Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 36 036: World Announcement!

Cole watched as Docking Bay closed up in front of him, he was given a couple more directions and even more a couple more cryptic explanation about the shit that was going on. And while he didn't think the scientist AI being from a digital dimension was lying, it could all just still be a part of the game, and even if it was true, they got the wrong person. If they were looking for a hero to stand against the so called invasion then they got the wrong person. Cole was done putting his heart and life in the line for anybody other than himself.

He left the bus in front of the docking bay, he had no need for it, and the place he had to go to turn in the rest of his quests wasn't that far. He moved, reaching the area where a significant amount of people were milling about, whether they be players or NPCs or AIs…. Which frankly speaking spooked him more than a little bit as he now couldn't look at anybody nor anything with a the same outlook again. Eventually he made his way to a Docking station with the number 77. In front it he found both individuals who had given him the briefcase quest and the rescue quest, seems like they were connected.

In a manner of speaking Cole realized that he briefcase quest was a consolation quest. Should whoever was brave enough to attempt the both of them not be able to save the scientist, then it was up to said person to grab the briefcase and get the hell out of the coliseum. Which meant that both quests went hand in hand, yet at the same time were completely stand alone. Cole noticed a familiar face when he got closer tog he quests givers, a Lance of anger surged through his body, but he kept his cool as his helmet was still up, he came to a stop in front of them.

"Ahh! Mr. Night! We have been expecting you, do you have the briefcase?" one of them asked, a woman in a lab coat that had a smile that was all. Too fake, giving her away as an NPC. Cole pulled out the briefcase much to the shock of almost all of the players who were there, and then the other person, an AI but not quite like Brogan and his family began speaking.

"We thank you for safely retrieving the Chief Scientist and his family. From this moment onwards you have executive level access to all Sierra Corp facilities both on and off world, In-game and IRL."

[World Announcement! Player Cole Night Has Completed A Major Quest! He Has Been Given Executive Access To All Sierra Corp Facilities On and Off World, Both In-game and IRL]

[World Announcement! Player Cole Night Has Completed The Hidden Floor Unlocking Quest! +1000 Tigons, +1 Level To All Stats!]

[Ranking Lists Have Now Been Unlocked And Will Become Available From The Second Floor!]

[[<1st Floor Side Quest! Retrieve The Silver Briefcase![COMPLETE] / Rewards: 200 Tigons, 1 Gold Rank Prism of Technology, 1 Skimmer Class Evo Starship! Designation Mona Lisa NK3000, 5 Autonomous Iron Rank III Evo Drone Ship Crew]]

[[<Event Chain Quest!(I) Locate, Rescue and Deliver Chief Scientist Brogan Bizet And His Family to Docking Bay 88 Where an Evacuation Ship is Waiting[COMPLETE]./ Rewards: 1000 Tigons, 5 Silver Prism, 3 Gold Rank Prism, 3% Shares Of Sierra Corp Tax Free, 1 Universal Citizen Passport>]]

[[<Event Chain Quest!(II): The Outlaw Izanagi Surugi Of The Blood Lotus Gang Has Become An Infamous Mass Murderer! Find Him And His Gang And End Their Reign Across The Plains, Canyons, Valleys, And Mountains Of Verdant Viloria./Rewards: 5000 Tigons, 10 Silver Prisms, 5 Gold Rank Prisms, 7% Shares Of Sierra Corp Tax Free, 1 Hero Class Atmospheric Base(Upgradable)>]]

"What the fuck?"

If Cole had his helmet off, his bulging eyes and hanging jaws would have been exposed for all to see. For one he knew if was in a team or a guild or whatever this reward would have been shared between him and his teammates which technically speaking should be the right thing to do. It should never have been this possible for a person to clear this entire quest like solo, even the next quest that gave a bit of an idea about what to expect from the next floor, but still all of these rewards…. These were endgame materials, and as it stands no one has crossed to the next floor.

Which means that diamond rank prism was still up for grabs, but he now has 3 gold Prisms, burning a hole in his metaphorical pocket. The skills they would give would be totally unlike what he has been given, and if he could hold on to them till he gets to level 20 and 30, he would be able to rank up some of his lowerranked skills, even the class ones to a gold ranked equivalent.And that was saying something entirely, of course he could only do so for one or two skills depending on how efficient his race is. Or he could use them now and get brand new skills! But the temptation of getting diamond ranked skills, without having to upgrade others really called out to him.

But regardless of what he chooses to do, Cole knows he would never be the same again, as it stands even right now he was sure he was pretty much unmatched within his current vicinity. Of course there would be other crouching tigers and hidden dragons and it wouldn't do for him to have a big head. But as long as he doesn't lose all of his ten lives then!.....Cole would just keep getting stronger, and not just here but in the real world too, and that was all that really mattered to him because it meant he could keep his family safe.

"Mr. Cole please come this way while we lead you to your new starship." The male AI said, but Cole shook his head and said to them.

"Give me 5 minutes I have a loose end that I have to tie, I will be with you shortly." Then he turned around his gaze going straight to the diminutive teen who's eyes widened the moment Cole's attention was placed on her.

"Hello Tiana….fancy a return to Cradle Facilities, I believe there's a pod there with your name on it." The moment he finished speaking she didn't bother hanging around to explain, she turned around and quickly took to her heels, a little bit further ahead was the so called coyote/ AI that had lead him into a trap, Cole chuckled.

"Two for the price of one…. It's my lucky day."

He pulled out his sniper rifle and took one quick aim, blasting the bullet through the neck of the coyote, creating a hole in her chest and leaving just a strip of flesh and cybernetics. Tiana paused a look of abject horror and shock on her face as Cole aimed the sniper in her direction.

"Try and run and believe me when I tell you that I will take shots at all your limbs until all that's left of you is an armless and legless freak of nature. Maybe then those cyborgs that you love so much will happily take you in but then again how in all that is holy would they take in a backstabbing little bag like you. Now I'm only going to ask this once, and if you don't give me suitable answers believe me when I tell you that I will fuck you up really badly!"

Cole's threat resounded across the entire area, and while it looked one child was bullying another, there was a story to be told here and quite a few people were paying attention to it.Those who looked around, almost as if she was hoping someone would step up and save her from the mean monster harassing her but nobody not even the soldiers who have been stamping out violence in the Docking area all day made a move, and that was simply because at this very moment a very large resplendent 1 was sitting on Cole's head. While they couldn't see the rankings, no one said anything about it not already being in effect.

"I didn't mean too, she forced me!"


Cole took her hand off from the wrist, his aim uncanny and precise. And while pain for her was not as it would be in reallife, it was still such a visceral scene to have your hand shot off. Either way she knew without a doubt that Cole would not stand for any sort of lies, and he had no qualms of torturing her to get his answers. He looked at her and leveled the sniper rifle at her head once again, he spoke no words but the question was still asked again, loud and clear."

"I got a quest okay! I got an event Chain Quest! It wanted to feed as many humans as possible into the trap, and the rewards were damn good, I couldn't resist I'm sorry! I just wanted to make money! It's just a stupid game!" she screamed out her answers and then broke out sobbing, and while the scene looked pitiful it didn't Garner as much pity as you would have expected it too. Cole didn't keep her waiting too long.


Her head exploded in a shower of blood as her body dropped to the ground with a thump. He turned around, musing that perhaps she should have a good long thought and reflection about choices when coming out of her cradle and finding her bloody way back to the Docking area…. Assuming she could make it back on time.


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