To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 30 - 30 The Climax Comes 1

Chapter 30: Chapter 30 The Climax Comes 1

Translator: 549690339

Seeing the girl’s tears, the audience felt a tug at their hearts.

However, these days, everyone knows how to write a sob story, so they didn’t blindly believe it. Instead, they began to actively search for relevant information.

Before long, some people found the news reports and corresponding photos from that time. After comparison, they realized that what Mom of Pingping said was true.

The girl crossing the zebra crossing was knocked down. The driver who caused the accident was drunk driving, died on the spot, and was driving without a license. His car wasn’t insured and was also a scrapped vehicle.

Although cursing that the driver got off lightly by dying, this also meant that Pingping couldn’t get any compensation at all. All the medical expenses had to be shouldered by themselves.

Having confirmed the truth of the matter, some viewers began to help Mom of Pingping raise funds online, and a portion of viewers began tagging the platform frantically.

It was clear from Pingping and others’ previous upload records that videos of the game “Spreading Traditional Culture Starting from Me” were very popular. Many horror game enthusiasts were too scared to play themselves, but they had no problems watching.

Also, given the scale of the game, it was very likely to become a stable focus for videos in the near future and significantly ease the economic pressure on Pingping’s family.

If they could secure some advertisements and product endorsements afterward, it would be an unexpected windfall.

Cutting off this channel was tantamount to snuffing out the small glimmer of hope they had found after much difficulty.

“Platform assistant, come out and give us an answer!”

Oh, playing dead now, are we? Very active when selling VIP memberships online, but pretend nothing happened when it comes to issues like this?” Blocking someone’s livelihood is like killing their parents; you’re indirectly committing murder!”

As the platform had yet to respond, the release of another video further heightened the heat of the incident.

It was from a video account that had collaborated with Mom of Pingping. This account previously had few followers and low video views, practically invisible. However, because it had recorded this game, the account had also gained a certain amount of views recently.

Mimicking Mom of Pingping’s method, he recorded and uploaded his video using a cellphone.

The video was made by a somewhat haggard father. A boy around twelve, who looked like a doll, sat in his lap, staring blankly ahead with a vacant, unfocused gaze.

Though the boy’s features were neat, his eyes and expression were very dull, as if a door separated him from the outside world.

Looking at the camera, the child’s father waved his hand and then politely said, “Hello everyone, I am a humble content creator, Feijun. This is my son; although he looks cute, he is actually a high-functioning autistic.” “Unlike Mom of Pingping, our family is quite wealthy, and I don’t rely on video income to maintain a living. However, I also hope the game isn’t banned.” High-functioning autism isn’t what people imagine it to be, with high IQand capable of anything. The IQof someone with high-functioning autism is often normal.”

1 ‘After my child was diagnosed with autism, I tried all sorts of methods to help him break out of his shell, but unfortunately, they all failed. However, just yesterday, a fellow patient suddenly found me and told me that this game seemed to have a therapeutic effect on my child’s condition.”

“At first, I was skeptical, but after letting him play the game last night, I was astonished to find that it actually worked.”

“I don’t know the specific principle, but I do know that after playing this game, my son took the initiative to come to me for the first time this year. He then asked me how to record the process of the game into a video and upload it online. He loved the dreamlike experience of the game and wanted to share it.” “I can say without exaggeration that at that moment, I was overwhelmed with joy, and thinking about it now still brings tears to my eyes.”

Then, I helped him record his very first video in life.”

“The first chapter of the game, ‘Death Cheating Method,’ has already been recorded by Mom of Pingping. However, this game contains much more content about folk customs, so there’s no shortage of material.”

After uploading the first video, my son sat in front of the computer without moving, watching the screen intently.”

“He looked for a long time, at every bullet screen comment, every message, he read them all, he even copied them onto paper, and said that he really liked it.” At this point, Feijun took out the paper and showed the messages his child had copied down.

“Autism is a very painful illness, both for the patient and for the parents. It’s as if they have been abandoned by the world, unresponsive to everything that happens around them. But when my child was reading the comments, he smiled for the first time.”

Through these messages, he finally started to understand the outside world I want my child to know that the world out there is wonderful, and the people are kind.”

“So, I beg you, please don’t ban this game, okay?”

After watching this video, many viewers were deeply moved.

Especially those viewers with children-they could relate to the notion of “as parents love their child, they make long-term plans for them,” and they felt even more sympathy for Feijun’s plight.

Not long after, another account appeared and uploaded their own video.

My father has Alzheimer’s, also known as senile dementia. He has forgotten many things, even who I am.”

I also heard that this game might have some therapeutic effect on certain mental illnesses. With a try-and-see attitude, I let my father play it.” “He was almost able to play the game immediately upon contact, and the effect afterward was astonishing.”

“Alzheimer’s, this kind of degenerative disease, is almost beyond the help of medicine, but after he played and then slept, he looked at me, and his eyes seemed vaguely familiar.”

“He said he recognized me but couldn’t recall my name. He vaguely remembered that I’m his son, but he just couldn’t call out my name.”

Even so, that was enough to be a surprise.”

“I kept teaching him my name over and over, just like he once taught me how to write my name. Time formed a closed-loop at this moment, giving me hope of returning to the past.”

“I don’t know what wrong this game has committed, but as a son of an elderly man, I beg you, please don’t ban this game, thank you.”

Similar videos sprouted up like bamboo shoots after a rain, each telling their own story with the game and hoping it would not be banned.

The emergence of this tide allowed Wang Say Games to keenly perceive that the opportunity for a turnaround had arrived.

He acted immediately, quickly contacting each account that posted a video. After stating his intentions and obtaining permission from them, he compiled a large number of related videos and rapidly began editing.

Since editing took some effort, Wang didn’t finish the video until five in the morning, but to his surprise, he didn’t feel the least bit tired.

The experiences of more than a dozen people were edited into a thirty-minute video, accompanied by soothing music, filled with emotional power amidst its calmness.

Watching his own edit, Wang felt that this was probably the pinnacle of his editing work.

No explanation needed, merely presenting the facts held an undeniable power.

After some thought, he gave the video a title:

“What Has Gaming Saved?”

Once he released the video, even in the early morning, its views exploded at a rapid pace.

The viral moment Wang had been waiting for had finally arrived.


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