Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 500 500: The Void Express I

Chapter 500 500: The Void Express I

"What did I do?" Cole asked surprised as he took a step back to make sure Razor was well behind him.

"You smashed through my stabilizers, which should not even be possible right now, how far were you even going! Without those stabilizers the wild energies of the void is ripping my train apart, and the stabilizers kept the energy level contained and subdued. Without it the train would be like a beacon in the void and all sort of nasties would be coming our way, Voidlings!"

Cole opened his mouth and closed it a few times as he turned to Azrael tongue tied. But the assassin did not say something, a perfect picture of call and emotionless once again. Cole chuckled, now he has to start it from the bottom up once again and make sure that Azrael' gets frustrated and his emotions get the best of him again.

"Yeah I know you only did this because you were chasing after this stupid abomination! Now I need to fix my train and try to save as much of my coaches as I possibly can. But I can't do it with all those Voidlings chasing, and buzzing around. so kill them and make sure I'm not disturbed then I might consider leaving a single limb intact for you fools by the time I'm done."

Cole looked at Azrael who was finally let go on the top of the train. There was a moment where they both paused as they sized each other up, waiting to see who would make a move, especially in such a dangerous environment and an equally dangerous individual.

"Umm….. Who's this?" Razor asked from behind Cole as he peeled from the side, his wire rimmed glasses, sliding to the bottom of his nose as he pushed them back up.

"An assassin!" was all Cole said as he moved to the side and pushed Razor closer to the conductor who had pulled up a hatch and was loving gears and wires. Cole turned to Azrael' who had pulled his dagger out the moment Cole had moved Razor, but had at least held back after seeing Cole was not attacking him.

Cole glared at him and said to him as he sheathed Black Malakai and pulled out Aza, shifting it into a sniper form. "Once all of this is done, I'm going to kill you. However if you try to fuck me over while we're fighting for our lives, then all bets are off and even if it will cost me my own, ill do everything in my power to make sure your story ends here, permanently! You wouldn't have to worry about your makers finding you anymore, cause you'll be dead."

Cole laid down flat of his stomach, grunting in annoyance at how unstable the damn train was as it moved through the void. He looked down the sights, and smiled as the figure of a Voidling lit up in green.


It's head exploded like a watermelon, guts and black blood spilling everywhere in the with in the void, before the rest of the body turned to black mist and was absorbed by its peers. Another fly through the scope, followed by another, and another.

*Pow! Pow! Pow!*

Cole pulled back on the bolt on the side of sniper and an empty shells generated from ice and garden magma fell to the top of the train before evaporating into nothingness. Cole summoned Seraphim, having it transform into its turret mode, and placed right in front of Razor and besides Azrael.


The sound of the turrets barrel spinning had been enough to warn Azrael, the literal rain of fire that flew past his ear to smash into the incoming surge of Voidlings, was the final straw that let him realize that perhaps hunting his target could wait for later, right now there was death staring him right in the face and he needed to figure out how he would survive first before he did anything else.

Cole would die at his hands one way or another, he would ensure it. He wasn't exactly sure he could live with failure, this hit has become important to him, and that was due to the fact that Cole was seeming more and more like a Mountain he could never climb.

Every time he has Cole down to rights, about to be eliminated, the damn man would slip out and away, surviving by just the skin of his teeth. Azrael was highly trained and could spot from a glance that Cole's perception was very high, so high it was bordering on precognition or not already precognitive.

Defeating a person who knows what your move would be or look like before you, makes it hard if not downright impossible. And then there was the poison, Cole had adapted or had treasure or tool that nullified poisons. Because even now Azrael was releasing the same poison in the form of an aura, but Cole wasn't doing anything or reacting. The train driver, a being of incredible power was glaring at him, whilst sniffing as if he was holding back a sneeze.

Azrael was not afraid of him, he didn't feel….. haven't felt it in a very long time. But that regardless the man was powerful but even he was sniffing, showing that the poison was at least working. But Cole was unmoved, completely oblivious to the most deadly poison in Azrael's arsenal.

Azrael shifted to the side as a Voidlings swooped over from the side, his dagger flashing forwards to stab the creature in the throat as its own. Momentum impaled it on Azrael's blade. The assassin hummed to himself as another crack was heard from Cole's sniper rifle. Azrael' flung his hand outwards and his own shadow stretched out like a formation of spikes from his body which in turn started firing out into the Voidlings that were trying to flank them. Cole hissed as he threw a barb at Azrael.

"At least you're not completely useless." Azrael narrowed his eyes but still ignored Cole's attempt at provoking him, words like this won't even bother him, but Cole was off to a good start by just being alive. That knowledge just annoys Azrael by the second, seeing and unmarked name in his list.

[Requiem Of Heaven's Flame]

Cole cleared through a particularly dense cloud of Voidlings, leaving a massive trail of ash as the creatures moved about in the air screeching and screaming as they swooped and realigned themselves for another assault. Cole turned to Trading driver.

"How much longer damn it, there's no end to these things!"

"Complaining already you miserable punk! I'm fixing a magic train that travels through the void between pocket dimensions, realms and alternate realities. I ferry souls to where they're supposed to be and save stupid adventurers from dungeons they're trapped in. So you tell me how long it would take to fix said train after you two fucks busted it up."

Cole blinked a couple of times before saying. "So I'm guessing it's a lot?" the driver chuckled as he said.

"Maybe try an hour or two. But that won't mean anything if I have to keep peeling Voidlings off myself and my train. For one it would mean you all are already dead, so shut up and keep shooting!"

Cole sighed as shifted his attention back to the enemies they had to deal with and had his eyes opened wide in shock. There was a dense cloud of Voidlings circling around each other, creating a rather sizable force as they came for Cole with a vengeance.

He changed the gun into its assault rifle form and he started firing, going full auto as he held the gun to his shoulder and picked his way over the train. He wanted to seat a perimeter a little ways ahead to give them enough space to fight, if they allow these Voidlings swarm them too closely then it would be a problem. Plus Cole did not know how to make his techniques not affect his allies, so he needs that space to be able to let loose.


[Gravity Rings]

The void went crazy as red lightning sparked out from the endless black storm, all of it attracted to the rings he had made. Cole was surprised, the void was a place of nothingness, but as many has said, the void is the point beyond space, it stood between it and time. So perhaps they had some sort of synergy or attraction.

The red lightning buckled and blasted the rings apart, creating a terrifying shockwave of power that eviscerated all the Voidlings around the rings, before the wave of destruction rushed downwards to Cole and the others on the train.

Death by friendly fire was on way to put it, but death by own technique would probably have to be the most embarrassing thing to be put in his obituary. The only upside was that they were able to survive that wave because the train was still moving and the coaches they were on moved out of range of the [Gravity Rings] Technique.

The last two coaches however were not as Lucky, and Cole was sure as hell there were still people in there, as the wave smashed into the coaches. It flipped them and dislodged them from the rest of the train, as Voidlings from left and right rushed at the coaches and went into it.

"My coaches!"

Cole ducked instinctively as a wave of lightning blasted into the Voidlings. The lightning began to spread, jumping from one Voidlings to the next, rushing into the coaches and spreading all over it like an elaborate net of electric death. For a moment all was silent, then all the Voidlings turned to ash and vanished. A bubble popped up around the two coaches as they floated away into the Void. Cole could still people looking through the windows at him.

"I'll have to come back for you guys later! As soon as I fix the train, so just hang tight. The rest of you buckle up, the next wave is coming. And this time I doubt your gun would be of much help. Lets see if you are any good with that spear of yours." The driver said to Cole as he turned back to the hatch, working on the mechanics that have been broken.

Cole did not argue, from what he could see all their lives were hanging by a thread here. These Voidlings were just a bit below Cole in strength, but given the ridiculous amount of them that were heading their way, Cole didn't think the difference in strength mattered as they more than made up for it with their numbers.

There was a loud crack in the air as a barrier covered the entire train, extending high enough to give Cole a little bit of space. But the barrier was not perfect, there was a split through the middle, not too big, but still large enough that Voidlings could still use it to get to them.

"I Can not cover the entire train with the barrier as that would cut off our power supply. We need lost energies of the void to keep moving, so stop paying attention to the barrier and kill something."

Cole ducked as stream of shadows projectiles flew over his head. He growled in annoyance but didn't turn to look back at Azrael as he twirled the spear and turned, bringing both his hands to the base as he planted his feet deep, creating depression on top of the train as his muscles strained and he used all of his power, with a heavy dose of energy and Chaos, which caused green and Red lightning to dance on the body of the spear as Cole smashed into a trip of Voidlings.


The first was directly blasted to cloud of blood while the remaining two became a ruined mess. Cole jumped forwards stabbing the spear through the skull of a Voidling as he flicked it away and smashed the bottom of the spear on the ground, using [Root Cascade] but this was the void without any form of earth or life, Cole could not use the skill at the same level as before, but he could still grow a garden of sharp roots with himself in the center that grew to stab everything around him.

Cole can neither confirm or deny that he might have sent one of the spikes after Azrael', who had simple just moved to the side to evade it, while he slashed his dagger, releasing a sickly grey looking wave that traveled slow or seemed as if it was traveling slow, but still move fast enough to leave more pieces of Voidlings in. The void.

"Watch Out!" someone called out to Cole as he held his spear across his chest, only for a Voidling to seemingly teleport across the distance, twice as tall as the others and built there times as wide. It smashed into Cole's spear with enough force that the spear bent on impact.

Cole dug his feet in deep and absorbed all of the energy, the kinetic energy created from the Voidling's momentum and attack. He took a deep breath then smashed his forehead into the creature's face, blasting it backwards as he followed it with the spear trailing after its heart.

Cole stabbed it and flung it's body of the train to the side, where it quickly turned into a vapor. He raised his head up, only to see that in the sky above him, there were at least 5 other Voidlings of similar size, and they looked like they wanted to rip Cole to pieces.

"Well hurry up then, I don't have all day. You guys should come at me all at once, this way. I can speed things up and send you to your deaths quickly." Their response?



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