To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 106: 96: The Sudden Attack (Part 2) 2


These people need to have certain skills, but they also need to have some ability to stir things up; these individuals can be chosen from among the various top streamers.

Take Wang Say Games, for instance.

Looking at the digital invitation, he asked incredulously, “Is there a mistake? I only play the Heavenly Demon mode! You want me to compete in a tournament? What is this, a new prank project?”

“Doesn’t this show how professional you are, Mr. Wang?” Wang Xiaoying, who was in charge of communication, replied.

“You’re making me professionally lose face. No, I’m not going!”

“Mr. Wang, before you refuse, take a look at the competition schedule, why don’t you?”

Wang felt the other party was up to no good, but since the invitation came from Fang Cheng Studio, he had to give face.

He really liked the games from Fang Cheng Studio, and his soulmate, the Living Immortal, had quite a deep relationship with Fang Cheng Studio.

No matter how he thought about it, he had to give this face.

However, after looking at the competition schedule provided by the other party, Wang Say Games was tempted.

The competition wasn’t an elimination format but a points-based one, where everyone could play through the entire event without being knocked out in just one round.

The mechanism tested competitive skills, but it also tested the players’ ability to stir things up.

The quality of the show also became part of the competition’s evaluation, allowing some streamers who weren’t exceptionally skilled to participate.

Of course, the ultimate champion would likely be a strong technical player, but the entertainers could also get a slice of the action and gain a large following.

Even if they failed afterward, they could still leave with their popularity, rather than leaving other competitions with nothing to show for it.

After reviewing the entire competition schedule, Wang Say Games nodded in agreement.

This was aiming to train the players to become stars.

Prolonging the duration of the competition would give the players more opportunities to showcase themselves; although this approach wasn’t common before and cost more, overall, it was indeed a whole new direction for development.

But the biggest question was whether he could be sure the general public would accept this TV drama-like form of competition.

Moreover, to make it visually appealing, they needed a bunch of streamers who were proficient in stirring things up to warm up the crowd. It also required a group of talented players to ensure the event’s appeal. Altogether, it posed a considerable challenge.

But if it really succeeded, then that would truly be awesome.

After much consideration, Wang made a decision.

I’m in!

Having sent his agreement, Wang Xiaoying replied with a thank you and sent over the contract.

After a close examination of the contract, Wang Say Games sensed something was amiss.

Sending over the parts he felt were not right, Wang asked, “What’s with this fifteen-day closed-door competition?”

“It’s part of the competition format. As this is the first time we are hosting such a competition, we’ve adopted an invitation system and have invited you to a specific location to record the competition process to ensure a baseline for the show. Don’t worry, it’s not in some southern country; it’s domestic. During the competition, you can move around freely, live stream, etc., and our studio will provide accommodation and meals at no cost to you, and we will additionally give you a subsidy of six thousand a day. Moreover, we will purchase broadcast time on television networks, have a professional team edit the competition footage, and have it aired on TV,” she explained.

Upon hearing such generous treatment, Wang Say Games immediately committed.

No time for hesitation; even a second’s hesitation would be disrespecting money and fame.

A week later, all the pre-event preparations were finally complete.

With the plane ticket sent by Fang Cheng Studio, Wang Say Games boarded the flight to Rong City and landed at Shuangliu Airport four hours later.

After another hour and a half of driving, Wang Say Games finally arrived at the designated location, the Dimensional Training Center.

Upon verifying the invitation, the photographer assigned to follow him introduced himself to Wang Say Games, then led Wang to the conference hall to reconfirm the competition arrangements.

Looking at the other players in the room, Wang saw many old acquaintances, veteran broadcasters.

After comparing the types of streamers in the room, Wang nodded in satisfaction.

The majority were clowns, which indicated that this competition leaned heavily on entertainment.

But compared to them, I’m the technical streamer.

Ironically, the others had the same impression when they saw Wang.

Everyone greeted each other, silently pondering how to use others for their pranks while also wondering why there were still some seventeen or eighteen- year-old kids here.

Among them was a youngster who resembled a little monkey and didn’t seem very formidable.

It looks like my era has arrived, Wang thought with a smug smile, feeling that agreeing to this venture was a wise decision and that his luck was exceptionally good.

At this very moment, in the world of “Ee#”, the doomsday for the banditshad also arrived.

These bandits, illiterate and half of whom couldn’t even write their names, finally understood what entrapment meant.

Thanks to the external network, the new strategy of gaining virtue points through baiting and countering bandit NPCs became known overnight, and everyone learned how to pit bandit NPCs against themselves and then counter­attack to turn them into virtue points.

What to do if all the bandits are killed off?

Now that they had virtue points, they naturally called on the villagers to purify the land, thus continuing to farm virtue points.

Offering porridge and slaying bandits brought about vast prestige among the villagers, and at this point, players could even rally the villagers to attack constables.

Villagers who had become adherents of the players would only think about where to stab for a quick kill, not why they should stab someone.

After all, on one side were the constables who robbed them of their Plague Chickens every day, and on the other was the “[£#” who provided meat porridge and cured their diseases; whose side to protect was obvious.

Using the bandits as initial capital, players moved on to the second phase of their actions in the world of “El#”.

That is the village construction phase.

Xiemen Waidao meticulously calculated the virtue one could gain from purifying the land and the virtue from hunting demons, eventually formulating the third law of virtue:

Live creatures can absorb disease; afterward, purifying these creatures is far more efficient than directly purifying the soil.

Among these, locusts have the highest efficiency in absorbing disease, and after absorbing it they transform into demons that then brazenly attack each other.

All that was needed was to let them fight amongst themselves until almost none were left, then one spell could remove the disease from the last locust, leaving the rest as chicken feed to help the villagers get valuable protein from eggs-

The villagers needed to help breed the locusts, but the virtue spent was far less than the virtue gained, ultimately leading to a virtuous cycle of accumulating virtue.

They used the purified land for crops and gradually worked towards a sustainable development path where villagers could live off the land and fend for themselves.

Once the village was on the right track, players could leave with peace of mind.

As the village was saved by the players, as long as the village existed, it would become a self-sustaining virtue generating machine, constantly providing virtue.

Afterward, players only needed to visit occasionally to check if there were any issues with the village.

Having put his theory into practice, Xiemen Waidao looked at the thriving Li Family Village with great satisfaction.

Now, even if he did nothing, he would receive virtue points daily, achieving the ultimate victory of earning without effort.

By his side, Mukuai 1234 stared at the village in front of her with widened eyes, exclaiming how incredible it was.

Even though this guy was somewhat crazy and sick in the head, he really did make it happen!

As if seeing Xiemen Waidao for the first time, Mukuai 1234 asked in astonishment, “How did you know this would work?”

“We have a predecessor, the pioneer of surrounding the cities from rural areas, truly impressive,” he replied.

“That’s really impressive,” Mukuai 1234 remarked, her gaze softening considerably as she looked at Xiemen Waidao.

She asked gently, in a rare tender moment, “Where to next?”

“I’m planning to accumulate some more virtue points, get the teleportation, and then talk about it. After that, it’s off to other planets to see the sights.” Mukuai 1234 was just about to nod when she suddenly sensed something was wrong.

She forcefully pushed Xiemen Waidao’s head down and a bolt grazed past her face, leaving an arrow scratch on her cheek.

A few armored figures emerged gracefully from the bushes, their movements as elegant as that of a cheetah.

Their attire showed that they were neither bandits nor constables, but an even more ruthless existence.

They were the Personal Soldiers of the City Lord.


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