Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 399 399: At The End Of The Night II

Chapter 399 399: At The End Of The Night II

Horror crept up from the bottom of his soles to the crown of his head as he rushed towards the downed form of his grandfather. The only thing that mattered to him was getting there and making sure he would be able to save him. But Kaito got there before he did, sprinkling the same fairy dust that he had used to heal Cole not too long ago.

However instead of healing, there was a shock wave released that blasted everyone around backwards, aggravating the old man's injury even more. They all paused as Cole's uncle broke out into a manic and deranged laugh. This was enough to draw their attention as he pointed a pitch black gun at them. But it wasn't the? fact that he was pointing a gun that mattered, it was the fact that after firing that one shit he looked to have aged 20 more years.

"There's nothing you can do, I knew I had to get creative in order to get my revenge! You all have become gods, so I cant kill you, but I can kill him. You bastard filthy spawn of a common fucking whore! First you took my mother away from me, and now because of your cursed existence you have taken My CHILDREN! My babies! All of these started the very moment that lousy bitch seduced this weak willed bastard!"

He turned around and spread his arms wide to the night sky, then he looked at the gun before chuckling to himself and cradling the weapon with a very cursed look, as he turned back to them, a wild grin on his face, this time pointing the gun at Cole's nephew and Niece and firing it off before anyone of them could react.

[Spectral Rover] kicked into overdrive however the amount of power he could bring to bear with this skill in his current body was quiet limited. He would not be able to get there in time, and neither would Kaito who had rushed, using a skill that made him just as fast as Cole when he moved through the spectral dimension.

Everything was moving in slow motion, just enough for Cole to watch his grandmother stand and move. somehow? she was faster than both her grandsons as she moved past them and the bullet, but the problem was that she was not moving faster than it and was keeping the same pace with the bullet.

But she could not pull forward due to how fast the bullet was moving and her somehow not being able to outpace it. And so she dove into it,? just before the bullet could reach the children she threw herself in front of it, screaming out in pain as the bullet went in to her back and flung her body into the children and their mother, Delarosa was there to wrap them all in shadows and move them to the side, as Cole's uncle had fired the gun again, a bullet for each child.

The last bullet smashed into the concrete, blasting it apart as for a moment a pentagram lit, ablaze with red and black flames before disappearing, turning into a black sludge that coated the ground. And left a foul smell in the air. Cole and Kaito turned at once? about to eradicate their Uncle, but they paused, shock on their faces as they saw the sight of him.

He looked like he was a hundred and fifty with not just one foot but all of his body except for maybe a toenail in the grave. That gun is a demonic weapon on the level of Black Malakai and Azazel. Weapons that required the vitality or life force of the wielder to deal damage. What was even worse was the fact that his uncle was a normal human being, not an aspirant or someone who has been exposed to energy and change by it like Tehila had been.

He was flesh and blood and he so eloquently put it…..using a weapons made to kill gods. Their uncle groaned as he felt to his knees, the both of them snapping with an audible crack, then he raised a wizened and extremely old face up to them and smiled. A grin that was mocking and filled with derision and hatred for them.

"I….don't win, but you can be rest assured you bastards!...you too will lose!" and then he raised the gun and shot himself in the head, his blood splashing into the air and out onto the grass beneath him. Cole spat on? his body and turned, rushing to where his grandfather and grandmother were laying. But he did not need to look any further to know that it was too late.

His grandfather turned and with the last surge of strength he had reached his hand out to his dead son on the grass. Then he shifted a pained gaze to Cole and the rest of his family, a tear slid down the side of his face as he said to them. "I'm so sorry". and then he was gone. His eyes glassy holding the gaze of his wife, and for the first time in the 50 years they have been together, looked at her with so much love the world could not contain it.

"Oh my love…..Ashiteru Jerome Kun. I'll be joining you soon my love, even to the very depths of hell I will follow you. Death, life it matters not, we have played out part, and our legacy, all of them are strong. We both can rest now (Sob) we can have that vacation we've been talking about… Ahhhh(Sob) I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry!"

Cole watched the strongest woman or rather the strongest person he has ever known break down under the eight of her own guilt. Over the horrors of her past actions and how it had cost her so much, she raised her and took a shuddering breath looking at Cole and Kaito then at his aunt. "You three will have to stick together, there's no other way, family first, please. I'm so sorry…..Tehila...you will make a good leader, look after them all….ma-triarch!"


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