Thriller Night Talk

Chapter 101: I don’t want this ability at all

Chapter 101: I don’t want this ability at all


Editor- Koneko, Proofreader-Ghostie

Next, Wei Fuyuan went through the other two posts from “Lamp Cut”.

The second post was published in mid-March of this year. The content was as much the same as the previous one, also stating that she foresaw the death of a friend, this time she was afraid that it would be fulfilled again.

There were still people in the forum who remembered “Lamp Cut”, and replied with mocking comments: ‘when your friends are vulnerable, they will be cursed by you all the time. Does anyone dare to even talk to you?’

Unexpectedly, this post seemed to annoy the publisher. She fiercely retorted that this was just a premonition, and did not mean to curse her friend. She also said that she had warned the other party, and she had done everything she could to help, so how could they regard her friend’s death as her fault?

There was one particular user that she had refuted, and they too were excellent in debating.

“Lamp Cut” and the other user would go back and forth, a comment being posted by one and the other party retorting with more comments. The two argued for more than 30 comments, until the moderator finally locked the post. Naturally, there was no “later article” or update on whether the prediction did actually come true.

As for the third post, the timing was very recent— it was on July 24th, which was only a week ago.

“Lamp Cut” said in the post that she recently had another dream, yesterday in fact, but this time it was about a female friend who would drown and die.

It was probably because the old-fashioned setting of a “precognitive dream” lost its freshness and so this time, the post had very few replies— no barbs, but no-one also put forward any constructive comments.

However, after reading the three consecutive posts, Wei Fuyuan was 100% sure that the forum user named “Lamp Cut” was the same friend who had predicted Miuya’s death before entering the abandoned amusement park, as mentioned by Rou Rou in the hotline.

Because Wei Fuyuan did not participate in the follow-up investigation, he did not know if Bei Quan had found this individual, but Young Master Wei felt that he had to contact the other party as a moral sense of duty.

So, he sent a private message to “Lamp Cut” through social media channels, imitating Bei Quan’s way of speaking, trying to get close.

He didn’t know if it was because the user was not as guarded as expected, or because she just desperately wanted to find someone who would listen to her, but Young Master Wei’s set choice of words worked very smoothly.

After learning that the other party was also a student of Fèng Xīngchéng University like himself, Wei Fuyuan simply confessed his true identity and made an appointment to meet her at this coffee shop in the name of “Senior”.

At first, Wei Fuyuan thought that the other party, a young girl, would not easily agree, and even if she did, she might offer to come with her friends.

However, he didn’t expect that she would agree, not only to exchange WeChat details with him, but also to appear in the coffee shop on time.


“Lamp Cut”, that was, Xu Lei, sat up straight and looked earnestly, “You said that you are the same as me, is that true?”

Hearing this question, Wei Fuyuan’s heart suddenly jumped a little with panic.

He got the inspiration from Dai Bo Qian: if you want to get close to someone quickly, the best way is to find something in common. If that common ground happens to be a characteristic that someone cares a lot about, that’s even better.

Since Wei Fuyuan found Xu Lei in a supernatural forum, it means that Xu Lei cares a lot about his “superpower”.

With this being the case, he took advantage of the situation to say that he was also a psychic, and said that he was very troubled by his ability, easily winning Xu Lei’s trust.

However, to pretend that you have special abilities on the Internet, you only need to tap the keyboard with your fingers. But, when the two meet for real, if he really wanted to gain Xu Lei’s trust, he must show this “ability” side properly.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from the corner of Wei Fuyuan’s forehead, and for a while, he didn’t know what to do.


Xu Lei blinked, her expression was slightly puzzled and vaguely disappointed, “Senior’s ability, it’s very convenient that you’re not able to show me anything…”

Although the girl’s tone was polite, the subtext was clear: were you just talking nonsense?

Wei Fuyuan knew that whether he could gain the girl’s trust was totally up to him this time, so he must not screw it up.

He did carry the power of merit and virtue after all, but this power was invisible and shapeless— ordinary people simply couldn’t see this with the naked eye or even the golden light that glows within his body.

Perhaps Xu Lei was indeed gifted, but Wei Fuyuan couldn’t just raise his right hand and say to her, “See? My hand is glowing”.

——What to do?

Wei Fuyuan frowned and fell into a deep thought.

Just when he didn’t know what to do, he suddenly remembered what Bei Quan had said to him when he borrowed his body.

【Use your body to remember how the power of merit and virtue should be used.】

His heart moved, then he picked up the glass of water that was on the table.

“My supernatural power, it’s like this ……”

Wei Fuyuan said while squeezing the glass.

A golden light that could not be seen by others emerged from his palm, like fine starbursts, gathering and increasing in number.


A clear and crisp cracking sound rang out.

The glass in Wei Fuyuan’s palm cracked in response to the sound, splitting in half and spilling most of the glass of water on the table, drenching the tablecloth.


Xu Lei covered her mouth and let out a shriek.

——This is a thick-bottomed drinking glass! To shatter it with just bare hands, how powerful their grip must be!

Moreover, Xu Lei could see clearly that Wei Fuyuan just held the glass in his hand normally, and without exerting much strength— the glass broke in half without warning.

The clerk noticed the movement of table 13, not knowing how the glass broke either. He only saw the water spill onto the table. For fear that the broken glass would hurt the customer, he quickly attended the scene and cleaned up the mess with a dustpan and a towel, quickly replacing the tablecloth and providing him with a new glass.

Only after the clerk had left did Xu Lei let out a long sigh.

“So, it seems that you didn’t lie to me, senior. You are indeed a psychic without a doubt.”

She blinked curiously.

“Senior, is your… kind of power one that is mental? The kind that can bend a spoon?”

“Well, sort of…”

Wei Fuyuan was secretly relieved to know that he had passed the test.

“I read your post, your psychic ability is the precognitive dream, right?”

Wei Fuyuan began to talk about the girl from the post.

Xu Lei nodded.

“Unfortunately, I can’t show you my ability ……”

She smiled a little bitterly.

“To be honest, I …… don’t want such an ability at all.”

According to Xu Lei’s own words, her first precognitive dream was after her fourteenth birthday.

At that time, she dreamed that her father fell to the ground in a pool of blood, motionless and didn’t know whether he was alive or dead.

Xu Lei was terrified and woke up from the nightmare, tossing and turning, her mind unsettled. After a long day of struggling alone, she finally couldn’t help but tell her twin sister what she saw in her dream…..


When Xu Lei said this, Wei Fuyuan raised his hand to make a “pause” gesture, interrupting her.

“You have a twin sister?”

Xu Lei nodded her head and lowered her eyes.

“Or should I say, I used to have a twin sister… Her name is Xu Bei, but… she’s gone.”

Wei Fuyuan hurriedly apologized, “I’m sorry.”

Xu Lei shook her head with a bitter smile and continued to speak.

Sure enough, the day after she had that precognitive dream, her father had a car accident, he was thrown from a motorcycle and was seriously injured. Although he was rescued, he was left with the after-effects of limping.

“I was very scared.”

Xu Lei unconsciously squeezed the napkin in her hand,

“But, Bei Bei …… my sister, she told me that with this kind of thing, I shouldn’t tell anyone about it ……”

The girl’s throat rolled.

“She said, I will be treated as a monster ……”

Wei Fuyuan did not know how he should comfort the upset girl at this moment.

Compared to his power of merit, Xu Lei’s “precognitive dreaming” ability was indeed too frightening.

Whether it’s the business world or the political world, the rich and powerful people are mostly superstitious.

Wei Fuyuan remembered a few years ago, there was a time when he went out with his parents for a dinner party. At the dinner table, a business tycoon brought up how they found some great master last year who calculated their fortune. That master told them that next year, the year of their zodiac animal, they would meet with calamity, which could only be resolved with the consecration of an Eternal Lamp

A few months later, far past the New Year, he heard his parents say that the big business tycoon died due to excessive drinking caused by severe pancreatitis. He had treatment for three days but this did not elevate him and he directly passed away.

Wei Fuyuan could not help but think at the time, the so-called “mysteries of heaven must not be revealed”. Regardless of whether the master was fake or real, if someone could calculate the death of a certain person, and they could not help the other party resolve it, then, in the end, should they or should they not make this matter known?

And now, obviously, Xu Lei’s situation was similar to this.

She seemed to have the ability of “precognitive dreaming”, but could only “see” in the dream, not actually do anything productive. Even if she speaks out rashly, it would not change anything and would only bring trouble to herself for no reason.

“The second time was two years ago.”

Xu Lei continued.

“That time, I dreamed of my sister ……”

Two years ago, Xu Lei dreamed about her twin sister Xu Bei during her nap one day.

In the dream, her twin sister was hit by a car while she was crossing the road. She never got up after she fell to the ground.

After waking up from the dream, Xu Lei was horrified and couldn’t help but find her sister and tell her exactly what she had dreamt.

Xu Bei’s reaction was unexpected, and she turned blue with anger, starting to cry and scream at the same time.

“I told you not to tell anyone this kind of thing, why don’t you listen?!”

During their argument, Xu Bei pushed her sister and drove Xu Lei out of the room.

Shortly after that, Xu Bei did actually have a real-life car accident, and was hit by a speeding car three metres away, dying on the spot.

“…… After Bei Bei’s death, I often wondered why I always encountered such things. If I could change things… I really do not want this ability at all!”


Speaking of this, Xu Lei tore her napkin aggressively, her nails deeply embedded into the palm of her hand.

“But …… last year, I dreamed of …… again.”

She choked up a little, and her voice was filled with a despair that was almost pale.

“That time, it was my best friend. The two of us met in a game. Because we had similar interests and were in the same city, we would meet from time to time.”

Xu Lei paused.

“My best friend, she was a female anchor ……”


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