Though paralyzed, still radiantly charming!

Chapter 151: That's... what fatherly love is, I guess

Chapter 151: That's... what fatherly love is, I guess

Chapter 151: That’s… what fatherly love is, I guess

“Let your son become a cross-dresser who loves group activities with men,” she taunted.

“I haven’t even broken the law with what I’ve done,” she added smugly.

Gabriel’s face gradually turned pale as he looked at Katherine, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He couldn’t believe it. The beautiful prosecutor, who should have been outsmarted by him, was capable of such dirty tricks.

Katherine looked embarrassed, yet she didn’t avert her gaze. She had always been the one manipulated by these guys with their sleazy tactics, but this time, she was the villain.

Seeing the venomous look in his eyes, she unexpectedly felt a bit thrilled.

Ethan had walked the path of the villain, leaving no escape for the villains.

Gabriel’s expression kept changing as he quickly weighed the pros and cons, finally clenching his fist, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I am Congressman Clements’ secretary. The video online was coerced out of me.”

His voice grew firmer, “I will explain everything to Congressman Clements and resign to take responsibility.”

Katherine shook her head internally, knowing it wouldn’t be that easy.

She couldn’t believe she was letting this kid run wild.

She opened her mouth to speak.

Ethan beat her to it, handing his phone to Gabriel, “Take a look at this information before you decide.”

Gabriel frowned, realizing that among the three, Ethan was the leader.

With yesterday’s lesson in mind, he didn’t dare relax. He carefully took the phone from Ethan’s hand, his fingers swiping through it.

It was a list and accounts.

Gabriel stared at the words, his eyes growing more fearful and incredulous, “No… it can’t be…”

His voice trembled slightly.

Katherine observed his demeanor, her eyes filled with confusion.

Ethan gave her a reassuring look, reminding her not to act rashly and give anything away.

Seeing this, Katherine didn’t know what he was up to.

But the trust built over the past few days made her suppress her curiosity, crossing her arms and putting on a serious front.

“Mr. Gabriel, I think you know who you’re dealing with now,” Ethan leaned in close and whispered, “You know better than anyone the authenticity of this information, and where these detailed documents came from.”

The information in his hand was evidence of Salvatore’s collusion with Congressman Clements, provided by Salvatore himself.

Getting this information wasn’t difficult.

Ethan simply continued to pretend to be a psychic, revealing Salvatore’s illness and his true desires.

He was introduced by Salvatore’s youngest daughter, Jessica.

And over these days, his interactions with Katherine had been closely observed by Salvatore.

As death approached, it was easy for them to strike a new deal.

“You…” Gabriel’s forehead beaded with sweat. As a congressman’s personal secretary, he knew all the ins and outs.

In an instant, he understood the key points.

This information could only be this detailed if it came from someone involved, meaning the only one who could want to bring down Congressman Clements was Salvatore.

At that moment, even more terrifying thoughts crossed his mind.

Like the possibility of a bigger player being involved, otherwise, Salvatore had no reason to bring down Congressman Clements.

“Gabriel, you’re a smart man,” Ethan stared into his eyes. “Do you continue according to the script in the video and become a hero, or do you beg for Congressman Clements’ forgiveness?”

“I don’t have much time.” Ethan took back his phone and started a countdown, “You have one minute to decide.”

Gabriel’s face turned pale, now realizing that the morning’s video was just part of the plan.

To create a rift between him and Congressman Clements.

Now, completely loyal to Congressman Clements and with the video causing a stir, he couldn’t possibly be trusted.

“Can you… can you guarantee my safety?”

Ethan raised an eyebrow and glanced at his phone screen, “Chatter counts against your time, you’ve got 34 seconds left.”

Sweat beads the size of peas formed on Gabriel’s forehead.

With just ten seconds left on the countdown.

“I agree!” Gabriel gritted his teeth.

“Congratulations,” Ethan turned off the timer. “You’ve made the right choice.”

He clapped Gabriel on the shoulder, “From now on, my friend, you’ll be a real hero.”

Gabriel’s legs gave out, and he collapsed to the ground, his gaze vacant as he gasped for air.

Ethan turned to Milo standing nearby, “Keep an eye on him.”

“Uh, sure,” Milo, who had been quite confused, watched these usually high-and-mighty figures spouting incomprehensible dialogue. He didn’t understand it, but he felt like he was being swept into something big.

Milo’s voice trembled, “Mr. Ethan, I don’t want any money, I’ll just finish this job and leave this city, never to return.”

Ethan paused, noting his anxious demeanor, and patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t worry about all that mess. You’re an important friend to me. Take the money you’re owed, and I’ll still need your help in the future.”

Hearing there would be more tasks for him, Milo gulped down his saliva, realizing he was temporarily safe. His expression brightened, and he nodded quickly, “I’m yours to command from now on!”

“Heh, well done.” Ethan removed his hand from Milo’s shoulder. After all, the money he was giving him was funded by Salvatore.

He was more than happy to curry a favor.

This street gang could really come in handy in the future.

“Let’s go,” Ethan nodded to Katherine as a signal to leave.

Katherine, her brows furrowed, didn’t say much and left with him.

Back in the car.

“Do you have something to say to me?” Katherine didn’t buckle her seatbelt, turned to face him, her gaze scrutinizing Ethan.

“Here,” Ethan smiled and handed her the phone.

Katherine took it, flipping through the information, her expression growing more serious, “How… how do you have this?”

“I went to see my client the day before yesterday,” Ethan turned his head slightly, “I’m not foolish enough to go against a congressman alone.”

“He’s willing to pay a hefty sum of $100,000 just to keep you safe. With this kind of financial backing and motive, you probably could have guessed who it was, Katherine.”

“I only guessed after you told me about your relationship, so I went straight to the Crimson Cartel and used a little trick. Sure enough, he was the one behind it.”

Katherine’s face grew even grimmer. She hadn’t delved into Ethan’s intentions, ruling out that he was a spy, and had also guessed who had hired him to protect her.

But she was reluctant to admit it.

“I bet you’re curious why he would help you,” Ethan turned to face her.

“I don’t want to know,” Katherine’s expression was icy. “It’s just the dirty distribution of benefits among the higher-ups.”

“No,” Ethan shook his head. “Katherine, you know I’m a psychic. I can tell, his time is running out.”

“What?!” Katherine turned sharply, her pupils dilating.

“I’m not mistaken,” Ethan sighed softly. “I think he’s worried about your safety, that’s why he hired me. Maybe he’s been watching over you all along, even though you’re going after him. That’s… what fatherly love is, I guess.”


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