To Kiss An Idol

Chapter 240 The One-on-one Live

Chapter 240  The One-on-one Live

After the boys left, Jae-Hwa dropped on the couch with a thud. She looked around, they had changed the whole face of the room. There were chairs stacked on one another and placed in a corner. Bean bags were lying near the couch.

She knew about the changes in the bedroom too. There was a big ass almirah with all the bedding inside it. The whole house was sparkling clean. They even washed their cups and glasses before they left. The whole balcony was dust-free and fresh laundry was hanging.

"Tired?" asked Nivritti.

"Yeah, didn't sleep well. You know that," Jae-Hwa let her head fall on the headrest.

"Then go and have some rest," said Nivritti.

"Nah! I would do some work instead," replied Jae-Hwa and stood up. She brought her laptop and placed her foot on the table. Both the girls kept reading scripts for hours. Jae-Hwa had no concerns about cooking lunch as her mother brought tons of food.

Nivritti kept reading the scripts but her mind kept thinking about Young-Chul. She wanted to know what happened in the meeting. Did the bosses listen to him or blocked his wishes? Was he going to listen to them or just blurt out about his condition to the world? She needed answers but was getting nothing.

She kept checking her phone to see if anyone of them messaged her. But she knew that was impossible. They had a busy schedule today. They left her house a little late after all the cleaning and then they had to meet with their bosses and after discussing everything with them, they had a Live session with fans.

She just kept hoping that Young-Chul must not have another panic attack. His mind was in a fragile condition and was getting pressure after pressure. That could break him completely and she didn't want that. She tried giving him as much support as she can provide and wished that to be enough.

It was around noon when Jae-Hwa looked up from her laptop to give her eyes some needed break. She looked at Nivritti. A smile appeared on her face when she saw that Nivritti's head was tilted and rested on the headrest and she was snoring softly. The medicine did its job and she fell asleep with her laptop on her legs.

Jae-Hwa stood up and moved near Nivritti. She first removed the laptop and placed it on the table. She then woke her up a little and made her lie down completely on the couch. After adjusting the cushion under her feet, she tucked Nivritti into her blanket and let her sleep quietly.

Jae-Hwa too was tired, so she shut both the laptops and went to the bedroom to sleep. After having a hefty breakfast no one felt hungry by noon, but both the girls were extremely sleepy. The moment Jae-Hwa's head fell on the pillow she fell asleep.

She was sleeping peacefully when her sleep was disturbed by the ringing of her phone. She groaned but raised her head to look at the caller ID. It was Jae-Geun. She picked her up the call and while keeping her eyes closed, she answered the phone, "Yes, Oppa!"

"Why do you sound like this?" asked Jae-Geun.

"I was sleeping," replied Jae-Hwa.

"And Ritti?"

"She too is sleeping, thanks to your medicine," replied Jae-Hwa.

"How is her leg? Is the swelling down?" asked Jae-Geun.

"Yeah, I applied an ice pack twice and she had not placed her foot down once," replied Jae-Hwa.

"Did you give her the second pill of the day?" asked Jae-Geun.

"Oh no!"

"Jaehwa!" scolded Jae-Geun.

"I will wake her up, feed her something and then give her medicine," replied Jae-Hwa.

"Jaehwa! You guys didn't even have your lunch? How will you take care of her if you don't even take care of yourself? Why didn't you eat your lunch yet?" shouted Jae-Geun.

"We were tired, Oppa and she fell asleep due to the medicine. I will go now," said Jae-Hwa and jumped from the bed.

"Do you want me to order something?" asked Jae-Geun.

"No, uhmma brought so much food. That will be enough for us," replied Jae-Hwa and walked into the living room. Nivritti was still sleeping soundly without a care in the world. "Okay, talk to you later." She disconnected the call and ran to the kitchen.

She woke up Nivritti after heating the food and plating it. Nivritti groaned and moaned but after constant pressure from Jae-Hwa, she finally woke up. Her eyes kept drooping and she kept chewing her food without even tasting the food.

"Come on! Keep eating. You need to have your medicine too," said Jae-Hwa.

"God! I hate them. The whole night they kept hissing and then they woke up early morning and then they would not shut up. I am so tired, and this stupid medicine makes me sleepy," yawned Nivritti.

"Eat and you can go back to sleep," said Jae-Hwa.

"When are they going Live?" asked Nivritti.

Jae-Hwa scoffed, "you hate them, yet you are worried about them."

"I want everything to go smoothly so that they don't come back here to disturb our sleep," replied Nivritti.

"Oh, so you are thinking about yourself," teased Jae-Hwa.

"Shut up and eat your food," scolded Nivritti.

Nivritti somehow finished her food and Jae-Hwa brought her medicine for her. After eating and taking her medicine she lay down again. Jae-Hwa applied an ice pack again to her foot and Nivritti again slept for a few more hours.

Jae-Hwa left the dishes in the sink and again lay down for some time on the bed. But after walking around and eating, she was not sleepy now. She kept laying down, staring at the ceiling for minutes. When she could fell asleep, she got up from the bed and sat next to Nivritti and opened her laptop.

She was supposed to read scripts, but her fingers typed the site of ASD Live. She had no idea what to expect. The site opened but it was just displaying the faces of ASD members. She was confused about what she was missing. Then she realised it was one-on-one Live. She would have to pay to even see the session even though she was a member.

She paid the entry fee of the Live and the session appeared before her. All the boys were sitting smiling at the camera, but they were frozen, no one was moving. She saw the timer at the bottom of the screen. It said that the Live would start in 2 minutes.

She waited for 2 minutes, and the session started. She was only allowed to be present in the session but not ask questions. That slot was already filled by patrons who booked the slot in advance.

The boys greeted everyone in their signature style and wished them a happy Sunday. For minutes, Kyung-Soo talked about the overwhelming response they were getting for the Rencontre contest and thanked every one of his fans for participating.

Then Korain talked about the plagiarism they were seeing in the scripts and urged his fans not to use the wrong methods to get their way. He tried explaining to everyone that if they won't mean the contest won't mean that it would be the end of the world and they should not overwork themselves and just enjoy the whole process of the Rencontre.

The producer then announced that they would start the one-on-one questions from the fans in a few minutes but before that Young had something to tell everyone. Jae-Hwa's heart stopped beating. Her jaw dropped to the floor.

She extended her arm and started hitting Nivritti. As she kept her eyes glued to her laptop screen she was not sure where she was hitting Nivritti. After a few seconds of slapping and hitting, Nivritti groaned and opened her eyes.

"Woah, woah! What? Stop hitting," moaned Nivritti.

"You need to see this. Wake up, wake up," shouted Jae-Hwa.

"What? What?" Nivritti rubbed her eyes and raised her head.

Jae-Hwa turned her laptop towards Nivritti. She saw Young-Chul and her eyes opened wide. Young-Chul cleared her throat and looked straight into the camera.

"Is he…?" asked Nivritti.

"I think so," replied Jae-Hwa.

"So Mr. Hu accepted?" asked Nivritti, shocked.

"I think so," replied Jae-Hwa.

Nivritti tried to sit down but Jae-Hwa stopped her. "Don't overexert yourself. You can hear while lying down."

"Right!" Nivritti stopped moving and focused on the laptop screen.

"Hello everyone!" Young-Chul started his speech. "I have something to tell you all. There is something that I have been hiding from everyone. I know this might make some people angry, some people might feel pity for me, some might call me weak, or some might completely abandon me. But I can no longer hide my truth.

"A few days ago, I fainted in my room and was admitted to a hospital. After all the tests I was diagnosed with depression. Yes, I have mental health issues. I know what everyone will say. I am rich, I am famous, and I have millions of fans then why am I depressed?"


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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