Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 49 049: Bounty 01 II

When the worker had asked about demons, Cole had taken a defensive stance. The year might be 2177 but things like prejudice against race and color had not disappeared, and it was even more prevalent in some places as opposed to others.

"what do you mean by how do I feel about demons…. What about demons?" Cole asked, looking up at the worker as he for the first time since he got to the second floor acknowledged his sinster height. The tail that he has been pretty much ignoring since his race change flicked left and right as a sign of Cole's annoyance, he had low tolerance for anything related to racism.

"On the contrary sir, we do not discriminate here. However many people do not get along with the infernal races, demons most of all. But those are prejudices from times past.

Anyways the point I'm trying to make is in regards to your revolvers. I haven't seen a race like yours before, and you do not give off the scent of brimstone that is usually associated with most demons, and even more so you do not have a warlock or summoned or necromancer attached to your hip, so it was hard for me to identify you as a demon.

Very few of them can walk the material and without an anchor providing constant Mana or energy for them to be here. Either way in regards to the pistol there is a limited edition Bido Banzi Gnome Forged set of pistols. They were tempered in demon flames and quenched in the blood of a high demon. Only 8 of those pieces are in existence and we have four of them here.

It's two guns to a pair, with each pair having different abilities. We have the greed and pride pair. The pride pair has abilities that ensures your bullets never miss, and each shot is a debilitating one. If it doesn't kill you, you would be assaulted with debuffs for a significant amount of time.

The greed pair however are scaling weapons. By virtue of the sin they embody, each kill let's them absorb essence and life so that it can grow stronger. Each shot takes a portion of health from your enemies, a kill shot will take energy and some of their money too."

Cole raised an eyebrow. Both pairs would be quite of help to him, and he would very much love to have both pairs. Cole asked.

"Is there a way to combine the effects of both pairs?" the worker seemed taken aback before shaking his head ruefully.

"There is not a craftsman alive that can do so, however on the 17th floor of the dungeon below there is an item that sells for 1 million Tigons. It has the ability to transmutate equipment and living beings, bringing them together and forging a higher form. You can purchase it from the general store of course and have both pairs of revolves combine into something absolutely wicked, or you could go down there and get it yourself."

Cole shook his head, he was sorely tempted though. So he asked a very important question as it was not the paltry sum of money that he had on his person that was the most important thing, it was the prisms. And there was no way he would sell his diamond rank prism, he had five silver on hand.

And prisms were expensive, extremely so. And it was not just some increment of a hundred over the previous grade, sometimes it could be even thousands.

"How much would a silver prism be sold for in your store?" Cole asked, causing the worker to stop walking as they had reached a display case where a leather jacket, pants, boots, a brown bag, a gun belt, bullets(lots of it), a sword, two daggers and two brown revolvers sat, ready and waiting.

"Most silver prisms would go for at least 300 thousand Tigons. Skills and stats are way more expensive than equipment. A gold prism would cost anything from as low as 15 million Tigons, to as high as 300 Million.

If you have any silver prism on hand, the store will buy it from you at a standard rate of 400 thousand Tigons." Cole nodded his head and brought out three of his silver Prisms.

"Get me that thing that combines guns. And get my equipment ready. As for the clothes and armor, the color scheme should be black and blue, and do make something for my face, I'm not used to having my head exposed. I need stealth and Invisibility, and my blades must be able to cut through anything if not most of it. Use whatever is left from the money, I need the best. Now let me equipe these and you can point me in the direction of the dungeon." Cole said with a tone of finality, all of a sudden he was itching for an action.

"Of course Mr. Cole." The worker said as he smiled and walked down the aisle to talk to another worker, Cole kept his eyes furrowed though…. This was because he did not remember ever giving the worker his name.

It was a bit weird but Cole did not dwell too long on it as he quickly changed into the new clothes. He over looked a lot of things and just gave a custody glance at the clothes and weapons. They only gave flat bonuses to attacks and defense and did not have any other special abilities attached to it.

After that he was able to hash out some few important details about the clothes and weapons he wanted from them. Then he followed the worker back down to the bottom floor and toward the back where finally they came upon what looked to be a set of elevators. Normally Cole would question their appearance and the fact that they ran on electricity given the theme and setting of the second floor.

Then he remembered that so far everything he has seen seemed to be an amalgamation of futuristic and retro ideas. This was some sort of wild west steampunk era, elevators being available should not come as too much of a surprise.

"Yes, we're here now sir. The elevator on the right takes you down into the dungeon, and the one of the left brings you out of it. Should you ever feel the need to escape any of the floors, you can just find your way back to the elevators and they will take care of it.

It is being used near regularly so there might be a slight delay in return. The dungeon is instanced, so no two bounty hunters and no two teams or party will find themselves in the same area. Single instance for each person or party, unless you are at the last and final floor, then you will have to share the space with the other divers trying to clear it."

The worker explained a few other things for Cole, and gave him a small rucksack. He was to throw in the body of anything he killed in there as that would be how they tally his kills and know that he had completed the mission. The corpses of the monsters were what the general store harvested to make a lot of things that were in turn resold back to people who had a need for it.

Cole accepted it and stepped into the elevator, if he had to be honest he didn't think he was being paid enough for this. But it was only the first floor, so perhaps there was no need to be expectant of anything significant. Plus while he had significant amount of money, now a lot less thanks to his purchases, this was still the second floor and many where were probably still scrapping by, he was just lucky to be able to spend much this early Into the event.

"Have a great Dive Master Cole." Cole furrowed his eyebrows again in contemplation as the elevator went down, he was still pretty suspicious how it was possible that the worker knew his name when he had not given it.

Either way this wasn't something he could deal with at the moment. The elevator began to go down, a couple of button to the left numbered from 1 to 100 gleamed red for 99 of them and green for 1, which was the first floor he was now heading into.

[Now Entering The Wandering Heart Dungeon!]

[Second Floor Side Quest! Discover the hidden Secret of the Wandering Heart Dungeon!/ Rewards: +5000 Tigons, +1 Silver Ranked Loot Box, +1 Silver Ranked Prism Of Depths]

And that's where it is…. He knew exactly what this was all leading too. And once again the race was on again, because he knew that there were a couple more players ahead of him, and they would all be scouring the dungeon floor by floor to look for whatever secret it holds. The elevator door opened with a ding and opened up into a wide yet ruined hall.

Massive marble pillars stretched from the painted tile floors to a cracked ceiling that let sunlight filter through. The hall was extremely wide, and littered across it in dozens of small camps were goblins, and they were expecting him.


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