Till the End of Time

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Lin Xinyan took a wet towel and handed it to him.

Zong Jinghao didn't answer. He just gazed at her.

Shouldn't she show that her daughter is harming him?

Lin Xinyan read out the meaning in his eyes. When he reached out to wipe his face, Lin Ruixi pulled her clothes, "Mommy, give it to me, I'll wipe it to Dad."

Zong Jinghao, "..."

Lin Xinyan looked down at her daughter. Her little eyes were full of longing and praying,

Lin Ruixi grabbed her clothes and said, "Mommy, can I wipe it for Dad?"

Lin Xinyan couldn't refuse, just as she wanted to hand the wipes to her daughter. Zong Jinghao took it and wiped his face.

Lin Xinyan, "..."

She murmured, "my daughter is not a devil."


Zong Jinghao wiped his face and handed the wipes to Lin Xinyan“ I'm going

Lin Ruixi is frowning and thinking about what they mean. She doesn't understand when the door is closed. She looks up at Lin Xinyan and says, "Mommy, who is the devil?"

"No one. I went to dinner." Lin Xinyan put her back on the chair and said, "be honest and listen to grandma."

Lin Ruixi looked back at the closed door and thought, when will dad come back.

Chuang Tzu Jin feeds her. She is also absent-minded.

I think about Zong Jinghao with all my heart.

Lin Xinyan looked at her daughter's appearance and sighed deeply. What should the child do?

Ah, for the time being, she can't take Lin Ruixi away immediately. She doesn't contact Zong Jinghao. Their safety is the most important. They can only go step by step.

Lin Xinyan takes the food to her son. She holds a tray in one hand and pushes open the door of the room in the other. Lin Xichen is standing at the window, holding up the curtain and watching Zong Jinghao drive away.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Xinyan came in.

Lin Xichen quickly pulled down the curtain and shook his head. "He didn't look at anything. He just stayed in the house and looked outside."

"Come out as soon as you think about it. Your face is swollen and no one will see it." Then she put the food on the table. Lin Xichen came over, climbed up to the chair and sat down.

"No, it's too ugly to be seen." Lin Xichen is not a big man. He has a special face.

Lin Xinyan put the milk in front of him, "what do you want to eat, tomorrow, I'll make it for you."

Lin Xichen shook his head and lowered his eyes. He had a mouthful of rice in his mouth. He seemed to be in a low mood.

Lin Xinyan came and hugged him and said, "Xiao Xi. What's up? Is the injury on the head painful? "

"No He was in a bad mood, not because he was hurt, but because Lin Ruixi called that heartless father.

He never raised them.

Why do you call him dad?

He was picking chopsticks. In fact, when Lin Ruixi called Zong Jinghao's father, he felt a little uncomfortable.

"What's that?" Lin Xinyan looks down at his son.

"Nothing. I'm just in a bad mood when I'm hurt."

Lin Xinyan kisses his hair, "sorry, it's mommy who didn't protect you."

"It's none of Mommy's business." Lin Xichen in order not to let Lin Xinyan worry, put away the mood, eat a big meal.

Zong Jinghao's car stopped at Shanghuang hotel.

He sat in the car and watched the video of Lin Xinyan being stripped. There was no sound, only the picture. It was obvious that he Ruize was saying something when he touched her. But at the moment, Zong Jinghao couldn't pay attention. His whole sight was fixed on he Ruize's hand, and the corner of his eye was beating.

When he Ruize unties the button of Lin Xinyan's pants, he stops.

He turned off the video and gave Guan Jin a call.

When he got through, Guan Jin immediately said, "he Ruixing called me. I guess he wanted to see you, but I didn't answer. I don't think he'll stop. "

If this matter is not solved properly, the reputation of the ho family will be completely destroyed, and the family's one hundred year foundation will be ruined. It's no wonder that we don't worry.

"You find a man and send him to the emperor."

A word from the donkey to the horse's mouth made Guan Jin confused.

Guan Jin, "..."

What happened?

He didn't respond for a long time, "want, want what kind of man?"

Handsome. Or ugly?Tall or fat?

What does he want men to do?

No special hobbies.

Zong Jinghao did not explain, directly put down the words, "give you half an hour."

With that, Zong Jinghao hung up, pushed open the door and walked down to the hotel.

He Ruilin had already arrived. He wenhuai didn't let her go out. She ran out secretly while there was no one in the living room.

She not only wants Zong Jinghao, but also he wenhuai's trust. If we grasp this opportunity well, maybe she will have the opportunity to let he wenhuai see clearly. She is also capable. He Ruixing is not the only one who has the ability.

In order to calm herself down, she drank some wine and turned a little red.

Ding Dong——

When the door knocks, he Ruilin's heart tightens. She quickly stands up and goes to the mirror to look at the clothes she has carefully selected and whether the makeup she has carefully painted is messy.

She smiles at herself in the mirror, with red lips and white teeth. She looks enchanting and pretty, perfect.

No discomfort. She just opened the door.

When the door opened, the man standing at the door was tall and straight, handsome and cool, looking at her. It's like looking at a stranger. There's no temperature at all.

He Ruilin's heart seems to have been stabbed in general, with a dull pain.

She put away her emotions and said, "come in."

Zong Jinghao copied his pocket with both hands. Uninhibited, he walked in, he Ruilin closed the door, turned around, looked at the figure that fascinated her, blank brain for a moment, she rushed up, hugged him from behind, "ah Hao."

Her face was strong and hot against his broad back.

The tip of his nose is full of his breath.

Zong Jinghao broke off her hand impolitely and said coldly, "I don't like the woman I sent myself."

He Ruilin's strength was not enough to see. Zong Jinghao broke off her hand easily.

She stood in the same place, looking at Zong Jinghao, "well, what about Lin Xinyan? Is she purer and nobler than me? "

She sat on the bed. With a smile, "I gave you purity at least. What did he give you? Two children who are not related to you? "

She gave a chuckle“ What, are you going to be someone else's stepfather? "

Zong Jinghao was not irritated, which he had known for a long time.

He reached for the glass on the table and shook it in his hand. The blood red liquid swayed and rippled under his action.

He put it on the tip of his nose to smell it. Elegant, no strong alcohol flavor, "this wine is not suitable for you."

He Ruilin came over and put her arm on his shoulder. "What kind of person am I suitable for?"

Zong Jinghao did not answer her, just a smile.

Coincidentally, when the door was knocked, she looked up at Zong Jinghao and said, "what's this?"

"It's for you. Just go and have a look."

He Ruilin is a little flattered. "You give me a gift?"

Zong Jinghao reached for her hair and said with a smile, "you gave me a big gift. Shouldn't I return it?"

He Ruilin's face immediately turned white, "you, what do you mean?"

Zong Jinghao pinned the wisp of hair behind her ear, took back his hand and said with a smile, "what are you afraid of? You look good when you smile."


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