To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 186

Chapter 186 - Those Who Cannot Be Helped

Chapter 186: Those Who Cannot Be helped

Authors Note: There are slight depictions of cruelty in this chapter.


Eventually, the Adventurers Guild Conference came to an end, countermeasures for the High Dorim dual goblins were unable to be discussed and determined. For now, the plan was that the two goblins movements would be under constant observation from the Adventurer Guild, and they would be unable to leave their boundaries. The moment any information on the person who set fire to Grim Castle was found, they were asked to immediately contact the Adventurers Guild Headquarters.

“Thank you very much for earlier.”

Mofisu was arranging his documents when, the dwarven woman who was the spokesperson for the Conference, lowered her head to him. Next to her was the Head of the Adventurers Guild, Karl Heinz Angel Muller.

“For earlier? Ah, me helping you out was just a coincidence. I didn’t do it because I was worried about you. Karl, do you have anything to speak to me about? I’ll take my leave if there isn’t anything.”

Karl Heinz was listening to the conversation between Mofisu and the dwarven woman, and when Mofisu called out to him, he started laughing.

“Forgive me. Mofisu’s attitude is as clumsy and laid back as always, it has reminded me of the past.”

“Fu~n. I don’t remember anything that funny from the past.”

“Now, now. Don’t get angry. Moreover, is Yu Sato doing fine?”

“Doing fine?”

“He actually not a B-Rank, but an A-Rank that you have chosen not to yet announce right?”

“Umu, the other party did not wish to announce this matter as of yet. Also, that was....his right.”

“Until now, i’ve heard of people who requested to have their A-Rank Status cards issued earlier, or even give it to them a few weeks earlier than planned, but this is the first time that i’ve heard of a person asking for it not to be announced at all yet.

Ah, thinking of the past, certainly there was a day when the city of Comer was attacked by Fireball Magic that almost made it look like sunset.”

Although there was no changes in the expressions of Mofisu, Karl Heinz placed his arm on his shoulders as if a snake had wrapped itself around him, looking at Mofisu as he would prey.

“What is this all of a sudden?”

“What, it’s not such a big deal. Although this wasn’t reported in the meeting, the report of the two goblins when the outer wall was attacked coincides when the east of Comer city had an appearance of a Fireball in the sky, what does Mofisu think about this?”

“Even if you ask me what I think.... How far do you think the distance is between Comer and the Grim castle outer walls?”

“Fu ha ha. Mofisu, I just told you what I thought. I think there might be something related to it, but maybe the Grim Castle outer walls Fire and the Fire which originated from the Eastern sky of Comer city are not the same one?”

Mofisu was truly thankful about this. Besides, Edda was only just a little far away, Karl Heinz and Edda. These two have the relationship of dogs and monkeys. If I told him the truth, then I wouldn’t have lived to see tomorrow.

“Hm? What should I do about these false accusations? Should I swear on my hair?”

Mofisu looked back at Karl Heinz with a fearless smile, but Karl Heinz just stood there with his unemotional eyes staring at him.

“Mofisu, do you know about my skills?”

“Even if you say skills, I wonder which one you are referring to.”

“Do you doubt me? Did you know that I am able to differentiate true and false information by using my Senses? Do you honestly think I can’t see through your lies by using my skill?”

“Ho........Do you possess such an useful skill? This is........the first time i’ve heard of it.”

“Then why don’t we call a Contract Magician over here, and have you swear that what you have said up until now is the truth?”

“Thats intresting. To suspect and doubt me without any proof, using a Contract Magician to question a Guild Leader? If you wish to do that, then let’s do it. I shall kindly accept.”

“Ah,, the two of this.”

The Dwarven woman crumbles under the pressure being emitted by these two people. This was quite different from the Blood lust unleashed by strong adventurers. The pressure being emitted by both Mofisu and Karl Heinz sent chills down her spine.

Mofisu, with his laid back expression, while Karl Heinz with his emotionless expression, neither of them were willing to give the other any ground, and the person who broke first was Karl Heinz.

“I’ts a joke. Its a joke. In truth, I was actually wondering what I should have for lunch. My Angel should have arrived by now right?”

“What? Impossible........The one you’re talking about is........”

“Mofisu, it’s obvious. Is there possibly anyone besides my angel-like daughter Fifi?”

Although Karl Heinz’s face was shining as bright as the sun, the expressions of Mofisu and the Dwarven woman were looking at him with cold eyes.

The Fifi that was mentioned by Karl Heinz was the receptionist of the Comer City Adventurers Guild, Fifi Angel Muller.

“She hasn’t come.”

“Hahaha. Mofisu, please stop joking. Is this revenge for the previous matter? Isn’t this an opportunity for her to meet her beloved father? There is no way that Fifi-chan will not come.”

Karl Heinz spun in place, then made a Banzai pose to cheer himself up. Regardless of the whether it was right or wrong, It was natural that Fifi hadn’t told me that she would be coming over to see her family.

“Fu~n. Can you please stop acting so irresponsibly! Because you worry so much about Fifi, did you forget about the time when your wife was so bothered about Fifi’s future, she placed her in Comer City and left? And Fifi is already 24 years old. Even though she is a young female, she is still unmarried, due to the fact that you chase every man away who gets close to her she until she remains single.”

“Shut up! Impossible........there is no way that I would let those damn bugs near Fifi-chan right? No way........but certainly........If Fifi-chan truly is........”

“We can hear you, for god’s sake.”

Listening to what Mofisu said, Karl Heinz’s body started to tremble like a newborn fawn.

This was because he knew that Mofisu wouldn’t lie about this.


“Ha? What is it, ja? Can you speak a little louder? I couldn’t hear you.”

“As expected of a man who can’t be helped. I heard all about it from Fifi-chan, no wonder Fifi-chan didn’t come see you.”

“Are you an idiot? What did you think was my purpose in the Guild Conference Meeting was?”

“All of you, shut up!. If it was not for Fifi-chan, I wouldn’t have anything to do with you. You can all quickly get out of my sight!”

“Oo, If there isn’t anything, then I shall take my leave too. Ja, see you.”

Mofisu leaft the conference hall while still holding his stack of unorganized materials. There were only two people left in the room, one was Karl Heinz, and the other was the Dwarven woman.


The dissatisfied Dwarven female called out to Karl Heinz.

“Don’t worry too much about it, your favorite Mofisu doesn’t have a close relationship with Kuro, but a neutral one. For now, i’m not going to do anything about it. The probability that he knows about my skills is quite high. Which reminds me, I forgot to tell him that the Financial Affairs Minister asked for the information about Yu Sato.”


“Is it about Mofisu!?”

“IT ISN’T! As the head of the Guild Conference, did you forget to inform Mofisu-san to make the dinner arrangements? ”

“Mou, I forgot.”

Due to the words spoken by Karl-Heinz, the Dwarven woman exhaled a huge sigh.

“When it’s about Fifi-chan.........He only thinks about her and nothing else........”

The Dwarven female once again hailed a huge sigh at Karl-Heinz while looking at his reaction.

And then, they left the Conference hall.

“Wait up. What was that about Fifi-chan? ha........wait. Did you tell me to pull myself together? Understood. How about this, let’s make dinner arrangements at La Furmente onthird street. You do know about the place right? The food in that shop is quite del....Wait up. Oiiii.”

Karl Heinz’s voice continued to echo in the conference room.

In a dark room.

This was a room that had been particularly prepared. There were no windows, and you can only see about a few meters in front of you. There was a gloomy atmosphere lingering around the room, Peter Morudelon Pasle could not help but feel nauseated at the smell of blood that was permeating the air inside.

“Why am in such a place? Even I would establish a place deserving of Nobility, I demand that you move me this instant!”

In this dark place, Peter could see a black outline wriggling about in the darkness.

“This is where the meeting shall take place.”

Those words were not something that could be refuted. It was spoken by a person who was one or so meters beside him, and was spoken by a kid who was neither a nobleman nor an adult, Peter was unable to oppose his presence.

“Moreover, there is no one to link this disappearance, I presume ?”

“Ah, that’s definitely true! Thanks to the Ring of Mirage that I obtained from you, it’s quite amazing........No one was able to notice it. And more so, thanks to the items of value that Baryuu-sama was provided with, I was able to regain trust from the failure of the Black Dragon, and my standing in the faction has been continuously on the rise. ”

Charmed Status, Yu’s ears were able to hear these words spoken due to the Status effect. This is because he requested Momo to manipulate Peter, which is why he was continuing to speak in a dazed state.

“What is the progress on the obtained information?”

“It’s about half done. But since the number of people joining Baryu-sama’s faction is on the rise, I don’t know how much longer it might take........”

“What about the other one?”

“Tha-that, I already told you about this right? He died quite a while....back. P-Please don’t get angry.”

Yu did not say anything, even though Yu concealed his expression, Peter was still able to sense the anger and bloodlust mixed inside the calm eyes of Yu.

“Pl-Pl-Please believe my words. Baryu-sama and the surrounding nobles only place value on their slaves within a year, even those acquired from half a year ago are the same. The village that you asked about, Dakue-village........I-I-I-I I had nothing to do with it! I-I-I i’m telling you the truth! I swear to god! Certainly, it’s true that I did raid many villages for Baryu-sama, but it was not me who attacked the village you asked about! Pl-Pl-Pl-Please believe me!!”

Peter continued to plead that he knew nothing, and he got up from his chair and started to dogeza on the floor while pleading for forgiveness. Peter continued to apologize while he struck the ground with his head, and started to grind his head into the ground when he heard a voice of something being dragged across the floor.

There was an unpleasant feeling.

No matter what, he shouldn’t look.

The entire body of Peter lied still as he waited for the dragging sound to go away.

But, Peter peeked at what was happening.

As if soaking in the darkness. Zuzu........The sight of something being pulled by a beautiful girl was revealed, while gradually dragging away something. A glowing halo, gorgeous golden hair as if it was weaved by real golden threads, and wings as white as snow. The picture was extremely pleasant. In her right hand was a torture weapon that looked similar to the handle of a wheel. A man was being dragged by a turtle’s pace as if he was meat. The face of the man was illuminated from the torture weapons reflection as it moved. It was a familiar face that Peter knew. It was the face of a man who was in the Baryu fraction, Matthew Voxx. He was a noble with the peerage of Baron who was missing since last month.

Torture Weapon Here

“An acquaintance?”

“N-N-No........Ah, Ah........He seems familiar.”

“That is the Baron who works for the Finance Minister’s faction, but it seems his nose is pretty good, he was trying to escape to another country all by himself.”

The voice of Peter must have been heard, because the man being dragged started to shout and beg to him.

“Th-that voice!? Mordellon ne! Is it Mordellon? It’s me! You definitely remember my face right!? Its Cameron! He........Please help! I beg you! HELP! I-I-I........hi, gyaaaaaaaaa!!!”

“You shouldn’t speak so freely”

The Torcha pierces the man’s eyes with his device and pulls it out. The man screams, but neither Yu nor Torcha stop him.

Torcha points toward Peter, and Peter shakes his head violently as if saying, ‘I have nothing to do with that guy.’

“Not yet? It’s still not time....for him.”

Torcha drug the man away while shaking his head. Peter exhaled with relief, but the feeling he felt when Torcha opened the door to another room was unimaginable.

There was enough light in that room unlike the room Peter resided in. A huge variety of hooks could be seen suspended from the ceiling.

Iron hooks could be seen at butcher shops to hang meats of animals, but this room was different. Living people were casually placed on those iron hooks as if they were pigs and cows. Some were hung through a hook that pierced their backs, while some hung with huge hooks that passed through them, and some were pierced through their shoulders, and some even had hooks pierced and hung by their chest.


Cameron was suspended using a hook that Torcha prepared for him. Peter was once again reminded of how Torcha carried adult males without even much difficulty, and once again considered her to be celestial as opposed to mortal.

“Atoned for your sins? Stop joking.”

To the words of Cameron, Yu lashed back in anger.

When the suspended people caught sight of Peter, they all started to make noise.

“YOU! P-P-P Please HELP!! I BEG YOU!!”

“AHHH........He....p,P-le. I’ll give you whatever you ask, HE-HE-HELP ME!”


“HOW MUCH LONGER WILL YOU KEEP THIS UP!?!? No matter what I have done, this is TOO MUCH!! GOD, GOD, GOD, GOD, GOD, apologise for what you have done so far!! THEREFORE, please help, GAHHHHHH!”

“THIS IS BAD BAD BAD!! BAD?, why are you healing me! My will is broken from being here, how much longer will you do this to me....!?”

Torcha continued to throw her toys from a distance in silence. The people with extreme damage or those with a broken will were continuously healed with Healing Magic.

The eyes which held no tears, the ones that had no eyes to see and no ears to hear, those who had been skinned, those who looked like hedgehogs made of iron hooks. The stone ground was scattered with things such as teeth, nails, eyeballs, and even things like slices of flesh, and testicles. Various torture devices were lined up in the center of the room and everything Peter knew to what Peter didn’t know were all arranged in order. There was no equipment in that place that looked new or unused, blood soaked instruments had changed the shine of the equipment and made it look discolored.

This scene caused Peter to tremble uncontrollably, but he was unable to suppress his feelings. Every time Torcha inflicted torture on them, she enjoyed their expressions of agony and pain, and these sounds from the room were still ringing in Peter’s Ears.

Peter thought this from the bottom of his heart, ‘No matter what he had to do, he would not want to be a dweller in that room. Even if he had to sell his blood family, he would do it.

“You too.”

(NO NO NO NO NO NO. I will definitely save myself from going there.)

“Should I also send you to that room?”

“Wa-wa-wa-wa-wai, wait a minute! Am I not your friend!?!? Thats right! I shall definitely never betray you!! I-In one year! No, In-half a year, I will gather all the evidence from the investigations!! SO PLEASE, PLEASE DON’T SEND ME TO THAT ROOM!!!”


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