Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 165: Where did this greenhorn come from?

Chapter 165: Where did this greenhorn come from?

Chapter 165: Where did this greenhorn come from?

The next morning, Ryan and Alice were having breakfast together as usual.

Alice seemed to be in a good mood after a good night’s sleep, while Ryan, usually the more talkative one, was silently nibbling on his toast, looking quite down.

He was still stewing over yesterday’s skill draw, unable to shake off the rollercoaster of hope plummeting into despair.

The brighter the flash of gold had been during the draw, the deeper Ryan’s current gloom.

Like all gacha games, the brilliance of the light directly indicated the quality of the draw. From low to high, it went: clear blue skies, a purple aura, and the best, a sudden burst of gold.

When Ryan saw that golden flash, he thought professional combat techniques were within his grasp. However, he’d forgotten about another S-tier skill in the pool.

[Specialized vehicle driving]

No doubt about it, he’d guessed wrong, and spectacularly so.

Just thinking about that shiny new skill in his inventory made Ryan angry. His previous skill, Blind Massage Techniques, though only B-tier, was at least usable blindfolded.

But this new skill? He couldn’t use it at all. Where was an ordinary guy like him supposed to find a specialized vehicle? Look for a heavy-duty truck? Or maybe a tank?

A great S-tier skill, and yet less practical than his B-tier Blind Massage Techniques. Ryan was so scornful he lost his appetite for breakfast.

While he was sulking, the maid came over to Alice with a tray. Alice glanced at the tray, then gave Ryan a careful look.

“Put it on him.”

Her voice was soft but commanding, and Ryan, ever compliant, put down his chopsticks and stood up.

One of Ryan’s best qualities was his clear sense of gratitude and grudges,he never took out his frustrations on those who hadn’t wronged him.

He was about to force a smile when he saw what was actually on the maid’s tray. His smile froze, and his face went pale.

“Bulletproof vest?”

Ryan turned to Alice for confirmation. Her expression unchanged, she looked back at him as if he was making a fuss over nothing.

Being a mob boss, Alice’s life was far from peaceful, always brushing shoulders with danger.

“If you’re not wearing it, don’t come out with me.”

Alice’s words were cold, her fork stabbing fiercely into the bacon before pushing the plate towards Ryan, leaving the decision up to him.

Ryan looked at the bacon, swallowed hard, and felt like he was the piece of meat being skewered.

He knew Alice’s life wasn’t easy, but needing to wear a bulletproof vest just to step outside was beyond his wildest thoughts.

He took the vest, weighing it in his hands. This thing could save his life in a critical moment.

But then, something occurred to Ryan, and he started scrutinizing Alice seriously.

She was dressed powerfully today, still in her usual black leggings, exuding a stern vibe.

Her top was a simple white shirt, devoid of any excessive decorations, not even embroidered cuffs.

Her pretty face was lightly made-up, her beautiful hair tied back in a single ponytail—simple, yet charming.

Ryan’s gaze lingered on Alice’s chest, where a hint of pink peeked through the white shirt, subtly safeguarding the allure of spring.

“What are you looking at?”

Alice felt uncomfortable under Ryan’s blatant stare. If it had been anyone else, she would have gouged their eyes out.

Hearing her, Ryan just pushed the bulletproof vest forward, clearly indicating it was either both of them wearing it, or he wouldn’t go out at all.

To Ryan, Alice’s life was more valuable than his own. If bullets came their way and he was the only one protected, and Alice got riddled with bullets, he’d be doomed anyway.

The mission stated he could only be killed by Alice, and under no circumstances could she die before him.

Ryan’s stance caught Alice off guard, and after a standoff, she finally relented.

Following Alice out of the villa for the first time since he was brought here, Ryan hadn’t seen the outside world for a week.

The air felt fresher outside, and the sunlight seemed brighter, though he knew it was probably just his mind playing tricks on him.

Alice seemed to be looking elsewhere but was actually keeping a close eye on Ryan. If he showed even the slightest hint of wanting to escape, she would catch him on the spot.

Luckily, Ryan had no such thoughts for now, which was good for both of them.

Alice glanced at Ryan’s content expression. If he continued to behave, letting him out occasionally wasn’t out of the question.

Given Ryan’s personality, being cooped up indefinitely would drive him mad in a few months.

“Miss Alice, where are we headed?” Ryan asked cheerfully, following behind Alice and inquiring about the day’s plans.

Alice didn’t respond, just rolled up her sleeves and checked her watch, then stood waiting silently.

Soon, Ryan saw a black luxury car approaching from a distance, eventually pulling up smoothly in front of them.

Before Ryan could react, a person stepped out of the car.

She appeared slightly older than Ryan, a woman with short hair dressed in a black suit.

Her short, neat haircut was Ryan’s first impression of her. She got out from the passenger side and went straight to Alice’s side, not even glancing at Ryan.

The woman bowed to Alice and then handed her a tablet, which contained the schedule for the day.

Alice nodded slightly, and the woman’s eyes lit up with joy, clearly pleased to have Alice’s approval.

“Miss Alice, thank you for your trust. I would go through fire and water for you!” The woman’s enthusiasm seemed a bit over the top, and Ryan, standing behind Alice, was silently impressed.

It seemed Alice’s status and personal charisma were formidable,mere gangster influence alone wouldn’t inspire such fervor.

Alice seemed used to it and turned to Ryan, signaling him to get in the car.

“Oh, right.”

Upon receiving Alice’s command, Ryan didn’t hesitate, quickly nodding and rushing to the front of the car to open the door for Alice.

Ryan wasn’t sure if he was doing the right thing, but that’s how it was always done in the movies.

Alice noticed Ryan’s gesture and frowned slightly. Just as Ryan began to doubt whether he had made a mistake, Alice stepped into the back of the car.

Her steps were light, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

“That’s my…”

The woman who had gotten out of the car also frowned at Ryan’s action, almost blurting out, “That’s my job.”

But with Alice right there, she didn’t dare show too much displeasure and just gave Ryan a cold look.

Where did this greenhorn come from?

Before Ryan arrived, she had always been Miss Alice’s assistant. Today, her duties were usurped, making her look unprofessional.

Ryan, oblivious to the resentment brewing, just touched his nose, feeling a chill down his spine.

Alice was already in the car, and it was time for her to hurry up and join.

The villa, located in the suburbs for security reasons, was a fair distance from the city center. According to Alice’s routine, she would rest in the car for a while, and during the time before she fell asleep, she needed her assistant to briefly go over the day’s schedule.

The female assistant thought the same, but today, her task seemed somewhat challenging.

After Alice got into the car, in just a blink, she found herself left behind. That inexplicably present young man had already climbed into the car, even sitting next to Miss Alice!

That seat was usually left empty!

The assistant, now too anxious to be angry, hurried forward and peered through the car window.

In her mind, Ryan’s presumptuous behavior was bound to displease Miss Alice, as no one was allowed within three feet of her.

But the next second, she saw Miss Alice with her eyes slightly closed, and Ryan sitting beside her as if it were the most natural thing in the world, the atmosphere seemingly undisturbed.

The assistant watched Ryan, sweating bullets for his presumptuousness.

She didn’t think Miss Alice had changed,this must be Miss Alice giving her a chance to handle the situation proactively.

She was Alice’s assistant, and to a certain extent, she could act on Alice’s behalf. Her actions, she believed, were entirely in line with what Alice would want.

“You! Who allowed you to sit there?”

The woman demanded, her anger mixing into her tone.

She could almost envision Ryan’s body being chopped up and used as fertilizer for the flowers, a fitting end for those who didn’t know their place.

Her hand was already on the car door, her gaze piercing Ryan like a sword, hoping he would realize his mistake on his own.

Ryan looked genuinely puzzled. Wasn’t he supposed to sit next to Alice?

The car door was already open, and it was only a matter of time before Ryan was pulled out.

But the next second, a voice from inside the car interrupted her actions.

“Aren’t we leaving yet?”

“But, Miss Alice, he…”

“He’s my new assistant, that’s settled. Let’s get moving.”


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