To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 61

61 I’ll treat you well

Penelope walked out of the room and she quickly looked for the boy who had brought the box. He was nowhere in sight, so she knew she had to return it herself.

She had heard of the commander’s manor, although she had not been there before. It was a little far from the main castle, and she did not even know the way.

Pen contemplated going to him or not, but then she decided to go. She did not want to keep the gift till the next morning. The girls might be tempted to steal it and she could not risk that, so she continued on her way, asking questions until she reached his home.

Pen stopped at the gates as she studied the few guards laughing among themselves. Taking a deep breath, she walked forward.

When the guards saw her, they stopped and turned to her in surprise; wondering what a Castle maid was doing there at the late hours of the night.

“Is this the commander’s home?” She asked after she greeted them. They nodded as their eyes looked at the box in her hand.

“I came to return this;” She said, stretching her hand forward.

The guards looked at her puzzled. The commander had given boxes like that to many women, but this was the first time a box was being returned.

“The commander is not home, can you come back tomorrow?”


One of them said to her. They found it strange that she was returning the box and they were not sure how the commander would react to them taking it from her, so it was better she gave it to him herself.

“Can you not keep this for him? I would be very busy tomorrow and I do not want it to get stolen.”

Pen was glad that he was not around, hence she would not have to deal with talking to him, but when she saw the guards were hesitating to take the box from her, she grew worried and quickly thought of a way out;

“The... the commander asked me to bring it, should I take it back?” She lied.

When the guards heard that, one of them stood up and took the box from her;

“Alright then, you can be on your way.” He said and Pen smiled and turned around to leave, but as she turned, she froze instantly as all color drained from her face.

Standing in front of her was Azriel, with hands crossed, and eyes staring straight at her. Pen panicked and stumbled backward, her head bowed immediately;

“My lord;” she stuttered, her heart beating fast. When did he get here? Had he been standing there all this while?

Pen cursed underneath her breath as she bit her lower lip, praying that he would not be mad that she lied to return the gift.

Azriel stared at the girl for a brief moment and then he spoke;

“What brings you here, Pen?” He asked, his tone mild. He was returning to his manor when he saw a girl with a box standing in front of his gate. He slowed down when he recognized her and waited to see what she had come to do.

Pen did not reply, her fingers hugging each other for dear life.

“She brought these, she said you asked her to return them.”

Oh, God!

Penelope cursed under her breath when she heard a guard explain from behind her. Did she ask him to speak on her behalf?!

There was silence as shivers ran down her spine, her heart beating rapidly. There was quiet for a moment, then Azriel spoke;

“Come inside, it’s getting cold,” he said but Pen did not move.

It was getting late, and she needed to return quickly, but more so, she was scared that he would make advances on her if she went in with him. She could not risk that.

When Azriel noticed the panic on her face, he smiled;

“Let me walk you home.” Without waiting for her, he turned and walked forward. Pen followed quickly, walking a few inches behind him.

“You did not like the gift?” He asked after they had walked a while, but Pen did not reply. She was sure he knew why she was returning it, so why was he asking?

“Maybe I should put more effort next time? What do you want?”

“I do not want anything, my lord. I do not desire any of these things. There are other maidens that would want these things, please can you forget me?”

She spoke, her head lowered as she walked. At her words, Azriel stopped and turned around, and because she was looking at the ground, she bumped into him.

Pen quickly stepped away from him; “I’m sorry, it was a mistake.” She apologized, his body was hard as a rock, and she wondered how chiseled it must be beneath the clothes. When Pen realized what she was thinking, she mentally slapped herself.

Azriel studied the girl’s expression and then he smiled; “But I do not want the others, it is you I want,”

Pen did not reply as she breathed slowly. Why did this have to happen to her? There were a million women that would want him without blinking, why did he have to choose her?

How long would he keep up with this? How long would it be before she breaks?

“Then I’ll keep on refusing you until you are tired of me, my lord.”

Azriel chuckled at her reply. “Okay, let’s see how long it’ll be.” He replied, laughing again as he walked forward.

Pen stared at his back as she wondered what was funny. She was serious but it was like a joke to him; like a game of draughts.

Pen sighed as she thinned her lips. She wished she could go back in time, and that afternoon she had seen them talking, she would just run for her dear life.

Azriel stopped when he got to the gates of the castle and he turned to look at her;

“Think about my offer, I’ll treat you well, for as long as you’ll be with me.”

Pen did not reply to him, she just bowed; “Thank you for walking me home, my lord.”

With that, she turned and walked into the gates.

Azriel stared at her retreating form, as he wondered why she did not want what any woman would kill to have. He stood until she had disappeared into the gates before he turned and walked away.


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