To the Depth of Abyss

Chapter 101: Onto the Next Big Plan

Chapter 101: Onto the Next Big Plan

-One day before Elisa back to Shield Town 

Yellowish Mountain /

Early Morning / 

Ars gets out from the tent, then doing stretching to get rid of the stiff body part.

"Hnnggg! Ahh! Maybe I'm overdoing it a little."

Everyone in other tents is still sleeping. They probably are still tired because of yesterday's accident. 

Even [Red Tower Divine Light] is still in its position. That because the wind wave effect of yesterday's events has not completely stopped.

Ars has a plan in this region, Seven Color Mountain regarding the yesterday's event. So he needs to hold [Red Tower Divine Light] at least for one more day so the plan can go smoothly.


Forest Rift Market / Tree Top Cafe

Ars has moved to the backward of the south region. The goal is to find breakfast, and to meet the big sister Maid of the cafe.

"This is the third consecutive day you've been looking for breakfast here," said the big sister maid.

"Exactly, and you know what else I'm looking for? It's an angel."

"Oh, you want some angel? Great, you can become a trial customer for our new menu. Green Angel Blooming Leaf. Want to try it?"


Adam Root Station / 

In a certain meeting room / 

"You want me to what?"

Lee Wai confused by the sudden order given by his Master.

"Come to Seven Color Mountain now and announce my authorization of that region."

"No-no-no! How can you be that brave, I mean, Greedy? I know you saved Seven, the rest of Six Color Mountain, but you can't be that easy to take over control of a region!"

"Ren Li is dead. And there is no group or figure stronger than me in this Southern territory."

"I know that, but... why don't you do it yourself?!"

"Why, are you afraid?"

Lee Wai at a loss for words. It is very difficult to win in a conversation with a figure who feels he is so superior.

Ars gets up from his chair, walks closer to Lee Wai, then taps the old man's shoulder. 

"Compose words, make plans, and gather White Wood to discuss building a new town above which used to be called Blackish Mountain. That is my order until our next meeting."

After giving the order, Ars immediately disappeared using his power. Leaving Lee Wai with a headache.

"Aaaaahhhh! Why was I tempted to follow that damn kid!?"


Middle Floor 2 Territory / 

Ars flying on Grand Broom to a certain direction. 

Of course, that direction led to a town that very historic for the Abyssal Hunters.

Land of Honor / Shield Town 

From above, the land had many plateaus. Land of Honor, also known as Land of Dungeons. It is a very friendly land to novice hunters looking to climb higher.

Flying, Ars throws a rock at the West district of Shield Town. When the rock arrived in town, Ars immediately shifted by catching the stone with his right hand with him being in the ground.

That is Ars first time in the town. The impression is the same as Adam Root Station, only it is busier and he can see several top class Hunters walking on the road with their party.

Ars went around the West district, before he decided to move straight to the East district. 

However, before passing through the gate that separated the West and East districts, he got stopped by a giant tall woman.

"Where do you think you're going?" she said. 

Ars is an ordinary 170 cm tall man, his opponent is a tall giant woman 1.5x taller and bigger than him.

She looked at Ars closely, then immediately realized who she is dealing with.

"Are you new here?"

Yes, she assumed that Ars is a rookie. 

"Hey, didn't you hear about the rules that bind the West and East districts?"


"Wot de hell, mate? You're not just a rookie, but also an ignorant shorty."

Ars's veins constricted at the giant tall woman chatter.

"Listen rookie, starting from this line, men are forbidden to enter. If you have a need, ask for permission from the Guild, then you can enter after Major Shield Town approves."

"Oh, ok."

Ars turned away, immediately obey the tall giant woman.

"What the hell with him?" said the tall giant woman, confused. 


Saint Arcane Church /

Ars walked casually in the church area. He can do that because no one can forbid or see him do that.

Without using [Eyes of the Dragon], he could sense that everyone is in certain places that seemed like a class. 

Not wanting to disturb them, he immediately went to his original destination.


Grand Cathedral of Longing / 

It is at the very top of the Land of Honor. 

Hovering over in midair a 20 x 20 piece of land. To get to that place is by climbing the floating ladder decorated with statues of angels on the right and left.

A small cathedral like an old building that has many holes and is neglected. But clean from all dirt and standing strong. The embodiment of 'absoluteness'.

The cathedral did not have a door that seemed to allow anyone to enter.

Ars went inside and found the scenery of an ordinary small church. 

[Eyes of Red Dragon]

At the end of the small church, grew a 4 meters high tree.

[Tree of Past, Present, Future.]

Ars walked closer to the tree.

From the start the tree looked ordinary, but Ars could feel an extremely extraordinary energy flowing from within the tree.

Even [Eyes of the Dragon - Mana Vision] couldn't gauge how big the tree energy is.

"Isn't that tree beautiful? You have seen the tree for an hour."

Sitting in a chair, a grown woman, a nun.

The woman seemed to have sat on the chair even before Ars entered. But previously Ars could not see or feel the woman's presence.

"Confused by what you just saw?"

"Yeah, but I won't regret or surprised."

Ars immediately walked towards the nun.

The Nun stood up and faced Ars.

The two of them stood face to face.

"So, the Greedy Young Master finally came here?"

"Yeah, and with a very important necessity, of course."

Ars can't hide greed in his dragon eyes over the nun.

The Nun is the embodiment of the most beauty and charm woman. Even though she reminded Ars of a Priest girl who is always with him.

"Well, of course I will accept you because you are an important person who was predicted to come here."

"Wow, doesn't that sound great?"

The Nun walked to [Tree of Past, Present, Future]. Then turned around with her back to the Sacred Tree.

"Pleased to meet you." The Nun bowed to Ars. "My name is Maria Christina. Mother of this Cathedral and administrator of Saint Arcane Church."

"But I don't see any children in this place? How about - "

"Would you like coffee, or would you prefer tea?"

In an instant, there is a round table and two chairs for each of them to sit.

Ars confused. Twice that woman had done something he could not be aware of. Ars realized that it was the work of Arts, and the Nun's Arts, Maria, seems stronger than Ars's Arts of Red Dragon.

Ars sat on the chair casually.

Maria is still standing and asked again: "Coffee or tea?"

There is no kitchen or cooking utensils for Maria to use.

Ars confused. Does that woman have the power like [Unlimited Inventory] which can make her store everything?


Maria put her right hand on a cup, which again just appeared.

Ars looked very carefully and used all the potential of [Eyes of the Dragon].

Maria gripped her right hand quite tightly. Then suddenly, a brownish yellow water came out from the gaps in her hand.

Ars stared. It was [Water Arts]. But Maria has no water source around her. So how can she do that?


Maria served the tea she made from her Arts. Then sat on her chair.

Ars initially hesitated to drink the tea made from Arts trick. But considering it was served by a very beautiful woman, he took a sip without regret.

"How does it feel?"

That made Ars think. "This flavor, reminds me of home," he said innocently.

"Could you tell what kind of home you mentioned?"

"Of course, the house where my mother lives."

Ars can still remember very clearly the shape, location and memory he had of the house where he born, grew, and lived.

Hearing that honest sentence, Maria closed her eyes and pondered.

"Then that is good."

"Why did you ask that?"

Well, it's just natural for someone to ask you that. But Ars felt that Maria had another motive in her.

"Nothing, just asking."

Maria is too mysterious. Ars can't get anything out by just looking at her.

So the only options is to being offensive.

"So this is the place where the Staff Saint died?"

"Yes, indeed. But using the word 'die' is half not correct. He transferred to a pseudo room which we call, Afterlife."

Ars sighed at that statement.

"Of course you believe in that because you are a religious person."

"Are you not?"

"I do believe the Abyssal God is real. But I just don't like the idea of worshipping him?"

"I see."

Trophy of [God's Challenger I] is the proof of Ars believe. Of course, all the things in Abyssal Terra are that God doing. It's just Ars will not believe if there is extraordinary existence without extraordinary proof.

"Well then, isn't it the time you tell me the reason of why you came here?"

"Oh, I thought you can read mind?"

"Oh, don't be silly. Yes, I can read expression and emotion. But it is hard for me to read a motif and intention. Especially from a person that has two faces like you."

Ars will not deny that. Ars and Greedy Young Master has different face, but is the same person.

Ars show his greedy smile. "Give me the Staff of Testament." Then said his true intention without trying to hide it. 

However, Maria doesn't surprise at that strong statement. 

"Just like I expected."

"So you are going to give me that."

Maria smiled, slightly amused. "Well, if that Staff is still here, you would probably find it right away."

That made Ars shocked. "What?" As if there was a lightning that strikes him. "Then where that Abyssal Treasure gone? Unravel together with its owner?"

Maria once again smiled in Ars exaggerated expression. "Of course it is not. Abyssal Treasure is a powerful weapon. They are standing at the top rank of the strongest category weapon. It will not unravel like us mortals."

"Then where did it go?"

"You probably know the answer."

Ars could only think of one possibility. "It passed down?"

Maria smiled proudly. 

That means yes. The Staff of Testament being passed down to the next generation. Just like the Sword of Testament power being passed down to him. 

"Then, who is the person believed to hold that Abyssal Treasure?"

"I will tell you if you do me one favor."

"Ask me anything."

Stepped on, enslaved by her. Ars will do anything to get that Abyssal Treasure.

"Why don't you finish the tea first?" 

There is still half the cup of the tea, and magically it is still warm.

Ars do what he told to.

"By the way, that made with my body fluid."

"Spluuuuuurrrhh! Wtf!?"

Ars mad, but on second thought, it was not that bad. But sadly, he had already sprayed it all.

"Dammit. Why didn't you said it at first? I will drink it all without wasting half of it."

That made Maria startled. "So that is the reason on why Elizabeth calls you a pervert."


That name is unfamiliar, but Ars immediately realizes whose name is that. 

"Well, maybe I can change that character of yours since you are officially my slave now."

Ars startled, again. "Did she say slave? Her slave?"

Ars was not hearing it wrong. Because Maria suddenly stands up from her chair, then walks closer to him. 

Maria put her hands on Ars faces. Her hands are so soft, and for the first time, Ars feels his heartbeat going crazy after a long time. 

"I need you to do something for me. Something that I cannot do it alone."

"Command me as I am your sword."

Maria smiled sincerely. "Good."

From that moment, Ars instinctively closed his eyes, waiting for what Maria would give him.

Then suddenly. 


He felt a really strong energy flowing into his body. 

"What the - !"

"Help those kids."

The strong energy flowing right into his head. 

"Help them find their nature, as you develop your character."

Ars felt like his hair being pulled strongly.

"You are not the best to do it. But I believe you need to do it as your provision to move forward."

That is so hurt Ars cannot hold it anymore.


It was a hell of a moment.


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