Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 159: Current favorability

Chapter 159: Current favorability

Chapter 159: Current favorability

Ryan’s status here is a bit odd—not exactly a prisoner, but he definitely can’t leave just yet.

It seems Alice has instructed the maids and bodyguards not to be too strict with him.

Ryan isn’t stuck in the dungeon all day,if the bodyguards were watching him non-stop, he wouldn’t be able to sneak into Alice’s bed.

During the day, he’s pretty free to roam around the villa, except for Alice’s room on the second floor.

At night, though, he’s locked up in the dungeon to sleep, and the door doesn’t open until 8 AM.

After bringing him here, Alice doesn’t really keep tabs on him, but he has to show up for breakfast and dinner, or he won’t get to eat.

After breakfast, Alice usually heads out, and until she returns in the evening, Ryan can do whatever he wants.

The maids and bodyguards take good care of him, fulfilling most of his needs.

But trying to chat up the maids and bodyguards to figure out a way to leave the villa is totally pointless.

Besides, there’s no real need to leave,to complete his mission, he needs to stay.

He’s got food, company, and gets to dine with a pretty girl—life here isn’t too bad.

It feels less like he’s been kidnapped and more like he’s being kept.

Ryan checks himself out in the mirror. He’s got to admit, he’s not bad-looking—his tousled golden blonde hair still shiny even without grooming, thanks to his good genes.

He’s heard of those stories where rich older women fancy young men, but Alice is actually a few years younger than him.

Ryan’s twenty-three, just out of college, while Alice can’t be more than nineteen, her youthful face too evident.

Yesterday, Ryan had made a plan to help Alice out of a tight spot and then betray her at the crucial moment. She’d definitely lose it and probably end him.

On one hand, he’d actually be helping Alice, easing the guilt of deceiving her.

On the other, if Alice ends up killing him, she probably won’t remember him anymore, and that would be the end of that.

It’s a perfect plan, but executing it is proving to be a challenge.

The premise is that Ryan really has to help Alice.

If he just walks up to her and says he wants to help, she definitely won’t believe him.

And if he fails even once, Alice will become wary, and his chances will be slim.

So, he has to quietly watch and wait for the right moment to step in.

Since the maids and bodyguards ignore him, he’ll try to get information directly from Alice.

Even though she seems tough, Ryan isn’t really scared of her, mainly because his goal is quite unique—he almost hopes she gets mad enough to just finish him off.

Thinking of getting closer to Alice starting tomorrow, Ryan stashes his notebook under the bed and looks around cautiously before going to sleep.

It’s midnight, and a security camera in the distance seems to move, now pointing directly at Ryan in bed…

The next morning, the dungeon door opens on time.

The sound of the bodyguards’ shoes on the floor is better than any alarm clock. By the time they reach Ryan, he’s already awake.

He grabs his clothes, yawns, and greets the bodyguards, not caring whether they respond or not.

After getting up at eight, he has half an hour to wash up, and then he must be at the dining table by 8:30 sharp to have breakfast with Alice, timed to the second.

Ryan once tried to defy this rule, deliberately not showing up at 8:30, and ended up tied to a chair in the dining room, watching Alice eat for half an hour.

After spitting out his mouthwash, Ryan checks his watch, guessing that the young lady is probably already in the dining room, and heads there.

The villa isn’t particularly large, but it’s more than enough for two people, not to mention that Ryan doesn’t really take up any room since he lives in the basement.

Yesterday’s surprise attack didn’t work, but Ryan isn’t discouraged and decides to look for more opportunities.

Right on time, he arrives at the dining room and indeed finds the young lady already seated at the table.

“Hey, Alice, good morning. How did you sleep last night?”

Ryan greeted Alice with a smile as he saw her already at the table, tactfully avoiding any mention of last night’s failed ambush.

His gaze briefly swept over her face, noting that the kiss had left no mark, and it seemed both had forgotten the incident.

Alice didn’t even bother to look up, just glanced at him and continued stirring her coffee.

The young lady always acted this way, communicating mostly through glances unless she was particularly emotional.

Ryan shrugged off the cold reception and slowly took his seat.

The dining table was huge, capable of seating dozens, but he and Alice always sat at fixed spots, each on opposite ends about ten feet apart.

Alice had already started on her breakfast, which was the usual bacon, eggs, and warm milk.

She ate quietly, focused on the morning paper beside her, particularly the business section which always caught her attention.

Ryan, however, wasn’t in a hurry to start eating. He propped his chin on his hands and earnestly studied the girl across from him.

Alice was beautiful, uniquely so in Ryan’s memory.

Young, with the innocence of youth still in her eyes, her skin was as smooth as porcelain, her eyebrows finely shaped, and her small nose and mouth made her look like a delicate little rabbit.

Her black hair cascaded over her shoulders like silk, and the skin of her slightly rolled-up sleeves was as white as snow.

Such a girl seemed destined to be cherished and protected.

Of course, if you really thought that, you might as well be half in the grave.

Just the day before yesterday, Ryan had seen Alice return to the villa covered in blood, with a bodyguard dragging a large bag behind her into the backyard, never to be seen again.

Now, the mere sight of the garden made Ryan queasy, wondering what kind of “surprise” might be buried beneath.

Feeling Ryan’s intense gaze, Alice frowned slightly and looked up at him with a puzzled expression, as if asking why he was staring.

Ryan just smiled, not responding, but his gaze remained fixed on her.

After about five minutes of his intense scrutiny, Alice began to feel uncomfortable.

The memories of last night flooded back, bringing with them a wave of embarrassment and anger as she glared at Ryan.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

Her voice was cold, cutting through the air like a bell in winter, as she put down her milk and waited for his response.

Ryan felt a pang of regret,her voice would be lovely if she could just laugh.

“Because you’re very beautiful, and I couldn’t help myself.”

Ryan scrambled for the right words, knowing from experience that girls usually disliked slick talkers.

If he could make Alice dislike him quickly, he could happily meet his end.

Of course, if Alice fell for it, that would work too. He could get closer to her, help her out of her predicament, and then betray her.

However, his compliment seemed to have no effect. Alice barely gave him another glance before returning to her newspaper.

Ryan scratched his head, unsure if his words had any impact.

“I’m telling the truth, Miss. You might doubt everything about me, but not my taste.”

Ryan persisted, knowing that effort often pays off.

And since it was Alice he was complimenting, it didn’t feel out of place,she was worthy of such praise.

With nothing else to do, Ryan decided to treat this as an unofficial part of his plan.

Alice continued to read her paper, never once looking up at Ryan. After praising her a bit more and finding it pointless, he started eating his own breakfast.

The first attempt seemed to end in failure,Ryan couldn’t even spark an interest in the young lady. He slurped his noodles while reflecting on what went wrong.

[Ding~ Alice’s favorability +1, current favorability 51/100.]


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