To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 54 - 54 This is a farming game (three more updates, asking for votes and follow-up reads)_i

Chapter 54: Chapter 54 This is a farming game (three more updates, asking for votes and follow-up reads)_i

The shuttle looked like a colossal ship, and yet it seemed like a silverfish leaping from the water.

The seamless hull shimmered in the sunlight, its streamlined shape possessing a beauty that married the rustic with the modern.

Upon discovering this shuttle, Wang’s previous drowsiness vanished instantly.

He hurriedly took a screenshot of the shuttle and threw it into the group chat, exclaiming excitedly, “An Easter egg! It’s an Easter egg! I’ve found an Easter egg!”

[Old Man!]

“What’s up, jealous that I found an Easter egg? How did you know I just found one?”

[Grab all your family’s valuables and run!]


Wang voiced his confusion, and then he realized why the other person had said that.

A beam of white light shot out from the shuttle, harvesting the crops Wang was planting in his field, even uprooting them completely.

As if that wasn’t thrilling enough, the shuttle circled in the sky for a moment, then accurately located Wang’s warehouse.

Seeing the shuttle come to a halt, Wang instantly realized what it intended to do.

Rushing towards the warehouse, he cried out from his $380 gaming chair, “No… don’t! That’s the result of a whole night’s work!”

Clearly, the in-game shuttle couldn’t hear his cries.

It simply emitted a calm white light, enveloping the massive warehouse. The crops, the result of hundreds of cultivation cycles, were all swept up by the shuttle, and then it turned and left.

From beginning to end, it never took notice of Wang.

Ignores, the greatest form of disdain.

Staring blankly at the shuttle, Wang watched as it disappeared into the distance, over the horizon.

He knew the white light wouldn’t linger; it would search for the next unfortunate player, and with the utmost disdain, strip away everything, leaving not even a sliver of hope.

As healing as the game was before, that’s how much agony it brought now.

The shuttle was incredibly fast and had an immense capacity. It didn’t take long before the game chat was filled with wailing; hundreds of players suffered its robbery, leaving them with nothing in the end.

[My kitty…]

[My puppy…]

[My little boy…]

[My helicopter in a pink swimsuit…]

[To the guy above, send me the planting method. I’m not interested in pink swimsuits, I’m interested in armed helicopters.]

Some thought it was a bug, some thought it was an Easter egg, but whatever it was, players felt a bit angry.

Easter eggs are nice, but if they’re the negative kind, that’s a bit annoying.

Just as everyone was about to seek a word from the Living Immortal, a netizen named “Liuzi” spoke up.

[Guys, your resilience can’t just be this little, can it? Heh, you’re truly adorable.]

[What are you saying! I’ve lost a whole night’s work, and you still have the nerve to make light of this! What color is your blood! ]

Before long, Liuzi uploaded an image.

Even Wang, who was known as the Gaming Enthusiast, took a sharp breath when he saw it.

This player had constructed a three-dimensional farm; on the plains, farms stood like skyscrapers, showcasing this individual’s extraordinary talent in agriculture and architecture.

Looking over the expanse, the whole plain had been turned into a cluster of farms, which, if placed in reality, could feed a million people without any issue.

Even with automation assistance, this isn’t something an average person could endure.

However, due to the violent reaping by the shuttle, most of the three- dimensional farms were destroyed, leaving only ruins, and amidst the debris, the expressionless player, Liuzi.

Seeing this picture, players who initially wanted to ridicule Liuzi silently deleted their previous messages and then replied:

[Sorry, brother, here’s a risque picture for you. Go and comfort yourself with it.]

[ I know words are pale, but I still want to say, please accept my condolences. ]

[I finally understand why my place was spared, it’s because you, brother, were shouldering the burden. Thank you, brother, you are a true hero.]

[It doesn’t matter.], Liuzi cheerfully said in the chat, [On the contrary, it’s fantastic!]

[Um… does anyone know the contact info for a mental hospital? Someone here took a hit too hard and isn’t acting right.]

[That’s what I’m saying, your tolerance for stress is so weak.] Liuzi typed helplessly, [Think about the games we used to play, almost every one of them was in hardcore mode, where a single death meant the end, and all your progress could be wiped out in an instant. How did you get through those times? Modern games, even in hard mode, are like baby mode. They coddle you, fearing you can’t handle it, and only the Gaming Enthusiast games can excite me a little.]

Seeing Liuzi’s message, players in the chat were silent for a long time.

This is a hardcore gamer.

Those who have played “Plant Grass” until now, to some extent, are all somewhat hardcore.

But compared to Liuzi, they felt as soft as silicone.

Liuzi: [Alright, I thought this game was over for me, but it turns out there’s an even bigger surprise. I’m actually starting to like this Living Immortal more and more. Comrades, who wants to join me in something big! ]

[What exactly do you want to play? I’ll pass if it’s Old Man.]

Wang: [What do you mean?]

[Then… can I join?]

[What does that mean!]

Liuzi: [Stop arguing, of course it’s about trying to bring that thing down! Don’t you want to try and see what happens when we use that kind of flying object as raw material for planting? Maybe we could grow something even more interesting, and then go plant grass on the sun!]

Seeing Liuzi’s words, players were silent once again.

What is vision?

What is insight?

Some people falter after facing setbacks, while others are already considering how to turn challenges into opportunities.

At that moment, players were thoroughly impressed by this farming tycoon and hardcore gamer, all expressing their willingness to follow the lead, determined to strike it big together!

Wang also immediately stepped down to let the more capable take the lead, letting Liuzi command the current players as they all continued to play enthusiastically.

Liuzi did not hesitate, quickly typing: [From the feedback we’ve received, we can tell that this thing is only interested in crops, not us. And according to my stats, it prefers to plunder places with the most agricultural produce. Therefore, we need to plant the highest yielding crops in one place to attract it here.]

[And then what? How do we bring it down?]

Liuzi: [We’ll make our own weapons. The technological system in this game is very comprehensive, and I believe we can recreate some real-world weapons in the game. Starting with catapults, then various traps, bows and arrows, and even crossbows! Brothers, this is a war, a war to protect our wealth and bravely resist! Tell me, who are we!]


[What do we want?]

[Sexy… I mean, victory!]

[Good, gentlemen, let’s get grinding! Let that white jerk know who it’s messed with!]

Wang also watched, his blood boiling with the desire for revenge. He cheered loudly, but after calming down, he felt something was off.

This game… it’s a farming game, right?


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