This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 9

Chapter 9



I returned to the main auditorium for now.

The desire to leave and search for the Gaho was burning within me like a chimney, but realistically, going straight there was impossible.

‘The location is one thing….’

Right now, there were too many eyes watching. Not an exaggeration–everyone in the auditorium was observing my every move.

‘Moreover, the academy is currently filled with outsiders…’

I decided to sit down, maintaining a calm expression, hoping that no one would notice the stroke of luck that had come my way.

‘…Well, it’s not like anyone found the Gaho for over 200 years anyway.’

There was no need to rush just because it was delayed by a few more days. After finishing the current academic schedule, it would be wise to thoroughly prepare before embarking on the search.

‘I wonder when would be a good time.’

As I contemplated, a moment arrived.

“Sir Knight, a button.”

A chilly hand lingered briefly on my neck, and that was when I noticed the faint scent of the laboratory, a scent I had overlooked until then.


“I never expected you to prepare for such a pre-explanation session.”

Her expression was somewhat different from usual. Her blue eyes gazed at me with an indiscernible shadow.

“I didn’t know you’d be preparing something like this. It makes me miss the old times a bit.”

Yussi’s composed voice seemed as if she were trying to evoke precious memories shared between the two of us.

However, being a fake, I had no knowledge of the true content.

For a brief moment, a fleeting sense of guilt crept in.

Yussi, as if questioning when he was ever serious, smiled again.

“Anyway, it was truly amazing! A stage like this can only be handled by Sir Knight.”

“Thanks for saying that.”

“Of course, you’re the best.”

“The best?”

“Oh, right.”

Yussi playfully nudged my arm, eyes sparkling.

“I prepared a simple event this time. Nothing special… just a popularity vote.”

Then, she continued with a slightly cautious tone.

“By the way, it’s time for Q&A. Will you take questions?”

I turned my head for a moment, meeting the fiery gaze of the audience. Descending to the Q&A booth promised some interesting developments.


“A wise decision.”

Yussi grinned.

“Well then, Professor Redymer, please exit through the back door!”

That was my cue.

* * *

Rosenstark Academy’s incoming students usually had two main reasons for enrolling.

First, skill improvement. The professors at Rosenstark were exceptionally talented, and the curriculum was top-notch compared to other academies. The achievements of the graduates alone set them apart from the rest. Naturally, those who believed they possessed outstanding talents gathered here.

Secondly, it’s about connections. Rosenstark has an unusually high number of nobles’ offspring, even in the central institution, making it a hub for influential connections. The royal family grants benefits to the families that send their heirs to Rosenstark while imposing significant disadvantages on those who do not.

In other words, for commoners and minor nobles alike, this place is nothing short of an opportunity stage.

It serves as a unique social hub where one can mingle with influential figures they might never encounter in their lifetime.

Even the current Emperor, Euphemia Cecilia I, spent her school days here.

─There are 30 minutes left for the Q&A session. Students, please hurry.

The auditorium buzzed with the energetic movement of incoming students, and Evergreen was among them.

The small daughter of the Solintail family in the northeast of the Empire, Evergreen Solintail, enrolled for both reasons mentioned earlier.

‘After making lots of cool friends and developing the strength to protect my territory, I’ll go back!’

As Solintail’s territory was secluded in the countryside, she had practically no experience interacting with noble peers.

Thus, she felt quite nervous.

‘As a country girl, I have to be confident.’

If she could make friends here, it would undoubtedly make her academy life more comfortable and provide assistance in the challenging situation back home.

After taking a deep breath, she confidently walked towards the temporary lecture booths.

For the next four years, she would be surrounded by fellow students and professors gathered in one place.

“Hello, Professor! Can you tell me about the practical exercises and assignments in your lectures?”

“Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m Evergreen. Are you a new student too?”

“Wow, there are so many types of lectures. Have you decided what to take? These classes have good reviews.”

Fortunately, everyone was kind to Evergreen. It was even more challenging to reject the girl with a refreshing charm, reminiscent of a rural pasture.

She made a few friends, and with a successful introduction to the professors, she felt at ease.

“Hehe, it’s not a big deal.”

Evergreen grinned, thinking of her parents worrying about city folks being difficult.

At that moment, she noticed the empty booth at the center.

“Oh, you’ve already made a round.”

It was the booth for the “Extreme” class.

“Too bad,”

Evergreen said with a disappointed expression.

“They said they won’t be taking questions.”

Initially, Evergreen and almost all the students stood in line, waiting eagerly. However, it had been a long time since they dispersed after being told the Hero wouldn’t show up.

“If you’re not prepared, don’t even think about applying,” The event organizer had mentioned.

Evergreen stood in front of the booth, lost in thought, recalling the hero’s speech.

The stage was different from the others, with an air of dismissal.

The other professors tried to encourage students to register for their classes, but this one was a completely different scene.

Some professors seemed indifferent, suggesting students should leave. However, the students were enthusiastic, their spirits ignited. Some passing remarks caught Evergreen’s ears.

“Are you going to apply?”

“Of course. What about you?”

“If I didn’t plan to, why come here?”

“Yeah. If I pass, my life is set. Let’s give it a shot.”

Some discussed whether or not to apply.

“Wow, I got the chills.”

“Uh, I wonder what experiences he’s been through.”

“Look at his body. We probably can’t even imagine.”

Their commonality was a deep fascination with the Hero, and Evergreen was no exception. Whenever she closed her eyes, his image, adorned with tattoos and scars like medals, came to mind.

Despite growing up tough and resilient in the outskirts, she had never encountered someone like him before.

‘I hope I can attend the classes. It will be extremely competitive, but…’

Sighing, Evergreen moved her feet again. It was then that she noticed a girl wandering nearby.

“That girl…”

The girl was staring at the “Extreme” booth with an indiscernible expression. Evergreen held her breath.

‘Wow… How can she be so adorable?’

Long, red hair, and eyes that blinked lazily, resembling jewels. Her skin, whiter than the snow that constantly fell in her hometown, sparkled under the hall’s lights. She was so beautiful that even a hint of jealousy didn’t arise.

‘Huh? That black thing…’

Soon, Evergreen noticed the sword hanging at the girl’s waist, and she could identify the girl.

A silver longsword with no scabbard.

The weapon ‘Shape Shifter’ of the ‘Black Sword’ style.

Evergreen gathered her courage and approached the famous figure who had stirred up the academy with just news of her enrollment.

“Hi, I’m Evergreen. Evergreen Solintail. Well, you probably won’t understand even if I say it… Haha.”



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However, there was no response. The red eyes briefly glanced at Evergreen before returning to the front. Evergreen was frozen.


She had to make a quick decision. Would it be more embarrassing to keep talking here, or to quietly step back?

Evergreen made her choice.

“Ahaha, you’re Lesiel, right? The granddaughter of the Black Sword!! I’ve heard a lot about you. You’re really amazing.”


“But anyway, are you also here to take the Warrior’s class? Ah~ I envy you. Honestly, it seems challenging for me. You’ll probably get in easily, though.”

Evergreen, surprised, babbled, and her earlobe color almost matched the girl’s hair color by the time the girl, ‘Lesiel,’ spoke.

“Could you not talk to me?”


Evergreen quickly stepped back.

* * *

“The pre-explanation session has concluded. Guests, please exit orderly following the guidance of the ushers.”

The bustling and lively ‘pre-explanation session’ came to an end. Just before it ended, as per Yussi’s words, there was a small event.

The blond handsome host, with a bright smile, stood in front of the sound amplifier.

“Ah, before you leave… our president has prepared a very simple event.”

“There is a voting box prepared at the back of the auditorium! Please vote for your professors! Professors in the top ranks will receive a special activity fee from the Glendor Foundation!”

The overflowing ballot papers ended up not only in the box but also spilled outside. Who the box belonged to was unnecessary to mention.

Thus, the ‘special activity fee’ prepared by the loyal comrade of the Hero and the daughter of a hero was directly injected into the Warrior’s wallet. It was more than enough to cover the teaching expenses for the new semester.

* * *

Time passed quickly, and the day of the teaching interview arrived. I had to admit that the purpose of the pre-explanation session, ‘to filter out the unenthusiastic,’ had miserably failed.

[Course Title: Extreme

– Instructor: Ted Redymer

– Classification: Unir

– Target: All Grades

– Class Size: 30 + 1

– Applicants: 822]

“The number of applicants is 822… considering that most other courses have incomplete or barely filled capacities, this is an enormous figure.”

“Assuming all freshmen applied wouldn’t be an exaggeration.”

Thanks to this, a large auditorium was provided as the interview venue. It was scheduled separately to avoid overlapping with other courses.

“…And after checking the enrollment list, I had no choice but to immerse myself in interview preparation for days.”

“I anticipated it, but it’s still surprising.”

The granddaughter of the Black Sword, a member of a prestigious swordsmanship family, the heir of a major tribe leader, and a disciple of the Mercenary King, among others. The successors of famous clans were too numerous to count.

I turned my attention to the connector on my desk, a gift from Yussi to my room.

A cute package with a note that read, ‘Be careful of addiction!’ Inside was a device that allowed me to access information.

Anyway, after a few touches, I became familiar with the operation. I entered “Extreme” as the keyword and searched for information.

Although the interview hadn’t started yet, numerous posts were already on the anonymous bulletin board.

– Should I just apply for Extreme? I feel like I’m going to fail anyway.

└ Even if I fail, I’ll try putting my name in.

└ Warrior! Disciple! Me! I want to!

└ Would it be a loss to put my name in? I came here to take this.

Since the start of the course registration, discussions about “Extreme” had been a constant topic on the connector. It indicated a significant level of interest in people’s extremes.

I shook my head, “I never expected to have contact with these people throughout my life.”

What remarkable applicants. If I hadn’t met the warrior, a few years later, I might hear a bard singing a ballad about them in some tavern.

While reading the applications, lost in such thoughts, a spirited voice reached me.

“Professor, the interviews will start in 10 minutes.”

A gentle gaze, pale gray hair slightly disheveled—somehow resembling a puppy, she was the temporary assistant assigned to me by Yussi. Her name was…

“Thanks for letting me know, Pia.”

“Shall I start bringing in the students soon?”

“Not yet. Bring them in right on time.”


Pia nodded and stepped back.

‘It’s hard to become close with her.’

Are all graduate students like that?

Despite her friendly appearance, her personality was quite rigid.

During the past few days together, there had been no conversation beyond official matters.

‘Well, as long as she does her job well.’

Pia was competent and diligent.

It became apparent why professors insisted on having assistants.

Without her, the preparation for interviews for 822 applicants wouldn’t have been close to completion.

I observed her back as she continued to organize documents without taking a break.

‘Anyway, I won’t see her for long.’

She’s a temporary assistant.

Once the official assistant is chosen, I won’t see her face again.


The chime announcing the hour echoed in the distance.

I glanced at the waiting room on one side of the auditorium.

The foreign glasses I had in my front pocket had already been worn.

“Now let’s begin.”


Pia opened the door to the waiting room.

“The interviews will begin in 10 minutes. Please come in, starting with applicant number 1.”

The interviews for ‘Extreme’ had begun.

Pia efficiently managed the flow of students into the interview room.

Each student was given a brief moment to introduce themselves before I asked a few questions related to their motivation for taking the course.

As the interviews progressed, I observed a diverse array of students, each with their unique background and reasons for applying.

Some were drawn by the prestige of the instructor, others by the challenge of the course itself.

Each interview provided a glimpse into the varied perspectives and aspirations of the applicants.

Pia’s efficient assistance allowed the interviews to proceed smoothly, and by the time we reached the last candidate, I couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible diversity and potential within the student body.

As the day came to a close, I found myself eager to start this new academic journey with such a dynamic group of students.

The challenges and opportunities ahead seemed promising, and I looked forward to what the semester had in store.


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