Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 293: Under the Same Roof

Chapter 293: Under the Same Roof

Chapter 293: Under the Same Roof

On the way back, Ryan felt completely dazed. Alice’s sudden change in attitude had caught him totally off guard. His previous stalling tactics crumbled instantly under Miss Alice’s relentless pressure.

With no way out, Ryan had no choice but to agree to Alice’s request. It was just switching rooms, after all—no big deal, right?

Strictly speaking, he wasn’t really losing out here. I mean, sharing a bed with such a beautiful girl? Just the thought of it was enough to make his blood race.

But that was exactly what Ryan was afraid of. Ever since he met Alice, he’d been backing down for all sorts of reasons. Honestly, it would’ve been easier if Alice had just killed him without a second thought when they first met.

After accepting the system’s Crucial Mission, including the two heart-to-heart conversations with Alice, Ryan had to admit he’d developed some sympathy for her. Maybe he didn’t want to see her meet a tragic end after all.

Still, that was a far cry from actually liking her.

Alice was, without a doubt, the most perfect girl Ryan had ever met. Even Bella, who had left a deep impression on him, couldn’t objectively compare.

Alice was gentle yet strong. Though she had the appearance of an ice queen, once you peeled away her tsundere exterior, her inner charm was undeniable. If Ryan had to nitpick, the only flaw he could point out was that she was a bit too obsessive.

And that obsession was only growing stronger.

“I’ll have the maids help you pack in a bit. I expect to see you upstairs in half an hour.”

As the car turned onto a familiar road, now less than a mile from the villa, Alice removed her hand from Ryan’s chest and glanced at her wristwatch.

It had been close to 10 p.m. when they left, and between attending the banquet and the drive back, it was now almost midnight.

Alice wasn’t the type to stay up late. Her daily routine was managed by the head maid, and she was usually in bed by 10.

The car had been quiet for most of the ride. With the important matters of the day taken care of, Alice, exhausted from the long day, was clearly fighting off sleep.

She wasn’t about to pass out right then and there, but she was definitely too tired to move much.

“Carry me upstairs later, okay? And don’t even try saying you don’t know where the room is or that you can’t lift me.”

“This is part of your job as my assistant.”

Alice let out a deep yawn, her pale fingers massaging her temples as she tried to stay awake.

After speaking to Ryan, she turned to the driver, giving him a few instructions about things to follow up on.

Ryan stayed quiet, listening as Alice discussed the need to continue investigating the suspicious individuals who had shown up at the Langston family’s event. She also reminded the driver that she expected to see news clearing Ryan’s name in tomorrow’s morning papers.

That had been her main reason for visiting Mr. Langston today. Alice was still new to the business world and didn’t know many people in the media. But the Langston family held an unshakable position in the country’s business circles. With just a word from Mr. Langston, the news could be shaped however they wanted.

As Ryan listened, he couldn’t help but marvel at how different their worlds were. He used to be just an ordinary student, and it wasn’t until he started spending time with Alice that he realized there was this whole hidden side to the world. For that, he was genuinely grateful to her.

Thinking about it, Alice had really done a lot for him.

Ryan silently muttered to himself, rubbing his nose as he stole a glance at the girl’s expression.

The girl had always worn a cold, distant expression. Though her features were undeniably beautiful, the constant furrow of her brow and her sharp, blade-like gaze created an invisible wall between her and everyone else. No matter when you looked at her, she always seemed like a stranger.

But now, maybe because she was tired, Alice’s eyes were half-closed, and she was reclining in her seat. Her usually tense eyebrows had finally relaxed, and the coldness in her gaze was hidden away.

Ryan’s heart skipped a beat. The girl in front of him looked like a sleeping beauty, quietly blossoming, making it impossible not to want to get closer.

Fulfilling her request, without getting emotionally involved, should be fine… right?

About a minute later, the car smoothly pulled up in front of the villa. Ryan got out first, walking around to open Alice’s door. What had once been something he didn’t even think about had now become second nature.

As the lights in the villa flickered on one by one, welcoming its owner, Ryan found himself lost in thought. Coming back here felt strangely like coming home.

His own place had been taken back by the landlord, and now some weird people were living there. On top of that, the system had just announced a series of “Dangerous Events,” and school had suspended classes. Aside from a few friends, most people were probably still cursing his name.

Alice was obsessive, sure, but when it came to this, she was genuinely trying to help him. If she were really afraid of him running away, she wouldn’t need to resort to sabotage—just standing there and watching would’ve been enough.

After all, the result would be the same: he’d be crushed by public opinion, with no space left for him in the outside world.

Obsessive, yes, but she had her own principles. It was hard to figure her out.

Lost in these scattered thoughts, Ryan opened the car door. Alice, true to her word, lazily extended a hand, waiting for him to help her out.

Since he’d already agreed, there was no backing out now. Gritting his teeth, Ryan reached out with both hands toward Alice.

But just then, a flash of light from behind interrupted them, followed by the sharp blare of a car horn.

Ryan turned toward the sound, and Alice, biting her lip in frustration, also glanced back. A silver, limited-edition Audi was shining its high beams directly at them. The horn had stopped, but the lights stayed on, illuminating the two of them in stark clarity.

The light cast their actions into sharp relief, and Ryan froze, suddenly feeling like he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t.

“What a pain in the ass,” Alice muttered under her breath. Ryan quickly turned to look at her—this was the first time he’d ever heard her curse.

Both of them knew exactly whose car that was. When they’d left the Langston house earlier, Nella hadn’t gotten into Alice’s car but had instead followed behind in her own. Alice had been relieved, thinking Nella was being considerate.

But now, it seemed they’d underestimated just how annoying Nella could be.

Because of the blinding high beams, Ryan couldn’t see inside the car, nor could he make out Bella’s expression. But judging by how loud the horn had been, her face probably wasn’t looking too friendly.

“Just ignore her. If she wants to watch, let her watch.”

The dim, intimate atmosphere from earlier had been shattered by the headlights, and Alice’s frustration was practically radiating off her.

But that didn’t stop her from doing what she intended. She swiftly climbed out of the car, shooting a fierce glare at the white Audi behind them. Then, right in front of Nella, she wrapped her arms around Ryan’s neck.

She pulled him down, their foreheads briefly touching, and for a moment, they could feel each other’s breath.

But that was as far as it went. Today had already been too much for Ryan. Even though a part of Alice wanted to push things further, she knew when to stop.

She pressed down on Ryan’s shoulders, turning him so his back was to her, and then slowly leaned against him. Ryan, though he looked a bit thin, had a surprisingly broad back, the kind that made you feel safe.

Alice settled comfortably on his back, her nose brushing against his neck as she quietly inhaled his scent.

Ryan tried to stand up, but he stumbled, nearly falling over. He managed to steady himself, but he was already sweating.

Carrying Alice didn’t take much effort—her figure was even more meticulously maintained than some celebrities, so she wasn’t heavy at all.

What really had Ryan panicking was something else entirely. After what felt like ages, the system’s notification sound echoed in his mind again, but the message left him stunned.

[Side Quest: Under the Same Roof]

[Objective: Protect Alice from Bella and uncover the reason for their hatred.]

[Success Reward: +1 Skill Point]

[Failure Penalty: Determined by the situation (high chance of both characters dying)]


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