Thriller Night Talk

Chapter 136: Then please help me find two books

Chapter 136: Then please help me find two books


Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Star

Qing Zhu looked at the lump of meat wrapped in human skin. His brows were tightly knitted, showing obvious disgust.

Although they knew the origin of this thing, for their “Special Seven Field Service”, the problems it caused had not been reduced at all.

First of all, they were not able to catch Zhu Hongtao in this villa, which meant that the suspect in the case of killing two people in a row is still on the loose.

Such a vicious criminal not only possessed supernatural powers, but also had ruthless methods and had hid many secrets. As long as he remained free, neither the police nor their “Special Seven Field Service” could report back to the “superior”.

In addition, this “failure” left by Zhu Hongtao also had to be properly disposed of without leaving any traces behind.

So Qing Zhu pointed to the mass of flesh that was still pulsating regularly and asked.

“Bei Quan, what should we do with this thing?”

“Technically speaking, it’s only an undead mass of flesh right now.”

After thinking about it, “I suggest, you might as well bring it back to your ‘Special Seven Field Service’ first, and find an expert to see if you can ‘process’ Xu Lei’s three souls and seven souls…”

He said the word “process” vaguely, but both Qing Zhu and Ah Liu could hear it, this wasn’t much different from asking them to try to help Xu Lei transcend.

After a pause, Bei Quan continued.

“Of course, if it is not possible, it is also his fate ……”

He raised his eyes to look at the Qing Zhu.

“It can only be burned with fire.”

Qing Zhu nodded slowly with a tense expression.

The reason for the code name “Qing Zhu” was because he was good at using Nanyang Lihuo.

Nanyang Lihuo was no ordinary fire, it could burn the filthy things in the world, and it was also the bane of all kinds of sorcery and evil spells. It would, without a doubt, be easy to deal with a little immortal “meat”.

After all, this had a person’s soul in it. If it could not be transcended, it would need to be burned directly, and Xu Lei’s soul would also be destroyed with no possibility of reincarnation.

The “Special Seven Field Service,” although affiliated with the government agency, had been taught by cultivation masters and had been practicing cultivation for many years. Most members still abided by the principle of karma, retribution, and the belief that nothing should be done to the end.

Therefore, using fire was too simple and crude to solve the problem in the view of moderates such as Qing Zhu and A’Liu, but there was nothing they could do in this case.

“Okay, let’s do as you say.”

Qing Zhu nodded, then took off his jacket, wrapped the mass of live “meat” with his jacket, and picked it up with one hand. “Let’s take it back to the ‘Special Seven Field Service’ first.”

The police searched all over the villa, but they couldn’t find Zhu Hongtao himself there.

It seemed that Zhu Hongtao had somehow found out that his identity had been exposed and had run away before the police arrived.

Despite the fact that Zhu Hongtao fled, this little villa was full of Yin Qi, but they had no idea what evil things were hidden in nooks and crannies — this is quite dangerous for ordinary people.

So the three of them discussed and decided to let Miss A’Liu stay behind to assist the police in investigating and dealing with the aftermath, while Bei Quan and Qing Zhu continued to trace the whereabouts of Zhu Hong with the task force.

When Bei Quan and Qing Zhu came out of the villa, however, an old officer came to meet them and opened the door, and said:

“We have found Zhu Hongtao!”

Qing Zhu immediately asked, “Where is he?”

“Get in the car first!”

The officer let the two into the car, sat in the driver’s seat, and started the car. “Zhu Hongtao seems to have returned to his own work place!”

At 3:05 am on Sunday, August 8.

Although Zhu Hongtao had been living in a small courtyard in the countryside all year round and devoted himself to studying research, he also had a serious job.

He was an expert employed by the Institute of History affiliated with a local university and had his own research group. Occasionally, he would show up at the Institute, attend a few seminars, lead students, or do assessments.

Therefore, when Lan Fang saw Zhu Hongtao walk into the Resource Center in the early morning, he was a little surprised, but he did not suspect anything at all.

“Teacher Zhu!”

Lan Fang hurriedly stood up and held up his black-rimmed glasses that had slipped onto the bridge of his nose.

“Why are you still here at this hour?”

“Ah, it’s Xiao Lan.”

Zhu Hongtao narrowed his eyes and smiled kindly at Lan Fang.

“I came back to look for some information.”

Lan Fang suddenly shivered.

He was a doctoral student in archaeology recruited last year and had been in the institute for less than a year, so he had only met Zhu Hongtao three times.

Lan Fang had the impression that Mr. Zhu was a gentle and modest man who treated people with politeness and courtesy, but because his tone of voice was too feminine, and he was not married at his age, gossip about him being a homosexual had circulated.

But for some reason, at this moment, looking at Zhu Hongtao’s smile, Lan Fang inexplicably felt his heart beat faster and a layer of goosebumps rose on the back of his neck.

This feeling came for no reason, but it was also very clear.

He felt as if he was a frog being targeted by a snake, and the next moment he was going to be wrapped by it and then swallowed whole.

——Don’t think nonsense!

Lan Fang quietly pinched himself, forcibly expelling the fear that had arisen from nowhere in his brain.

“Yes, that’s right.”

He moved the corners of his mouth upwards and forced out a smile.

“So …… what kind of information are you looking for, Mr. Zhu? Do you need my help?”

Zhu Hong narrowed his eyes, and his voice grew softer.

“May I?”

He smiled and said.

“Then I’ll trouble you to help me find two books ……”

…… ……


Fifteen minutes later, Lan Fang, carrying his own oxford cloth bag, came out of the resource center alone, walked through the long corridor, took the elevator, and went down to the first floor.

When he passed by the doorman’s room, the security guard pulled open the window and greeted Lan Fang with a smile.

“Lan Fang, didn’t you say you were going to work all night to finish your paper? Why are you leaving at this hour?”

Lan Fang turned around, held up his black-rimmed glasses, smiled at the security guard, and replied in a soft tone.

“I’ve almost finished my research, so I’ll go back and finish it there.”

…… ……


Another quarter of an hour later, six or seven police cars stopped at the door of the Institute of History.

The frightened security guard took the police directly to the top floor and opened the door of the reference room.

The large resources center was only lit up with two lamps in a row by the window.

In the dim lighting, everyone could see that there was a figure hanging high in front of the window, with his head down, his hands on his sides, motionless.

A rope hung straight down and was attached to the man’s neck.

A ladder for taking books turned over on its side on the ground.

Zhu Hongtao had hanged himself and was already dead.


When Bei Quan received the call from Wei Fuyuan, it was already 5:30 a.m. The eastern horizon showed a marble white color of the dawn sky, and the sky was already brightening.

“…… So that’s how it is.”

After listening to Wei Fuyuan’s rambling report, Bei Quan roughly understood Cai Mingjian and Su Lang’s situation, “Then what are you going to do?”


Wei Fuyuan replied.

[Since the problem lies in the gold bracelet, of course, we should destroy it first.]

He thought for a moment and then said,

[I’m going to go to Su Lan’s house right now and find that bracelet.]

The gold bracelet that Su Lan had worn at the wedding was not in her old house.

It was a valuable pure gold antique, at least worth a hundred thousand, and Su Lan originally intended to return it to her best friend immediately after the wedding.

It turned out that although her best friend attended her wedding that day, she did not wait for the party to break up. She had left ahead of time without saying a word. Su Lan called her and sent her a WeChat message, but each message seemed to have sunk into the sea. There was no response.

In fact, this situation itself was very strange.

But at that time, Su Lan was a newlywed, and she had to be busy with a lot of trivial matters after the wedding banquet. She had also been busy preparing for her honeymoon. It was a time when she was overwhelmed, and she was not as keen on some trivial matters as usual.

She thought her best friend just had a temporary problem, so she put the bracelet away and planned to return it in person when she had time.

However, on the second day of the wedding, Su Lan was frightened by the dark shadow. After that, her problems seemed to know no end and naturally ended up entirely forgetting that the bracelet had not been returned to her best friend yet.

It was only when Wei Fuyuan told her that the problem was the gold bracelet, that Su Lan suddenly remembered that since her wedding day, her best friend hadn’t contacted her again.

She immediately took out her phone and called her best friend in front of Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan’an.

A female mechanical voice came out of the phone and indifferently told her, [The number you have dialed is no longer in usage, please check it before dialing.]

Su Lan tried all the methods she could think of to get a hold of her.

Unfortunately, no matter what she tried, whether it was WeChat, Weibo Tiktok, or even an alumni group, she discovered that all of her friend’s accounts had either been canceled or abandoned and that there was no way to reach the other party.

Su Lan was so flustered that she didn’t know what to do.

At this time they had just sent Cai Mingjian to the hospital.

Mr. Cai was not very lucky. He was hit on the back of the head and suffered a slight concussion. Although it was not life-threatening, he was still in a coma. When he woke up, he would have to stay in the hospital for two or three days before going home.

When the hero Jiang Nan’an was saving the beauty, he was also hit by the coffee table on his right arm. Although he had been mostly protected by the Golden Bell Shield Iron Cloth Shirt body protection, and his bones were fine, soft tissue contusions were inevitable. After the examination and bandaging in the hospital, a triangular scarf was hung around his neck, and he would temporarily be unable to use one of his arms.

The only one who was uninjured and full of fighting ability was Wei Fuyuan, a newcomer who knew nothing.

So he decisively called Bei Quan to seek remote support from his boyfriend.

“This well ……”

Bei Quan thought a little.

“You go to Su Lan’s house first and find out about that gold bracelet, but don’t move it.”

He added, “I’ll deal with it when I come over.”


On the other end of the phone, Wei Fuyuan shouted in surprise.

[You’re coming over!?]


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