To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 48

48 Pretty one

Neera’s stomach growled as she sat quietly in her room. She had not eaten since the previous morning and no one even thought of her.

The king did not know she had been asked not to leave the room, and the night before she had wanted to smuggle out some food from the royal kitchen to eat but that was when she overheard Zavian and his mom, and it had skipped her mind. Now it was morning and everywhere was busy.

Neera grimaced again when her stomach tightened. The pain was getting unbearable; she hadn’t even drunk water.

She could not wait till night; she would be too weak to even go looking for food. She had to find a way out. Standing up, Neera went to her door and peeked out. There was no one outside, so she went back inside and thought for a moment.

She could have easily gone to the kitchen and returned, but her white hair drew attention to her.

Neera sighed as she thought of what to do. Bracing herself, she tied her hair up in a tight bob and covered it with a cloth before walking out of the room.

Walking briskly, she went to the kitchen.

“Is there something to eat? I’ve not had anything to eat since yesterday.” Neera pleaded with the head maid, who was in charge of the kitchen that day. The maid looked at her and then gave her a small loaf of bread.

“Thank you.” Neera thanked her gratefully and quickly fetched a cup of water and quenched her thirst. This loaf would serve her for the day until Freya allowed her to leave her room.


Neera ran out of the royal kitchen to the king’s court. As she climbed the stairs, she heard a voice;

“Kitana, I told you that the guards would not let us in. Now we just wasted our time coming here. ” Neera’s eyes widened as she looked up the stairs and recognized two of the Princesses coming down the stairs.

Color drained from her face as she looked around her, not knowing where to run to. The only escape was going back to where she had come from.

Neera ran down to the first floor and instantly ran into the closest room by the corridor.

“Who is that?”

Her heart banged against her chest when she heard the Princess’s voice.

“There’s no one. Kitana.” Alicia spoke, but Kitana frowned.

“I know what I saw. I saw a girl.” She said, walking down the stairs.

Neera’s heart banged against her chest as she stood by the door, praying that the Princess would not open it unless she was finished. For real this time.

Her hands trembled as she heard their footsteps approach and then stop by the door.

Just when Kitana was about to open the door, Neera felt someone pull her aside and open the door;

“My lady,” Axel smirked as he opened the door halfway and greeted Kitana.

“What are you doing in there, Axel?”

Kitana asked as she tried to peek in, but Axel braced the door, preventing her.

“Nothing of any sort that is your business.” He said with a smirk.

Kitana eyed him and she shrugged; “did you see any girl run past here?”

She asked, and Axel nodded.

“Yes, I heard footsteps run past. Check the other rooms. But who are you looking for?”

Kitana stared at him but did not reply to his question.

“Thank you for your help.”

With that, she turned and left. After she left, Axel locked the door and turned to the girl, who looked like she was about to be killed a few minutes ago, and a smile tugged at his lips.

“We meet again, pretty one.” He said, a smirk stretching his lips.

“Your Majesty,” Neera called, bowing her head. “I did not know you were here. I would not have intruded.” She spoke, “please forgive my manners. I would like to leave now.”

Neera said and walked towards the door, but Axel placed one hand on the door, stopping her.

“Not so fast. I did not ask you to leave.”

Neera gulped as her hands held her small loaf tightly. Why couldn’t she just do something for once in her life without getting into trouble?

“What is your name?” He asked, and Neera looked at him. “My name is Neera.”

“Neera...” the Prince called, tasting her name on his lips.

“I didn’t think the resemblance would be this striking, well, except for your eyes. They are not like hers.”

Neera looked away from him. The way he stared at her, it seemed like he had something to do with the dead queen.

When she said nothing, Axel continued;

“where are you going to?” He asked.

“I’m running an errand.” Neera lied. She could not risk telling Axel that she had a room of her own at the king’s court.

“With a loaf of bread?” He asked, and Neera looked at the loaf in her hand.

“Yes, I’ll eat it on my way.” She said.

Axel smiled and then pointed to the table.

“Why don’t you join me for breakfast? I don’t think that loaf would be enough.”

Neera’s stomach growled as Axel opened the dishes on the table she did not know were there.

She bit her lower lip and then decided to eat with him. It was better than eating a loaf for the whole day anyway, and she could spend some time there before going back to her room.

She walked to the table and sat down. Axel picked out a plate and poured her some food.

“Thank you,” Neera said, and dug in. Her eyes occasionally swept over the man sitting in front of her.

He was handsome with this casual poise that seemed like he didn’t give a care about the world. He seemed adventurous, like a rake.

Neera stretched her hand to take an omelet, and Axel did at the same time, and their hands brushed against each other.

Axel instantly stole the opportunity to read her thoughts, and he coughed.

“What the hell?”


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