Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 315 315: To Climb Mountains

[You Have Slain Gold Rank V Mer-King! 400,000 exp! +1 Gold Rank Prism Of The Crashing Waves]

All of this problem for this, well Cole absolutely hoped that it was worth it. He shook his head as he made his way back to the ship, Ravena, quickly returned to the surface. Nothing much was said between them as the ship underwent  its transformation, going from a sinuous creature made from wood to an exquisitely made boat.

"You should put the experience out of your mind. From what I have seen, anything and everything as long as they are conscious can get stronger. There are some mountains that are always too early for people to experience, and that is Deraka. But ultimately he is still just a mountain, and Ravena, what do we do to mountains?" Cole asked as he moved to helm, the cool breeze of the ocean streaming through his hair.

"We climb them?" Ravena said, not at all sure of her answer as Cole chuckled and nodded his head. He needed the ship to understand this one simple fact so that her mind would not be crushed under the pressure of being in the presence of what can only be described as ultimate power.

"We don't just climb mountains Ravena, we surpass them. That's the reason mountains exist, in any universe and in any world, they exist for us to climb and surpass. Now I know it will not be easy to put this experience out of your head, but let it be a driving force for you. Chase after the shadow that Deraka has cast on your heart, until you completely dominate it and you become so much larger than it, that you would be the one casting a shadow."

Cole was not one for pep talks, but this was an understanding he has also come to, after meeting that damn dog. He felt exposed under that gaze and much more than anything he has ever experienced before, Cole felt weak. But for as long as he has been fighting, his weaknesses have always been what he uses to draw strength. He would not let that fact about him change now, he would surpass his weakness.

"He was really scary…..I-I felt so small." Ravena said, almost to the point of her wanting to choke out tears. Cole just tapped the wheel in front of him and said to her. "I understand." and that was all he needed to say as he waited for the ship to calm down, which was weird, how in God's name he suddenly found himself comforting an emotional ship would be the story for the ages, he would tell that to his children one day.

"Alright what do we do about the Mermaid princess currently scratching my hull?" Ravena asked. Cole blinked a couple of times having forgotten that Ravena had kidnapped the princess to start all of this bloody shit.

"Just let the little mermaid back into the ocean, she's served her purpose, and this is no fairy tail….there will be no fish relations in this story. Dump her overboard so that she can return to her people or go save some prince from a wreckage or drowning….or something." Cole said as he waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Something like what?" Ravena asked, Cole shrugged back at her, not knowing where to turn as the ship's voice was coming from his own head.

"I don't know! She can were sea shell bras and sing with crabs and puffer fishes for all I care, or go fight her half brother or sister for the throne, or grow feet with wings on her ankles, I don't care Ravena dump the fish!"

There was a small puff as the mermaid was blasted out of the ship, Cole watched impassively as her body made a parabolic arc in the sky, before crashing down into the sea. The entire time the mermaid was screaming her head off, Cole hoped she did not give herself a headache.

"So where to next Boss?" Ravena asked, Cole for the first time finally paying attention to her Hispanic accent. Weird accent for a dragon to have, it was weirdly sexy, but at the same time who knew what the shit accents from dragons were like. Garudon sounded British though. But then again Ravena was not a dragon but a dragon ship, Cole has not figured out what that meant yet, but perhaps all dragons sounded British…..that would be quite the sight to see.

"Head..umm, head to err….. you know what just head north east, I tell you when to stop. There's a gold rank whale hiding in a trench there… let's go hunt it before moving on to umm…..how do you say this again…. Are-mi-la-ku-na-shi? Is that correct?" Cole raised his head to ask.

"How the fuck should I know?" Ravena asked him, Cole shrugged again.

"Fair enough, just head north east."

Cole stood back with a small but somewhat annoyed look on his face. He was running out of time, he had tree days to gather the cores, he already had two, which means there's one left. But that was not his problem, mainly he wanted to hunt some Gold rank beasts, that were around the sapphire seas. He wanted to complete the hunting quest, then see what sort of skills he could get from all the hunting he has done.

He would leave Garudon for last, which was crazy because Cole was sure he entire plan about slaying that dragon was downright suicidal. But his fighting spirit had been stoked, he was not afraid of the dragon, and besides if he couldn't beat the damn lizard he could always run away, of that Cole was a hundred percent sure of himself.

After that then he would go find that weird temple, the quest about delivering Peronico and his family safely to some place….Cole might fail it. And that was because he would be trying his hardest to get the bloody garden gnome arch mage… or whatever the fuck he was to come back and work for him, to be head of the 7th division, the arcane division.

But it was all just a work in progress. The gnome has been trapped for a significant amount of time creating monstrous soldiers for the red dragon. He might not be too keen about serving anybody else again, but that was okay…..Cole can be very persuasive when he wants to be.

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