This World Needs a Hero

Chapter 32

Chapter 32




Certainly, he was going to die.

Kasim thought so, looking at the bright light before him.

Intense tension burned his mind white.

He had forgotten where he stood, that it was an arena, the eyes of his comrades watching him, and even the identity of the opponent he faced.

A swirling darkness.

The approaching radiance resembling dawn was the only clear thing.

‘What is this…’

It felt like waking up in the middle of the night sea.

Was the light from a lighthouse?

Or perhaps the jaws of a sea monster trying to devour him?

“Do not block it, evade.”

…Kasim raised his sword.

Tsutsutsu! tsutsutsu!

Flashes were nearing.

Clumps of mana shot in all directions from the tip of the sword, like a spider web.

It was the shape of the sword energy that he had never successfully manifested before.


Surrounded by a faint halo, he leaped forward with all his might.


As Kasim extended his sword, fragments of light exploded, covering everything with a roar.


Vibrations followed.

The entire spacious arena trembled, shaking so violently that the onlookers felt it in their bones.


Then, a strong wind tousled the hair of everyone standing there, gazing beyond the rising dust.

They stared as if forgetting to breathe when the immense force shook the entire arena.


Amidst the lingering smoke, Kasim’s rapier, enveloped in a faint glow, fell to the floor.

It was an incongruous clear sound.

A suppressed groan followed.

“Huuk, kuh.”

In the cleared center of the dusty arena, Kasim forced himself to stand immediately.

His trembling pupils didn’t settle on the fallen rapier or the shattered hilt.


Kasim, his mouth slightly agape, stared at the fading halo.

Beyond it, as usual, the Hero calmly retrieved his sword.

Kasim staggered, sinking to his knees.

It was inevitable.

Even though he had exerted all his strength, he couldn’t block it.

If the Hero hadn’t retrieved his sword in the middle, the Halo would have pierced through his sword energy, splitting him in half.

It was a complete defeat.

“Haha, uhaha.”

But Kasim laughed.

How could he not?

If you were a swordsman.

If you had ever held a sword.

There was no way not to feel the overwhelming sense of power and victory at this moment.

It was irresistible.


Kasim looked at the awestruck audience.

They, too, felt the same sense of transcendence, having lived their lives with a sword as their constant companion.

The grand journey of humanity’s salvation.

The first act is decorated by the sword.

The aesthetics and essence contained in the solar eclipse led them to distant thrills.


In that commotion, the Hero calmly moved towards Kasim.

They stared at each other in silence for a moment.

“How about that?”

“Ah, um.”


Silence lingered as they looked at each other for a moment.

“How are you feeling?”

“Ah, well.”


“Haha, I thought I was pretty eloquent, but I still have a long way to go.”

Kasim chuckled softly.

It wasn’t the usual refined smile he often put on, but a bright, boyish one.

“Discovering an amazingly beautiful ideal type…?”

“A rather peculiar sentiment.”

The blue scrutinizing eyes of the Hero.



“People who stood on the battlefield with you, they must have experienced something like this at least once, right?”

A question with an unknown feeling behind it followed.

Nodding, the Hero felt, for the first time, that he was looking deep into Kasim’s soul.

“Thank you.”

And so, the curtain of their sparring fell.

The firewood was stacked,

But the hearth was still cold and dark.

* * *

– Summary of the Report

{“Western Coastal City: About the Lord of Astoar, House Pierre.”}

Author: No. 3

‘Large-scale territory.’

‘Current Lord, Argon Pierre.’

‘He has two sons below him.’

‘Three years ago, the previous lord, Tia Pierre, committed suicide.’

‘Seven years ago, eldest son Baron Pierre, fell in the Battle of Maeton Plains.’

‘Youngest son, Kasim Pierre, currently serves as a professor in the Academy of Combat Arts.’

– Draft of the Report

{“About Kasim Pierre.”}

Author: No. 3

‘Regular prescription and consumption of sleeping pills.’

‘Not returning home for an extended period.’

‘Confirmed secret meetings with three maids in the professor’s quarters and one in the dormitory.’

‘Continued expression of interest in Senetta (awkward).’

– Report to be supplemented and submitted promptly.




Before submitting the report, a new notification appeared in front of the Hero who had read the report.

Understanding of Kasim Pierre deepens.

Understanding Level: 5/100 – 8/100

Comments from Kasim Pierre will be added.

– Remaining Record

* * *

Several days passed without any notable events after the sparring with Kasim.

One peculiar note was that, after that day, there seemed to be an increase in young professors subtly asking for lessons.

“Professor, could you perhaps show me a move-”

“If it’s not too much trouble, could you assess my swordsmanship once-”

“…Make it quick.”

“Wow! Understood!”

“I’ll do my best!”

It was a bit bothersome, but it was desirable that their skills were improving.

‘Considering it, it’s all part of humanity’s efforts.’

Gaining the trust of the young professors relatively easily was also a positive development.

Kasim looked somewhat fed up with the constant requests.

“The constant whining about wanting to meet the professor, it’s like dealing with teenage girls… ”

… Other than that, things were similar.

Training and preparing for classes.

And occasionally, gathering information.

However, with the announcement of next week’s schedule, I sensed that I would soon be very busy.

[Student Counseling]

‘Counselling… I’ve been thinking that I should do it at least once.’

The story went like this.

There had been students at Rosenstark who had been expressing feelings of depression for quite some time.

It was understandable.

Stress due to life in a foreign land, rigorous course curriculum, strict performance evaluations, friction arising from living with strangers, and various other factors could act as significant stressors for the students in their prime.

‘I remember hearing that the number of dropouts has been increasing statistically.’

Considering the tremendous merits that Rosenstark’s graduation certificate offered, it was quite surprising.

In any case, due to these reasons, Principal Yussi took exceptional measures.

The long-neglected counselling system was making a full comeback.

“Unir professors must counsel students monthly, and submit the results to me.”

… Honestly, up to this point, it was quite favorable for me.

I recalled what Rosalyn had said.

‘Finding capable allies is important, but equally crucial is how sincerely they pursue the same goals as you. Elicit their favor, loyalty, and trust. If you build a genuine relationship, the dynamics will undoubtedly change.’

Even without this system, some of the students among the extreme ones with shadowy faces had caught my attention.

‘…Especially in the Bend.’

By utilizing such a system, I could more easily converse with the kids, understanding the issues they were facing.

‘But that’s not the only thing.’

Among the extreme students, there were talented individuals whom I had been closely watching as potential future candidates for Heros.

Ban Dietrich, Leciel Hiyashin, Cuculli Evans, and Luke Selsood.


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It was a great opportunity to build closer relationships with them.

‘The problem lies in the direction of counselling if there is any issue…’

So far, I have imitated the ‘real’ while living my academy life.

Therefore, in counselling too, I should follow suit.

I briefly imagined the ‘real’ sitting in the counselling room.



“What changes by complaining?”

“Stress is nourishment. Think about how to use it instead of whining.”

In terms of mindset, he pursued diligence to an extent that could be considered harsh.

Dealing with kids in this way was an arduous task.

‘What would be the right way to conduct counselling? Should I be intimate even if it causes some discomfort?’

As my contemplation deepened, my appetite waned.

I put down the fork.

“Do you have any worries?”

It was Kasim, who had become a regular member of our fixed meals, who spoke to me.

Pia’s gaze was also fixed on me.

The place was the research lab.

It was before evening training, and we were eating takeout in the dining hall.

I shook my head lightly.

“It’s nothing, just finish your meal without worrying about it.”

“Is it because of the counselling next week?”

…He’s quick-witted.

Kasim, confident that his guess was correct based on my reaction, nodded energetically.

“Counselling is not easy, especially for someone like Professor. It’s even more difficult.”

“Your comment makes me curious about your sincerity, Professor Pierre.”

“Oh no, it’s not that…”

Kasim hastily nodded his head.

“I mean, it’s not easy because you’re too good.”


“I’m talking about your legendary existence.”

I immediately grasped the meaning of Kasim’s words.

“It’s possible that counselling may not even take place.”

“Yes. From the students’ perspective, it might not seem right to confess their own worries to you, Professor.”

He probably thought there might not even be a hint of interest.

“Moreover, you’ve been… rather strict instead of scary. It’s a bit off for the basics of counselling”

“Make the client talk about their story.”

…This makes some sense.

It was a flaw I hadn’t considered.

I’ve been pondering only on this side of the stance, not thinking about the students’ perspective.


Kasim smiled proudly.

“This time, I think I can help the Professor a bit.”

“…If you have any suggestions, go ahead.”

“To open the students’ mouths, first, you need to build internal intimacy.”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“Then, when do you build the most internal intimacy?”

Kasim passionately explained.

Somehow, he seemed like an expert.

“When the counselor shows an empathetic attitude.”

“…Empathetic attitude?”

“Let me give you a simple example, Miss Joyce.”

Pia, who was listening quietly, looked at Kasim in surprise.


“Ah… no need to be nervous. It’s a simple question. Professor, please think about the answer as well.”

Kasim, who had been speaking, suddenly put on a serious expression.

“Oh~! I bought a new dress because I was so depressed.”


“What comes to mind?”

Pia was the first thing that came to mind.

‘Why did you buy a new dress when you’re depressed?’

But I shook my head.

That’s an overly analytical perspective.

Kasim mentioned an empathetic attitude.

Focusing on emotions should be the answer.

‘Why are you depressed’ would be the answer…

“Hmm, did the speaker buy a new dress because of an old one? Maybe they’re the type with vanity.”


I looked at Kasim.

Kasim looked at me.

Pia’s eyes widened.

“Wait… Pia, would you like to answer this question too? If we share our sadness?”

Kasim continued with a different question instead of giving the answer.

Pia, looking puzzled, answered dutifully, “Two people become sad together.”


Pia, who had been observing our reactions, quietly changed her answer.

It was a voice that seemed a bit uncertain.

“…Sadness and joy?”

“Oh my goodness.”

Kasim looked at her with an expression of disbelief.

I stopped him from continuing with the next question as I understood what she wanted to say.

“Geniuses are naturally extraordinary! Haha!”

Pia glanced at both of us.

It didn’t feel good to be treated like Kasim.


Pia said with a flushed face.

“…Professor, you’ll do well in counseling, for sure.”

“Well, I don’t know.”

“You’re a very kind person, after all.”

Heh, Kasim blocked her words.

It felt a bit ticklish.

“So, you’ll be good at taking care of the kids… um, was that a bit off-topic just now?”


Pia mimicked Kasim, covering her mouth playfully with the hem of her robe.


Suddenly, I remembered her from a few months ago, dark and melancholic.

Pia Joyce.

The first connection I forged, not as a hero but on a personal level.

The positive impact of such a presence…

I just realized it’s more significant than I thought.

I smiled at Pia.

“For someone who gave such an extraordinary answer like ‘sadness and joy,’ you surprisingly know how to speak warmly.”

“…Well, it’s a kind of a paradox.”


As they say, when the path is blocked by obstacles, you should look for a path that isn’t an obstacle.

Let’s think about the goal.

The kids are the future of humanity.

If they have any problems, or if they already do, the first person who should know and deal with it is none other than me.

Therefore, counseling must be successful.

If I keep pondering over stances and concerns in a trivial way, I will never achieve that goal.

I resolved to approach counseling with all my might.

‘Let’s show how skilled a changeling is in melting human hearts.’


In reality, it was a very familiar task for me, just with a slightly different name.

Getting close to someone, delving into their inner self, building understanding.

It was a process I had repeated countless times.

…Five days passed until the counseling.

* * *


Descending the hill after parting with the hero and heading back to the dormitory.

Pia suddenly turned around.

A vast courtyard covered in darkness.

Buildings lit up like stars scattered above it.

Memories of when I first entered the school came to mind.

It felt like I had turned into dust.

There were so many people who made those with a bit of talent in alchemy from a poor background feel insignificant.


The recollection continued.

The feeling of desperately immersing myself in studies as the presence faded away.

The tragedy of my hometown that I heard in my second year.

The time I spent being tormented by Momont.


In this massive academy where over a thousand freshmen enrolled each year.

Was there anyone who treated the seemingly insignificant individual called ‘Pia Joyce’ seriously?


If back then…


Recalling the furrowed face of the hero who was struggling for a good counselling session.

Pia now gazed at the hero who appeared only as a dot.

At his side, her petite figure passed by like a mirage.

‘Ah… the kids are fortunate.’

Pia stretched herself with a smile tinged with a strange envy.

“Now, shall I go to work?”


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