To Be a Heartthrob in a Horror Movie

Chapter 21: Midnight


That broken finger was just as long as our finger. It was thrown ahead in the darkness by Jiang Yunhuo, It could still be seen under the light of the yard.

It was like a finger sticking out of the ground.

When Su Min said it, Jiang Yunhuo was even more afraid.

He thought that something was thrown, and he didn’t expect to see this. How he killed a fish!

Jiang Yunhuo asked: “Is this an animal’s finger?”

Because the finger have already rotted, they can see the phalanx and joints. Jiang Yunhuo was not sure whether it is or not. They were not medical students.

Su Min shook his head and said: “I feel not.”

Jiang Yunhuo’s face became whiter. He thought something and whispered: “Is it a piranha?”

The piranha was in the real world, so he was a bit skeptical.

Su Min touched the broken finger with the branch, calmed down gradually. “What I just said was wrong. This is indeed an animal finger.”

Under animal classification, humans are also animals.

Su Min thought for a moment, “Wait, kill the rest of the fish.” Jiang Yunhuo thought that what he meant was real animals. He breathed a sign of relief and threw the fish. “I don’t want to handle it. No appetite.”

Although Jiang Yunhuo didn’t know what he wanted to do, He still started to kill all the fish in the bucket.

Only in the first fish belly there was that kind of thing , and the rest were all normal fish.

However, SuMin didn’t take a relief on this situation.

The name “Desperate Island” correspond ed to this cannibal fish. It seemed to make sense. the danger is cannibal fish?

That would be the bloody horror movie of foreign countries in Europe and America. He didn’t like this kind of movie.

If the cannibal fish was real ,the sea was too calm while they were coming by boat today.

Su Min was not sure whether this horror movie tells the story of cannibal fish.

This was just the beginning of the horror movie.

The two of them were muttering here, Chen Xingzhou and the other two also noticed there, and asked: “What happened?”

Su Min pointed to the things on the ground.

Zhao Mingya directly covered her mouth: “What is this?”

Although it was dark, she could see the bloody broken finger placed on the ground. it looked like a human finger...

Jiang Yunhuo rubbed his eyes and said sourly : “This thing was cut out from the fish belly by me.”

Chen Yixin was afraid: “What happened?”

Chen Xingzhou frowned: “I call to ask Uncle He , this is the fish he sent us, he should know it.”

Su Min stopped him: “Don’t ask.”

This island was not an ordinary island. They didn’t know whether the residents on the island were kind or not. just pretend they didn’t t know.

Su Min didn’t feel Uncle He is a good person.

Chen Xingzhou looked at him and finally put down his mobile phone and said, “Well, don’t ask, what about this thing?”

“Put aside first.” Su Min said: “The remaining fish are clean, are you still going to roast?”

Zhao Mingya and Chen Yixin shook their heads.

Just kidding, there were fingers in the fish’s stomach, maybe human’s fingers, how can they dare to eat.

And there would be psychological shadows in this evening.

Since the unexpected thing, everyone has no interest in eating. As for the fish, no one dared to touch it again.

Several people grilled the vegetarian dishes, and then ate some of their own snacks, were finally full.

Chen Xingzhou was still annoyed. ” Are we thinking too much? I have checked the island before, no news about the cannibal fish.”

If there was such news, he would not come here.

Jiang Yunhuo guessed: “Is the people on this island eating the cannibal fish ? I respect them as true warriors.”

Su Min thought more than they did.It was not clear whether the fish eats alive or dead, but the island was in crisis.

Chen Xingzhou took out his mobile phone again and said, “I want them to pick us up tomorrow, not to play here.”

Su Min did not stop him, that was the best if they could go.

It was just that things were not that simple.

Just Chen Xingzhou told that they would go back tomorrow, and he quarreled with the other party: “Can’t add money? It’s not a question of money. What is the problem... Must I wait so long?”

After a full minute, he hung up.

Su Min guessed from his face: “The other party says that he will pick us up after a few days?”

Chen Xingzhou nodded: “He says that the ship has been rented out, and we must wait until others return it.”

So it was useless to have money.

Su Min predicted it. “since it is so, let’s take a break early, and see what happens tomorrow day.”

Chen Xingzhou nodded, and now it can only be this way.

Originally there were three rooms, but they slept in the two rooms at night.

Zhao Mingya and Chen Yixin slept in a room, and their three big men slept next door, and if they had something, they could call directly.

Su Min pointed them to the bathroom and reminded them: ” the bathroom is over there, I followed Uncle He to go there. but I don’t suggest you.”

Several of them went to see it and were scared back.

It wasn’t the bathroom, it was really a haunted house, the words were written like blood, no one dared to go in.

Chen Yixin was cowardice and said: “I... I still don’t take a bath.”

Although she couldn’t stand the bath, but let her go to the bathroom in such a big night and in such the darkness. In case the power stopped, half a life could be scared.

Zhao Mingya also said: “Forget it, boil water myself.”

Wait until tomorrow day.

Chen Xingzhou said: “I will burn some water for you. Let’s make it tonight. I will go to the bathroom tomorrow to see if it is clean.”

Zhao Mingya nodded.

There was still water here, and they have picked up a few barrels with a water pipe. After the boiling, it was already late at night, and the moon was on the tip.

Two girls naturally used it first.

After the new water boiled, Chen Xingzhou and Jiang Yunhuo washed in the room, and Su Min stood in the hallway.

It is surrounded by empty space, and he felt the darkness can eat them.

Su Min still remembered the scene that few men were looking at them strangely. he went back to the room, simply washed it with hot water and lay down on the bed.

Originally there was only one bed, but Chen Xingzhou and Jiang Yunhuo moved their own beds, so they didn’t squeeze into a bed.

Three people were lying on their beds.

Jiang Yunhuo grievances: “I only ate a bag of potato chips tonight.”

He often eat two bowls of rice, and a variety of delicious snacks. And tonight and lose weight directly.

Su Min asked: “Do you want to eat fish?”

Jiang Yunhuo: “...”

Chen Xingzhou’s face didn’t look good, and the reply to the boat was too bad for him. They still had to stay here for a few days, not knowing what was going on.

The fish were eating people, and anything could happen.

Su Min was very calm, and re-consolation: ” We should sleep now, tomorrow we will find something to eat.”

Chen Xingzhou nodded: “Yeah.”

A few hour’s taking the boat and walking on the mountains, they were really exhausted and slept without lying for a while.


Late at night, Su Min was awakened by the tips of the theater.

[Audience Su Min, congratulations on your successful change of your script, please continue to work hard, as a reward, we will give you a keyword prompt, the first prompt is: room]

Su Min suddenly woke up.

The word of the room in the theater was too directional, and they were in the room.

The first prompt in the previous movie”Thriller Colleg” he remembered was the bathroom, and then Liu Lili died in the bathroom that night.

Did this prompt indicate that someone would die in the room?

Su Min was not in a mood to sleep , and put up his ears to listen to it. Chen Xingzhou and Jiang Yunhuo’s snores came one after another and lived well.

As for Zhao Mingya and Chen Yixin next door, he was not very sure.

Just when we got here today, things became confusing, especially the fish were eating people. The plot was more extremely frightened than that of “Thriller College”.

Su Min also remembered the blind grandma.

There was such an existence in the horror movie, she must know something, and he would look for the grandma tomorrow to see if he can ask anything.

At this moment, the rapid knocking of the door sounded.

Su Min’s heart was beating, and instantly he imagined countless horror episodes, including the knocking on the door in the previous toilet.

It was really amazing.

Su Min dared not to open the door, only listened to that non-stop voice, and wondered what to do if somebody broke into the door.

He didn’t expect the knock suddenly stopped.

This change made SuMin breathe a sigh of relief. When he started to close his eyes and sleep, and the dull knocking sounded again.

The voice was very short, but scarier in the middle of the night.

Su Min thought of the prompt of the “room”. With a new idea, would the door was opened, the three of them would be directly killed?

He looked at Chen Xingzhou, who was asleep with the eyes non-moving. He thought that the hero of the movie should not be so easy to have an accident.

Su Min got out of bed carefully and pushed Jiang Yunhuo and Chen Xingzhou.

Jiang Yunhuo woke and got angry, When he was ready to swear. He was stopped by Su mn: “Don’t say anything.”

Chen Xingzhou also woke up in confusion.

Just as the two men were confused, the knocking sounds reappeared, and the three people heard it clearly this time.

Chen Xingzhou was silent for a while and asked: “Who is knocking at the door now?”

Su Min shook his head: “I don’t know.”

Jiang Yunhuo has shivered, whispered: “Is it Zhao Mingya? Are you afraid to come to us at night?”

No one knew this guess was right or not.

Chen Xingzhou did not dare to go out alone: “I called to ask them.”

Before going to bed he had warned repeatedly both of them not to turn off their mobile phones , and they should turn on the vibrate without ringing.

He called Zhao Mingya. After about a few seconds, she ansewered. Chen Xingzhou asked directly: ” Aer you both in the room?”

Zhao Mingya looked at Chen Yixin next to her and wondered: “Yes, Yi Xin is asleep, what happened?”

When Chen Xingzhou started to answer, she heard the knocking.

Zhao Mingya jolted, all kinds of terrible thoughts came out. “How...”

Chen Xingzhou also heard: “You also heard this voice on your side.”

Zhao Mingya also can’t care about the cold war between them, asked: “What the hell is going on? Aren’t you knocking at the door?”

Chen Xingzhou said: “No, we thought you were knocking at the door.”

Zhao Mingya was afraid: “No, Yi Xin and me are sleeping.”

The safest one could be smashed, and both sides thought that the other party knocked on the door. In fact, they were each in their own room, no one of them knocking.

A question floated in the hearts of five people.

– Not them, who was knocking at the door?

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. Jiang Yunhuo was angry and scared. After a long time, he said: “Let me open the door and see who it is. You are behind me.”

Chen Xingzhou grabbed him, “What if?”

Jiang Yunhuo said: “...I will look from the crack of the door first, and then close the door if something is wrong. We have three people.”

They thought it was perfect, but the situation was not so optimistic.

Su Min listened carefully to the knocking sound that stopped and started, and stepped closer to the source of the sound, and found that something was wrong.

It didn’t like a knock on the door.

Su Min put the entire ear on the wall and really confirmed that the sound came out of the wall.

Someone was constantly knocking in the wall?


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