Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 415 415: The Bandit Outpost V

Chapter 415 415: The Bandit Outpost V

Tebain was worried,,and with good reasons too. He sniffed and looked behind him, watching as his bandit crew all gathered around their camp to discuss and make merry. They would be returning home in the morning after three whole months away doing the Guild's dirty business. Many of them here have missed their wives, husbands, parents, lovers, friends and children. But the two scouts that were supposed to go on ahead to make sure everything was okay had not returned yet.

Of course it could be just that they decided to stay back or they were being held up, but even if that was the case they would have at least had sent one of their numbers back to give him feedback. This was a dangerous job they were doing, and an even more dangerous life they were living, they could not afford to let their guards down and no one knew it better than the twins.

Which was why it was so strange that they were not here yet, and it was worrying. Tebain shifted his gaze back to the flames for a few seconds. They might just be running late or something, after all in the hundreds of times they have been doing this over the last ten years, their routine has never been broken? and nothing has gone wrong. This was just a snag, and because it was unlike previous times he was a bit worried, but everything should be fine…..right?

"Alright Boys and Girls, the twins are not back yet and this is unlike them. I know all of you are tired and would like to have some rest before we reach home in the morning, but something is wrong and I cant shake that feeling off. So giddy up, we get home in five hours, double the pace and keep a tight formation and pray…..that everything is alright.

Unfortunately for them, everything was not alright. What they found first was the ruined location of where Cole and the Male axe user had clashed. There was still thick energy in the air, wrapped in wisps of chaos that at this very moment was corrupting the very area, turning it into a hot spot of wild energies, and emotions and blood lust.

In about a month a new dungeons would be formed within this location, but that is neither here nor there. What they could see all had them shook and frankly speaking quite worried. Tebain spread his bandits around, keeping a lose but tight formation to ensure they would not be attacked from behind or ambushed from any certain direction.

After making sure the area was secure they spread their perimeter and promptly found the body of the female axe wielder. Her corpse desiccated with a hole in her chest and a look of fear etched onto her dried out and faded face. She was curled up into herself like some thousand year old mummy. There was nothing they could do for her, and soon enough they found her brother.

"NO! No! Please! No!"

A man was in front of a massive tree, watching with a horrified look on his face the ruined corpse of the male axe wielder. It was the middle of the night with dawn just about an hour or two away, but there were birds feasting on the remains, which was weird cause all that was left was dry and leathery. The man in front of the tree had actually been a secret lover of the axe wielder.

Not that their relationship was so secret seeing as everyone knew about it. But still that was not the issue here, by this Point Tebain was well and truly worried. Two of his best lieutenants, in fact you could say the two strongest people after him had just been killed and their bodies left in the forest, drained of everything vital and left to the elements.

He knew what this was, somehow even with all of his efforts the politics of the guild had somehow found a way to his doorstep. From the look of things it wasn't too long ago that this fight had happened, perhaps a few hours ago. So maybe there was still hope, because he had to be honest with himself with the reality facing him. If a single person could do this, or perhaps it was not a single person Tebain could not tell at the moment.

But be that as it may, if there was an individual or a couple of individual with the power to do this to the twins. Then without a doubt…..the outpost was in danger or already faced the danger. There was no time to be wasted lingering here, the twin were dead and have begun their journey to the great Meadow beyond the horizon…..they will meet again, and Tebain made them a silent promise.

Whoever was responsible for their deaths will be joining them soon enough.? "All of you we need to make haste to the outpost. The twins are gone, you two stay with him and secure their bodies, the rest o you come with me back home, and lets hope its not too late."

It was at the mention of the outpost that the severity of what they were all looking at finally landed. They did not linger anymore, with Tebain leaving a few people behind to secure the bodies of the twins, he and the rest of the bandits rushed across the forest with all of their might. They were not too far from the outpost, and soon enough they were out of the treeline and sprinting up the hill to its entrance.

The first thing Tebain noticed was that the gates were closed, and aside from a small wisp of smoke in the air, there did not seem to be any damage. Tebain felt a bit relief, there was no obvious damage to the walls or sounds of forced entry and there were no flames, so then outpost wasn't set on fire, but it was too early to come to such a conclusion…..Tebain opened the gates...and the screams of he and his people filled the? night air.


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