Till the End of Time

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Lin Xichen looks back.

I saw the man standing next to the sink. He wiped his hands gracefully and raised his eyelids lazily. "Not high enough?"

Lin Xichen looked up, lost height, can't lose momentum.

"I don't pee." He can't admit in front of this heartless man that his urine is not high enough.

Zong Jinghao threw the paper into the dustbin and looked at him. "Are you sure you don't need my help?"

"No need." Lin Xichen raised his head and said firmly.

"All right." Zong Jinghao tucked up the cuffs of his shirt to reveal half of his strong arm. One handed copy pocket, looked at a urine pool, and looked at Lin Xichen's height, "have backbone."

Lin Xichen tightly pursed his lips. Sweat seeped from his forehead, and his body trembled.

He can't hold it.

But in front of this heartless man, you can't admit defeat, let alone let him help.

He clenched his little fist tightly and tried to be patient.

Zong Jinghao slightly picked eyebrows and simply leaned against the mirror. He wanted to see how long the boy could hold on.

There are not many people. Qi is not small.

"Can you tell me why you are hostile to me?"

Lin Xichen is more angry. He doesn't want mommy any more. Why should he kiss Mommy?

He's not qualified. He wants to find a good man for mummy who is 10000 times better than him.

"You bully my mommy, don't think I didn't see it." Lin Xichen stares at him.

I want to make a hole in him.

"I bullied her?" He chewed these words, thinking in his heart, when he bullied Lin Xinyan was seen by him.

We met no more than twice.

The first time, he gave him a big "surprise"

He narrowed his eyes. Did he mean that he took away Lin Xinyan in Leo, and then he saw her kissing her in the stairwell, so——


Zong Jinghao straightened up, walked forward two steps, squatted in front of Lin Xichen, looked straight at him, glanced at his closed legs, and chuckled, "I've bullied you. What can you do to me?"

Lin Xichen's eyes were even bigger. He wanted to eat him.

I don't know whether it's gas or holding urine. I'm shaking all over.

"Please, I'll help you, OK?" Zong Jinghao stood up. He flicked his uncrumpled hem. "No, I'll go."

It's going to pee.

Lin Xichen's tears came out quickly, and he opened his eyes vigorously, "don't, don't go, I need --"

"Who are you with?"

"My mommy, grandma - I'm going to pee." Lin Xichen was pitiful and his eyes were red.

Zong Jinghao did not continue to tease him, went to him, "his pants."

Lin Xichen is quick. He takes off his trousers in a moment.

Zong Jinghao set him up from behind. Go to the urination pool. It's the right height for him to urinate.

Lin Xichen urinated and said, "thank you."

Zong Jinghao was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the child would say thank you. It was quite unexpected.

Lin Xichen put on his trousers and took a look at Zong Jinghao, "I have a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. You helped me, which doesn't mean I will forgive you."


Forgive him?

Is there anything he needs to forgive?

Out of the bathroom, Zong Jinghao looked down at him, "are you in that private room?"

Lin Xichen's eyes turned. He asked why? Do you want to bully Mommy again?


Zong Jinghao's step is a meal, looked at him one eye, this kid vigilance heart is high.

"It's time for me to go." Lin Xichen felt that he had lied and ran away.

Just came back to meet this heartless man, it's really a narrow road.

Making sure no one was following, he leaned against the wall and raised his hand to call the teacher for help with his watch phone.

The call will be through soon.

"Teacher, I met that heartbreaker."


He said what happened to Zong Jinghao and himself.

"We're in a restaurant now. How can I make a fool of him. In public Lin Xi Chen wiped his face.He thought for two minutes and asked, "do you have money?"


"You go to the drugstore and buy a box called Durex. If the drugstore asks you who wants you to buy it, you say it's your father. If there's no drugstore around, you can buy it in the supermarket. After you buy it, you can --"

"I see."

After listening to the teacher, Lin Xichen ran to the front desk and asked“ Is there a drugstore or supermarket around here? "

"Turn right. There's a supermarket not far away."

"Thank you."

Lin Xichen bought a box of Durex according to the teacher's success, opened it and discarded it. He wondered what it was.

Touch with the hand, curious to open a look, but the teacher said, do not open.

He can't listen to the teacher. Resist curiosity and go back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, he stood at the front desk and said, "Auntie, is there a guest surnamed Zong here?"

Lin Xichen has big eyes that seem to be able to talk, a small nose and a delicate face. Where to stop is quite straight, like a Western gentleman.

Appearance is rare, people like beautiful things.

The receptionist was very enthusiastic and pointed to room 6, "there, room 6."

Number six?

Lin Xichen blinked. No wonder his lies were exposed.

So he's in private room six.

"Thank you, auntie." With that, Lin Xichen ran to room 6.

He reached out and twisted the handle. Open the door of the private room.

There are only four people in this big private room, all of them men. The food on a big table doesn't seem to move. They are all drinking with wine glasses in front of them.

The door of the private room was suddenly pushed open, and all the people inside instinctively looked towards the door.

After all, the waiters here come in. They all knock.

How could it be a child?

It should be the wrong room.

Guan Jin turned to see Zong Jinghao because he knew the little boy.

I saw a picture of Lin Xinyan when I was investigating him.

"Are you in the wrong room?" Grand President Li, looking at Lin Xichen, asked.

Lin Xichen shook his head and pointed to Zong Jinghao, "no, I'm here to find him."

It's not the wrong room.

Everyone's eyes turned to Zong Jinghao with different looks. Guan Jin wanted to see him and see what Lin Xinyan's child looked like.

And Li always thought in his heart, what is the relationship between this kid and Zong Jinghao?

In everyone's eyes, Lin Xichen came in, took Durex out of his pocket and handed it to Zong Jinghao, "uncle, you just went to the bathroom and dropped something. I picked it up for you and gave it back to you."

What's missing? Everyone goes to see what Lin Xichen is holding.

Wait until you see——

Guan Jin, "..."

General manager Li, "..."

Zong Jinghao frowns and stares at Lin Xichen who looks naive. Where did he get this thing?

Do you know what this is?


"Zong Zong, I'm very interested. Take it with me for a rainy day?" Mr. Li almost spurted out the wine he had just drunk.

Usually, the indifferent young master Zong, the president of Wanyue group, the financial channel, and the people on the front page often have a hobby of carrying condoms?


What did he find out?

It looks like a human model.

Mr. Li feels that the Three Outlooks have all been renewed.

Guan Jin looks at the sky silently. When did Zong Jinghao have this habit?

Lin Xichen is only five years old, and now he looks naive, and Zong Jinghao has just gone to the bathroom. They fully believe that it belongs to Zong Jinghao.

I'm afraid a five-year-old doesn't even know what this is.

Naturally, I believe Lin Xichen's words.

Zong Jinghao's face suddenly bright and dark, low eyes looked at Durex in his hand, "are you sure, this is mine?"

Looking at everyone's face, Lin Xichen knew that it was working and nodded for sure, "you dropped it. I'll help you pick it up. Of course you are."


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