Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 397 397: The Conclave X

The part of the gardens that they had been taking a stroll in was the maze, as soon as they came out of it though Cole was able to see the level of carnage that was being wrought on the Night family estate. He could see helicopters in the air, dropping enemy combatants by the minute while massive trucks rolled over the entrance of the estate and was setting things on fire.

"Shit! It's a fucking war zone here." Cole's mother cursed out as she too took in the carnage in front of them. Members of the family were fighting back, the guards were exchanging fire with the invading forces while the aspirants had taken to the battle field. Cole turned to Delarosa.

"You and I are going to have to split up. Get my family to the garage, there my father would get what he needs to get them out. After that you can come back to me and we can finish this." Cole did not even wait for there to be any arguments as he ran across the lawn, his body picking up spread as he jumped into the air, startling a group of attackers that had been preparing what looked to be some sort of cannon.

Cole landed right in the middle of the group of gathered attackers, releasing a [Gravity] and [Shockwave] attack at the same time. It created and extremely powerful concussive blast that spread out with him at the epicenter. The blast was powerful enough that many of the people blasted away from his had their bodies twisted and broken from the force of it.

A bullet clipped Cole by the ear, a sniper. His senses screamed at him as he ducked into the grass, just in time for the location he had been standing on to explode, shrapnel and dirt flying everywhere. Cole looked in the direction where the sniper shot had come from. He changed Azazel to its sniper form and used [Spectral Rover] slowing down his perception of time as he looked through the scope.

Almost immediately he was able to identify the eight snipers, that had taken a spot in a massive building close to 5 kilometers away. It was wild, but Cole could find them just as easily, he could see and tell that all eight of them were all aspirants, which pretty much proved a point for him.

It was not just rival families that were attacking, the bloody fucking world council was also here, which pretty much explains all of the sophisticated weapons being used on the battlefield right now. Never the less he had eight people ready to put massive 50' caliber round into his body the moment time sped up.

He could attack them, his gun was insanely overpowered after all, but these guys were aspirants. There was no telling what sort of skills they might have, he needed to take them out quickly then ground the air support the invaders had. After that it would be much easier to rally and mop up the ground forces.

But never the less Cole wanted to make sure he took out all eight of them in one hit, and that he did not miss. Azazel had a couple of skills that had never seen the light of day before. Perhaps this was just as good a time as any to put it to good use.

[Hex Marking Shot!] [Multi-Shot!] 

One bullet, eight very powerful beams of light, glowing a sickly green as they traveled the distance. The bullets themselves were protruding out of green spell/hex circle. Those bullets were cursed, Cole could feel that once fired they would never stop until they hit their intended targets.

And once those targets get hit by it, if it doesn't kill them it would curse them. And it wouldn't look pretty. But regardless, 5 of them had pieces of their bodies blasted off as they were quickly un-alived from the face of the reality. Cole bought himself some time at the very least, as the snipers that were left quickly turned tailed and ran, their covers blown. But Cole fired off another [Hex Marking Shot] [Multi-Shot] combination, as those bullets whizzed into the distance, their green glow chasing after the escaping snipers.

Cole ducked as someone attempted to tackle him from above. Cole shifted his gun back into it's revolver form as he blasted the individual right in the face, before standing and slashing out, Black Malakai slashing out with a [Black Cut]. a couple of people were split in two as he shifted it back to its Hand Cannon form and pointed the gun in the direction of the choppers hovering above the estate.

[Multi-Shot] [Requiem Of Hell's Frost]

Multiple streams of freezing beams shot into the air, the moment they Impacted the choppers it was as if the world reality had a seizure. A multitude of ice pillars blasted out of the three choppers, blasting them apart as an extreme wave of Cold filled the air and the frozen debris of three military grade choppers fell to the ground.


Cole watched impassively as all three choppers dropped to the ground with a loud crash. There was no explosions though, which was expected, all three of the choppers had been frozen solid with ice that looked as if it was burning with the haze being released from it. With that take care of Cole only had to pick a random direction that had a breach in their defenses and go after the enemies from that direction.


Cole was blasted off his feet, his sternum, ribs and organs liquefying under the assault. It was a testament to his resilience that Cole had not been blasted to pieces and that he was still alive to feel the extreme pain he was going through. He coughed out a mouth full of blood as screams faded in and out of his perception in the background. And then suddenly Kaito was over him sprinkling 'Fairy dust?'

"Come on little brother, walk it the fuck off, this is not the time to die!"


"Oh yeah and what time do you think it fucking is Kaito?" Cole asked with an annoyed snarl as he turned over to curl into himself.

"It's time to fuck shit up little brother."


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