Three Meals of a Reincarnator

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

“You-you’re going into another labyrinth?” Ho Sung asked.

“That’s right. No thanks to you for buying all these expensive things,” the champion replied bluntly.

“I-I’m terribly sorry, sir. I think I got carried away. I didn’t even think about how much I was spending.”

“Forget it. I can just raid a dungeon.”

“Are you going to eat?”

“When I come back.”

“Yes, sir,” Ho Sung replied with a dark expression on his face. Although clearing a labyrinth was hardly a concern for the champion, it was a matter of life and death for Ho Sung. The stakes were simply too high, even if he were to hide behind the champion the entire time. The labyrinth was a place that left an ordinary hunter like Ho Sung in constant fear for his life.



“Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying this because I’m afraid to go into the labyrinth or anything, but remember that you’ve cleared a labyrinth not too long ago?”


“I’m pretty sure the Central Institute is investigating the labyrinth by now, looking for the person who cleared it.”

“Get to the point.”

Although the Central Institute was the very symbol of absolute power, the champion didn’t seem to find them intimidating. Breaking out into cold sweats, Ho Sung added, “I figured things would get complicated if we get involved with the Central Institute, so I was thinking maybe you could raid normal dungeons for a little while until things are...”

“Do I seem like the type to tiptoe around anybody?”

“Oh, no, no! That’s not what I meant! There’s no reason for you to tiptoe around anybody. It’s just that... I wouldn’t want anything to cause you any unnecessary stress, is all! The Central Institute is an enormous organization, and there’s no reason to get on their bad side...”

“The labyrinth. Now.”

“... Yes, sir,” Ho Sung replied, panicking internally.

Looking up at the labyrinth’s entrance, Ho Sung let out a deep sigh. With the exception of the Central Institute, the labyrinth was a dungeon nobody dared to even look at.

Ho Sung glanced at the champion, who was the living example of apathy. The champion’s eyes and dull expression indicated that he found no other value or excitement outside of food. The tremendous power that came with being a miscellaneous type seemed reduced to being a part of his daily reality. Sighing yet again, Ho Sung looked at the labyrinth, reminding himself that it was impossible to compare himself to the champion.

‘I gotta stay on my toes. The moment I let my guard down, it’s all over.”

“Let’s go,” the champion said, walking ahead.

‘I might die for real this time. No, I’m getting out of this place alive... No matter what!’ Ho Sung thought, inhaling deeply. With a determined look on his face and a racing heart, Ho Sung stood on the magic circle in order to get into the dungeon. However...

[Access Denied. Player does not meet the Minimum Level Requirement.]

“... Eh?!”

While Ho Sung was still on the ground, Min Sung started to levitate on his own.

“S-sir? It’s saying that my level isn’t high enough,” Ho Sung said, confused and panicking. The champion replied uninterestedly, “Then, wait outside,” and disappeared into the labyrinth.


Ho Sung stared up in the direction the champion had disappeared.

‘My level wasn’t high enough for me to get in. Wait, maybe this is a good thing. I don’t have to fear for my life! ... But, why do I feel offended?’ Ho Sung thought, sniffling and scratching his head. Then, a disturbing realization struck him, ‘Hold on! Does this mean I won’t be able to level up anymore? Does this mean I have to live the rest of my life as a slave?’

“Ah!” he let out as fear came washing over him.

[Welcome to the labyrinth.]

[You may not exit the labyrinth until you clear the dungeon.]

[Difficulty revealed in five seconds.]

[Five, four, three, two, one...]

[Labyrinth Difficulty: Impossible]

The darkness faded into the bright light. When the champion opened his eyes, a waiting room equipped with a cutting-edge system came into view. The room was made almost entirely of gray marble, complete with an automatic door made of tempered glass. However, there was something different about the room. While it was clear that it was a dungeon entrance, the view on the other side of the glass door was completely different from all the other dungeons up to that point. Then, the glass door opened, revealing a scenery that was nothing like that of a typical dungeon. It was a dense forest, filled with chirping birds, insects and green plants. Coming out of the waiting room, the champion studied the surroundings. The Sun shone through the leaves of the trees. It almost didn’t feel like he was in a dungeon.

‘So, this is what an open dungeon is like,’ the champion thought, slowly pulling out his Orichalcon Dagger, which sparkled as it flew into the champion’s palm. At that moment...

[In order to clear the dungeon, you must: Kill All Monsters Within It.]

[A special reward awaits those who survive the ‘Impossible’ labyrinth.]

[Let the hunting begin.]

As the message window disappeared, the champion walked forward through the massive trees unhurriedly, wondering, ‘How did dungeons like this even come about? And this system? Every system has a creator. This one can’t be an exception. Aliens, maybe?’

Immersing himself in thought, the champion cracked his neck in anticipation of the monsters. Then, about five minutes later, he heard what sounded like an object cutting through the air. When he looked toward the sound, he saw an arrow flying in his direction. He dodged the arrow by tilting his head back slightly. Whoever had fired the arrow had clearly intended on attacking the champion. At that moment, another arrow zoomed past right before Min Sung’s eyes and lodged itself on a tree trunk. Looking in that direction, the champion noticed something unique about the arrow. It was frozen, and it didn’t seem like ordinary ice either. When he looked toward where the arrow had come from, he saw a figure sitting on top of a tree in the distance.

‘Lv2,000 Orc Archer’

It was an Orc holding a bow and arrow in its hands, wearing a quiver on its back. Though it had arms and legs and walked on two feet like humans did, its face was often hideous, resembling that of a pig. Walking toward it, the champion chuckled, amused that a monster from fantasy movies actually existed. At that point, the Orc drew its bow yet again. That time, three arrows came flying toward the champion at once. What appeared to be ordinary arrows froze in the air as they left the bow. Nevertheless, the champion snatched the three arrows at once with his bare hands, shattering them and throwing them back at the archer. The shards of the frozen arrows lodged into the Orc’s body.

As it fell to its knees, vomiting up green blood, the champion charged toward it, held his dagger with the blade pointing down, and sliced its throat. With that, and while spraying green blood from its throat, the Orc fell to the ground lifelessly. When Min Sung looked down, he saw a certain item on the ground instead of the dead carcass. Upon picking it up, a window appeared before his eyes, and it described the properties of the item.

[The Bow of the Orc Archer]

[Grade: Rare]

[Damage (against small/large monsters respectively): 7 / 8]


[Additional Property(ies): Accuracy +1]

[Material: Wood]

[Enhancement: Up to +10. (Risk of destroying the item increases when upgrading beyond +10])

[Durability: Damaged]

[Tradeable with other players]

[Level Requirement: N/A]

[Property: Ice Arrow]

Closing the window, the champion put the bow in his inventory. Since Ho Sung wasn’t there, it seemed likely that Min Sung would have to leave a lot of his loot behind.

With that, the champion kept moving forward, studying the surroundings carefully, listening to the birds chirping.

‘This is a big forest. This might take a while,’ he thought. At that moment, he sensed a presence and kicked the ground, launching toward it without hesitation, traveling one-hundred meters in the blink of an eye. Sure enough, a monster’s back came into view.

‘Lv2,200 Orc Warrior’

Fitting to its name, the monster had green skin and an imposing figure. It was just as hideous as the archer, and its back was covered in countless scars. The muscles only added to its hostile and robust look. Eventually, the monster looked toward the champion. Then, when Min Sung grabbed the dagger tightly, the Lich doll crawled out of his pocket and jumped on to the ground.


Upon landing on the grass, the doll pulled out a short magic wand from its back and glared fiercely at the Orc Warrior. Then, after the doll chanted a spell with its eyes closed, a magic circle appeared around it, and black shadows seeped out of it. They turned into sharp, pointed projectiles and flew toward the Orc. However...


... The moment they struck the Orc’s belly, the projectiles shattered into pieces and the shards faded into thin air. Dusting off its belly as if something had tickled it, the Orc stared at the doll with its bright red eyes and smiled evilly.


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