To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 57

57 First Test

Axel’s expression changed after his sister left as he thought about what she just said. He did not take note of Neera’s dress, but now he thought about it; she was not putting on maid’s clothes, and she was walking towards the king’s chambers the first day he saw her.

Axel shook his head. No, this would not dissuade him from going after her. Whatever it was, as long as the King did it openly claim her, he could still have her. With that thought, he smiled and continued checking himself out.


After the dukes had left, the Princesses assembled in the meeting room.

They sat in pairs. Alicia with Daphne as usual. Zelda and Jasmine and Emma; and then Lyra, who walked in last, sat beside Kitana.

“They are not here yet?” Lyra asked as soon as she sat down and the rest turned to her in surprise. She was just coming in and she was already out of patience.

Lyra noticed their stare and cleared her throat, adjusting to her chair.

A few minutes after she sat down, Lady Beatrice and another elderly woman walked in.

They walked in front of them and greeted them;


“Your Majesties, We have been selected to supervise tomorrow’s tests and we are honored to serve you.”

They said and lowered their head.

“I am Lady Weslee and this is Lady Beatrice.” She introduced them and they nodded;

“Now to the meeting; tomorrow’s test is the making of snacks. The theme is ‘seduction’. You all are expected to make a snack that would melt on the tongue and fill one’s stomach with pleasure.

A snack that would appeal to the tastes of the king and make him take another bite. The one in whom the king takes another bite of her snack wins the test, while the others would be scored by us.”

Lady Weslee spoke, and the Princesses murmured. Some of them had not made snacks in their lives; how would they make a snack in one day that the king would like?

“The ingredients of the snack making would be available in the kitchen, you all should choose whatever you want to use, and whatever that is not available would be provided before tomorrow. Are there any questions?”

Lady Weslee asked, and the Princesses shook their heads.

“That would be all.” They bowed and left the room.

Murmurings ensued after the women had left and Daphne stood up;

“How would we have a snack test when we’ve not entered the kitchen all our lives, how is that fair?!”

She complained and Emma chuckled;

“I guess it’s fair since we all do not enter the kitchen. We are basically all in this together so it’s fair. If you can’t make a snack then quit, besides it’s just the first test, you can win the other ones. That would reduce the competition for the rest of us, don’t you think?”

Emma spoke and Daphne glared at her as the other princesses laughed;

“Well as you stay here bemoaning, I’m going to ask the kitchen staff how to make a good snack, I don’t think it is that hard to make.”

Lyra stood up and walked out. As though thinking the same thing, the others followed instantly.


After the dukes left, Neera was still scared to leave her room. She did not leave her room; neither did she have anything to eat until the afternoon.

By noon, there was a knock on her door and she walked to it. Outside stood Zavian, and her eyes widened with surprise.

If he wanted to call for her, he normally sent servants, she was surprised he was coming himself this time.

“You have not left your room?” He asked, and Neera blinked,

“I was going to.” She said, her head lowered.

“Have you had anything to eat?” He asked tenderly, and Neera shook her head.

Staring at her, he said; “Come with me.”

Neera followed Zavian to the dinette and her stomach growled and the sight of the sweet spread of food.

She sat down after him and waited for him to start eating before she took a plate and served herself.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” She smiled and ate hungrily.

“Try not to get involved with the Princesses.” Zavian said between meals, and she nodded. She did not need anyone to tell her to avoid them; she was a literal threat to them; they would do anything in their power to get rid of her.

After lunch, Zavian asked Neera to arrange the scrolls on the table while he took his bath. She was still arranging the table when he stepped out of the bathroom with a towel tied loosely around his waist.

Neera’s eyes reflexively trailed his chest and stopped on the curves of his lower abdomen before she looked away instantly.

Her ears reddened as she realized what she had done, and she pinned her eyes to the table.

She heard his footsteps walk about the room, but she dared not raise her eyes. When she was done, she kept her eyes on the ground and walked toward the door, but Zavian’s voice stopped her before she could reach the door.

“Neera...” he called, and she stopped in her tracks.

“Your Majesty.” Neera answered, turning to look at him. He had worn his pants and a white shirt. His hair was slightly damp and his eyes glistened as he stared at her.

Neera could not move as her eyes locked in his gaze. There was silence in the room and she could hear her heartbeat in her ears.

Ba dum! Ba dum! Ba dum!

It was so loud that Neera thought she was going to pass out. Just when she thought she was going to faint, he spoke;

“Come and hook these buttons.”

She gulped as her eyes looked at his hand; the buttons on the wrists of his shirt were unhooked and she walked up to him.

Zavian stretched his hand toward her, and she started to button them up.

This was the first time she was touching his hands. They were cold and beautiful.

He had beautiful fingers. Neera pulled her eyes away from his fingers as she concentratedon the buttons.

When she was done, she looked at his chest; there was a few undone buttons and she wondered if she should do them too.


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