Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 431 431: The Northern Campaign I

Chapter 431 431: The Northern Campaign I

Apart from the fact that he might have traumatized one of his subordinates, Cole was in a rather good mood as he wasn't up to the Animechs, or rather what was supposed to be an Animech. Instead what was in front of him was massive metal sphere about 9 feet tall and close to three persons, but since it went around it'll probably take about six or eight people to completely encircle it.

It did not look like the normal Animechs that he had seen when he came to the city, it did not look anything at all short of giant white metal egg. He grumbled to himself when he came to a stop besides a man that was dressed in military fatigues like the rest of them, however he had on an extra cloak with exquisite stitching of a hammer and an anvil on it's back. A man from the king or from the Craftsman guild…..Cole could not tell.

"Ahh! It is a pleasure to finally meet you Lord Cole. My name is Berin, I'm the Craftsman guild member that serves as one of the adjutants to the military. It's our job to supervise the maintaining and activation of the Animechs, so in a manner of speaking I have now been assigned to the as it's resident Craftsman. I hope our partnership can be a long and lasting one my Lord." Cole nodded to the man, not caring at all for his introduction as the delegation from the adventurers and Craftsman guild were led out of the house by an extremely pale looking 18 or as she had become Aiteen.

"Why do they look like this? Aren't they supposed to transform into giant fucking animals that can destroy everything they touch? " Cole was exaggerating the power of the Animechs, well at least the power of it when used by such weak people. The disparity in their stats had left many holes in their defenses that could be exploited, which was why Cole had made sure the Denizens in the Company that turned to Raens were trained to level up their weaker stats, using [Sin Eater] on their targets and the monsters in the forest.

"This is an Embryonic form for them, right now they need to be fed an influx of souls, particular monster souls, or particularly very powerful souls to activate them and improve on their shape. Firstly, even if the monster is sapient and can speak and think for itself we only use monster souls as they can transform the Mechs properly and would be fully bonded to it's pilot.

However using sapient souls of any other race. Elves, dwarves, humans, etc. That would not work as even if the Animechs transforms, it would be dangerous for the pilot and the soul. They would be locked in a struggle for dominance as their souls would fight for domination for each other. Usually they end up destroying each other, or the pilot wins but sustains significant damage to their soul, they usually end up in a coma till the end of their days. Or worse….. the soul takes over the pilot's body and uses it to take the Animechs on a rampage...if that happens even if the Animechs don't go on a rampage. The pilot that comes out will definitely not be the same one that went in."

Cole nodded his head, he knew about this, he was just surprised because them coming in large egg forms was not something he had known. Either way, one thing this Craftsman had not mentioned, whether on purpose or not was the fact that quality of souls are important. The stronger the beat brought down, the stronger the Mech and the greater the possibility for growth.

"My Lord Cole, Gingrim from the Adventurer's guild offers his greetings and respect."

"My Lord Cole, Dix from the Craftsman Guild offers her greetings and Respect."

Cole nodded his head at the new arrivals as he turned his head to them. "I take it none of you are guild lords? " Cole asked with a chuckle, they're still playing politics and underestimating him, seeing as they sent lackeys and the Guild Lords themselves could not be bothered to show their damn faces here.

"On the contrary my Lord, we serve directly under the leading Guild Kings of our guilds. The guild kings are usually always so busy, so please do not mind their absence, this is the reason they had sent us instead, their aides to have this meeting with you, as whatever will be said, will come directly from their mouths itself." Cole cocked a head to the side.

"is that so? Well then what can I do for the two of you? " Cole said to them as he waved his hand, and much to the shock of everyone present, sent all 25 giant eggs into his inventory. He will send one of them back to Peronico for a test later, along with whatever information the king had sent concerning their manufacturing process.

"My apologies my Lord but.....is it possible for us to shift our location to a more…..private setting." The woman; Dix said, the stench of arousal, deceit and fear tightly wrapped around her form. Cole chuckled as he gave her a closer look, she was impossibly beautiful. Hell even he would admit it, Tehilla did not hold a candle to the woman in front of him, and that was saying something as Tehilla has been counted amongst the top 1000 most beautiful women in the universe, she was even ranked 58. This woman here would probably be number one or within the top ten.

A honey trap, too bad. The bonds of a Raen are absolute, and Cole had noticed it's very different for lovers. He doubted if there was a woman in heaven or earth that can move him enough, but regardless he should at least be able to indulge this face for a little bit more then.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Dix's hand and planted a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Even from just touching, Cole could hear her heartbeat skip multiple beats and the scent of arousal and lust grew even thicker. It was funny, because it was not just Cole who was aware of her current emotional state, but every single Raen that was here. If she knew she'd probably die of embarrassment.

"Well I do have some time on my hand, so Dix and Gingrim, why don't you two take a walk with me? We can discuss what brought you here. Come Dix, I need to show you the gardens of this manor, quite exquisite. Eze tell the Raens in the city to prepare for our next move. Peronico and Aiteen, get your pack brothers and sisters ready, we leave to see the king in an hour, and we leave Te Boreas at Sunset." Cole said as he led the delegates away, with the Adjutant Berin following behind.

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