To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 107

107 Kidnap

When Neera went back to her room, all she could think about were those two fangs protruding out of Zavian’s mouth, and what would have been of her if he had marked her as a mate. It wasn’t like she had the dream of having a husband in a small little house with little children running around someday; but being marked by a thousand year old demon king was something she dared not dream about.

She moved to her bed and hugged her pillow close, her eyes jumping over everything in the room. She had lit more candles, so it was really bright. Sleep was gone for the night. She couldn’t dare close her eyes in that room. Neera stayed awake as she prayed for morning to come, her eyes staring at the ceiling as she thought about the dream over again.

Why was she burning? The candles that lit without her moving to them, was that even real? The creature in black, what fate was he telling her to embrace?

Neera squeezed her pillow tighter and looked over to the wall from where the creature in black had appeared. She could feel her heart banging against her chest in fear. There were only questions and no answers, and perhaps Zavian’s suggestion of finding answers with the witches was not such a bad idea, but the memory of her blood being drawn out of her the last time gave her second thoughts. There was no telling if whatever they would have to do to find her answers would be worse the second time around.

There was a knock on her door. Neera panicked and sat upright, and as the door opened, her eyes widened when she saw it was Zavian.

After what happened in the room, guilt riddled him, and he couldn’t bring himself to sleep. He tossed and turned around on the bed, cursing beneath his breath.

How could he not know it was a full moon? He had only made her more terrified than she already was. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he stood up and threw a robe over his body and walked to her room. As he stood in front of her room, and stared at her, his heart squeezed in pain, she looked so scared he almost walked to the bed and wrap his arms around her.

“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Zavian finally muttered, he shouldn’t have done what he did, but then... he couldn’t help himself; but he could not tell her that, he could not tell her how much control it took him to get himself to stop.

Neera quickly got on her feet “No your don’t have to apologize. I shouldn’t have to come over to your chambers. Perhaps we can make arrangements for someone to stay with me at night, maybe that way I won’t have to bother you. I would be fine with some company.”


A lie, she knew it. A lie. He also knew it. She knew if the dreams were to happen the same way they happened before, a maid does not have the powers to protect her nor sense she was in trouble since she couldn’t even scream.

It was a lie for Zavian because he knew he could not trust any maid to take care of her the way he wanted her taken care of, and he would still be worried because it wasn’t him protecting her.

Zavian stared at her for a second, and then he walked to the couch in the corner of the room and sat down.

“You should go back to sleep. I will watch over you.”

Neera shook her head before he even completed his sentence. “No, Your Majesty; I am fine on my own, you do not have to stay awake because of me...”

Zavian was on his feet in an instant. Before she could complete her words; he walked up to her, his eyes never leaving hers, and a tiny frown forming on his brows. The candles cast a blazing look in his golden eyes, and it looked like they were set on fire.

“Zavian.” He spoke, barely a few inches separating them. “Say my name, I want to hear you say it.”

Neera gulped. “Your Majesty...”

“Zavian.” He enunciated again, his face hard set with determination.

Neera felt the weight of the word on her tongue before she could even pronounce it, as if forbidding her lips to carry his name. “Zavian.” She said and released a breath.

“Good”, Zavian smiled. “Now go to sleep, Neera.”

Neera nodded like a little girl, and without any word of protest, she climbed into bed and pulled the duvet over her body. Zavian loomed over her and watched her do so. When satisfied she was all tucked in, he moved to sit on the couch.

Neera shut her eyes as her heart beat rapidly. She was uneasy at first, but after sometime she relaxed. His presence was comforting, and it didn’t take long before she fell asleep.



The chirping of birds woke Neera up the next morning. She looked over to the window, and the bright light fought to be let in from behind the thick curtains. Aware of how bright it was, she jumped out of bed. All the candles were out, and Zavian was nowhere in sight.

She woke up late, why didn’t he wake her up?

Neera quickly got out of bed and dressed up, as she walked towards the door, she noticed a letter on the floor. Someone must have slipped it under her door. Wondering who it was from, she took it and saw it was from Pen.

Can we meet outside the gates? I came here to see you but I do not want to be seen by Princess Lyra, it’s a long story. I’ll let you know when we see.

Neera grew curious as she read the letter over again before she walked out the door.

She had not seen Pen for a few days so she didn’t know what happened; but now it seemed like something happened to her. Quickly she hurried to the gates.

She passed a few maids already up and about their functions, as she walked out the gates, she looked around, hoping she had not missed Pen as there was no one there.

Neera waited a while; her eyes reading over the letter again, wondering what happened to her friend; a few minutes passed and yet there was no sign of Pen. Neera got worried now. Where was she?

The sun was already up in the sky and beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Neera decided to wait a few more minutes before she would return to the castle.

As she waited; she saw a cart approach, the man riding the cart had his face covered with a cloth, leaving only his eyes open.

Neera had a strange feeling as she watched the cart ride by; and she instinctively inched backwards. Her arms wrapped around her torso as she waited for him to leave; but strangely he stopped right in front of her.

Neera’s eyes widened, but before she could say a word; two men jumped out of the cart and lunged towards her.

Without a second thought; she turned around to run, but before she could take a step forward, she felt a handkerchief over her face and that was all she could remember before she passed out.


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