Thriller Night Talk

Chapter 106: This is not a “precognitive dream” at all

Chapter 106: This is not a “precognitive dream” at all


Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Ghostie

Wei Fuyuan came down quickly and ruthlessly.

The tip of the umbrella “stabbed” the Hui Gui, just like a heated knife cutting through butter, piercing the black shadow.

The golden light of merit and virtue overflowed like a ladle of cold water poured into boiling oil, and instantly dispersed the outline of the human form of the Hui Gui.

The shadow stretched, deformed, and fluttered with Yin Qi like a frightened octopus and quickly escaped.

Wei Fuyuan took advantage of the situation and waved the umbrella, stabbing the cornered ghost.

The ghost did not scream, but its form began to violently twist, and it made an exaggerated arc to avoid the umbrella tip covered with the golden light of merit and virtue, and then concealed itself into the wall.

The Hui Gui disappeared.

Wei Fuyuan maintained his battle-ready posture, holding the umbrella in one hand, and kept his eyes trained on the snow-white wall where the Hui Gui had disappeared.

He didn’t know whether the ghost had escaped or just retreated temporarily. If it hadn’t gone, it was likely waiting for the opportunity to surprise attack.

In the next second, Wei Fuyuan felt a prickle on the back of his neck, causing all the hair in his neck to rise in alarm.

Then he realised that someone was staring at him from the back.

Wei Fuyuan jerked back and then froze on the spot.

He really saw another “person”.

The silhouette was petite. It had a beautiful face, with almond eyes and short hair— it was Xu Lei, whom he had just seen during the day!

But, how could a girl appear in a man’s room in a ghostly form in the early morning?

For some unknown reason, when Wei Fuyuan realised who the other party was, he inexplicably felt an unprecedented fear.

He drew a cold breath, instinctively wanting to back up, but found himself unable to move.

Wei Fuyuan felt as if he had been struck by an immobilisation or petrification spell, forcing him to stay in place and watch “Xu Lei” approach him, step by step.

——No, she is not human!

There was a voice in Wei Fuyuan’s heart shouting loudly.

The “Xu Lei” who appeared in front of him at this time was not human. Her body was currently in an unreal translucent state of sorts. Her feet stepped on the hardwood floor, but the movement made no sound.

The girl’s face was expressionless as she stared at Wei Fuyuan intently and did not blink, and upon a closer look, he noticed that her eyes were dull and hollow.

One step, two steps, three steps……

“Xu Lei” walked through the messy room full of clutter and walked slowly towards Wei Fuyuan.

Wei Fuyuan could only watch with wide eyes as all this happened and couldn’t even move a finger.

——What is going on!

——What the hell is going on?!

Wei Fuyuan shouted frantically in his heart.

At this moment, “Xu Lei” was only one step away from him.

The girl extended her hand towards Wei Fuyuan.

Her fingers were slender, long, and white, and her fingertips touched Wei Fuyuan’s neck.

The next moment, Wei Fuyuan’s eyes widened.

He felt that there was another person inside his body.

He was familiar with this feeling.

In the past, he had used the Divine Descending Technique to “summon” Bei Quan’s soul, so that the other person could freely use his own body.

But, this time there was a difference. Xu Lei had “entered” his body without his consent.

The feeling of two incompatible souls crammed into one body was like wearing a suit that doesn’t fit.

Wei Fuyuan felt that it had become difficult to breathe.

He had no control over his own movements, and he could only watch in horror as his feet moved against his will, step by step, stumbling towards the door of the room.

The chair by the door was tipped over during the battle with the Hui Gui, and the cup of water had fallen, spilling water into a puddle on the floor.

Wei Fuyuan saw himself stepping over the puddle, raising his hand to unlock the security chain on the door, then holding the armrest and twisting it clockwise.


The door opened.

Wei Fuyuan finally understood what Xu Lei’s “precognitive dream” was all about.


“This is not a ‘precognitive dream’ at all!”

Bei Quan jumped out of the cab and ran towards the front door of the hotel apartment while explaining to Jiang Nan’an beside him.

“This is a kind of magic that even the practitioners themselves can’t control. The spirit of words technique.”

In the so-called spirit of words, there was a saying called, “A saying turned out to be a prophecy”, that is, some words spoken, would somehow come true.

Ordinary people have more or less experienced some “spirit of words”.

As children, for example. When we were kids, there were times when we hoped we wouldn’t have to go to school the next day and coincidentally catch a cold or fever. Or, maybe when we go out, we look at the sky and say it wouldn’t rain and so we don’t bring an umbrella, but then we find ourselves caught in the sudden rain when we’re at work. There might have also been the time we casually say we hope we wouldn’t have to work overtime today, and then we would, and so on.

Editor’s Note: Kind of like jinxing yourself! Yikes!

This kind of crow's mouth of “good things don’t work and bad things work well” was mostly just a coincidence of probability.

But, occasionally, there are some gifted people whose words almost become a kind of curse– these are called the “spirit of words.”

What the “spirit of words” could do was related to the strength of the practitioner themselves.

A powerful “spirit of words” could help people to eliminate disasters and calamities for others, give blessings and prayers, and even relieve pain, or cure diseases. Many of them eventually become saints and ascend to immortality, becoming legendary figures.

Xu Lei was born with the ability to speak spiritually, and the power was quite strong.

Such a gifted person, if she had received the right guidance from a young age, she might have achieved something else.

But, unfortunately, in the absence of guidance, Xu Lei’s ability went to the other extreme.

Bei Quan was not sure where Xu Lei’s obsession with the “precognitive dreams” came from.

But, apparently, the girl seemed to subconsciously feel that she had to make the scenes she sees in her dreams come true.

To make the “prophecy” come true, Xu Lei’s soul would leave her body in her sleep and force her dreams to play out in reality with her own hands in the form of living “spirit of words.”

Xu Lei had already succeeded many times.

Now it seemed that from her father’s car accident when she was 14, to the death of her twin sister, and more recently the recent spate of anchor suicides, each and every one of them was caused by Xu Lei’s “spirit of words.”

And now the girl’s next target was Wei Fuyuan.

Bei Quan quickened his pace.

The glass door of the apartment hotel sensed someone approaching and opened automatically.

On the night shift at the front desk were two young people, a man, and a woman. Originally, one was playing with his mobile phone and the other was dozing with her chin in her palm. Suddenly it was a little cold and they all jumped when they saw someone rushing in.


The male receptionist quickly threw down his mobile phone and greeted him, “what can I do for you, sir? Do you want to stay…”

When Bei Quan suddenly waved his hand, the boy’s words suddenly got stuck in his throat, his eyes rolled up, and without warning, he fell down.

The female receptionist was terrified.

She jumped up and was about to open her mouth to scream when Bei Quan’s hand waved again, and the girl fainted.

Bei Quan did not even delay for a second, directly going to the counter, opening the computer, and quickly finding Wei Fuyuan’s accommodation records.

“Sixteenth floor!”

He reached out and picked up the front desk lady’s badge, then ran towards the elevator.

Jiang Nan’an did not dare to delay, and hurriedly chased after him.

It was nearly three o’clock in the morning, and no one was using the elevator, so Bei Quan used the receptionist’s badge to quickly go up to the sixteenth floor.

The door opened and the corridor was dead silent.

However, Bei Quan and Jiang Nan’an quickly discovered something was wrong.

“It’s a ghost hitting the wall!”

Jiang Nan’an knocked on the wall, “there’s something here!”

Bei Quan nodded.

He didn’t say a word, simply turned his wrist, summoned his Qingguang Vientiane Brush, drew a spell with a few strokes, raised his hand, and patted it on the wall of the corridor.

Room 1612, which could not be found by walking all the time, finally appeared at the corner of the south corridor.

The door of room 1612 was open and the room was in a mess, but there was no trace of Wei Fuyuan.

“Damn it!”

Bei Quan’s face was pale and he became increasingly anxious.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but his fingers were clearly trembling when he released the little fox, Su Ying.

As soon as the little fox landed, it jumped three feet high and flew around the room, picking at Bei Quan’s pants and scratching frantically.


Bei Quan did not explain anything. He just followed behind Su Ying and ran out of the corridor quickly.

The little fox dived headlong into the building, following the traces of the Yin Qi it was most familiar with, and ran straight towards the balcony.

Bei Quan chased behind it as the bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Because he had vaguely guessed what Xu Lei’s living soul really wanted to do……


When Bei Quan and Jiang Nan’an climbed up the stairs, Wei Fuyuan was standing on the rooftop of the apartment hotel, trying his best to resist the manipulation of the other soul inside him.

Now, Wei Fuyuan finally knew why Xu Lei’s precognitions were so effective.

Because the girl would personally turn the dreams into reality.

It was clearly his own body that he had lived in for twenty-one years, but Wei Fuyuan felt that his three souls and seven spirits had been squeezed into a corner by another spirit, and lost the autonomy to control his body.

Wei Fuyuan’s steps were heavy as if he was a young child learning to walk for the first time, fumbling and stumbling forward.

But no matter how stilted his steps were, he was indeed heading towards the edge of the balcony.


Wei Fuyuan shouted to the person in his body.

——Stop it!

——I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!

However, Xu Lei’s living soul seemed to be unconscious and couldn’t hear Wei Fuyuan’s silent cry.

At this moment, as a “spirit of words”, her only goal here was to make her “prophecy” come “true”.

——No! I can’t jump off the building!

Wei Fuyuan’s three souls and seven spirits were struggling frantically in their shells, trying to regain control of their bodies.

Xu Lei’s soul, of course, would not let him get what he wanted.

Under the struggle between the two, Wei Fuyuan tripped over his left foot and right foot, fell to the ground, twitched twice like a carp out of water, and then bounced back up in the classic posture of a zombie corpse from a movie. On his hands and knees, he climbed all the way to the edge of the balcony guardrail.


The author has something to say: Xiaowei and Bei Quan will meet next time!



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