Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 12 012: Back In The Line Of Fire

Cole took a deep breath as he looked at the quests prompt right in front of him, at the same time he was standing in front of the entrance to the cradle facility, quite a few eyes on him.

It was obvious they were all waiting for him to go out there and fail woefully, but far it be it for him to be brash about his movements even when he was being reckless and being driven by greed and a need to prove himself and change his life….. Okay maybe he was more than just a little reckless.

[[<1st Floor Side Quest! Retrieve The Silver Briefcase! / Rewards: 200 Tigons, 1 Gold Rank Prism of Technology, 1 Skimmer Class Evo Starship! Designation Mona Lisa NK3000, 5 Autonomous Iron Rank III Evo Drone Ship Crew]]

[[<Event Chain Quest!(I) Locate, Rescue and Deliver Chief Scientist Brogan Bizet And His Family to Docking Bay 88 Where an Evacuation Ship is Waiting./ Rewards: 1000 Tigons, 5 Silver Prism, 3 Gold Rank Prism, 3% Shares Of Sierra Corp Tax Free, 1 Universal Citizen Passport>]]

"Bloody hell!"

Cole couldn't help it, even he had to curse out loud at what he was seeing. These rewards went beyond what was even considered lucrative, and Cole was not blind to the dangers of completing these quests.

Even more so when it's obvious that they were all limited time quests that could only be completed by one person, and then there was the quest about the shares…. It was bonkers. Tiana had failed to mention the part about a Universal Citizen passport.

With that he could travel anywhere in the cosmos without having to apply for a visa of any sort, and then the monetary reward was insane along with 3 gold prisms, 5 silver prisms and the bloody shares itself.

These were all rewards that would and could make Cole a very powerful person within the game, but then when you thought about it in the long run, if he ever got a chance to complete this quest, what would be the use of the prisms when Titan Rising online was finally coming to an end.

I would be better to sell it all to somebody else and just take what he could…. But that was granted when he survived and completed the quests. But he was ready…. At least to a certain extent, he had stat points he was yet to allocate, and doing so right now would probably be the best way to survive what was to come.

He had to find a way to break past the encirclement of the Nijat aliens, and that was something he was sure he couldn't do alone. But he was running out of time, the worst part of it all was that the raid group would not be making any sort of move for another fifteen hours, which was why he had not taken the quest to sign up for the group in the first place…. He had to find a way out of here.

"I'm betting you need a way out of the Cradle facility don't you?"

Cole cursed softly under his breath, as like clockwork Tiana appeared right behind him with a small smile on her face. By this point Cole knew better than to ignore her so he asked.

"Do you know an alternate way to get out of here?" the smile on her face was annoying, but Cole knew it was inevitable.

"As a matter of fact I do, and I won't charge you for it for that matter. All I ask if for you to gather your spare bronze rank prisms, should you come across any, and hand them to me for sale, where our profit margin would be a 70-30 split….. 70 for me and 30 for you?"


Cole's silence was all the answer he would give to that as the young girl let out an annoyed huff and muttered something about greedy human men.

"There's a series of tunnel systems above and below the space station. It's quite extensive and spread over a wide area, so it's a little bit difficult to navigate and is a literal maze.

There's a Coyote… an AI smuggler that specializes in taking people through the tunnels. If you can pay her, she would take you to her farthest stop, which in this case is Central Plaza, just outside of uptown area and the Mag-Lev Capsules…. However even if it's a route, it's not a safe route as worse things than the Nijat aliens have made those tunnels their home.

So what do you say…? Partners for a 40-60 split?" Cole shook his head, then said to her.

"I'll give you twenty percent, and not just bronze rank prisms, but iron and silver should I find any that would not be useful to me.

Now lead me to this Coyote while I take care of some things with my stat page." Cole muttered as he turned Tiana around and began to follow her towards the east side of the Cradle facility.

"What combat stat are you leaning towards? You strike me as a strength oriented fighter…. Do you have the strength stat?"

Cole raised an eyebrow at that and completely ignored the question that was literally selling himself out as people would be able to come up with counters and strategies for fighting him if they knew what sort of stats he had.

But then again Tiana brought up a valid point for Cole to address. He had to figure out which of his stats were going to be his main combat stat.

The levels and ranks of his stats would heavily determine the kind of classes he would receive and also the kind of skills prisms would generate should he use them.

In Titan Rising online there was no such thing as a balanced stat distribution, which was pretty much why everyone had different stats rather than the traditional one.

Now at the moment Cole had his dexterity as his highest stat, followed by his perception and then his intelligence.

This was all good and fine, but he would have very much have loved if his attunement stat was the highest out of all of them, his mastery over gravity would definitely become a staple for his combat abilities.

With enough training and practice he knew he would be able to synergize gravity with most if not all of the skills he currently had.

But attunement was secondary stat, it didn't have as much power as the main stats and only served to augment a person's connection to the world as a whole.

It would be a great stat to have later on, but right now he had to focus on just how hard he could hit or survive. Plus his dexterity was close to rank 5, and every stat that reaches level five in any rank, receives a mastery, Sub stat or auxiliary knowledge based on choice that would be improved every rank V.

perhaps it was better to hedge his bets for now, he would save the rest of whatever stats he gains from leveling for his attunement stat, if not for anything else, the ability to master and control gravity was something he could not afford to let fall behind.

[15 stat points has been allocated to your dexterity stat! Dexterity has been raised to Bronze rank V]

[Dexterity Stat has increased to Bronze Rank V Please Choose Either Mastery, Sub stat, Or Auxiliary Knowledge]

1. Sub-Stat: Agility

2. Mastery: Athletics

3. Knowledge: Firearms

4. Sub-stat: Momentum

5. Mastery: Wind

6. Sub-stat: Ambidexterity

Most of these options would not appear at higher ranks, and while they all might seem like skills, Cole would never be able to utilize them like real skills or stats, he would just get boost from them to his stats whenever he has to use it.

honestly his only Dexterity skill was his wild charge, and truthfully he was more focused on improving his damage and survivability, and while there were really good options, especially the firearms options, but he was a bit more focused on improving the skills he had.

And Cole would not hesitate to admit that his wild charge skill was something fierce and right now only two of the options afforded to him could really improve it, and that was the Momentum sub stat and the wind mastery effect.

They basically did the same thing, however momentum was heavily based on movement, while the wind mastery effect would probably bleed out into all dexterity based skills he acquires, even one that don't have to do with movement or attacks.

His choice was pretty much made at that point. The only hope he was really holding on to was that he would come across the momentum sub stat when his dexterity got to iron rank V.

with that all out of the way, along with his stash of healing items and his adrenaline inhalers which were pretty much berserk potions or drugs…. He was ready and set for whatever comes his way.

[Dexterity bronze Rank V augment Has Been Chosen, Mastery: Wind!]

Aspirant: Cole Night

Class: N/A

Level: 5/10(50/200)

Race: N/A

Titles: Savage Connoisseur/Antihero/Warrior

Money: 248 Tibons/ 235 Tisons/ 124 Tigons

Energy: 15/15

Buffs: +15 Damage/ +200% Eating Skills/+50% Damage All Alignments

Primary Weapon: Iron IV Cold Fission Plasma Handgun

Secondary Weapon: Iron IV Mythril Vibro Blade

Primary Armor:

Secondary Armor: Bronze Rank IX Repulsor Gloves.





Lives: 10

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Charisma: Bronze III(5/20)

Perception: Bronze III(10/20)

A>> Aeronaut(Passive)

B>> Specter Eyes(Passive)

Intelligence: Bronze II(0/15)

A>>Shielded Mind(Passive)

B>> Siphon(Active)

Dexterity(Wind): Bronze V(10/30)

A>> Wild Charge(Active)

Attunement:Bronze I(0/15)

A: Gravity(Mastery)


Knowledge: Martial Arts Master

Stat Points:3


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