn’t mean Academy City. But in terms of coordinates, the location was completely identical to Academy City. It was a place built by the AIM dispersal field released by the 2.3 million espers within Academy City, the invisible 'City of Shimmers'.

'The City of Shimmers' had no shadows, no weight, no air flow, it was extremely thin, there was no sense of existence. Once the wind blows, the towers, trees on the road and pedestrians would be blown away like the flame on a candle wick, and let out a grey visual signal that looked like a bug that mistook the camouflage colour.

If there was anyone who could visualise an AIM dispersal field, the person would find that the 'City of Shimmers' completely overlapped Academy City.

The things that the AIM dispersal field created didn't just include Kazakiri Hyouka. It included buildings, streets, trees, vehicles, crowds, everything. Kazakiri Hyouka was just someone created by the AIM dispersal field, residing within the city created by it.

—Her memories were like fragments peeling off, recovering, bit by bit.

—At the same time, the bonds restraining her were being released, one by one.

Even now, she didn't know why she stood there within the 'City of Shimmers'.

Sometimes, Kazakiri Hyouka would find herself standing on the road as if she had just woke up from a daydream. Looking at the things she had on her, she knew her personal particulars like her name, address, telephone number.

Other than that, there was no way to understand the current situation.

The passers-by around her wouldn't tell her anything.

In truth, these passers-by were rather mysterious. Basically, these people's looks would change according to the setting, like when the shop attendant of a convenience store was about to wipe a glass window, the shop attendant would instantly change into a cleaner. And after wiping the window, the cleaner would change into a child taking an ice cream to the cashier. After that, the child would change into a housewife taking out her purse.

—Maybe it was because the 'humans' she knew of had become 'monsters'.

—Like a limiter being removed, or rather, she could use all her power, all her strength rose up within her.

Everyone in the city was like that. The appearances, personalities and memories would change according to the setting. In truth, when Kazakiri had walked up to the mailman to talk to him, the mailman had changed into a traffic policeman. Even if it was an office woman or a female high school student, they would become middle-aged policemen. Also, everyone's replies were rather blank.

Seeing these people that would change 'just to answer Kazakiri Hyouka's question', Kazakiri started to feel afraid. It was as if her actions would affect these people's flesh and souls.

—BOOM! Every step she took, there would be a shockwave spreading on the floor.

—It was no longer a weight a human should have, and the muscles controlling this weight had already exceeded what the ordinary human could do.

In the beginning, Kazakiri didn’t understand why she was the only one without any ‘changes’, but after a while, she slightly understood the reason. The people in this city would change their appearance in order to do their ‘duty’. On the other hand, if they didn’t do their ‘duty’, they wouldn’t do anything, and the entire city would stop functioning.

And Kazakiri's identity was that of a source. For example, when she walked into a convenience store, intending to buy a bottled beverage, the convenience store attendant would start to work, the beverage would start to run, the electric generator would run, allowing the ice box to create ice, the factory producing the beverage would start, and the bottle recycling company would start to work. The people in this city were all ‘gears’, they could only link together with the power of the ‘source’, Kazakiri, before finally causing this huge intricate machinery called the city to run. Kazakiri herself wasn’t the master of this system, just a source. In other words, she was also a part of this system.

Kazakiri Hyouka was scared.

Because these people weren’t puppets without life, but humans who really had lives.

No matter whether she went forward or backwards, she would completely change other people’s lives. Understanding this, Kazakiri couldn’t move at all. To her, the duty entrusted to her was too heavy.

—BAM! Her head collided against a pillar in the subway.

—However, she was unscathed. In contrast, the concrete pillar let out a cracking sound before collapsing.

Because of fear, she had wanted to escape from the ‘City of Shimmers’.

But if she took any action, it was likely that she would get others involved as well. Thus, Kazakiri could only stand around like a phantom, using her eyes to observe that same city that she couldn’t touch—Academy City.

The people in Academy City couldn’t sense her presence. Even if she was to stand in front of the students in Academy City and reach her hand out, she would pass through them. No matter how close the smiles of these students were, Kazakiri was unable to join in with the students.

Kazakiri understood that. However, she still continued to try and talk to the people of Academy City. Once she could escape into the ‘outside’ of this same place, Academy City, she wouldn’t affect the people in the ‘City of Shimmers’. So even though she knew that she couldn’t do it, she still tried all sorts of means to do it.

Even though she wouldn’t get a reply, even though no one would realise it.

Even though it may end up in sadness.

Because of that, when she had managed to touch the shoulder of the white nun in that school successfully, she had been surprised.

—In this originally hollow body, there seemed to be something rising up within her.

—Right now, she wouldn’t lose to a train on the railroad tracks in terms of speed.

In this place that she didn’t know of, who knew how many coincidences overlapped to allow her to interact happily with others.

To her, this was already the most precious thing to her, even if she had to seal her memories of being a monster.

But right now, Kazakiri Hyouka had released this precious thing.

In order to protect something even more important that she couldn’t lose.

Kazakiri Hyouka dashed down the tracks like a bullet.

Anyone would be scared if they saw her run at this speed.

Of course, fighting against that monster was something really scary. It wasn’t a prediction, but a real experience. The pain of her arms and legs being cut off, her body felt like a rag cloth being twisted. She couldn’t die even if she wanted to, the sense of weakness she felt when she rolled about on the dirty ground.

But more importantly, Kazakiri was afraid of the fear that her good friend Index would have when she saw her as a monster.

(It’s alright even if it’s like this...)

Kazakiri didn’t stop at all, her eyes looking in front.

The first and last moment when she had spent time together with Kamijou and Index after school made Kazakiri feel really happy.

So happy that she wanted to cry. If possible, she wanted to continue staying in that world forever. Just thinking about the fact that she wouldn’t be able to stay with them together again made the warmth in her fingers disappear. She had finally managed to leave the ‘City of Shimmers’, and right now, it seemed meaningless.


But, because she was afraid of losing it, she wanted to protect those important to her.

Even though she knew that she wouldn’t be able to see the smiles on her friends’ faces,

Kazakiri Hyouka still wanted to protect their world.

(I must...!)

She abandoned her identity as a human, turned into a monster, and continued to run within the darkness. Inside that hollow body, there seemed to be something invisible rising within her.

I must go, Kazakiri Hyouka made this determination.

I must go protect my most important friends.

Part 4

The calico cat tried its best to run away, and Index tried her best to pursue.

Running into the dark corner of the back alley behind the convenience store, the cat was scared into scampering all around on seeing Index chase after it. Ducking underneath the cars that were parked on the roads, jumping past metal fences, running from one alley to another. Finally, the cat ran into an abandoned pile of debris.

"Got you!"

At that moment, Index grabbed the calico cat's neck.

Maybe it was because it was facing a girl that was panting yet growling, or maybe it was animal instincts that the cat continued to struggle in her arms as it again tried to get away. Actually, if it hadn't been for Index shouting as she chased after it, the cat probably wouldn't have ran so far.

The calico cat continued to meow loudly in Index's arms, as if saying 'it's so hot, please don't hold me so tightly'. Index however continued to hug the cat tightly as she looked around.

It was truly a wasteland.

In terms of location, it should be similar to the insides of an alley. There were many rather short buildings that were used for business, but these buildings seemed to be fated for demolition, the signboards were taken down, the glass windows were all gone, and even the doors were gone, leaving behind a huge gaping hole. Looking inside the hole, all the decorations were all stripped bare, leaving behind the bare pillars.

Seemed like the owner of the land here intended to remove all the buildings and build some major facility here.

Not intending to give up, the calico cat continued to swing its short, plump legs about as it tried to escape into the debris. Index puffed her cheeks angrily and said,

"Humph, if you're not going to be obedient, I'm going to make you suffer a bit!"

Index blew some air into the calico cat's ear, and the cat seemed like it hated this feeling as it shrieked and trembled. In an instant, it even reached its claws out in reflex, but maybe it was feeling a bit merciful as the calico cat retracted its claws.

"Come on, let's go find that short-haired girl, shall we?"

Index said, and the calico cat purred in an unwilling manner.

At that moment,

The calico cat suddenly lifted its head and then again started to struggle, trying to get away from Index's wrists. And this time, it struggled with a lot more force. Index panicked, wondering if she had used too much force, but after using several methods, the calico cat still didn't calm down at all.

Suddenly, Index felt something land on her head.


Lifting her hands up and touching her head, it was actually powdered concrete. Looking up, the powder came from the eroded walls of the abandoned buildings.

Afterward, the manhole covers started to tremble, letting out a rattling sound.

"...The floor seems to be shaking, no?"

Index felt extremely suspicious, but she suddenly remembered that that London-style magic may be hidden underground, in other words, beside her feet.

Like a living thing, the ground instantly rumbled.


Index frantically jumped back, and at that moment, the place where she had been standing exploded. A gigantic monster's arm reached up from the epicenter of the explosion. The height alone was about 2m, and it looked like a dinosaur with a really long neck, blocking Index.

A large amount of debris scattered from the ground.

A block of asphalt that was larger than Index's head fizzed past her head. She frantically ducked, hugging the cat at her abdomen. Numerous pieces of debris zipped past her, like a swarm of bees flying by, and barely missed hitting her head.

Pa pa pa pa pa! The debris splattered onto the building behind her like a torrent of rain, making a terrifying sound.

Index did not look back, but straight forward. In front of her, a huge stone golem slowly climbed out of the ground, like an undead climbing out from a grave. She couldn't see the caster, so most likely, it was being controlled from afar.

Index silently narrowed her eyes.

The vast amount of knowledge of the magical Index of sector zero of the English Anglicans 'Necessarius' subconsciously appeared in her mind. After a little tidying up of information, she already understood the identity of the enemy in front of her.

(The basis is of Kabbalah. The main use is to defend and remove any enemy presence. The birth year was from the 16th Century, according to Gershom Scholem's explanation, the nature is of tangibility and formlessness) (Gershom Scholem, formerly known as Gerhard Scholem, 1897-1982, a Palestinian thinker who was born in Germany, and later converted to Israeli in 1948, He is widely regarded as the founder of the modern, academic study of Kabbalah, becoming the first Professor of Jewish Mysticism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.)

Speaking of stone golems, many people would imagine them as being made of stone or dirt, stupid and slow monsters. But in truth, that was not the case.

In the ideology of the Kabbalah, humans were created by God through dirt. And the poor copies that humans made with their own hands were stone golems. In other words, stone golems were 'clones that weren't created properly', so their nature was similar to those wooden puppets in fairy tales.

(The original spell was improved by combining with English Anglicans spells; Linguistic system changed from Hebrew to English, and all the body parts are made to react to the Cross. It's more like cloning an Angel than a human.)

However, this stone golem didn't have the structure of an ordinary human.

Seemed like the caster wanted to create something of an even higher existence than a human, that was an Angel that looked like a human from the outside. The head, right arm, left arm, legs were all created in the image of a Cross, each side assigned with the power of the four Archangels, or maybe the caster wanted to create an even stronger dirt Angel.

The only good thing was that there was a limit to human abilities, so even with human hands, it was impossible to create a perfect Angel. It was like trying to create a perfect Angel of Water, it was impossible for humans to accomplish this.

But even an incomplete Angel was still a dangerous thing.

BOOM! The footsteps of the stone golem rumbled the ground.

Index hugged the calico cat tightly and took a step back.

There was no chance of winning if one was to fight straight from the front. Normally speaking, this kind of stone golem would have a ‘secret code’ as a safety feature. By stroking it a bit with a finger, the stone golem functions would cease, preventing the stone golem from going rampant. But the enemy was no amateur, this weakness would definitely not be located at a place where others could touch. Most likely, the ‘secret code’ should be within the body, surrounded by the exoskeleton of the stone golem.

Index was unable to use magic, and didn’t have any superpowers. She didn’t have any inexplicable powers at all, her arms were weaker than ordinary humans. Facing this girl who only had a vast amount of ‘knowledge’ in her mind, the stone golem raised its arm without mercy.

BOOM! Forget about the air, the fist that could crush even space swung over. The girl took a slight breath.

“T T T L—turn to the left.”

She then said this.

Immediately, the fist of the stone golem that was swinging down suddenly curled left like a snake. The stone golem’s fist swept past an empty space. Index glanced from the corner of her eyes and took a step forward, standing beside the stone golem.

The stone golem quickly turned, its fist was swung horizontally.

“C F A—Turn upwards.”

But the strike changed trajectory as well, passing above Index’s head.

Just as the stone golem wanted to swing its fist again,

“P I O B T L L—Turn the left foot to the left.”

The stone golem’s leg suddenly ignored its balance and stepped backwards, and due to the fist that was raised high, the stone golem lost balance and slammed hard backwards.

Index took another 2, 3 light steps back.

The language she was speaking in was a quick Kabbalah reading method, it was a unique pronunciation method of only using the first alphabet, with the aim of turning it into a code and making it quicker to read.

Though Index had a vast amount of knowledge, she didn’t have any ability to create magic, so she couldn’t use magic. But to anyone who was seeing this right now, it was likely that they wouldn’t view her as any different from other real magicians.

The stone golem stood up and ran over to close the distance to Index, its fist swinging over like a cannonball. The girl muttered, and just like that, the stone golem’s fist again changed trajectory, sweeping in a completely different direction.

It was as if the orders Index was giving were interfering with the stone golem’s actions. In other words, it was interfering with the orders the caster’s giving, a forced enchanting.

Spell Intercept.

The logic behind it was simple, the caster would think of a magic command code, so by letting the caster’s mind become confused, the caster’s control of magic would be obstructed. It was like a person counting down in his mind, if someone spouted some random numbers, he would be affected.

Index couldn’t use magic.

But she could try to let the opposing magician self-destruct.

Though the caster of the spell wasn’t around, according to Index’s analysis of the spell structure, she felt that the stone golem was not automated, but controlled from a distance. In other words, the caster was using the five senses of the stone golem to observe every single action Index made. If so, there was a chance.

“C R B B F T T N A T W I T O D—Alter to the right, cross both legs, turn neck and hip in opposite directions.”

The stone golem continued to swing its fist, and Index shouted commands even more quickly. Like a drunkard that was blindfolded, the stone golem’s fist continued to say hello to unrelated areas.

(Just evading alone...isn’t going to be enough!)

Index took off all the safety pins on the skirt of her nun robes. The nun habit became a high-cut cheongsam, her entire thigh was revealed, but there was no time to care about that.

She was holding onto a safety pin, staring intently at the stone golem.

It was a bit plain to use such a weapon against a huge stone golem.

(Reverse-engineering self-regeneration formula, time period is approximately 3 seconds. If I want to make use of it...there!)

Index tossed the safety pin at the stone golem without any hesitation. The safety pin was rather slow, and forget about a stone armour, it couldn’t even prick a human’s skin. The safety pin arced and bounced onto the stone golem’s leg. After that, it was sucked into the stone golem’s body like a magnetic attraction.

In an instant.

Like a wedge that was hammered into a joint, the right ankle of the giant stone golem was somewhat stifled.

It was somewhat similar to the Spell Intercept. The stone golem had the ability to use anything around it to assimilate into itself and repair any wounds. On the other hand, if things that were unnecessary or even harmful to the structure were thrown to it, the self-repair system would have an error. An example would be leaving a fractured wrist alone and not doing anything to it, leaving it in a weird shape.

103,000 magical grimoires lay in slumber within Index.

But just knowledge alone was meaningless, the most important thing was to apply it and find the most suitable solution within the shortest time.

Maybe I can win, Index thought as she started to back away. Her Spell Intercept wasn’t one universal solution, it was completely useless against completely unknown spells like an alchemist’s premium gold spell or equipment like Yamisaka Ouma’s bow of asuza that could replace spell enchantments. However, there was no such problem with this golem. The Spell Intercept could definitely interfere with the stone golem’s actions, and by skillfully using the safety pins, they could damage the stone golem. Index thought that as long as she continued to interfere, maybe there was a chance to destroy the entire structure and cause the stone golem to crumble.


The sudden shock caused Index to tumble onto the ground. She unintentionally let her jaw drop. Even if she could interfere with the enemy’s actions, she couldn’t avoid such an attack that shook the entire ground.

The stone golem dragged its stone leg and slowly walked towards Index, who was sprawled onto the ground.

“C R—right...!”

Index shouted halfway through, but the stone golem raised its two fists and let them clash against each other.

BAM! The huge impact rattled Index’s ears. Her words were cut off midway through, and the calico cat in her arms purred in agony due to the deafening pain.

The stone golem again raised its fist.

Index hugged the calico cat and rolled onto the floor, trying to pull her distance away and shouted,

“M B F P A D C O G—Let both legs be positioned in parallel and lose balance!”

The stone golem heard Index’s voice, and only shook its head slightly. After that, it looked like it just switched off, ignoring Index’s commands.

(No...! Long distance manipulation has been switched to automated mode...!)

If there was no caster, Index’s Spell Intercept wouldn’t work. Her orders could only work on humans, it couldn’t work on inorganic matter that didn’t have any thought process.

The stone golem’s giant fist sliced the air as it cut through.

Index was already unable to stop its attack.

The blunt sound of flesh being slammed hard onto the concrete floor could be heard.

Part 5

Kamijou finally managed to move through the hole and into the underground passage.

It would have taken too much time if he had needed to find something that could be used as rope. He let go of the thick fire hose and continued to run through the dark passage.

(Damn it! These guys always like to make things difficult for me! It’s already so difficult and yet they’re making things even more difficult!)

Ellis’ footprints could be seen everywhere on the concrete floor. Looking down through the dark passage, he couldn’t see Kazakiri Hyouka, nor could he hear any footsteps.

After thinking of the last smile that Kazakiri had left behind, Kamijou tightly gripped his own fist.

A hand that slays.

A dream bubble like girl that would disappear on being touched.

(Can’t let it end like this. I can’t let it end on such a stupid note!)

Though Kazakiri had said that she voluntarily became a monster, that wasn’t the case. She really wasn’t human, but she shouldn’t be considered a monster.

Was it because Kazakiri wasn’t human that she couldn’t even shout for help?

Was she limited in tears such that she could only endure this pain silently?

(It...shouldn’t be like this!)

Kamijou gritted his teeth as he moved forward.

There were rectangular concrete pillars on the underground train track, separating the uplink and the downlink. No matter how much he ran, Kamijou would always see the same thing, making him feel extremely frustrated.

Suddenly, the pillar besides him collapsed.

It was like a giant’s hand pushing a block down; and it was obviously not a natural phenomenon.


Kamijou saw the pillar fall towards him and hastily jumped sideways. A terrifying collision sound could be heard, and the dust scattered from the concrete.

“As expected, you won’t be finished off just like that...”

A voice could be heard through the darkness. Kamijou coughed as he turns his head around. Dressed dirtily and dragging her feet, Sherry Cromwell was standing in front of him.

Both of them were about 10m from each other.

Kamijou frowned. Sherry, who signified violence, had disappeared.

“Ho...hoho...hohohoho. I let Ellis go on first. Now, Ellis may have found his target, huh? Maybe he might have turned it into rubble.”

“ bastard...!”

Kamijou lowered his body and clenched his fist.

Sherry could control Ellis without the need for chalk. However, it felt like a dual-screen broadcast on a television, it was rather draining mentally.

Once she saw Kamijou’s reaction, Sherry smiled.

“That’s right, that’s the way. I’ll play with you here and won’t let you find Ellis.”

On hearing these words, Kamijou finally understood Sherry’s intentions. She wanted to restrain Kamijou here, the only person who had a way to beat Ellis.

Kazakiri Hyouka should have passed through this place, but there was no sign of her.

Maybe Sherry had purposely let her off. Kazakiri should be one of the targets, but Sherry gave up rather well, intending to focus on Index alone.

Also, it seemed that to Sherry, Kamijou was the only opponent for her. As she didn’t have time to care about others, the magician let Kazakiri go.

Kamijou remembered what Sherry had said.

“I need something that will cause a war to start, so I have to let a lot more people know. I’m from the English Anglicans, understand that—ELLIS!!”

Since Sherry wanted to create such a huge commotion in Academy City, it was a hassle to ask her who the English Anglicans wanted to fight with.

However, was that really what the English Anglicans were thinking?

At least, Tsuchimikado, Kanzaki and Stiyl shouldn’t have had this intention.

“...What are you planning to do? I don’t know what’s really going on, but isn’t there a balance between the magic and science sides? Why are you challenging us on purpose? What’s the meaning behind this?”

Hearing Kamijou’s question, Sherry just smiled.

She laughed mockingly,

“I don’t know if you have heard of how espers’ bodies will corrode if they try to use magic?”


That answer didn’t match the question and made Kamijou frown.

“Don’t you find it strange? Why does everyone know about this?”

Sherry’s words pierced Kamijou bit by bit.

“Because we tried it before. About 20 years ago, the English Anglicans and Academy City each had a certain group of people that wanted to work together. We gathered all our technology and knowledge in one place to try and combine powers and magic to create a new form of spellcaster, and in the end...”

Without listening to the end, Kamijou could guess the outcome.

Once the espers tried to use magic, their bodies would self-destruct. The ‘Misawa Cram School’ students and Tsuchimikado were the best examples.

“Then what happened after they tried...?”

“Sort of annihilated. The higher-ups of the English Anglicans realised that we were in contact with the science side, so they started to hunt us down. Just the fact that we were exchanging knowledge and technology was enough to be a reason for us to be hunted down.”

Kamijou remained silent.

Trying to let science work together with magic, or trying to prevent science from working with magic, these weren’t meant to hurt others.

“Ellis was my friend.”

Sherry muttered.

“At that time, Ellis was one of the espers that Academy City sent in.”

Kamijou frowned. Ellis was also the name of that stone golem. If so, what was Sherry feeling while she called the stone golem Ellis? Most likely, only Sherry knew this feeling.

“Ellis was covered in blood after he cast a spell that I taught him. After that, the ‘knights’ rushed in with the intention of annihilating us. In order to help me escape, Ellis got hammered down by the knights.”

The dark subway was as silent as a chapel.

Sherry said slowly,

“We have to maintain a clear distance from you people, otherwise, forget about arguments and conflicts, just wanting to understand each other would cause misfortune. If the magicians and scientists can’t live together, the same tragedy will occur once again.”

Thus, there had to be a war.

“Damn it, this is too unreasonable. You want to start a war to protect both sides? No, in fact, you really don’t want to start a war, right? You would have completed your objective even if you don’t seriously start a war. Can’t you just make both sides feel that ‘seems like a war is starting’ or ‘danger’s right at our doorstep’?”

“You smart-alec brat, what do you know? Stop looking at me with that expression.”

Though Sherry denied it, Kamijou firmly believed in his idea. To avoid having both magicians and scientists have a decisive conflict against each other, even her oxymoronic request could be achieved without the need to trigger a war. Both sides just needed to grasp each other’s taboos and not try to understand each other.

At least what he could be sure of was that two groups that had no common point wouldn’t be able to create either love or hatred.

With this, not only would they not stand off against each other.

It could also prevent the friction caused by trying to work with each other.

‘Magicians and scientists should be far away from one another’—maybe Sherry’s theory was correct, and whatever Kamijou’s argument may be, it may come off as selfish and stubborn. However, Kamijou was unable to accept Sherry’s view no matter what.

Because if that really happened, he would be separated from Index.

No, in order to create the ‘spark’, she would be killed.

Though it may have sounded stupid and self-centered.

Kamijou was unable to let go of this no matter what.

No matter what.

Sherry Cromwell pulled out a piece of white oil pastel from her tattered robe. Wary, Kamijou watched every single action that her fingers did, feeling suspicious in the meantime. If what Sherry said was true, she should be unable to create 2 stone golems. And after sealing off Ellis, Kamijou was able to punch Sherry away, which showed that Sherry had no spells that were stronger than Ellis.

Suddenly, Sherry shook her messy hair and said in delight,

“Hoho, can’t believe that you didn’t figure it out. Good thing this place is dark.”


Kamijou inadvertently asked back. Sherry slightly swayed the oil pastel in her hand. Right now, she was unable to create any stone golems, and even if she was to write texts on the floor or the walls, it would only cause the place to collapse.

“Oh my? Don’t you find it strange? It’s so dark here, so why would I choose to appear here and even talk with you for a long time? Normally speaking, wouldn’t it be more effective for me to carry out an ambush by hiding in the darkness and waiting for you to move through?”

Kamijou was shocked and speechless. Right now, the only thing Sherry could do was to bring down the wall beside her hand. Both of them were about 10m from each other, so it should be safe.

“Oh yes, about this place. Now why would I choose this place? There’s only one road here, and you can’t possibility miss it. Now why would I specially wait for you here?”

But if that theory was correct, how had she caused the pillar beside Kamijou to collapse a while back?

“Basically, this is it! Watch this!”

Shua! Sherry swung the oil pastel along horizontally at a speed as if she was cutting the air.

Suddenly, the entire underground road let out a dim glow.

(This is...?)

Kamijou was shocked. Actually, the walls, ceiling, all the places that could be seen had markings that Sherry had drawn with her oil pastel, including the areas behind Kamijou and Sherry. Though it didn’t extend out to the entire subway, at least the markings covered about 100m in distance.

There were numerous magic arrays even on the floor, like raindrops from a ceiling.

(Oh no...this magic array, don’t tell me it’s Ellis...!)

Kamijou couldn’t help but tremble. Looking closely, all the magic arrays that covered the road were of similar shapes, they looked like tiles.

According to Sherry, she couldn’t create 2 stone golems at the same time. If that was the case, there couldn’t possibility be a new Ellis appearing here.

But what was Sherry planning? To run all the way here...

If the magic array to create a stone golem failed, it seemed like it would cause the floor to collapse. Right now, the magic arrays covered the entire road, and that meant...

(Damn it...does she intend to cause the entire tunnel to collapse?)

It was said that to demolish and blow up a building, they wouldn’t use a huge explosive, but would set up many small ones all over the building before triggering them all. These magic arrays had a similar effect.

How many magic arrays were there? Assuming that every magic array was about 1m in diameter, just arranging them all, there would be 100 of them. The walls and ceiling were all crammed with magic arrays, and who knew how many there were. If they were all independent spells, it was impossible to negate all the magic arrays just by touching one or two of them.

So Sherry had stayed here with the intention of preparing this. By setting up this trap, she didn’t even need to get near Kamijou, she could just cause the surrounding area to collapse with a single order.

“The earth is my companion. The darkness surrounded by the earth is my stronghold.”

Sherry Cromwell said in a singing like manner.

Since Sherry had drawn so many magic arrays, once the order was executed, she should be caught up in the collapse as well. but she would most definitely have created many escape routes. Maybe the rubble would avoid her and create an oval-shaped safe zone.

Maybe the way the place would collapse would be well-planned, just nicely creating an exit to the surface.


Kamijou slackened his jaw. Right now, it was too late to escape behind or run towards Sherry. Since the enemy had already set up a trap, she would not be so nice so as to prepare an escape route.

Seemed like even Kamijou’s anxiousness was within Sherry’s expectations. She just shouted out confidently,


In response to the shout, the magic arrays nearby let out even more light. The entire path was like a snake’s stomach, moving along slowly and disgustingly.

(Damn it...what to do...?)

He would definitely die if he was unable to escape. The magic arrays that covered the entire place couldn’t be erased one by one with his right hand. Besides, he couldn’t even touch those magic arrays on the ceiling. Even if he was to negate the magic arrays on the walls and floor, if he couldn’t even prevent the most dangerous part—the ceiling from collapsing, he would still be buried alive anyway.

Thinking about this, Kamijou suddenly stopped.

The magic array on the floor?


Sherry shouted as if she was pressing down the final trigger.

The walls and ceiling started to crack, like a balloon expanding from within. In truth, it was because the vulnerable ceiling was unable to withstand the overwhelming weight of the gravel.


Kamijou rushed forward while the cracking balloon-like ceiling looked like it was about to break. He had only one goal—where the caster, Sherry was standing. It was likely the only safe zone, but no matter what, it was impossible for Kamijou to get there with his feet alone.

“Thus, my target’s not there!”

Kamijou clenched his fist, bending down as he continued to run, staying close to the ground. He had only one target, not Sherry Cromwell, but a certain magic array that was extremely close to him.

Kamijou remembered what Index had been grumbling about in the canteen.

“Hey, Touma, do you know? During English rituals, when one wants to cast an original spell on a Cross-like idol that’s infused with Telesma, the inside of the Chapel and the position of the caster are very important! In fact, the caster will create a defensive barrier to prevent the body from being damaged. The set-up and positioning are important, once they deviate from the original position, the secondary defensive spell will be affected by the main spell and will be unable to work. Touma, do you know the golden ratio? Say it, it’s common knowledge.”

(That magic array is the only one without any significance!)

That was right, the magic arrays on the walls and ceilings were meant to cause the subway to collapse, burying Kamijou alive. This could be understood.

But why would there be a need for a magic array on the floor? Even if the floor was destroyed, it couldn’t bury Kamijou alive.

(If so, that magic array is the only one with a different purpose!)

Understanding Kamijou’s intention, Sherry Cromwell’s expression changed as she frantically waved her oil pastel to give a command to the surrounding walls and ceiling. However, it was too late. Kamijou avoided the collapsing wall, passed through the tilted pillar, aimed at the magic array on the floor and raised his right hand.

After that, he hit it without hesitation.

Like water stains after a block of ice was broken, the magic array vanished without a trace.

Another pivotal spell to Sherry’s plans had vanished.

If that magic array was meant to create a safe zone in this collapsing situation and protect her own life, if it disappeared now, she wouldn’t dare to command a collapse.


Sherry hastily raised her oil pastel and waved it in the air. The ceiling that looked like it would collapse at anytime let out a creaking sound and was tightly secured.

PA! At that moment, a strong and forceful footstep could be heard.

Sherry panicked and frantically turned her eyes from the ceiling to the front. Like water bouncing off rock, Kamijou had leapt off the ground and was already in front Sherry.

Sherry quickly waved the oil pastel.

However, Kamijou’s fist was a lot faster, easily hitting Sherry’s face.

Sherry’s body swayed along with her hair and robes, rolling on the subway track a few meters before finally stopping. After spending so much time to prepare all the traps, they were useless; this caused her to look extremely anxious and nervous.

“...Ugh, damn it!”

Sherry stumbled one to two steps back and cursed to herself. The oil pastel in her hand was trembling slightly as well, the force of her fingers was about to break the oil pastel in half.

“Don’t stop me! I must create the ‘spark’ to this war! Why can’t you tell that this is the most dangerous situation!? Academy City’s security has even been getting loose nowadays, and the English Anglicans allowed that Index to go out of hand! The situation now is like what happened to Ellis! We caused quite a tragedy, and this time, it involves the whole of Academy City and the English Anglicans! I suppose you know what the outcome will be!!”

Sherry’s voice bounced a few times through the dark underground before reaching Kamijou’s ears from all angles.

Her motivation was the death of a friend.

Because of that, Sherry felt that when scientists and magicians got too close, tragedy would be the only result. Forget about disputes and conflicts, sometimes, just the thought of wanting to improve friendship would bring about the opposite effect. In Sherry’s view, for the science side and magic side to not have any further conflicts, the only way was for both to be involved in their own territory, completely isolated from each other, and to chase away everyone from the other camp.

In order to do this, Sherry wanted to create a spark for war.

This was to prevent both sides from trying to understand each other. This was because Sherry knew that the kind way of thinking would only cause the situation to worsen and create tragedies.

Sherry didn’t really want to create a war. As long as she could create a ‘spark’, her objective would be achieved.

Thinking about this, Kamijou sighed with disdain.

“How ridiculous. Can you justify your actions? What did Kazakiri do? What feud does Index have with you? You’re going about proclaiming that you don’t want conflicts, BUT HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE YOU GOING TO KILL?”

Kamijou roared, releasing all of the pent up negative feelings inside him.

As he couldn’t agree with it, he roared,


Ellis’ death could be attributed to the minority group of scientists and magicians who had worked together, and the English Anglicans who had viewed these people as a dangerous group of radicals.

After understanding all this, what were Sherry’s thoughts?

Was she going to take revenge for her friend?

Or was she going to swear that she wouldn’t allow the tragedy to repeat itself.

“...I don’t know.” Sherry Cromwell bit her teeth hard as she said,


This contradicting roar echoed throughout the dark passage.

She seemed to have heard of it herself, and continued on in a self-loathing tone,


However, Kamijou Touma just responded,

"Why haven't you realised it yet?"


"Your words are really contradicting. You believe that your heart is having so many contradictions, that you can accept all sorts of ideas, that your belief will waver...maybe you're thinking that way. But you're wrong. Actually, you had only one belief right from the beginning."

Kamijou said it, the only answer that Sherry herself hadn't thought of, "Anyway, you just don't want to lose your friend, right?"

That was right, the 'beliefs' that Sherry Cromwell had were as many as the stars in the sky, and the contents were contradicting each other. But the basic source was the same. All her beliefs came from what happened to her friend, and all her thoughts had been bred and derived from there.

Even though her beliefs were as many as the stars, the thoughts for her friend hadn't changed a single bit.

"Stand on one side and think carefully! If you can't, then think about it some more! Didn't you use those dirt 'eyes' to spy on us? What do you think? Do Index and I look unhappy together? It’s alright even if we don’t separate from each other completely! Even if we don’t do anything, we can remain happy together forever!”

Wasn’t Kamijou’s and Index’s relationship what Sherry had always wanted? Why must she break such a relationship?’ Kamijou would definitely not say those words, for Sherry had only one wish, and that wish couldn’t be fulfilled anymore. There was no substitute for the wish, and if someone had tried to tell Kamijou to replace his relationship with Index with someone else, Kamijou would definitely sock that guy good.

Thus, Kamijou didn’t mean this.

What Kamijou Touma was trying to say was,

‘We don’t need your help! So stop taking away my important friend!’

Sherry Cromwell’s shoulders jerked.

She knew that her wish couldn’t be fulfilled any more, but she should remember how important that wish was. As it had been taken away, she understood the pain behind it even more.

Sherry’s face distorted due to sadness.

Kamijou’s words were very simple, it was not hard to understand. Though they were rather immature words, they touched Sherry’s heart, for she had let out a similar shout before.


But right now, her angry roar rejected Kamijou’s idea.

She shouted her sorcery name.

She should be able to understand Kamijou's feelings.

However, Sherry Cromwell had numerous beliefs , and among them were things that she didn't want to understand. No, she did this, perhaps because she could understand Kamijou's thinking. The person right in front of her had everything that she had lost, and obviously, Sherry wanted to personally drag this person down to Hell. For such a belief to exist even among the numerous number of them wasn't strange.

SHUA! She waved the oil pastel in her hand.

Lines appeared on the walls beside Sherry, and the walls collapsed like paper clay. A large amount of dust flew about instantly blocking both people's sight.

Seeing this grey-screen fog like dust heading towards him, Kamijou inadvertently felt like retreating.

But at that moment, Sherry broke past the dusty fog and arrived in front of Kamijou. She grabbed the oil pastel and dashed at Kamijou like a bullet.

Kamijou was shocked. Anything that touched that oil pastel, no matter steel or dirt, everything would be material for Ellis. Maybe even human flesh.


She cursed like a devil and yet looked like a child about to cry.

(Ah, I see.)

In reflex, Kamijou gripped his right hand and thought of something.

Most likely, this wasn't her ultimate attack. If this attack could definitely kill Kamijou, she would have done it right from the beginning. And when Ellis had been held down by Anti-Skill, she hadn't gotten hit by Kamijou so easily, let alone set so many traps in this subway.

Sherry Cromwell's beliefs were as many as the stars in the sky.

She had said that every single one of them sounded logical, thus it was extremely painful.

In other words...

"You hope that someone can stop your belief?"

BAM! Kamijou's fist crushed the soft oil pastel into bits.

The fist didn't slow down a single bit, and even though it slightly deviated, it headed towards Sherry Cromwell's face.

PAM!! Sherry's body slammed onto the floor of the subway, letting out a terrifying sound.

Kamijou slowly walked towards Sherry, who was lying beside a pillar. Seemed like she was unconscious now.

(Well...has Ellis finally stopped?)

Kamijou didn't dare to find out himself. Even if he was to wake Sherry up and question her, it was unlikely that she would tell the truth. Whether her answer was a 'YES' or a 'NO', it wouldn't ease Kamijou's insecurity.

(Damn it! Looks like I have to check it out myself!)

For added security, Kamijou decided to pick up some waste electric cables and tie Sherry's hands and legs up.

After tying Sherry's hands and legs, Kamijou ran down the path.

After running inside for a while, there was a heavy vibration within the darkness.

There was no need to ask where Ellis had gone.


10 seconds later, Sherry Cromwell slightly opened her eyes.

In truth, she wasn't unconscious.

Sherry was wondering, why hadn't she been killed? Since she knew that she had no right to complain even if she was killed, Sherry had done a frontal attack that was no different from suicide.

Right now, though she was rather contented, she didn't know which belief would appear next, since there were still as many as there were stars. She might break away from these bonds and start hunting down those people again.

As she more or less understood what the boy had meant, she had some thoughts of not wanting to hurt others. But on the other hand, a completely contradictory thought appeared in her mind.

Having her hands tied up behind her, Sherry shook her body to cause the oil pastel to fall out from her clothes.


Sherry lied on the floor, using the hand behind her to pick up the oil pastel. At that moment, Sherry thought of something. Right now, Ellis was in automatic mode, and wouldn't accept her orders. In other words, even the most basic order of 'self-destruct' would be ignored. Unless they destroyed the 'secret code' safety mechanism or destroy more than 90% of Ellis' body, Ellis wouldn't be stopped.

Angry and regretful, Sherry waved her last oil pastel.

She couldn't create 2 Ellis at the same time. In other words, as long as the current Ellis wasn't destroyed, Sherry was unable to create a new one. And this meant that for Sherry, who was now tied up, there was no way to escape.


Unable to move, Sherry Cromwell gave a meaningless command to Ellis.

Was this order to destroy the target? Or to abort the mission?

These two thoughts appeared in her heart at the same time.

Part 6

The stone golem shook its head.

Index’s ‘Spell Intercept’ had failed.

The stone golem raised its fist.

The terrifying sound of the flesh being smashed echoed throughout the wasteland.

But it wasn’t Index’s flesh being splattered, and the calico cat was unharmed. Of course, it was not the stone golem breaking either; a monster made from stone wouldn’t make such a sound.

It was Kazakiri Hyouka.

This girl had jumped over Index’s head from behind, sending a flying kick at the abdomen of the stone golem. The power and speed were abnormal, like a meteor strike.

BOOM!! An explosion could be heard.

Like an iron ball sent flying, the stone golem was lifted up into the air and made 3 flips before falling face first down on the ground. This strike alone caused the stone golem to fly back 7 metres. In contrast, after Kazakiri used all her strength to hit the stone golem, she silently stopped in the air.

Like a light feather, she slowly descended to the ground.

PAM!! The heavy vibrations could be felt.

The moment Kazakiri Hyouka let her leg that hadn’t been used to kick land, with the leg at centre, there were cracks extending out to 2 metres radius. It was as if a large hammer had been used to slam the ground. This gave anyone a wrong impression that Kazakiri was now 10 times heavier.


Index wanted to shout at Kazakiri, whose back was facing her, but on seeing what was going on, she gasped.

The right leg that Kazakiri had used to kick had completely disappeared from the knee and below. That one hit had been able to send a several ton giant stone golem flying far away, and the recoil far exceeded what a normal human could withstand.

At first, that was what Index assumed.

But on seeing the cut side of the right leg, she saw that it was actually a hole there. The wound was like a transparent pillar, with the paint peeled off, it was very unnatural.

(...That...what’s going on?)

Index hugged the calico cat and pondered.

The Jumping Zombie Spell (Chiyoushijiyutsu), Necronomicon, The Hand of Glory (Hasodoobugerrowari), Vetala Sorcery (Weetarajiyujiyutsu), the Elixir (Erikushirunado) Index’s mind, there were numerous spells and knowledge regarding the manipulation of the dead. Some spells only required a bit of touch-up on the corpse, and after that, it would be easy to manipulate them freely.

But, even Index couldn’t explain what was in front of her.

Could humans really change into something like this?

PAM! She could hear the sound of a large bed sheet being flapped in mid-air. After that, Kazakiri’s broken leg was now as good as ever. It was like a spring was attached onto her leg, and her new leg seemed to bounce back up from the ground, at a shocking speed.

“Hurry, run.”

Kazakiri Hyouka didn’t turn her head back.

Her back faced Index as she said,

“Hurry up and’s...still dangerous here.”

This voice truly came from the Kazakiri Hyouka that Index was familiar with. Thus, Index was puzzled and didn’t dare to say anything. She couldn’t tell whether she could let her guard down, because she couldn’t tell whether this girl was the real ‘Kazakiri Hyouka’, this one may be a fake that really resembled the real one.

At this moment, the stone golem on the floor made a creaking sound.

The stone golem seemed like it wanted to stand up, but Kazakiri’s hit had caused a lot of damage to its structure. In terms of human anatomy, it was like the waist was immobilised. The stone golem let out a mysterious sound, it was the sound of the joints shaking...

PAM! A sound similar to bones breaking could be heard.

The result of trying to stand up—it caused even more damage to the insides of the body.

CRA CLARCK CRACK CRACK CRACK! The stone golem moaned. Strictly speaking, the golem didn’t have any vocal chords, thus, it was a dissonance of sounds caused by the joints trying to move. The stone statue couldn’t stand up properly, and could only use its limbs to support itself. It looked up, looking like it was about to shout out at the sky.

Suddenly, there was a huge gust of wind.

With the stone golem that was continuing to let out this sudden voice, a tornado-like storm whipped up, and the large chunks of wind seemed to swallow all the rubble. However, this wasn’t one that carried everything up into the air and forced them all over the place. In terms of its nature, it was like a whirlpool that was trying to pull in any nearby ships into the abyss of the sea.

The wind wasn’t blowing outwards, but inwards.

Pebbles, empty cans, abandoned bicycles, windows without panes...all of them were absorbed onto the stone golem. After that, they got crushed by an invisible force, becoming a part of the stone golem’s body.

(Oh no...that hit just now made the stone golem lose control of its regeneration ability...?)

Index tightly hugged onto the calico cat that was about to fly out of her hands, her entire body trembling. The one hit by ‘Kazakiri Hyouka’ seemed to cause fatal damage to the stone golem, even damaging the ‘core’ hidden inside the stone golem’s body.

But the wound could no longer be repaired.

Thus, the command to ‘continue fixing it until the wound heals’ would continue to be executed. The parts that were unable to be repaired would just suck up excess stuff. In the end, the stone golem would continue to snowball and get bigger. The body which had originally been close to 4m tall was now 2 times as wide in less than 30 seconds. The posture it took by lifting itself off the ground looked no different from a roof covering Index and Kazakiri.

The neighbouring structures started to make noises.

Index heard these huge structures making terrible noises like trees in a storm, her pale skin inadvertently turning paler. If this kept up the surrounding buildings around the duo would be blown apart. Once they were engulfed by this catastrophe, they would have no chances of surviving. Besides, the tornado was at the capacity such that it was able to destroy any buildings. No matter how Index tried to hold on, her feet would still leave the ground and she would be swallowed by the body of the stone golem.

Index knew that they had to get away, and fast.

Right now, that stone golem was in the condition that it didn’t need a controller, thus the Spell Intercept wouldn’t work. Since the stone golem's regeneration system was malfunctioning, and it would continue to run without being able to repair itself, safety pins alone weren’t going to seal its movements. Index didn’t like it, but since she was unable to perform any magic, she was unable to do anything despite the vast amount of knowledge that she had.

Index was unable to restrain the stone golem any more. As far as she knew, the only one who could settle this situation was the boy with the strongest right hand.


Even though Index was unable to confirm that the girl in front of her was the ‘Kazakiri Hyouka’ who had played with her after school, she still shouted at her.

At this moment, the outer wall of destroyed buildings was approaching.

Right now, the giant hammer-like mass of dirt was being affected by the tornado as well, flying about in mid-air. Index hurriedly hugged the calico cat and squatted down. The pile of dirt passed above Index’s head , colliding on the asphalt road. The fragments pulled from the road were also being absorbed into the stone golem.

Anyone carelessly lifting their head up would be caught by the flying blocks of stones in the air, let alone escaping.

In such a moment of despair, Kazakiri Hyouka still stood around as if it was nothing.

The giant slab of rock that was even larger than Kazakiri’s body brushed her cheeks, but she didn’t even recoil her neck. Like an old man staring at the waves of a sea, she was unmoved by it.

Kazakiri Hyouka didn’t turn her head back, just saying silently.

“You...better run.”

“Then what about you?”

Index held the calico cat down to prevent it being blown away as she asked.


The girl pondered for a while, before saying,

“I have to...stop that monster.”

As if it got angered by Kazakiri Hyouka’s voice, the stone golem that was supporting itself on its limbs raised its right arm. Due to the increase in mass, its movements were slower, but like an avalanche that was about to collapse, the stored energy was waiting to be released in an instant.

Once the punch was sent, it would definitely crush the duo and the surrounding buildings to dust. There was no way to defend against that strength that far exceeded a human's.

“No way, Hyouka! Run! That isn’t an enemy that a human can take on! You have to think of some other way even if you want to fight it.

The stone block didn’t move its fist, seemingly aiming at its target silently.

“Hyouka, that thing isn’t human! Facing that thing head-on isn’t a smart thing to do! You will definitely die! Hyouka!”

Index shouted, and at that moment, Kazakiri slowly turned her head around.

She was supposed to be locked on by this cannon-like fist, yet Kazakiri didn’t look concerned as she turned around.

“...Don’t worry.”

Kazakiri said.

She looked like she was going to cry anytime, yet she revealed a smile.

“Because I’m not human as well.”

Index couldn’t help but gasp.

Kazakiri Hyouka stared at Index’s expression, barely able to force a smile out, and said a last sentence.

“I’m sorry, for tricking you for so long.”

The stone golem behind Kazakiri sent its fist over.

BOOM! The air got compressed, and it was not much different from a meteorite falling. Index couldn’t help but cringe, still shouting Hyouka’s name.

Kazakiri Hyouka didn’t reply.

She turned around to face the stone golem, raising her slender arms to each side, using herself as a shield to protect Index.

The fist of the stone golem was right in front of her.

This huge hit wasn’t like a bullet or a cannon, but an entire wall slamming over. The difference in strength between Kazakiri and the stone golem was astounding.

It was like using a twig to block a mudslide.


Kazakiri Hyouka’s slender arms blocked the fist of that stone golem called Ellis front straight up front.

Her hands, legs, chest, abdomen, back, head...all of the body parts were injured severely, her entire body was in pain as she looked like her limbs were going to break apart. Her arms were shorter by at least 5cm, and the compression of the arms caused Kazakiri’s originally slender arms to wrinkle. It was like there were protrusions under her skin.


Kazakiri Hyouka could hear the sound of the girl behind her, who was unable to say anything.

Kazakiri wanted to tell her not to worry, but she couldn’t even turn back and smile.

She couldn’t say anything, nor do anything.

Her body let out some cracking sounds, and a sharp pain spread from inside her hands to her arms, as if a nail file was used to rub against teeth.

Like a landslide, the power that could make anyone despair exerted itself on Kazakiri’s body. The power of the stone golem’s fist was absorbed by Kazakiri, breaking her fingers. She supported herself off the ground as she was pushed backwards on the asphalt road. The calves that were holding up against an unfathomable amount of pressure let out a terrifying sound, like branches of a tree about to be broken from the weight of snow on them. The sudden sensation of pain echoed through Kazakiri’s body, her calves felt like someone had been using a hammer to hit them.

The stone golem seemed like it wanted to thoroughly destroy this little resistance in front of it, as it increased the force.


Kazakiri shouted as she exerted more strength, her limbs expanding rapidly. This wasn’t a phenomenon caused by exerting the strength in the muscles, but more like a balloon, as the limbs that were being pressed down expanded, again reverting back to their original shape.

Kazakiri’s vision was becoming blurry, as if a wound that was almost healed was being ripped open again.

The stone monster again exerted more strength with its fist.

The external force that was trying to crush the flesh and the internal force that was trying to let the flesh regain its shape collided with each other, and the girl’s body was stuck between these two forces, making creaking sounds like they were dragging on an old wooden floor.

Kazakiri gritted her teeth, not willing to let her hands separate from the stone golem’s fist.

She definitely couldn’t let go.

She had to protect the girl behind her. That white girl wasn’t a monster like her, she didn’t have the strength to block the giant fist.

A monster, had to be stopped by another monster.


However, no matter how much she tried, Kazakiri Hyouka wouldn’t get any redemption.

Even if she saved Index, the price would be that Kazakiri Hyouka would be defeated by the stone golem. She didn't have enough experience to know whether her severely damaged body could recover. Besides, if her body was like the pillars or bicycles, Kazakiri’s body would become a part of the stone golem. It was hard to imagine what Kazakiri Hyouka would become. And even if a miracle occurred, and both of them survived, Index already knew that Kazakiri wasn’t a human.


During that time when they had first met in the cafeteria,

During that time when they had spent together in the underground street,

It would never come back again.

(But, I can’t just do nothing...!!)

Kazakiri exerted all her strength and stood firm. Her hands, legs, waist, back...every single part was being squashed and expanding over and over again. Her body that was being abused let out a scary sound that was like fingernails scratching a blackboard, echoing again and again.


The white nun behind her let out a voice of shock.


And even the calico cat was letting out a terrified voice.

To Index and the calico cat, what did Kazakiri Hyouka look like? Kazakiri inadvertently bit her teeth tight. The Kazakiri Hyouka that had walked beside them so naturally, what was she like now?

But, it seemed that Kazakiri didn't mind some wounds ripping apart as she exerted even more strength.

Because they were friends.

Even though the white nun may not treat Kazakiri as a friend after this, to Kazakiri Hyouka, she still hoped that the white girl would continue to be her friend, until the very end.

A sound echoed throughout.

The stone golem again let out another sound.

Under the strong sensation of the pain of the body being ripped, Kazakiri Hyouka saw it. The impatient stone golem raised its other arm.

But Kazakiri’s hands were both blocking the stone golem’s right fist.


Kazakiri gritted her teeth. At this point, even if she had to sacrifice her body, she had to buy time for that girl to escape. Kazakiri made her final determination.

The stone golem’s other fist was raised in mid-air, as if it was aiming at its target.

One more second before she would be destroyed. Kazakiri inadvertently closed her eyes.


The familiar voice of a teenager called out.

The voice came from behind. And with this roar, she could hear the sound of footsteps dashing at full speed. With the current situation, Kazakiri couldn’t look back. But even if she didn’t look back, she could understand what expression the boy would show, what he was thinking, and how fast he was running in her direction.

Even though that boy had seen her like this, he still preferred to call her ‘Kazakiri’.

Not a monster, but Kazakiri.

While Kazakiri Hyouka was still stunned, the boy’s black shadow immediately dashed past her with a javelin-like speed.

At the same time, the stone golem swung its other fist over.

The boy had no doubts, no hesitation, no fear. He only had one trump card. He gripped his right fist as hard as a rock.

BAM! The two fists collided with each other.

Blood flowed out of the boy’s fist.

But that wasn’t because of the strength of the stone golem, but because the boy had used all his strength to hit the hard and rough surface of the rock. The cannon-like hit of the stone golem had lost all its power the moment it had touched the boy’s fist. No, more accurately, it was the moment when the boy’s fist had touched the transparent membrane which surrounded the stone golem’s fist like a magnetic field.

The mountain-like force pressing down on Kazakiri instantly vanished.

At the same time, the large and fat stone golem started to crumble. After that, the golem broke up into pieces, completely falling apart. Right now, due to the gray dust that was even thicker than it had been in the underground street, everyone’s vision was blocked.

(It’s over...)

In the world where the visibility was blocked by the gray screen, Kazakiri Hyouka smiled to herself, alone.

(The harmonious...illusion at present is over...)

With a sound like a rubber bullet bouncing off, Kazakiri’s limbs rapidly expanded, regaining their original shape.

With a lonely smile, she decided to disappear before the dust settled.

The danger was over.

Thus, nobody needed Kazakiri Hyouka. She was like a nuclear weapon after a war ended. With such great power, in a peaceful world, even if she didn’t do anything, she would terrify others. And that white girl that Kazakiri had wanted to protect shouldn’t reveal a fearful look.

Good thing their vision was blocked, Kazakiri thought.

And right now, Kazakiri didn’t have the courage to look back at Index’s expression.

Part 7

Kamijou was standing at a corner of the ruins.

The moment the dust scattered, Kazakiri Hyouka was gone. However, despite there not being any rain, there were 2 or 3 drops of water on the ground.

Mikoto and Shirai had heard the commotion and immediately rushed over. They said that Anti-Skill and Judgement members would arrive soon, and it was best to run away before things got sticky.

Thus, Mikoto and Shirai grabbed Index, who wanted to stay there with Kamijou, and used instant teleportation to get away. Shirai’s instant teleportation seemed to have some sort of limit in terms of distance, so they should probably be a distance of about 100m. Due to the ability of Kamijou’s right hand, he could only run away on his own.

As for Sherry, Anti-Skill would most likely take care of her. Seeing past cases, Sherry’s name wouldn’t even appear in the paper.

“ troublesome.”

Kamijou sighed. Before the Anti-Skill and Judgment members arrived, he had something that he must finish. He looked up and seemed to confirm something before walking up to one of the abandoned buildings.

The windows and interior decorations had all been removed from the buildings, and the gray concrete was exposed. There were phrases and directions written all over the walls and floor with red chalk. Maybe they were meant for demolishing procedures. The red sunset passed through the windows that didn't have any glass in them, piercing through the dusty space like a laser.

Kamijou headed up the stairs that had the rails removed.

Up, up, up, up, up, all the way to the highest level.

The door leading to the roof was also removed.

He walked onto the roof that was dyed red by the sunset. The place seemed like it used to be a garden. The soil in the flowerbed had dried up and blown away, the plants had already withered and died, and their remains that had become tea colored were swaying in the air.

And in a corner of this ex-wonderland that was now like a graveyard, Kazakiri Hyouka was sitting on a chair, her back leaning on the metal handle that was meant to prevent falling. Her head was lowered, so one couldn’t see her expression.

Her limbs that had been crushed were now restored, and it looked like she didn’t have any visible wounds on her.

But she didn’t even say a word, just silently lowering her head.

Kamijou narrowed his eyes.

If Kazakiri Hyouka’s aim was to get away from Index, or rather, to get away from ‘humans’, she could only go here. In order to get away from Index, yet unable to go anywhere, she could only stay in the ruins.

The lonely girl saw Kamijou on the roof, yet still didn’t say anything.

Only the sounds of water dropping could be heard between them.

Kazakiri, who had lowered her head, held a large billboard with both hands. The transparent water droplets continued to drip on it.

“Because...I was so happy...”

Kazakiri seemed to notice Kamijou’s look as she finally looked up, and gently smiled.

“Because...I used all my protect important friends. Not anyone else, but’m very happy. I’m so happy, thus I cried...really...”


“Why...why must you show that expression?, praise me a bit...also, if possible, be a bit jealous of me, so that it can be perfect...I...I took away your role of being the knight...ahhaha, what am I saying...”

Kazakiri Hyouka smiled, but Kamijou Touma didn’t.

He couldn’t smile.

Facing this sad expression, how could he smile?


Kazakiri bit her lips, and the smile gradually vanished.

“I knew this...right from the beginning.”

Kazakiri muttered,

“...It’s a natural thing...everyone can guess it...a monster like me revealing my identity...anyone can guess the outcome...if I had continue to hide it, maybe it wouldn’t have been discovered...but I foolishly revealed the truth...but I don’t want...I don’t want to let others see me like this...”

Saying all of this, Kazakiri couldn’t continue.

Her throat continued to let out a choking voice.

“...But I had no choice.”

She tried her best to move her trembling lips, and said the words.

“In order to save...the first person who ever treated me as a friend...I had no choice...”

She must have made this realization right from the beginning.

As a monster, once the truth was revealed, she would lose her most precious thing. Because this worst-case prediction clearly appeared in her mind, Kazakiri hoped with all her heart.

Hoping that this prediction would not come true..

She wouldn’t think of how low that probability was, but would desire a miracle from God.

But the result was—

“Why...must I lose it...”

She slowly and shakily moved her back from the railing, and stood up.

“Why...must I make others frightened?”

She let out tears and buried her face into Kamijou’s chest.

The sorrow hidden beneath the smile was all released from close range.

“I...I...I just can’t stand seeing my friend getting hurt, so I stepped forward...because I have strength, I can protect those I couldn’t leave it as it was...that's just...THAT’S JUST HOW IT IS!”

The girl’s slender and delicate hands were beating on Kamijou’s chest.

The obscure voice continued to come from the face that was buried in the chest.


The torn and heartbroken voice pierced Kamijou’s eardrums.

She knew that it was useless, but she couldn’t control herself, and shouted.


The girl continued to vent her unarranged thoughts.

The pain inside made her unable to maintain her silence.



Kamijou Touma could only silently listen.

Seeing the girl in front of him tremble and unable to make any sound even while crying, he couldn’t even stroke her head.

Because this illusion was too fragile, as it would vanish after just a slight touch.

Imagine Breaker.

The boy that had been given this title couldn’t even hug Kazakiri Hyouka.

Thus, he could only say,

“Are you hurt?”




Kazakiri no longer hit Kamijou’s chest, just grabbing onto his shirt like a child. She wanted to suppress this choking sound, albeit unsuccessfully as it came out between her tightly sealed lips.

“Since you have these feelings, you’re not a monster. Maybe it sounds old, but I can assure you that you’re human.”

Kamijou paused, and continued,

“Besides, your story isn’t over.”


Kazakiri looked up, her face revealed an astonished look.

Footsteps could be heard from behind Kamijou.

So she came, Kamijou thought as he revealed a smile.

Misaka Mikoto had just said that as they were afraid that a certain girl would be arrested by Anti-Skill or Judgement, they should first take her away. But that girl had insisted on following Kamijou till the end and wouldn’t leave. Kamijou saw all these.

If that girl had already guessed where Kazakiri Hyouka would be hiding,

And that she couldn’t come here immediately because she was forcefully taken away by Mikoto and Shirai,

And until the end, the girl would be worried about Kazakiri...

Index would definitely come here.


Kazakiri Hyouka, who had buried her face in Kamijou’s chest, let out an astonished sound once she saw the person appearing behind Kamijou.

Kamijou slowly turned his head around.

At the entrance on the roof that didn’t have a door, stood a girl in pure white nun habit. Some of the safety pins on the skirt were gone, and it now looked like a high-cut Chinese dress. The girl continued to pant, her body full of sweat; it was easy to tell that she had run all the way back, not even resting once.

On seeing Kazakiri Hyouka, that girl---Index ran over without any hesitation. No fear, no contempt. It was like a lost child in a theme park finally finding mom.

Kazakiri Hyouka blankly stared, even forgetting to blink.

“Wh...why? Isn’t this...very strange?”

Kazakiri trembled as if her body was cold.

“ strange...I’m not human...why would this expression to a monster? Why is...she like a friend?”

Kamijou Touma casually sighed.

“It’s true that your body is different from ordinary people, you can do things that no ordinary person can do.”

From Kamijou’s tone, it seemed like he was complaining ‘why must you ask such a simple question’?

“But this doesn’t change the fact that ‘you’re her friend’.”

This sentence made Kazakiri Hyouka cry, and her legs weakened as she knelt onto the floor.

Index leapt towards Hyouka, and both of them collapsed on the roof of the building.

Kazakiri staggered and wrapped her arms behind Index, hugging her.

Seeing the two of them, Kamijou chuckled.


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