Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 155: Today's date... well, it was complicated

Chapter 155: Today's date... well, it was complicated

Chapter 155: Today’s date… well, it was complicated

Ethan hadn’t had much interaction with that female cop, but it didn’t take long to figure out she was the type who got a kick out of watching other people’s drama.

“What?” Scarlett asked, puzzled, following Ethan’s gaze and locking eyes with Katherine.

She recognized her instantly—the aloof beauty who had driven Ethan to the hospital the night before.

Ethan had disappeared for a whole week with this woman.

Katherine was the kind of woman who stood out even in a crowd.

Her icy demeanor and the distant look in her eyes acted like an invisible barrier, keeping her detached from the world and hard to approach.

Today, she was wearing a tailored black dress that fluttered slightly, accentuating her perfect figure.

The neckline of the dress was uniquely designed, subtly revealing her delicate collarbones, and she wore a pair of stiletto heels that added a touch of sexiness.

Her gaze was sharp, and when Scarlett looked over, Katherine’s eyes met hers too.

Lucas had been trying to make conversation with her on the side.

But Katherine’s attention was all on Scarlett.

She noticed that Scarlett, like her, was wearing a well-fitted dress, but the vibe was completely different—elegant and graceful. Both women were about the same age, but Scarlett’s mannerisms exuded the charm of a mature woman as she stood next to Ethan.

“Gulp.” Ethan swallowed hard, his eyes darting between Scarlett and Katherine.

What was up with this weird tension?

Ethan was totally confused. If Aunt Scarlett was hostile toward Katherine, it might be because she saw her driving him to the hospital yesterday.

But why was Katherine looking like that?

He hadn’t done anything wrong!

At that moment, Ethan felt a sudden sweat break out.

Lucas, following Katherine’s gaze, saw her looking at Ethan and Scarlett.

He found it odd,Katherine rarely showed such clear interest in anyone or anything.

“Do you know that lady over there?” he asked Katherine.

Katherine was momentarily startled, then regained her composure.

She nodded, “Yes, I know him. His name is Ethan, and he was a big help with this case.”

After saying this, Katherine walked over to Scarlett in her high heels and greeted her, “Hello, I’m Katherine. Ethan has been a great help these past few days.”

Scarlett looked surprised to see Katherine approaching, but quickly responded with a warm smile:

“Hello, I’m Scarlett. It’s actually you we should thank for looking after Ethan.”

Her smile was warm and genuine, a stark contrast to Katherine’s demeanor.

After the greetings, Katherine found herself in an awkward pause.

She hadn’t even understood why she felt compelled to come over and greet them—it all seemed so pointless, yet here she was.

In that brief awkward moment.

“Would you like to join us?” Scarlett suddenly invited.

“Sure,” Katherine responded without hesitation.

“Huh?” Ethan stood there, completely baffled. Who am I? Where is this? What am I doing?

It was supposed to be a date between the two of them.

Why would Aunt Scarlett invite Katherine?

And, most bizarrely, why did Katherine agree?

Lucas also came over, looking just as bewildered. He greeted Ethan, “Hello, thanks for helping Katherine find the evidence. This case has been her focus.”

Ethan noticed Lucas’s cast. It seemed his injuries from teaching some thugs a lesson hadn’t healed yet.

“It’s what any law-abiding citizen should do,” Ethan replied, frowning slightly at Lucas’s tone, which suggested a close familiarity with Katherine.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, “Sorry, hope we’re not interrupting your date.”

“No worries, the more the merrier,” Katherine finally broke her silence without denying their relationship, “Let’s all head up front together.”

Ethan noticed a flash of joy in Lucas’s eyes when Katherine didn’t deny their relationship.

The four of them walked together.

Inside the aquarium, various marine creatures swam leisurely behind the glass displays.

Scarlett and Katherine walked side by side, quickly getting to know each other after some initial small talk.

This included the fact that Katherine and Jessica were sisters.

And that Katherine was here because Jessica had suggested visiting the aquarium and even bought her a ticket.

Combining this with her chat with Jessica about dating the previous night, Scarlett guessed there was some mischief afoot—Jessica, the cop who loved to stir things up, was up to her tricks.

When the conversation turned to Ethan.

Katherine simply mentioned that Ethan had been helping her with a case these past few days.

The two strikingly different beauties walking together made for a stunning sight.

Lucas kept trying to join their conversation, but without much success.

Ethan stood aside, looking perplexed. He felt it odd how Katherine’s glances kept darting towards him.

This date was nothing like what Ethan had expected.

In this strange atmosphere, they finished touring the entire aquarium.

The colorful corals and exotic marine life failed to capture the attention of the preoccupied group.

After finishing their visit, they all went their separate ways.

As night fell, the two had dinner together, with Ethan struggling to find topics of conversation while Scarlett clearly had something on her mind.

The date ended in an eerie mood.

After dropping Ethan off at the hospital, Scarlett turned to leave.

“Aunt Scarlett,” Ethan suddenly reached out and embraced her, looking into her eyes, “You’re the only one in my heart.”

He wanted to explain that there was really nothing between him and Katherine.

But since nothing had actually happened between them, trying to explain it might make it seem even weirder.

He looked somewhat anxious.

“Mhm, I know,” Scarlett smiled gently, patting his head and tying up her hair, “I’ve never doubted that.”

“Mhm,” Ethan felt a bit more at ease seeing Aunt Scarlett’s smile.

“I should head back,” Scarlett said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before swiftly walking away.

As Scarlett left, the streetlights stretched her shadow long.

Ethan felt like something had changed that he wasn’t aware of. He stood at the crossroads until Scarlett’s figure disappeared, then turned back to the hospital room.

Blair was sitting by the hospital bed, magazine in hand.

But her gaze occasionally drifted towards the door, as if she was waiting for something.

When Ethan appeared at the doorway.

Blair immediately put down her magazine, noticing the subtle expression on his face, “Looks like the date didn’t go too well?”

“Ah, let’s not talk about it,” Ethan sighed, sitting down beside the bed.

He rubbed his forehead, feeling exhausted, “Today’s date… well, it was complicated.”

“Oh?” Blair teased with a smile, “Wanna talk about it?”

After a pause, Ethan nodded, “It’s about Aunt Scarlett’s best friend. She told her sister about our date, and somehow got her to show up too.”

He still couldn’t figure out what that woman was up to.


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