To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 179 - 179 They don’t like me

179 They don’t like me

“I can’t”, Penelope said, even when her body was screaming to do it in its own language. “I don’t want this, my Lord.”

“Because I am the infamous rake?”

“Because of so much more,” Penelope said.

A knock rasped on the door behind her. Penelope shook. Azriel sighed. With one hand, he moved Penelope to the other side, where she was hidden from view.

“My Lord,” it was one of Azriel’s soldiers. “The soldiers have returned. I think something has come up.”

“I will be there with you soon.”

The soldier’s footsteps retreated, and it was until there was no sound did Azriel look down at Penelope. He smiled, eyes still shining with a hungry need.

“We’ll continue when I get back,” he said.

Penelope moved out of his way, and Azriel left the chambers. Penelope was not too far gone after him, deciding she would just stick to any other part of the house than his chambers.


Her body might eventually betray her, but before that would happen, she would use her senses to keep it as far away from him as she had always done.


On the fourth day after the party, the guests began to leave, and farewells floated to Neera at the garden. As she watched the roses blossom a magnificent red, petals open in welcome to the gentle sun and wet with dew, she caught Jasmine hugging her mother one more time. There was a warm arm of the Duke on his daughter’s shoulder, and Jasmine wiped at her face as her father took his turn to hug her.

The carriages began to leave once the Duke and the Duchess were in. Neera caught sight of the emerald-haired demon say something in the Queen’s ear and noted they must have been close back at Selesee. Jasmine nodded her head, and the demon waved at her as he joined the carriage.

When the last of the carriages exited, Jasmine looked over to the garden and spotted Neera hidden from view behind the tall bushes. She bounced to her, with a child-like gait that would be considered unladylike, especially for a Queen.

“There you are!” Jasmine was always elated when she saw her. It made Neera’s mood up a notch. “Did you see them all leave?”

Neera nodded. “Yes.”

“Why didn’t you come and say goodbye?”

“I…”, Jasmine looked genuinely curious, so Neera went on, “I don’t think they like me.”

Jasmine blinked, confused. “Who doesn’t like you? Which one among them?”

It was Neera’s turn to look confused. “Your… parents especially.”

“My parents?” Jasmine was taken aback. Neera could not comprehend how didn’t she see it?

“They were just indifferent toward you,” Jasmine said. “They are good people, and they welcome everyone with love.”

“I didn’t say they weren’t good people,” Neera quickly corrected. “I only said they don’t like me. I thought… I thought you noticed it.”

“No, I didn’t”, Jasmine’s voice suddenly went sharp. She lifted her lips in a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I am sorry. I am protective of them, and I am sorry you felt that way.”

Neera didn’t know what to say to that. She didn’t imagine the barely concealed insults hurled at her, the disdainful looks. But Jasmine must have been blinded by their love, which might not be an entirely good thing. But also Jasmine had been kind to her all through, so Neera let it be.

“I’m glad they came to see you,” Neera said.

“Thank you. I feel so happy, and terribly sad they have to leave,” she looked at the flowers and gasped. “The rain has been good to them, although days of dreary weather make me dull.”

The Queen produced a hand to Neera. “Come, let’s have a walk. I can’t deal with a lonely castle.”

Neera took the hand and walked with her. She also would prefer company, lots of which she got from Zavian lately. He even spent nights in her chambers, and if he wasn’t there, there was always a guard or a maid to keep her company, not too many of them, she had specified. She couldn’t deal with a bulk load trailing after her again.

Jasmine hummed as she walked, heading for the path to Neera’s favorite secluded spot. She and Zavian hadn’t been there in ages, and the memories consisted more of her and the Queen there than the King himself.

“Do you remember anything from the party?” Jasmine asked all of a sudden.

Neera faltered in a step, kicking aside the rock on the path.

“I just remember being really drunk, and I am sorry about that.”

“No, don’t be sorry. I asked you to drink. You were a lovely sight,” Jasmine giggled. “And you wouldn’t stop dancing with Zavian. Do you remember what you told him?”

Neera looked at the Queen, trying to read her expression. Jasmine, however, wore her customary smile, and there was nothing given off.

“Was it bad?” Neera asked.

“Was it?” Jasmine teased with a grin.

There were footsteps behind them. Both of them stopped walking, and behind them, a maid was running to catch up with them. She came to a stop before them and gave a bow to the Queen.

“His Majesty asked for Her Lady to join him in the castle,” the maid said.

“Zavian…”, Neera felt the Queen’s hand tighten around her forearm. A correction, she interpreted it as. She cleared her throat and asked, “is the King back already?”

“Just now, my lady,” the maid said.

Neera wished the maid had told her something else along the lines of she was needed at the castle for an urgent matter. It made her feel awkward, standing there with the Queen whose husband had just arrived and would rather see the concubine first.

“Go on”, Jasmine released Neera’s arm. “You don’t want to keep the King waiting.”

Neera bowed her head to the Queen. An apology, an act of respect, an appreciation, it meant all three and more for Neera.

“Thank you, your Majesty.”


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