Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 232: I can’t wait

Chapter 232: I can’t wait

Chapter 232: I can’t wait

“Ryan, what’s wrong?”

Ryan’s reaction was intense, almost like he’d been hit with a shockwave. He nearly fell out of his chair.

His face changed immediately, which of course caught Anna’s attention.

Anna had been quietly observing Ryan’s reactions from the moment the call started.

On the surface, she seemed calm and collected, but in reality, she was extremely concerned about what was happening with Ryan.

She kept sneaking glances at him, her pink ears perking up like a little rabbit’s, trying to eavesdrop on his conversation.

Especially after she realized the call was from Alice, she was this close to grabbing the phone herself to hear what they were talking about.

“No, it’s nothing. I really need to go.”

Ryan sighed as he hung up the phone, rubbing his temples in frustration.

He couldn’t quite figure out what he was feeling—guilt, maybe? Or something else?

If he had stayed by Alice’s side, none of this would have happened, right?

But he’d only been away for a few hours. Alice had managed just fine before he came along, so why was this happening now?

Could it be that his presence had somehow changed Alice’s fate, making things even harder for her?

He had seen Alice in a low mood before. As long as he got to her in time and resolved whatever was bothering her, then comforted her afterward, it usually wasn’t a big deal.

The real problem was that her Darkening level had gone up by five points. That was irreversible—once it increased, there was no way to bring it back down.

“Anna, I’ll get in touch with you later if I can. I really have to go now.”

“I had a great time with you.”

Ryan stood up as he spoke, but his mind was still preoccupied with Alice. Compared to that, Anna seemed less important at the moment.

Anna, being understanding, nodded and told Ryan to go take care of his business without worrying about her.

She even walked him to the end of the alley, knowing the driver would need a more visible spot to pick him up.

“Don’t worry about it, Ryan. Go do what you need to do.”

Anna’s eyes were filled with emotion as she lowered her head, looking like a wife reluctantly sending her husband off.

Ryan wasn’t sure why he got that impression, but he paused for a moment, not saying anything.

Then, as if she suddenly remembered something, Anna’s eyes lit up. She fished around in her pocket and slipped something onto Ryan’s wrist.

What was this?

Ryan felt a slight pressure on his wrist and looked down. Anna had taken his hand, her pale arm covering his wrist.

Her fingers were slender and delicate, but they felt different from Alice’s.

Alice’s skin was smooth like silk, while Anna’s fingertips were a bit rougher, more like those of an ordinary girl.

“I made this myself. I don’t know what you’ve been up to lately, but safety comes first.”

“Take care of yourself so you can take care of Miss Alice, right?”

Anna pulled her hand away, revealing a colorful bracelet on Ryan’s wrist. The multicolored threads were strung with tiny charms, and in the center was a cute little golden four-leaf clover.

Seeing her smile, Ryan felt a warmth in his heart.

Her unconditional trust in him, and the way she cared so much—it would move anyone.

“Don’t take it off, okay?” Anna gently fiddled with the bracelet on Ryan’s wrist, then looked at him with a slightly serious expression.

Ryan nodded. She didn’t need to tell him twice.

It had been a long time since he’d received a gift, so of course, he was going to treasure it.

To be honest, today had gone far beyond what Ryan had expected. He had only planned to explain things to Anna.

But they ended up having coffee together, strolling through the food market, and in the end, Ryan even received a handmade gift from Anna. Their relationship had grown much closer in just one afternoon.

“By the way, Ryan, our department is hosting a big event next week. I was wondering if you could make it…”

Anna glanced at the black sedan that had pulled up behind Ryan, a shadow briefly crossing her eyes before quickly fading away.

“A big event?”

“Yeah, I’d love to invite you to come with me. You’ll say yes, right?”

Her large eyes glistened with a hint of moisture as she looked up at Ryan, her hands clasped tightly in front of her chest, almost like she was pleading.

Seeing Anna like this made Ryan’s heart ache a little.

He hadn’t finished what he was going to say earlier. If he had the chance, spending more time with Anna wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

“Alright… if I can make it.”

Ryan’s words immediately brought a bright smile to Anna’s face. Seeing her smile, as radiant as a blooming flower, and then glancing at the four-leaf clover on his wrist, Ryan couldn’t shake the feeling that he was doing something wrong.

Since meeting Anna, she had been so careful around him, and every action she took seemed to carry some deeper meaning.

Even with his low emotional intelligence, Ryan had some understanding of what was going on.

After spending the afternoon together, he could tell that Anna’s feelings for him were far from just the typical admiration a junior might have for a senior.

But the more he realized this, the guiltier he felt. He knew he couldn’t reciprocate Anna’s feelings.

Anna was amazing, and she got along with Ryan really well, but that was exactly why she shouldn’t waste her time on him.

For one thing, he didn’t know when he might disappear. And for another, he couldn’t explain why, but whenever he was with Anna, Alice’s image kept popping into his head, like he was somehow betraying her.

His gaze wavered slightly as he prepared to clarify things. He could go to the event with Anna, but it was important to be clear about what their relationship was.

“Anna, I think…”

But before he could finish, Anna placed a finger on his lips.

The touch of her skin against his made Ryan freeze. For a moment, it felt like her finger was pressing down with an immense force, as if it could crush him.

It was a bright, sunny day, but in that instant, Ryan shivered.

What was that?

Ryan looked up at her in confusion, but the feeling vanished as quickly as it had come. Anna was still smiling sweetly, just as she had been before.

“Don’t overthink it. It’s just a little care from a junior to her senior, nothing more.”

“You can explain it to Alice that way too.”

Anna’s tone was playful, with a hint of teasing, though she didn’t seem to be trying too hard.

Her fingertip gently rubbed against Ryan’s lips, not with much force, but it felt like it was scraping off a layer of skin.

Her tenderness seemed so natural, as if she wasn’t even aware of what she was doing.

“Or, if you do have feelings for me, I might just give you a chance~.”

Anna’s eyes sparkled mischievously as she withdrew her finger, then lightly tapped her own lips with it. She covered her mouth and giggled as Ryan stood there, stunned.

“Alright, you should go now. Don’t forget to find me next week—you already promised.”

After teasing him like that, Anna finally steeled herself to let Ryan go. If she kept pushing, he might start to catch on to something.

Ryan nodded absentmindedly, only then noticing the car that had been waiting behind him. Almost as if fleeing, he quickly got into the car.

He said a simple goodbye, and the car started up, soon disappearing into the traffic.

Ryan’s mind was a mess. Anna’s interruption had kept him from saying what he wanted to.

Was this really just a simple friendship? Before today, Ryan had been sure it was, but after spending just a few hours with Anna this afternoon, he couldn’t help but feel uncertain.

What did she mean by those last words? Had she sensed that he was about to reject her, and cut him off before he could?

Anna had said it was just a simple friendship, which was exactly what Ryan wanted. But then, what was the meaning behind her tapping her lips like that?

Ryan wasn’t good at dealing with emotions. If he were, he wouldn’t have avoided his feelings for Bella back then. Now, once again, he found himself standing at a crossroads, facing another difficult choice.

But this time, as he made his choice, there was another figure lingering in his mind.

Anna watched Ryan’s car until the taillights disappeared from view, maintaining the same posture the entire time.

She stood there like a statue, unmoving for what felt like an eternity.

A beautiful girl like Anna naturally drew attention wherever she went, and this moment was no exception.

Standing in the middle of the street, her white dress as pure as snow, even her silhouette captivated those passing by.

This was near the university, so the students walking by—especially the young men—couldn’t help but be drawn to her, some even taking a few extra steps just to catch a glimpse of her face.

But what they saw made them shudder.

It’s one thing to have impure thoughts, but you need to know who you’re dealing with.

Anna’s beauty was undeniable, but one look at her face told them all they needed to know—there was no chance for them.

Her eyes, now a deep crimson, were fixed on the direction Ryan’s car had gone. After a long moment, a cruel smile curled at the corners of her mouth—a side of her that Ryan would never know.

Her delicate features lost their usual serenity, replaced by a fervent, twisted expression, like a fallen angel consumed by her own desires, descending into darkness.

But she seemed unaware of this transformation, or perhaps she simply didn’t care about the stares she was receiving.

After about a minute, she finally snapped out of that state and began to move again.

Her lips parted slightly as she brought the finger that had touched Ryan’s lips to her mouth, sucking on it. Her pink tongue slipped out, wrapping around the fingertip, and a flush spread across her cheeks.

That was Ryan’s taste—she had finally savored it.

“Next time we meet, Ryan, you won’t be able to say no.”

“If Alice were to disappear, you’d come to me, wouldn’t you?”

“I can’t wait~~”


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