Till the End of Time

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Lin Xichen's face was swollen, like a puff of gas, forming a sharp contrast with the left.

Now he can't think too much. He just wants his grandmother to run away with his sister.

It's better for him to be controlled by himself than for his family.

The time of this moment Chuang Tzu Jin already ran very far.

He Ruilin called again, "what's the matter with you? I haven't been here for so long. What just happened? "

On the phone, he Ruize couldn't make it clear. He said that I would be there soon, so he hung up.

He doesn't plan to chase Zhuang Zijin. Delay time is too long, one in hand can also threaten Lin Xinyan.

He worried about Lin Xichen's future, grabbed his hair and hit the car door. Lin Xichen felt the pain.

There is warm fluid running down the forehead.

His eyes darkened, his consciousness was gradually emptied, and he fainted.

He Ruize left him in the back seat, got into the driver's seat and started the car.

He Ruize just walked for a while, another car came, and Guan Jin just gave him the results of the investigation. There is a village near Dingqiao, where he has locked his target.

Apart from that, there is no place for Tibetans.

Guan Jin leads others to follow.

"Don't worry too much. Your son is so smart. He'll be fine."

When Guan Jin calls, Lin Xinyan turns the call into hands-free. He Ruize wants to kidnap Zhuang Zijin and his two children.

Since then, she has been tense, not a word to Zong Jinghao.

"Smart?" Lin Xinyan red eyes, "he is just a five-year-old child, how can you deal with an adult?"

She knew she was angry, but she couldn't help it.

What if something should happen?

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't be away from home. I shouldn't leave them at home. That's what happened." She was full of remorse.

She didn't think that he Ruize suddenly became like this.

She has known Horace for ten years.

How could he kidnap her child?

Can people really be so fickle?

Her heart is so painful, like being torn by someone with a saw.

Knowing that she was worried, Zong Jinghao reached for her hand and clasped it tightly.

She didn't use words to comfort her, and now she's afraid she can't listen to them.

Chuang Tzu Jin didn't run all the time. She held linruixi and hid.

When she saw a car passing by, she ran out to stop it.

Guan Jin drives the car and sees someone from a distance. When the distance is close, he can see who is standing on the side of the road. He speeds up and drives to Chuang Tzu Jin to stop.

"Please do me a favor. I've met a bad man. Can I --" before Zhuang Zijin's words for help were finished, he saw his appearance clearly.

Not many times. But Chuang Tzu Jin knew him, who was next to the young master of the clan.

Shut down, open the back door, "hurry up."

"Thank you." Zhuangzijin holding linruixi on the car.

She is very good, Chuang Tzu Jin told her that there are bad people to catch them, can't speak.

So when hiding, I sipped my mouth and didn't say anything, which was very clever.

"Xiao Xi has been taken away, can you help me call the police?" Chuang Tzu Jin is sure that he is safe and asks Guan Jin.

"Don't worry. I've brought people with me. "

Guan Jin motioned to her to look back. She was too nervous and didn't pay attention to the back. Now there are several cars parked behind the car, as well as police cars.

Chuang Tzu Jin can't even think about it. How does Guan Jin know they are in danger. I just want him to save Lin Xichen.

That's a five-year-old. He's very young.

Although sometimes a little smart.

But in his eyes, it was a child.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zong and Miss Lin have taken a step forward, and they will certainly save Xiao Xi. I'll send you to a safe place first." Guan Jin turned the front of the car. The car pulled up to Shen's car, lowered the window and sat in the co driver's seat in front of another car. Shen, who was looking at the map, said, "you go first. I have something to do."

Captain Shen took a look at him“ Go ahead and leave it to me. "He's locked in the location.

"Well." Guan Jin starts the car and calls Zong Jinghao again. The purpose is to tell Lin Xinyan that her mother and daughter are safe, so that she can feel better and don't worry so much.

"What about Xiao Xi?" They escaped. Where's Xiao Xi?

"He was taken away by he Ruize. Your mother probably found out he Ruize's intention. At that time, she should not be able to take two children." This is Guan Jin's guess. After all, two five-year-old children can't run fast. Can he Ruize's young and strong man catch them easily?

Chuang Tzu Jin can run out, already let him feel unimaginable.

Although Zhuang Zijin is not old, his physical quality is certainly not as good as he Ruize's. She's carrying a baby.

It's not easy to escape.

"Please take care of them for me." Lin Xinyan was holding the phone, feeling not relaxed at all.

"Let them go to the villa." This is what Zong Jinghao said.

It's too unsafe where she lives.

No one dares to break into his villa.

And the security system, anti-theft system, are top-notch. At that time, he can arrange people to protect their safety in the villa.

Lin Xinyan thought about it. Now he Ruize and he Ruize are completely torn. He family is not an ordinary family. Now she goes back to her original residence. She is not at ease.

"Send them to the villa." Lin Xin said.

"Good." Guan Jinying said.

At this time, their car had already driven into the village. Lin Xinyan hung up the phone, but did not put it down. Instead, he held it tightly in his hand.

It seems that only when I hold something in my hand can I feel less nervous.

The car went across the village. The road was rough and bumpy.

Suddenly Lin Xinyan saw a familiar car. She said excitedly, "it's he Ruize's car."

"Hurry up," he urged

"Well." Zong Jinghao is very patient.

Know that she is anxious, in fact, is the fastest, but still should be.

He Ruize's car is parked in a yard.

In front of the cottage door, the wall with blue bricks is very low. It looks shabby because no one takes care of it all the year round.

In the yard.

He Ruize only brought one person over, he Ruilin was very angry, "don't you have a good relationship with them? Why is there only one? "

"They found out."

"How could it be found out?" He Ruilin roared, "I don't allow accidents, but you've failed again and again. If you succeeded last time, do we still need to do this?"

She was about to collapse. "Brother, are you really making a mistake, or can't you do it to them?"

Now he Ruilin seriously doubts that his will is not firm at all.

"I tried my best!" He Ruize said aloud to his sister for the first time, "because of this, Yan Yan and I are finished."

Even if she is married with her children, she will not treat him like before, even if she did not love him before.

At least I would like to be close to him and treat him as a relative.

Now I'm afraid it's just the enemy.

"Don't feel that you have sacrificed. You are selfish in your heart. Don't forget that you concealed the truth you found from her before you recognized me as your sister!" He Ruilin can see through. In fact, he Ruize is the same person as her.

He's just good at camouflage.

Now he just shows his nature.


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