Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 406 406: Welcome To Te Boreas VI

Chapter 406 406: Welcome To Te Boreas VI

Cole burst out on the other side of the building, it opened up to a street with pedestrians going about their day. He dumped the guard on the sidewalk much to the shock of the onlookers who had seen him seemingly appear out of nowhere. In the very next second the entire warehouse collapsed,? releasing a Shockwave of dust, wood and sound that spread across multiple blocks. It did however provide Cole with the cover he needed to get off the streets and out of sight.

Just to be safe he circle around a few blocks, sticking to the shadows and using [Spectral Rover] to move. Once he was sure he was not being followed he slipped back into the crowd of people coming and going and doing whatever. However this time though there were whispers of the fight and subsequent collapse of the warehouse. The Militia was out in force searching for the two diamond rankers responsible.

The rumors themselves seem to gain a little bit more traction and power when the extra packet of information that the two rankers were aspirants were added. Cole got to see hints of it with the trio that had attempted to rough him up, but seeing it here. On the street, a whole crowd of different people all having variations of the same conversation, and had differing views except for one thing.

"These other-world aspirants are a nuisance! The king should just round them all up and execute them, fuck the system!"

"That seems a bit extreme, but I cant say I disagree with you when it comes to us getting rid of these aspirants. They're are going around making things difficult for the rest of us. They should be kicked out of the city."

The sentiments were more or less the same from every direction with varying degrees of intensity. Never the less Cole became acutely aware of the fact that he and a couple of other people in the crowd were being observed by many others. He sighed, he moved to the sidewalk and waved a hand, hailing a carriage that was being drawn by a pair of fine black stallions.

"Where to sir?"

"The Cradle facility." Cole responded and walked into the carriage before the driver could respond, using [Lesser Mind Control] to nudge the man along as he got the horses moving. Cole was beginning to find this entire thing tedious, he just wanted to register at the facility then decide what he was going to do next. Though seeing his current state of dress, he needed new armor, or at least find a way to access his old one.

Fortunately even after the mind control wore off the driver did not say anything and kept his heading until they got to their destination. Cole paid him a gold coin, very sure he was being overly generous judging by the shocked look on the mans face. He turned around about to step into the building when he came face to face with someone he has not seen since the first floor.

"Tiana Ghost Shadow; ranked 9th on the leaderboard, but an backstabbing little brat…..fancy seeing you here." Cole said to her as Ether danced around his finger tips.

"Is that supposed to be intimidating, I'm not the helpless little girl you once shot in the back Cole...I am a queen!" Cole raised an eyebrow, she was looking a lot different than what she was the last time they had met. Parts of her was now mechanical, so similar to the cyborg like revenants that had attacked him back in the sewers of the first floor.

But her's was not garish like the others had been. She was streamlined, focused, strong, and she had a whole contingent of revenants with her. Guess you could do that, here was someone who did not give a shit about blending in. No wonder the denizens of Te Boreas wanted the aspirants gone. If someone waltzed into his own city with a small army of their own and did whatever they wanted and He couldn't do anything about, he was sure he'd wanted to have all aspirants executed.

"And this is me not giving a fuck." Cole said to her as he walked past her, and straight through her small army that attempted to block his way, but none of them it seemed had the courage to stand in the way of the world breaker….the 26th Paragon himself. And while none of the aspirants might understand what it meant to be a paragon, they would soon enough...Cole was no longer someone that could be easily messed with.

It didn't take too long for Cole to finish registering at the facility here. Then he took a few moments to socialize with some of the Raens he had met there. He exchanged contacts with all of them, intending to create a network of his own, and should the need arise, back up of his own should it be required.

He did not meet Tiana or any of her Revenant followers when he came out of the facility. The fact that she was so close was worrying but there was nothing tying them to each other anymore. She double crossed him and tried to have him killed, then he got back at her and she got killed. Then she went on and took the first place present to get to the 3rd floor first. All scores were settled, but if she came looking for trouble, he was more than ready and willing to dish it out in equal and exceeding measure.

From there Cole took a carriage, heading straight for the Militia compound. He needed to get access to these Animechs of theirs, if not for anything but to sate his curiosity. This whole race for power can wait a little, this time he wanted to take things slow, maybe just enjoy the wonders of being in another world and doing awesome hero shit…..it was all he could do at this moment…..or else he'd break.


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