To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 50 - 50 Inside the Black Hole (Second Update )_i

Chapter 50: Chapter 50 Inside the Black Hole (Second Update )_i

Translator: 549690339

With the popularity of “Quiet Cultivation”, Fang Cheng’s previous games were also unearthed by people.

Games like “Towards Death and Life”, which challenge oneself, need not be mentioned—apart from masochists, only Alpha’s die-hard fans would play this game.

The sales of “Princess Dungeon” were still rising, currently entering a stable period, while the earliest game “The Forest’s Second Son” still had a large following, and with the increasing fame of Fang Cheng Studio, new players kept joining.

Besides, “The Forest’s Second Son” had another attractive feature—the defense of the base.

The defense of the base had always been there, with self-repairing robots continuously protecting it, blocking the invasion of players.

The existence of these guards, like the moonlight, filled players with a desire to topple them. After careful consideration, they locked their sights on one of the guards and planned an all-out attack against it.

Countless players worked tirelessly day and night, chopping wood and smelting, continuously crafting items to climb the tech tree, finally creating an armed team of players to the teeth.

Seventy-eight players, with top-notch combat awareness and equipment, united with tens of thousands of ordinary players to launch a sneak attack on the base guard. After easily defeating the guard’s first form, they began a prolonged battle with the guard’s second form.

From the videos that circulated afterward, the second form of the guard was essentially a doomsday weapon.

In close combat, it had a lightsaber that could melt everything, and at range, it had a highly precise laser—its technology was two generations ahead of the players’.

The terrifying power continuously reaped the lives of players, and their excellent armor was no match for the opponent. Before it, players were like paper, easily blown apart.

But its opponent was the players.

Faced with such a deadly weapon, the players showed unprecedented cooperation. Utilizing their ability to respawn repeatedly, they charged at the guard without regard for the consequences.

If armor was useless, then they would go without. Each person began to snatch top-tier weapons scattered on the battlefield, just to protect the weapons from being destroyed and to find the right moment to deliver a devastating blow.

This “world boss” event, which summoned nearly all the players, lasted for two full days.

No one knew if this guard could be defeated, as “The Forest’s Second Son” had no health bars.

Players could only judge that the opponent was beatable by the increasing damage to its outer shell.

Even if each sacrificial attack left only a shallow indent on the opponent, they felt it was worth it.

In this way, through the relentless efforts of tens of thousands of players, the second-stage guard fell.

Seeing this scene, all the players involved in the siege cheered with abandon, and countless viewers who saw it through live streams were boiling with excitement.

They had seen the ending of “The Forest’s Second Son” and prepared to face the final conclusion with a huge sense of achievement and a feeling of loss.

In the midst of the fallen silver-white guard, a light sphere slowly appeared. This was a basketball-sized light sphere within which lines of text suddenly emerged, illuminating the skies of the game world.

Staring at the dark green letters above their heads, all the players fell into confusion after attempting to read them.

“Strange, it’s not Chinese.”

“Norisit English…”

“It’s not a programming language…”

As everyone felt bewildered by the final conclusion, the text wobbled, then turned into looping Chinese characters.

“You have won, newly born lives.”

” I do not know what forms you take, nor do I know your appearances. But I sincerely bless you, my descendants. You have continued the bloodline of this planet; you are our pride.”

“Doomsday has arrived, and we must depart. This is a migration journey with a high probability of death, but we have no other choice.”

“Everything in the base is my gift to you, I hope you can integrate our culture into yours, allowing us to rely on you and resurrect once again.”

“Thankyou, goodbye.”

“Oh, these are the coordinates of our migration site. We will leave more clues and gifts there. If you desire our treasures, then head to space, to the vast universe.”

Looking at these words, the victorious players exchanged glances.

“Does this mean ‘The Forest’s Second Son’ will have a sequel? What would it be called? ‘The Forest’s Third Son’?”

“That’s not politically correct, you know. Why assume their gender? If you ask me, it should be called ‘The Forest’s Third Son Who Contains No Political Reference or Gender Objectification, Yet Is Male In Narrow Biological Terms’.”

“Wow, your name is as complicated as your logic.”

As the players pondered the meaning of the finale, Fang Cheng, who had heard the news, was already pinching the light orb and slipped it into his pocket.

The text within the light orb had also been translated by him. This script belonged to another alien civilization, but a single Immortal Spell was sufficient to translate it into Chinese characters.

He had known of the guardian’s existence long before, but he had little interest in it, so he had ignored it until now.

What he hadn’t expected was that after the guardian was defeated, it would actually leave behind coordinates pointing the players towards another location.

Such an approach, which would not manifest until certain conditions were met, resembled some kind of Great Divine Power, and indeed would have been easy to miss without close observation.

Having calculated the location of the coordinates, Fang Cheng stepped into the void the next moment. After wandering through thousands of light-years, he finally found the spot indicated by the coordinates in a remote star system.

It was a black hole.

Facing the black hole, ordinary cultivators could not escape.

Fang Cheng, however, could freely enter and exit. But because of certain characteristics of the black hole, it was difficult to probe into it using Divine Sense.

Furthermore, black holes usually contained nothing-like someone had dug a temporary hole in the black expanse of space that would soon vanish on its own —so he normally ignored them.

However, guided by the coordinates, Fang Cheng still approached the black hole and stepped inside.

Terrifying forces tore at his body, but even more formidable mana resisted the power of the black hole, leaving him unaffected.

As he stepped into the black hole, his eyes sharpened, and he realized he had fallen into another world.

Feeling the laws of this place, he stroked his chin and mused to himself, “A minor world? No, this is also a Great Thousand World… Who created it?”

Three thousand minor worlds can merge into a medium world, and three thousand medium worlds can merge into a Great Thousand World.

Confused, after leaving the black hole, Fang Cheng randomly chose another black hole to enter, only to find it full of chaos with no Great Thousand World in existence.

From this, it was clear that only the black hole corresponding to the coordinates was the gateway to another Great Thousand World.

Thinking of the disappearances of various immortals and cosmic entities, Fang Cheng had a premonition.

They might very well have fled into this place.

So, why would they hide here?

Upon closer sensing, Fang Cheng realized this place was carelessly made, its world laws were extremely chaotic, and the Heavenly Tao of each planet was particularly strange, seemingly created in haste.

Earth, fire, water, and air blended in an odd and twisted fashion, making this Great Thousand World resemble a mask scorched by fierce flames, presenting a twisted yet unique appearance.

Navigating with Divine Sense here required more effort, and the flow of time in this realm was abnormally fast, ranging from 1:10 to 1:100 in different areas. If life existed here, it might have evolved to a completely different level.

After a moment’s contemplation, Fang Cheng’s Divine Sense fell on a nearby planet, and the next moment, he arrived there.


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