Till the End of Time

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

With light blue as the keynote of the bedroom, not lost childlike innocence, it is particularly warm, a look is carefully arranged.

Lin Xichen was sitting by the bed, facing the window, looking down at something. He was so absorbed that he didn't feel anyone coming in.

Lin Xinyan came in with a light step to see what Lin Xichen was looking at from the back. When he saw what he was browsing with his tablet, Lin Xinyan almost collapsed.

"Lin Xichen, what are you doing?"

Lin Xichen was startled by the sudden sound. The only sober person left told him to close the web page, or he would be finished if his mother saw him.

He's too anxious to hold the tablet. He fell to the ground with a bang. The page displayed above was the same page he was browsing. Lin Xichen stood over and tried to block Lin Xinyan's sight.


Lin Xinyan grabbed his son's shoulder, pulled him away, bent over to pick up the tablet, google home page also shows the search keywords; What's Durex for.

Search results spread all over the screen, and there are several hard to see advertising pictures of men and women embracing each other.

He's only five years old!

Lin Xinyan trembled with anger.

"Lin Xichen, make it clear to me. How can you see these things? Who taught you that? " Lin Xinyan is really angry this time.

Lin Xichen bowed his head and knew that he was wrong. He apologized in a hurry, "Mommy. I was wrong


If she admits her mistake, she won't be held responsible.

Lin Xinyan turns off the flat screen and sits beside the bed. She won't let it go today.

"Tell me, why do you read this, and who taught you all this?"

Lin Xichen thought about it. He couldn't tell the teacher about it. After that, the teacher would not help him.

Later, he retaliated against the heartless man and needed the teacher's help.

He lowered his head and buckled his fingers. "I was playing a game, and suddenly I jumped out of an advertisement called Durex. I Baidu it to see what it was and what it was for."

"Is it?" Lin Xinyan obviously didn't believe it.

"Then tell me what this is about." Lin Xinyan found the news and handed it to him, "tell me why, and who taught you to do it."

Lin Xinyan didn't believe that he could do such a thing alone.

Lin Xichen first denied that someone had helped him, "I'm right in this, but no one taught me. I wanted to do it myself."

Lin Xinyan sneered, "well, you should talk about it. Why are you doing this? "

Lin Xichen's eyes turned and whispered, "I played the game and saw this advertisement. I knew what it was for from Baidu. When I went to dinner, I saw that bastard and bought it in the supermarket. I deliberately said that he dropped it, which made him look disgraceful."

In fact, he just saw Baidu, and then he knew what it was and what it was for.

There is no loophole in Lin Xichen's explanation. No one taught him. He made it himself.

Lin Xinyan is even more angry. As a five-year-old, how can he do such a thing?

"You, why do you hate him so much? You did it once last time -- "

"I just hate him!" Lin Xichen suddenly looked up at her, "he bullied my mommy, I just want him to make a fool of himself, disgrace!"

Lin Xinyan frowned, he was not like this before, Zong Jinghao this matter, he seems to remember in mind.

It's not good.

"Don't do that in the future."

"I don't know. He's an asshole. Why can't I get back at him? " Linxichen unconvinced, the heartless man abandoned them, do you still respect him?


Lin Xinyan did not expect that he would have such a big reaction. He frowned and patiently said to him, "Xiao Xi, it's wrong for you to do this."

"Who is wrong?" Lin Xichen identified Zong Jinghao as the heartbreaker who abandoned him and Mommy.

This time, I came back to revenge him.

What's the point of his coming back without doing anything?

Lin Xinyan was also angry, "say, you are wrong."

"That's right."

In a rage, Lin Xinyan raised her hand to beat him, but seeing her son's tender face, she couldn't do it after all.

Lin Xinyan angrily took away his tablet, phone, watch and all electronic products“ You are not allowed to eat today. Reflect on your past, when you know you are wrong, and when to eat. "Lin Xichen doesn't retort. Anyway, he won't answer mommy's words and won't trouble Zong Jinghao.

If you don't eat, you won't eat. If you don't eat two meals, you won't die of hunger.

It's just that mommy took away his phone and watch. He can't contact the teacher in the future.

"What's the matter with you, so angry?" Chuang Tzu Jin sees his daughter come out and asks.

She seldom spoke so loudly with Lin Xichen. This is the first time.

"Mom, you'll take them at home and don't allow him to go out." Lin Xinyan put all the confiscated things in the drawer and locked them.

Then help zhuangzijin clean up the house together.

I have everything at home. I just put the things they brought in.

"He's a child. What's the point of being so angry with you? Besides, Xiao Xi is very sensible. He's much more mature than a child of his age."

"He's just too mature to be obedient now. Children still have to look like children." Lin Xinyan thought of the things Lin Xichen saw. I was very angry.

Lin Xinyan seldom gets so angry. Maybe Lin Xichen really made some mistakes.

Chuang Tzu Jin deliberately digs off the topic, "I'll go to the supermarket later, buy some things, and buy some flowers by the way. I'll be very angry at home."

She put Lin Xinyan's award-winning trophy well and looked back at her daughter, "is there anything you need to buy? I'll buy it for you. "

This is just back. There are a lot of things to buy, Lin Xinyan wrote a list to Zhuang Zijin, "I want these."

Chuang Tzu Jin took a look and put it away“ Write it down, and you won't forget it. "

"You haven't had a rest since you came back. Should you be tired? I'll take both of them with me when I go out later. You can sleep at home for a while Chuang Tzu Jin drives Lin Rui Xi's car. It will be more convenient to push her out later.

Lin Xinyan is really a little tired, but he is worried that Chuang Tzu Jin is inconvenient to take care of his child. "Stay at home and I'll take care of it."

"It's not like I didn't take the two of them out together."

In country a, Chuang Tzu Jin takes care of both of them. Lin Xinyan nods“ Don't take Xiao Xi. Let him reflect on his mistakes at home. "

Zhuangzi Jin turns around, "I know, you go to sleep."

Chuang Tzu Jin tidied up. Put Lin Ruixi who is still sleeping into the cart, and then call Lin Xichen. At the moment, Lin Xichen is still standing by the bed, the same standing posture as Lin Xinyan.

Chuang Tzu Jin came to rub his hair, "make your mother angry?"

Lin Xichen bowed his head and did not speak.

Chuang Tzu Jin sighed, "it's OK, she won't really be angry with you. Go out with me. I'll take you out to have a look. The supermarkets in China are different from those in a country."

"My mommy"

"She went to bed. Besides, what can she say if I take my grandson out?" Chuang Tzu Jin Yi said, "she's your mother. She can take care of you, but I'm your mother's mother. Can she keep talking to me?"

Lin Xichen smiles and nods. He just wants to go out and have a look at the city.

It's a good place to live. It's not only close to the store, but also close to the shopping mall.

From the road when linruixi wake up, know to go out, very happy.

They go to the first floor, where they sell vegetables. Zhuang Zijin plans to buy some vegetables and meat.

"I'm going to eat this." Lin Xichen points to the shrimps.

Yu's mother is also shopping here. When she hears the crisp and tender voice, she looks up and sees the boy opposite her. She looks very handsome, especially the eyes are the same as those of the young master when she was a child.


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