Thriller Night Talk

Chapter 29,Part 1: It’s actually not that bad!

Chapter 29,Part 1: It’s actually not that bad!


Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Ghostie

Bei Quan smiled and took back the photos of the hostess and the interns.

“Now, think about it again.” He asked Mo Yuqing, “Who is ‘Yan Shuangshuang’?”

Mo Yuqing’s lips trembled.


She put her hands on her knees and unconsciously fiddled with the hem of her dress.

“No one… ‘Yan Shuangshuang’…” the girl murmured.

“‘Yan Shuangshuang’… doesn’t exist at all…”

Mo Yuqing finally remembered.

From beginning to end, there had never been an intern named ‘Yan Shuangshuang’.

This woman was just someone she had imagined.

Mo Yuqing was attractive, clever, talented and her outstanding beauty empowered her to take advantage of studies and employment opportunities.

She had always been the focus of everyone on occasions where the opposite sex gathered and had been the envy of many ladies her age.

This made her extremely confident in her appearance, but it also made her rely too much on this congenital condition:

Beautiful people deserve more opportunities…

Beautiful people should be liked by everyone…

Beautiful people could live better…

In fact, Mo Yuqing understood that her jealousy had ruined the lives of two innocent people.

But she had both inferiority and pride.

When she faced failure and self-reproach, she chose not to face and address her mistakes, but, rather, transfered all kinds of complex and strong negative emotions towards Xu Ziye, who had abandoned her, and Miss Lan Tian, who she believed was inferior to her but was destined to be rich and glorious.

Jealousy, resentment, reluctance, fear and guilt.

Hui Gui was drawn to her because of these negative emotions.

Thus, ‘Yan Shuangshuang’, a demon girl who only exists in Mo Yuqing’s imagination, was born.

In Mo Yuqing’s opinion, beauty represents everything.

Therefore, ‘Yan Shuangshuang’ was designed to be a beautiful girl, who was weak, pure and lovable. She was like a lily of the valley, swaying in the morning dew. At the same time, she was enchanting and charming in ways that enticed any man who saw her into falling in love with her.

In reality, Mo Yuqing was completely unaware of it. It’s a result of the guilt she’s been carrying around in her heart. When she created ‘Yan Shuangshuang’, she unintentionally combined the looks of the female anchor and the intern.

Perhaps in Mo Yuqing’s subconscious mind, ‘Yan Shuangshuang’, who had some physical characteristics of the two people, was the embodiment of the female anchor and intern. Perhaps she created ‘Yan Shuangshuang’ to let those two individuals live happily ever after in her imagination and believed that by making ‘Yan Shuangshuang’ more beautiful and popular, her unknown crimes might go unpunished.

In Mo Yuqing’s unconscious rules, in order for “Yan Shuangshuang” to be seen by someone, she had to have been personally introduced and physically described until the other party conjured an ideal, specific image from her words.

This process was time-consuming, so only a few men in such a large Lisa Media company had “seen” ‘Yan Shuangshuang’ with their own eyes.

Mo Yuqing used those people to prove the charm of the “Daughter of the Devil,” and seduced Xu Ziye with ‘Yan Shuangshuang’, with the goal of destroying the other party’s marriage with Lan Tian.

She succeeded.

But it went too far.

Xu Ziye and Shen Xing were jealous of each other over ‘Yan Shuangshuang’, and Shen Xing ended up slitting Manager Xu’s throat with an art knife.

When Mo Yuqing learned of Xu Ziye’s death, she truly felt terrified.

A beautiful, weak and innocent face had not only showed the allure of beauty but also caused death.

She felt that she had killed her ex-boyfriend herself.

After that day, Mo Yuqing resigned from Lisa Media in a hurry.

She dared not go back to the company or even go out.

She was afraid of seeing ‘Yan Shuangshuang’ again.

Bei Quan was satisfied when Mo Yuqing personally affirmed his assessment.

In fact, he had already speculated on the true origin of “Yan Shuangshuang” thanks to Wei Fuyuan, in addition to the clues obtained from the employees of Lisa Media.

Young Master Wei had seen ‘Yan Shuangshuang’s’ true face in the memory of the prop master, surnamed Xie.

Although the recollection couldn’t be immediately screenshotted and printed like a film, Zhu Ling was talented enough to draw a vivid portrait of the beauty with Wei Fuyuan’s description.

Bei Quan took this portrait to the girls he met at the wedding photography scene the day before and asked them to identify them.

Several girls had said they did not know the woman.

Only the makeup artist who’d worked the longest in Lisa Media and had, had contact with the most people, recognized the woman. After careful thinking, she said that the face and eye shape of the woman in the portrait were very similar to the hostess who left the company the previous month because of an injury.

With this clue, it became much easier to find the connection between the hostess and the intern, “Yan Shuangshuang”.

However, although Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan cleared up the relationship between Hui Gui and Mo Yuqing, there was still an obvious doubt in the case, so they went to another party, Lan Tian, and got the rest of the truth from her.

“Now, let’s go back to the beginning.”

Bei Quan smiled at Mo Yuqing, “Who are you waiting for here?”


Mo Yuqing was taken aback by Bei Quan’s question.


She muttered to herself.

“What am I doing here?”

“Who am I waiting for?”

Bei Quan looked down at his watch.

It was five o’clock in the morning, less than an hour before dawn.

——There’s still time.

He thought to himself.

“Do you remember where you were before you came here?”

Bei Quan smiled and guided Mo Yuqing to help her remember.

“I resigned from the company.” Mo Yuqing said, “Then I stayed at home… Afraid to go out…”

Bei Quan thought of the leftover takeout lunch boxes he saw in Mo Yuqing’s apartment and added for her, “Yes, you’ve been in the house for a long time. You were so afraid to go out that you dared not even throw away the garbage. ”

He paused, “Then why are you here now?”

Mo Yuqing blinked.

Her memory was like a jigsaw puzzle that had been broken apart and disassembled. One by one, she needed to explore carefully along with the clues and reassemble the messy fragments.


The girl blinked and finally thought of something, “I received a text message…”

Mo Yuqing reflexively reached into her coat pocket to take out her mobile phone but found it empty.

She was stunned and thought of looking in her handbag.

But no matter where she looked, she couldn’t find her bag.

Mo Yuqing was surprised that she had nothing but a set of clothes, shoes and socks on her person.

The girl stood up.

“What’s going on? Where’s my bag? Where’s my cell phone? ”

Her voice was filled with uncontrollable panic, “Why am I here?”

Bei Quan took the mobile phone, handed over by Wei Fuyuan and showed Mo Yuqing the screen.

The screen displayed a screenshot of a short message:

[You bitch, I know what you did!]

Mo Yuqing: “……”

She stared at the screen lit up in Bei Quan’s hand and remained silent for a long time.

“… Yes…”

Mo Yuqing whispered, “That day… I received a text message from Lan Tian…”

“… She found the picture of me and Ziye…”

“She knows…”

Bei Quan nodded, “Yes, so Lan Tian asked you to meet.”

After a pause, he said softly, “Then you decided to meet with her and came to the back of Mingtai mountain on the evening of April 9 to meet Lan Tian in this pavilion.”

Mo Yuqing gave an “um”.

Bei Quan, “And then?”

The girl stopped talking again.

She frowned and thought hard, her fingers gripped her skirt tightly, and her knuckles turned blue from white.

“I don’t know…”

Mo Yuqing felt a strong uneasiness in her heart.

She had a terrible premonition that what she had forgotten would make her fall into an abyss that she would never be able to crawl back out from.

She was afraid to know the truth, yet, at the same time, was eager to hold on to the relief from knowing the truth.

Mo Yuqing’s voice let out a faint cry, “I really… really don’t remember…”

Bei Quan’s lips curved.

Then he stretched out his hand and suddenly pushed Mo Yuqing on her back when she was completely unprepared.


Mo Yuqing pounced forward without warning.

As she was falling, she closed her eyes reflexively and stretched her hands forward.

She did fall, but her knee did not feel pain.

“You bitch!”

Mo Yuqing heard a sharp female voice scolding furiously, “I know you did it!”

Mo Yuqing opened her eyes and muttered, “Lan, Lan Tian…”

She was trembling in front of the woman. Before she knew what was happening, Lan Tian rushed over and stretched out her hand to pull her hair.

“You killed Ziye, didn’t you?”

“You’re responsible for so many things in the company!”

“I don’t know how you did it, but it must’ve been you!”

Mo Yuqing screamed and tried to cover her head, struggling to break free from Lan Tian’s grip.

She was so scared that she couldn’t think rationally. Aside from crying and screaming, she had forgotten how to defend herself.

“You also planned the stage accident, didn’t you?”

Lan Tian beat and scolded, “How many more people do you want to hurt? How many more people will you kill? ”

Mo Yuqing felt her ears buzzing.

Only one thought filled her mind, that was—— Lan Tian knew everything!

In an extreme panic, Mo Yuqing instinctively struggled violently.

Two girls of the same age and shape naturally had similar strength. It was difficult for one party to subdue the other when fighting.

When Mo Yuqing began to resist fiercely, Lan Tian finally let go of her hair.

Mo Yuqing didn’t care much. Like a cornered animal forced into a desperate situation, she ran in a panicked state towards an uncertain direction.

Her right shoe came loose and she ran staggeringly, utterly blind to the directions of East, West, North, and South.

When Mo Yuqing realized that there was a fence in front and a cliff below the fence, she had no way out.

She suddenly stopped and looked back at Lan Tian,

But the long, messy hair stuck to her face and blocked her view.

Mo Yuqing heard a sharp scream.

“Bitch, die!”

The next second, a force hit her back heavily.

Mo Yuqing fell forward uncontrollably, crossed the low railing fence and plunged straight down…


Just when Mo Yuqing thought she was going to fall down the cliff, someone grabbed her arm with one hand and dragged her back from the edge of the fall.

The girl sat down on the ground.

She looked dazedly at Bei Quan, who had just pulled her back from falling…

“So it’s like this…”

Mo Yuqing’s lips murmured:

“I’m dead…”

Wei Fuyuan, who had been watching all this silently, found that the girl’s appearance had completely changed in an instant.

She was no longer as bright as she was at first.

Mo Yuqing’s hair was scattered, covered with blood, fallen leaves and mud, and her dress was dirty. There was a big hole in the silk stockings. Without shoes, her right foot twisted at an abnormal angle, and a white fractured bone protruded from the distorted incision.

“I’m dead… I’m really dead…”

Wei Fuyuan turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and took a picture under the railing.

Below was a dark cliff with verdant vegetation. If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes just now, it would have been impossible to imagine that a corpse that had been dead for more than 20 days was hidden underneath.

Yes, Mo Yuqing had died long ago.

As early as the 9th of last month, she and Lan Tian met here. They had a serious altercation, and Lan Tian ended up pushing Mo Yuqing down the cliff between all the tearing and chasing.

The back of Mingtai mountain was usually uninhabited. In addition, the day of the incident was not a holiday, and it was dusk. The noise made by Mo Yuqing and Lan Tian did not manage to disturb anyone.

When Mo Yuqing fell off the cliff, Lan Tian quickly woke up from her anger. After she realized what she had just done, her blood turned cold and she felt extremely frightened.

The vegetation on the cliff was lush. Looking down from the railing, let alone confirming if the other party was alive or dead, Lan Tian couldn’t even see a corner of Mo Yuqing’s clothes.

She didn’t dare to climb down to find out, and she didn’t dare to call the police.

Lan Tian fled the scene and didn’t forget to take away the handbag and shoes that Mo Yuqing left on the ground when she ran away.

As for Mo Yuqing, she hadn’t even realized she had died.

People who die suddenly in accidents often become earth-bound spirits.

If no one told them or if they didn’t see their own body, the memory of the dead person would often stay stuck on before the accident and they wouldn’t become aware that they had died.

This was the case with Mo Yuqing.

She forgot why she came here. Her soul stayed in the pavilion waiting to meet someone she couldn’t remember.

Mo Yuqing crouched on the ground, and lifted her pale blood-stained hand, brushed her tangled hair that was clinging to her blood-stained cheeks, and stared up at Bei Quan.

“If ‘Yan Shuangshuang’ is just a person I imagined, what is she…?”

The best way to eliminate the resentment of a person who died suddenly was to let her know clearly how she died.

Bei Quan’s patience with Mo Yuqing was surprisingly good.

“It’s a ghost attached to you… Well, you can think of it as a kind of evil spirit.”

He explained concisely, “The ghost feeds on your negative emotions, so it will do everything to enhance your obsession, desire, or any other strong negative emotions. On the surface, it was fulfilling your wishes, but in fact, it just treats you like a buffet table. ”

Bei Quan paused and added, “You told us about your situation in some way. That’s why we showed up here to finish it for you.”

Mo Yuqing nodded numbly, wondering if she understood.

The girl died twenty days ago.

When she had called the hotline for [Thriller Night Talk] last Thursday night, she was already an earth-bound spirit stranded in this place.

A moment later, Mo Yuqing blinked and asked slowly, “So is she still there?”

Bei Quan knew who this “she” meant, so he replied with a smile.


Mo Yuqing blinked.

“… where is she?”

Bei Quan was still smiling.

The Young Master Wei, who was listening to the conversation between the two, felt goosebumps appear all over.

Bei Quan slowly and clearly said the answer, “‘Yan Shuangshuang’, she is behind you now.”

Mo Yuqing was stunned.

She lowered her head and glanced over her shoulder.

Two snow-white and slender arms were wrapped around her shoulders and loosely around her chest.

Mo Yuqing turned back slowly.

A melon-faced, almond-eyed beauty was hugging her back, smiling sweetly, with heart-shaped lips, and a pair of playful dimples visible on her cheeks.

This scene was very strange.

A dirty ghost, covered with mud and blood, knelt on the ground and behind her was a pure and beautiful girl. The latter also hugged the former with two arms, just like a pair of girlfriends with great feelings.

The appearance of the ghost “Yan Shuangshuang” was designed by Mo Yuqing.

The condition for “seeing” her like this was that Mo Yuqing describe the other party in words.

The reason Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan could see the Hui Gui as a frail, tiny white blossom now was because they had heard “Xiaoqing” describe ‘Yan Shuangshuang’s’ appearance and clothing on the [Thriller Night Talk] hotline.

“Well, it’s actually quite good this way.”

Bei Quan gently comforted his poor assistant, who was already covered in sweat.

“Otherwise, you’d see a swarm of dark shadows behind her right now.”

After all, “Yan Shuangshuang” could make men fall in love at first sight. In terms of senses, it was much better than the real body of the Hui Gui.

Wei Fuyuan glanced at Bei Quan silently.

He didn’t feel comforted at all.


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