Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 218: Ryan, do you remember Bella?

Chapter 218: Ryan, do you remember Bella?

Chapter 218: Ryan, do you remember Bella?

Alice and Ryan chatted casually for a while, and after making sure she was okay, Ryan headed out to run some errands.

After breakfast, he had the whole day to himself, as per Alice’s instructions. She had even mentioned that the villa’s door would be left open, so Ryan could come and go as he pleased.

First, he went back to his room to change into the clothes prepared by the maid. Feeling the fabric, Ryan noted it was definitely a step up from the usual street market stuff he wore.

Alice hadn’t prepared a suit or anything formal for him, sticking to casual styles instead.

He wore a cream-colored sports T-shirt with black joggers and white sneakers, giving off a youthful vibe.

Ryan, who was already somewhat handsome, looked even better in the clothes Alice had picked out. It wasn’t just about attracting the opposite sex,he could probably turn a few heads of the same sex too.

The saying “Clothes make the man” really held true.

Alice had taken care of everything so meticulously, which touched Ryan deeply. He resolved to repay her kindness.

As Ryan wondered how to get back to the city center, a black luxury sedan pulled up in front of him, arranged by Miss Alice.

After giving the driver the destination, Ryan settled comfortably in the back seat.

Alice was a thoughtful person, always treating others well. But Ryan wondered how she had become the person she was today.

The image in his mind wouldn’t fade, and he glanced at the Truth Serum in his backpack, debating whether to use this precious opportunity now.

He and Alice were in this together, and the more he knew about her, the better prepared he’d be for the future.


“Let’s not,” he decided. “It’s too much. Better to get to know Alice slowly.”

Using a tool on Alice didn’t sit right with Ryan,it didn’t seem fair to her genuine feelings.

The car soon entered the city, and after dropping Ryan off at the orphanage, the driver left without prying into Ryan’s life.

If Ryan needed a ride later, he could just call.

Standing outside the orphanage, a place both familiar and strange, Ryan felt as if he was in a different world.

Everything started here. If he hadn’t impulsively run into the fire that day, he wouldn’t have died.

He wouldn’t have been bound to the system, wouldn’t have had so many interactions with Alice, and his current life wouldn’t be built on that incident.

But if he had to choose again, he would do the same—not just for the kids, but for Alice too.

Seeing everything in good order, even the orphanage gate showing no signs of the fire, Ryan felt happy.

He casually greeted the gatekeeper, who smiled kindly at him and opened the gate without further ado.

Many kids who leave the orphanage grow up with a desire to escape their past.

The gatekeeper had been there for twenty years, but he had seen only a few like Ryan, who came back every month to help.

As the gate opened, Ryan could hear the children’s playful noises from inside and smiled knowingly.

Everyone has their roots, and for Ryan, this was his.

Walking along the wall, he observed the playing children, trying not to draw too much attention.

But as Murphy’s Law would have it, the more careful he was, the less he achieved his goal.

He had planned to walk along the wall to the director’s office, but something blocked his way.

“Is that Brother Ryan?”

A young voice called out, and Ryan looked down to see a little boy about the height of his thigh staring up at him earnestly.


Caught red-handed, Ryan felt a bit embarrassed and quickly put his finger to his lips.

But before he could shush him, Charlie had already clung tightly to his leg and shouted at the top of his lungs, drowning out the other children’s noise.

“Brother Ryan is back! Come on, everyone!”

As if afraid Ryan would leave, and unable to refuse Charlie’s enthusiasm, Ryan let him hang onto his leg.

Ryan turned his head, slightly dazed, to see all the kids in the yard staring at him with eyes as green as hungry wolves spotting a rabbit.

Well, sneaking around was no longer an option.

Five minutes later, Ryan was thoroughly subdued, with seven kids clinging to him and another in his arms, as he trudged to find a spot to sit in the yard.

The orphanage housed many children of varying ages, from infants to nearly grown teenagers.

The younger ones clung to Ryan, while the older ones stood by with a bit more composure.

But their looks were the same—adoring and hopeful.

“Brother Ryan, you’re finally back, we missed you so much!”

“Yeah, I missed you all too.”

“Brother Ryan, where have you been? What did you do?”

“Uh, just work stuff, nothing much to talk about.”

“Work, wow! That’s so cool!”

As the kids’ big brother figure, this was the usual scene whenever Ryan visited the orphanage.

Surrounded by layers of kids, he answered their endless questions.

Kids are like that,they believe what you tell them and care deeply about living up to your expectations.

Ryan never felt these kids lacked anything—perhaps just a bit of guidance.

Treat them well, and they’ll treat you the same.

Yet, this adoration overwhelmed Ryan a bit as questions buzzed around him, his head buzzing with the noise.

Occasionally, a little girl would plant a quick kiss on his face and run away shyly before Ryan could even see who it was.

“Brother Ryan, Rosie said she likes you when she was playing with us, she said she wants to be your bride someday!”

“No way! Brother Ryan, don’t listen to him, he’s making it up!”

The girl blushed fiercely as she denied it, while the boy who teased her laughed heartily.

Ryan just smiled calmly. He didn’t take the kids’ kisses seriously,it was just their way of showing affection.

Of course, this was something Alice must never know about.

“Don’t talk to girls,” the third rule from Miss Alice seemed a bit too specific.

“Ryan, you’re here.”

After a bit of playful chaos, a voice came from outside the crowd.

The kids surrounding Ryan behaved a bit better upon hearing it, though those clinging to him didn’t let go.

The crowd parted, and Ryan looked through to see the newcomer, his eyes softening.


The person was a middle-aged woman, not very old, but with white hair.

Her face bore the marks of time, yet these didn’t diminish her kindness.

“You still remember to call me Director? If Charlie hadn’t spotted you, would you have come to see me?”

“You always sneak the money onto my desk and then slip away. I don’t recall raising a ‘thief.'”

The Director spoke with a smile, her tone devoid of any real reproach. She was extremely fond of this big kid who had grown up in her orphanage.

“Uh, it’s because you never want to accept it, Director.”

Ryan spoke with a hint of helplessness, always thinking of ways to help the orphanage, resorting to such tactics.

“Will you kids let Ryan go now? You’re making his face turn red.”

The Director couldn’t help but chuckle at Ryan’s predicament, looking like a big koala with a bunch of little ones clinging to him. After her somewhat stern words, Ryan finally got a bit of relief.

After playing with the kids a bit more, under their reluctant gazes, Ryan followed the Director towards the orphanage office.

Before Mrs. Miller adopted him, the Director had played the role of his parent during those earlier years.

Remember back in school when we used to get into trouble, and the teachers wanted to call our parents? Ryan once had the principal stand in for him.

The principal ended up getting a serious earful from the teacher that afternoon, and when he came out, he looked absolutely green.

Of course, he gave Ryan a good talking-to afterward, but he never brought up the fact that Ryan had him take the fall. I guess he just accepted it as part of the deal.

Time flies like a blink of an eye, and now Ryan’s all grown up.

“Ryan, I’m so happy you’re back. Don’t worry too much about things here at the home.”

“Your younger brothers and sisters are all doing well. Just come and visit more often.”

The principal, after years of hard work, walked with a bit of a shuffle.

He suddenly stopped, his gaze softening as he looked at the children playing in the courtyard, then turned back to Ryan and continued.

“Ryan, do you remember Bella?”

“While you were away, Bella came by and asked about you.”

The principal said with a hint of a smile, knowing Ryan was at the age to start thinking about significant others.

He always thought Bella and Ryan, who had been inseparable since childhood, would make a good match if fate brought them back together.

“Bella, huh…”

Ryan’s voice trailed off as an image flashed through his mind.

Just like the kids outside, there used to be a little girl who hung around him, calling him “big brother.”

It had been about four years since he last saw her. He wondered how she was doing.

Understanding the hint in the old principal’s eyes, Ryan chuckled and shook his head. He wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment yet.

The principal just shrugged, noncommittal. Love is like that,everyone tries to guard against it, but when it really hits you, all you can do is open your arms and embrace it.

“Recently, someone else came looking for you. She said her name was Anna, and that she’s your junior. Do you know her?”


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