To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 26

26 Is that clear?

Neera hesitated for a second, then she pushed open the bathroom door, slowly. Her eyes fixed on the ground as she walked in, afraid to look up to avoid looking at Zavian.

Zavian was submerged in the tub when she came in, and the lather covered half of his torso downwards, so she wouldn’t even see a thing if she looked.

He smiled when he saw her panicking by the door. ”Come wash my hair;” He spoke casually, as though it was a thing she did normally. Neera’s eyes looked up in shock. Was he serious?

When she looked at him, he was staring straight at her, unblinkingly, and then she gulped and walked to the tub.

”I have not done this before...” Neera stammered, but Zavian shut his eyes, leaning on the head of the tub. ”It does not require a skill. ”

Neera stared at his face and her eyes traveled down his chest, stopping right where she couldn’t see anymore. Her face flushed as her head imagined something she shouldn’t dare think. She shook her head quickly, not wanting to commit a crime against the heavens.

Kneeling behind him; she poured water into a bowl and placed a bucket behind his head.

She looked around, and she saw a liquid soap and she poured it into the bowl of water, lathering it.

”Your majesty, should I start washing your hair?” She asked.


”Yes, go on. ” Zavian replied, his eyes still closed.

Neera knelt upright and scooped some water with her hands, lathering his golden hair. As she washed it, its golden color darkened and it became more beautiful. Neera felt a kind of relief touching his hair; it felt therapeutic. It made her forget everything that bothered her; it was soothing.

Her fingers worked up to his scalp and she massaged him gently; she was nervous at first, but seeing that he did not react, she continued. Slowly, gently, her fingers caressed his scalp.

Zavian gritted his teeth as his eyes remained closed. Delilah loved to wash his hair. Her fingers moved exactly the same way this human’s moved. Her touch... everything felt the same...

Why was she not her?

Zavian felt tears at the back of his lids, and he reflexively held Neera’s hand stopping her midway.

Neera was surprised when he stopped her; she wondered if she had done something wrong.

”It’s enough. You can go.” Zavian said, letting go of her hand. Neera was surprised. She was not done with his hair. She had not even washed off the lather in them, so she wondered why he asked her to stop.

Not asking any questions, she stood up quietly and left the bathroom, shutting the door after her.

Zavian’s eyes opened after the door closed, and a low sigh escaped his lips.

Lilah... why would you make me hurt all over again?


In a few hours, everyone was ready to depart. Zavian stayed back for a while as he spoke with the county governor. As he climbed his horse, the people bowed and bid him farewell.

It was a long ride back to the Castle. They only arrived in the early hours of the next day.

As though the Castle was already awaiting their arrival, the gates were wide open to receive them. Neera peeked out of their chariot as she watched the people sprinkling flowers on the road, welcoming them back.

Freya was the first to run to their chariots when they came to a stop. She gave her brother a quick hug as her lips widened with a smile;

”You’re back quite early; I thought you it would take weeks. ” she smiled; ”Welcome back. ”

Zavian smiled; ”It seems you were not ready to hand back my throne to me. Do you want to overthrow me that much?”

”If only you knew how much I prayed for you to come back. Managing this kingdom was hell!”

She said, and Zavian laughed as they both walked into the castle.

The others started unloading the chariots and taking the luggage back into the Castle.

”So tell me, how was your trip?” Freya asked as they walked to his chambers.

”It was a success. I dispatched a few soldiers to check with the other cities in case the soul eaters had infested their towns too.”

”Hmm... that’s fine. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

Freya asked, folding her arms as she closed the door after they had gone in.

”It depends on what you are not asking, sister. ”

Zavian took off his coat and placed it on a chair, taking off his golden rings; he placed them on the table.

”Rumors say you chopped off your subject’s arm for a slave girl.”

Zavian stopped moving for a second, as though he was trying to digest what Freya had just said.

”Oh, that is correct. He should know not to touch things that do not belong to him. ”

”And by that you mean, a slave girl?” Freya asked, her tone increasing a little.

Zavian sensed the rising anger in her voice, and he sighed; turning to look at her. ”I do not want to have this conversation. Please. ”

”Really? Do you hear yourself, brother? You chopped off the arm of a subject because of that girl and you are avoiding a conversation? I warned you that this girl was only going to make matters worse, but you did not listen. Do you know the extent of what you have done?”

Zavian sighed; ”Can I rest, at least, it has been a long journey and I need to sleep.”

Freya angrily picked up a metal vase on the table and tossed it across the room. It landed on the long mirror hanging on the wall and shattered it into a thousand pieces.

Zavian looked at the mirror which had been scattered on the floor, and then he turned to his sister. A tiny frown appeared on his forehead.

”Listen good, sister. I will not go back on my words to marry a princess from one of the kingdoms, but I will not also banish the idea of bringing my wife back to life. If any of the dukes do not find it fit, then they should not bring their daughters to me. Is that clear enough?”


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